Code Collector

Chapter 166: Allen vs Bryant?

Chapter 166: Allen vs Bryant?

If there was anything that was clearer to Allen, it was that this match was all a set up against him. Everyone, including the referee and healers that were said to be on standby were all men from Barandilla.

"I guess," Allen whispered back to the referee. "I have to deal with all of you. This is war."

The man was frightened when Allen released a flash of ominous aura around him. It was less than a blink of an eye and the range was short, just enough so the referee would drown by it.

"H-How" the man could only trail off while Allen laughed. "Good luck."

In the sidelines while they waited for the match to start, Gwen, Gary, and Jeremy held their breath. They knew what Allen was capable of, but they weren't sure if he can handle this many of them.

They watched every single person in the arena and they could feel the vibe that these people give off, and they were not pretty.

"You're sure that this is going to be filled with a crime?" Matthew asked them as he sat on the side. He was wearing a cap, a black mask and a pair of sunglasses to hide his identity. Jeremy had already contacted him, just in case something would go wrong.

A challenge or any even that would take place in the arena is considered sacred for the Hunters. Any anomaly could result in imprisonment or even more severe punishment like suspension as a Hunter or even kicked out from the field.

"Thank you for coming," Jeremy said. They had a distance between them and Matthew as to not raise any suspicion. Since nobody else sat in the few rows above and below where their group was at, Matthew was free to sit anywhere there.

"I would always come for you guys," Matthew said. "You saved me before. Now, it's time to return the favor."

After their short conversation, they focused themselves in the match. The referee had just finished talking to them and was now raising his arm. Once he slides it down, the match will start.

"Alright," the referee said, slashing his arm forward and vanishing from their sight. "Now!"

Bryant did not waste any time. Just after the referee left, he launched himself towards Allen, equipped with a large mace that he used once before. "Die!"

Allen spun to the side and successfully dodged the attack. He was scrunching his face as he saw Bryant's aggression, "Jeez. I still wanted to talk to you."

Bryant slammed his mace to the ground again, and just like before, Allen dodged it easily. This continued for a couple more minutes until Allen had enough. He can't provoke the man anymore since he was so focused on killing him.

"I guess we're not talking," Allen sighed. He took out his Fervent Glaive and spun it around his body using both his hands. Bryant saw this and took a step back, growling and using a skill Code to enhance his speed and damage.

"That's not going to work on me, sir," Allen smirked. "I'm quite fast."

Bryant suddenly vanished from where he stood and instantly appeared behind Allen. He had now switched weapons and was using a broadsword, large enough so it could cut a centennial tree in half.

'Enhanced Instincts II activated'

Allen also vanished from where he stood. It was now his turn to appear behind his opponent, his glaive right by his side and ready to swing. "Poor soul."

Allen felt a shift in the wind. His foot suddenly became heavy and when he looked down, he saw a ball of air wrapping on each of his feet. Bryant smirked and bowed, causing Allen to miss his attack. This made the latter's eyes widen as he landed on the ground, taking a couple of steps back.

"Go, Bryant!"

"He missed. That pathetic D ranker. Know your place!"

"Kill him, Bryant! We're here to back you up!"

The crowd was wilding with cheers and hollers, all to support Byrant. Allen glanced at his friend and saw them just smiling at him.

He doesn't believe a loud crowd just so he could be inspired. He needed heart and pure intentions. Ones that actually want him to win this and not just because of shallow intentions.

"So, this is how you want to play it?" Allen sighed. "I guess you're in for quite a treat."

Allen spun his glaive on one hand while he raised his hand forward and summoned a weapon that everyone's eyes widened at. A clear bluish diamond sword that had enough power to make their hair stand.

"What is that?"

"That must be a bluff. He's going to use two weapons at once?!"

"That shameless D ranker. He needs to be put in his place. Show him, Bryant!"

The crowd was initially shocked after Allen revealed his weapon. After their regained themselves from that shock, however, they started to cheer on Bryant and boo Allen again. Allen smirked a this and even commended their loyalty. They are fools in his eyes.

"Are you seriously going to use two weapons on me?" Bryant smirked. "You must be kidding. You already had a hard time when using one, now you're adding more to the difficulty?"

"Oh, no," Allen chuckled. He closed his eyes and his vision parted into three. One was in his room unit cooking and cleaning, one was walking around the street to look for anything or witness anything worthy, and the other was gossiping in the market.

Just like what Kevin had told him before, controlling his Bodies would only be hard at first. Once he gets used to it, it would only be as easy as breathing. Allen finally understood this concept and had never stopped using his Bodies. He was a single man in four bodies, and if he can do that, then he can do anything.

On his left hand, he was spinning his glaive while his right hand held the sword tightly. He watched Bryant's reaction, seeing the scared expression of the man.

"What?" Allen asked. "Where did your courage go? Down the drain?"

"Shut up!" Bryant yelled. He ran towards Allen, switching into another weapon this time. Now it was a warhammer with a long pole, long enough so it can be used at a distance. "Shut up and just die!"

Allen did not block this time. He knew that he was more powerful than Bryant, so he didn't need to be scared. He got this.

The boy raised hid diamond sword and right before it went in contact with the warhammer, Bryant's number changed.


It was too late to hold back. If he goes back now, the warhammer will only get him. He didn't know what exactly happened, but right now, he has to gather up all his energy to block this attack.

'New feature unlocked <Skill Spam>'

Allen's ear rang as he heard the words. It felt as though the two seconds that he was about to clash into Bryant was slowed down, like time itself stopped.

His eyes glazed over the words in his interface, understanding everything that was written there in a fraction of a second. He sighed and closed his eyes and them opened them.

"Skill Spam!"

It was like there were hundred waves of force that was released from inside Allen. All his Skill Codes were activated all at once, giving him an incredibly overpowered boost.


Allen's opponent wasn't even able to finish his word when the boy was now above him. Allen's eyes looked bored and dull, and this time, it was his opponent's turn for everything to feel like it was on slow motion.

With his glaive, Allen swung it to crash the warhammer to the ground and for his opponent to let it go. He then used the pommel of his sword as he landed on the ground to push out his opponent's stomach, causing him to cough out blood from the impact.

"How is this possible?" Allen's opponent asked, eyes still wide in shock. "But you're just a D ranker."

"That's because I am a D ranker that I can do this," Allen said. "You don't know me and you don't know anything about me or them. Change your ways now or you'll forever live like this."

Allen spun and was now in his opponent's back. He released his weapons and used his bare hands to push his opponent to the ground with a giant collision.

Smoke-like dust covered the entire arena, the crowd fell silent as they watched the reinforced stone platform crack in the center. They were speechless and shocked.

The opponent was now fast asleep. Allen watched as the skin of his opponent slowly melt away, causing him to flinch and scrunch his face in digust. It suddenly opened its eyes and spoke with a familiar female voice.

"T-That was impossible. But he's only a D ranker," the woman said, her eyes wide and her lips were apart. She then glanced at Allen and scowled at him. "How dare you?!"



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