Closed Beta That Only I Played

Chapter 446 - The Price For Reckless Attack (1)

Chapter 446: The Price For Reckless Attack (1)

That evening.

Since I gave him one day to track down Umberto, the Lucia Guild leader, I stayed at the place that Oliviera chose for me instead of returning to the Myongjin Shelter since I could get things done more quickly if I stayed here rather than going back and forth to the shelter.

Late in the night, Director Sok paid me a visit from his room adjacent to mine.

I knew he would visit me, so I said first, “How did your negotiation go? Did it go well?”

“Yes. They have decided to accept our offer. And this is their gift to us in return.”

Director Sok handed me an official envelope, so I immediately opened it and checked the document inside.

“Well, it’s got the information as I expected.”

“That’s right.”

The document had a lot of information about the Lucia Guild leader, including his capabilities and traits that Oliviera had not mentioned to me.

And that wasn’t all.

[4th day of observation.

– Lucia Guild Leader Umberto ordered the mobilization of his forces.

-The target of the attack is predicted to be the Myongjin Shelter where Juyoung Hong is currently absent. 70% possibility.]

[7th day of observation.

-He checked once again to see if Juyoung Hong was at Myungjin Shelter.

-It seems that it is safe to conclude that there is a 99% probability that their attack target is the Myongjin Shelter.]

According to this document, the guild leader Oliveira already knew for 10 days that the guild leader Umberto would attack the Myongjin Shelter, but failed to inform Myongjin or me.

And there was even more shocking information in it.

[Our response.

-We won’t intervene in the downfall of Myeongjin.

However, we will continue to track down the guild leader Umberto of the Lucia Guild, who will be weakened by his battle with Myongjin. And we will try to curry favor with Juyoung Hong, who must be full of anger upon returning to Earth, by providing him with the hiding place.]

Of course, I didn’t get furious right away when I read it because I already expected it to some extent.

So I handed back the document to Director Sok after confirming its contents calmly.

“Please go back to the Myongjin Shelter tomorrow morning.”


“I’ll take care of the rest.”

“Got it.”

I asked him to go back because he didn’t need to accompany me at this point, then I continued to rest as if I had not learned anything about it.

The next day.

Exactly as there was an hour and a half remaining until the 24 hour period was up, guild leader Oliveira visited me.

Then he said, “He’s in Greenland. I have confirmed that Umberto, the guild leader of the Lucia Guild, is currently hiding in Greenland.”

“You must know his location, right?”


“Then let’s go.”

“I’ll make sure we can leave in 10 minutes.”

I could go to Greenland alone to get rid of Umberto.

Obviously, Greenland is the largest island on Earth, but it’s not large enough for him to hide from me. Besides, since I knew where he was now, I would have no problem locating him.

But I agreed to him accompanying me in return for the document I received last night.

Several hours later in Nuuk, the capital of Greenland.

After arriving in Greenland, I quickly kept moving through the land covered with ice.

Only after moving quickly for about 30 minutes or more did I find a brown hut built on a land of white ice.

“He’s right there.”

I didn’t respond to Oliveira, and instead moved toward the hut calmly.

I was now about 30 steps away from the hut when I heard the door of the hut opening with a squeaking sound characteristic of an old wooden door.

At the same time, the man I had been earnestly looking for appeared.

It was none other than the Lucia Guild leader.

“Oh, you came here earlier than I expected. It looks like your threat paid off nicely.”

“Yeah, I think so.”

At first, I thought I would get furious as soon as I saw his face.

I was even thinking of hitting him with Ice Breath right away.

But I didn’t wasn’t as angry as I thought I would be.

And I thought I knew why. He looked as if he completely gave up.

Besides, he seemed to be waiting for me without even thinking of running away, which made me rather calm.

I would have taken revenge on him if he had shown any resistance or tried to challenge me, but his total resignation left me indifferent instead.

Of course, I had no intention of forgiving him at all.

So I responded calmly to his calm greeting.

“Come inside. Juyoung Hong, I hate the cold and ice unlike you.”

“Really? It’s surprising you are hiding in an icy place when you hate the cold.”

“Well, think of it as my warm consideration for the guest who wants to visit me.”

After he said that, he stepped inside the hut, and I followed him.


At the same time in the place where the Antalagos Guild members and their guild leader Oliveira were gathered.


“Damn it. If he found that guy that he had been chasing so eagerly, why didn’t he kill that guy right away instead of following him into the hut?”

When guild leader Oliveira saw Juyoung Hong following the Lucia Guild leader Umberto into the hut, he got furious and kicked the ground hard with his feet.

Oliveira had an acquaintance with the Lucia Guild leader Umberto.

As a matter of fact, he even had some sort of deal with Umberto regarding Juyoung Hong.

Umberto, who was constantly on the lookout for people with special abilities or people who could potentially block the growth of the Lucia Guild, urgently needed the help of the Antalagos Information Guild, which was the world leader in the field. In particular, he once sold Umberto the information about Juyoung Hong, or more precisely Asirante, who emerged as one of the strongest players on Earth.

So, it was no wonder that Olivera got so restless while watching Juyoung Hong and Umberto meeting in the hut.

“Don’t worry too much. After all, the two can never minge together. So I don’t think they will have an in-depth conversation.”

“Damn it!”

Despite his right-hand man Brandon’s reassurances, Oliveira could not lighten up at all. He was just staring into the two closely, earnestly hoping Juyoung Hong could kill Umberto right away because the dead don’t talk.


Inside the hut.

Even though I followed him into the hut, I didn’t let down my guard at all.

Even though I looked calm and nonchalant, I was ready to attack him at any time.

I didn’t have my limited skill ‘Savant’ at the moment, but I could use every other skill including five layers of Ice Breath. And that was enough for me.

But what bothered me was that this guy was really strong.

According to the document I checked yesterday morning, he was the second strongest person on the planet after me. He was even described as the last hope of Earth there.

In fact, he attacked Myongjin with just over a hundred men, and he could destroy Myongjin without the intervention of the roots.

So I got curious why he made such a stupid thing when he had such strong capabilities.

Since I was really curious about that, I asked him right away, “Why didn’t you run away?”

He wasn’t surprised, nor bewildered, as if he already knew I was coming to find him.

That’s why he even invited me to come into the hut like this.


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