Closed Beta That Only I Played

Chapter 330 - All Buffs, All Debuffs (1)

Chapter 330: All Buffs, All Debuffs (1)


Puck! Puck! Puck! Puck!



I devoted myself to hunting like before.

I no longer had any problems with being underleveled since I was no level 1271, but I still had other goals in mind. I wanted to unlock the level 9 skills.

While I was busy hunting, a message rang.

[Lumen, Asirante, you have become the strongest in Region 11 by winning the event to choose the strongest player.

-You have applied to participate in the King of Kings Battle, where the strongest players from a total of 40 regions compete.]

Certainly, I decided to participate when I was asked if I would like to participate in the King of Kings contest after winning first place.

So, it seemed that the King of Kings competition, which was supposed to be held soon, was just around the corner.

Anyway, a series of messages rang after that.

[16 of the strongest players in 40 regions chose not to participate.

-A total of 24 players will compete in a tournament to be the strongest player in the current ‘Revival Legend.’

-Various rewards are given to the one selected as the strongest.]

“As many as 16 decided not to participate?”

I was a little surprised because more people decided not to participate than I thought.

Of course, it didn’t matter because I was determined to win 1st place regardless of how big or small the number of participants was.

Moreover, I was much stronger than before.

[The duel will start tomorrow, and as before, there will be only one match per day.

-The loser is immediately eliminated from this tournament, which favors the winning players only.]

The round of 24 strongest players, the round of 12 strongest players, and even the round of 6 strongest players did not concern me at all. So I just kept hunting without caring about it for now.

While Juyong Hong was busy hunting, there was a strange development unfolding in Osaka, Japan. As a matter of fact, Japan was certainly a more peaceful place compared to other countries.

Why? Because the Japanese government and the Mitsuya Guild, which took control of ‘Revival Legend’ in Japan’, allied together and jointly took control of the large cities so they could quickly respond to the appearance of monsters as well as external threats.

Anyway, the Mitsuya Guild was in a unique position without any other competitors in Japan, but it was true that Japan had more safe areas than other countries.

Especially Osaka, Japan’s signature large city like Tokyo, was one such place.

At that moment, a group of unidentified figures appeared among the quiet buildings of Osaka.

Of course, it wasn’t a big deal because monsters often appeared like this, along with the wizards who could use Blink.

However, this group spat out very strange words.

[%[email protected]!!%]

[!!^$^& @$*&^]

[#%!%!!^$ %*# $%%]

And then they started moving right away.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

They indiscriminately began to destroy not only huge buildings, but also ordinary citizens and those with accounts in ‘Revival Legend’.

In the meantime, those who had accounts in ‘Revival Legend’ could understand their words.

“Kill and destroy everything!”

“Punish those who dared to covet what they could not!”


At the level 1500 hunting ground Land of Titan.

Puck! Puck! Bang! Bang!

I just continued hunting today just like I did yesterday. And a message rang while I was hunting in almost ecstasy, if I had to exaggerate it a bit.

[Your opponent in the King of Kings match to select the strongest has been decided.

-You will be transferred to the arena in 10 seconds.]

I was not surprised by the sudden message because I expected the message to ring around this time. Shortly afterwards, I felt like I was being dragged somewhere, and soon the battlefield that I had seen so many times appeared before my eyes.

[You have 30 seconds preparation time until the duel begins.

-The duel will begin in 30 seconds. You can use the preparation time to apply buffs and replace items before the duel starts.

-If you win the duel, you will automatically advance to the next round, and the loser will be eliminated from the event immediately.]

Since I saw this kind of message dozens of times already, I wasn’t nervous, and looked at the other party through the transparent wall in the center of the arena.

Of course, the person on the other side was also the winner of one of the 40 regions, just like I was the top player of Region 11. So he was probably a very powerful individual.

But I was confident in defeating him because there was no restriction on my reality actualization rate here in Revival Legend, and I received a whopping 14,000 stat points just before this event started. It was like giving an almost invincible tiger wings.

But the other party started complaining all of a sudden.

“Damn it! My first opponent is Asirante?”

Clearly, he and I were from different regions. In other words, I had never met him before.

Of course, my name was too widely known for the other party to miss it.

As soon as he saw me, he recognized my identity right away.

Then he shouted, “I’m going to forfeit!”

[Your opponent has forfeited.

– You have won. You advance to the next round.]


Of course, this was not the first or second time I saw my opponents giving up even before the fight began. As a matter of fact, almost all my opponents gave up in the second half of the event to select the strongest player in Region 11 that I belonged to.

But this event was intended to select the King of Kings, so I wanted to win by fighting my opponent rather than them forfeiting

Above all, I wanted to gain a measure of how powerful I was by fighting against the strongest players of other regions and not just monsters.

But as soon as they confirmed I was Asirante, they immediately gave up.

So I couldn’t help but be disappointed.

That’s why I couldn’t help but say resignedly, “I’m afraid I’m going to win this King of Kings event this time because all of my opponents will forfeit…”

The next day.

Originally, all the strongest players from the 40 regions were supposed to compete, but 16 already abstained, so the King of Kings competition started with the 24 strongest players.

And I started off by winning even the round of 24 players because my opponent gave up.

[Your opponent has abandoned the duel.

– You have won. You advance to the next round.]


And the round of 12 was the same.

So I spat out the same words that my opponent did in the round of 24, ‘Damn it! Is my luck this bad?’ Of course, I didn’t feel bad because I got what I wanted anyway.

Nonetheless, I felt a bit empty because I won so easily without even fighting.

So I vented my frustration at the monsters and was about to log out when a message rang.

[Super Beauty: Juyoung, when are you going to log out?]

[Lumen: I’m about to log out now. Why?]

[Super Beauty: Really? Then log out and stop by the No. 3 Study.]

[Lumen: Okay.]

I was going to log out anyway, so I logged out immediately without asking for any more details.

Then I moved to the No. 3 Study Room.

When I got there, my father, brother, sister, and Director Sok were already sitting at the conference table, waiting for me.

“Okay, play the video now as Juyoung is here.”



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