Class Teacher System

Chapter 135: Save the Brain dead lover (14)

Chapter 135: Save the Brain dead lover (14)

Ren Zhu looked at the young man and seemed ready to burst into laughter because of him. He was certain that his own teenage version of Yi Xiao would become astonishingly handsome after another seven or eight years. Although at that time, Yi Xiao’s ‘stay away from me’ expression and the temperament of ‘I’ll argue with anyone who talks to me’ would greatly reduce the swarm of admirers around him, this was all relative.

Moreover, the man in front of him was so effeminate. What kind of man holds a flower in his hand? A serious iron-blooded man should be holding a spiked club or a large circular blade! At the very least, he should be using his fists or some sort of talisman.

“Uh, just handle it according to the rules. After all, nothing happened to me.”

Upon hearing this emotionless response, the young man’s smile stiffened. He was one of the top ten handsome men of Stellar Academy! He was a star student in the senior division! Many major forces had their eyes on him even before graduation. Could this little bamboo stick in front of him really not see any of these advantages?! How was he supposed to complete his mission like this?

The tough-looking young man beside the effeminate one laughed heartily, “Exactly, exactly. Don’t worry, we’ll handle it according to the rules. But what about this little girl here? Did she lure you here? Is she an accomplice?”

Upon hearing the formidable senior’s words, the young girl, who had already become quite stiff, turned pale. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she immediately turned her gaze to Ren Zhu, using her pleading eyes to beg him to help cover for her. This move was something she was fond of using, and its effects were significant. Usually, when she showed this expression along with her age, many people would feel sympathetic and help her cover up.

However, this time she had met her match in Ren Zhu. Even if he looked like a bamboo stick now, his soul was forever that of a responsible class teacher!

“Oh, yes. She deliberately bumped into me in front of our classroom and insisted on going to the West Medical Room, leading me into this simulated forest,” Ren Zhu said in front of Liang Honghong’s disbelieving eyes. “Take her away too and give her a good education. I believe she needs more ideological education.”

“You! You!” Liang Honghong was furious and at the same time panicked. “You’re lying! I-I didn’t intentionally lead you here. I just trust my brother more! I didn’t mean to bump into him! Senior brothers, you have to believe me! He’s just shifting the blame to me!”

Unfortunately, technology in this world had developed rapidly. Not to mention that the entire Stellar Academy was under surveillance from floating satellite orbs, even the wrist terminals that nearly everyone in the Alliance had, including Ren Zhu, had video recording functions.

As a result, Liang Honghong was eventually taken away, her tear-streaked face showing extreme resentment towards Ren Zhu. However, Ren Zhu was not at all afraid of being targeted, and he decided that in his precious free time after class, he would provide this girl with an education in love, considering her skewed values.

Uh, from her personal preferences, a bet involving money could be arranged, and then coupled with the hypothetical skills of a class teacher, she could be made to deeply experience the pain of being deceived, which should help her see the light.

After figuring out how to educate the child, Ren Zhu planned to leave the simulated forest. However, when he turned around, he suddenly noticed an elderly person standing in front of him. Though he was called elderly, this person appeared very healthy, and his face looked quite youthful. If not for the mass of white hair on his head, Ren Zhu would’ve thought of him as middle-aged at first glance.

“… Hello?”

It was basic courtesy to greet an elder upon meeting them.

Seeing the momentary daze in Ren Zhu’s eyes as he greeted him, the elderly man replied with a beaming smile, “Hello to you too. You must be Ren Zhu, right?”

Ren Zhu blinked, quickly reviewing his previous questions in his mind. Upon looking at the elderly man in front of him, he soon understood his identity.

“Headmaster Grandpa?”

Principal Mao burst into hearty laughter. “You guessed my identity as soon as we met. Little Ren Zhu isn’t naive at all, quite impressive. So, do you want to guess why I’ve come to find you?”

Ren Zhu sighed, “S-Class Mental power.”

Principal Mao continued to chuckle, “You’ve guessed it again. Principal Grandpa gives you ten extra points for that.”

Ren Zhu’s mouth twitched. These points were completely useless, and more importantly, what was with this tone of pampering? Just because his body was like a Little bamboo didn’t mean his mental age was as well. Did he need to be coddled? “Oh.”

This simple yet firm response made Principal Mao feel a tad awkward, but he quickly recovered, “Little Ren Zhu might not fully understand how rare and essential an S-class mental power is for our country’s talent pool. But even if you don’t know, us elders still bear the responsibility of protecting you. Did you see the two people from earlier? They’re Xiong Xi and Lan Tu, outstanding students from the senior division of Stellar Academy, belonging to the Stellar Enforcement Squad. From today onward, they will be responsible for your personal safety. So, no matter if it’s Souya or young masters from other families who might try something, they won’t succeed.”

If Ren Zhu had been just an eight-year-old who had transformed from being a waste to a mental power prodigy, he would have jumped with joy upon hearing such an important message about himself. However, now he just felt like he was being watched. He slightly furrowed his brow, “Principal Grandpa, can I decline their protection? I can protect myself. I’m quite skilled in mental power attacks. Having them follow me all the time would feel strange.”

Unfortunately, he didn’t receive the answer he wanted. Principal Mao smiled faintly, his expression kind but his tone firm, not allowing any refusal, “Hehe, that won’t do. You’re an extremely important talent. You need to understand, now your safety isn’t just about yourself; it’s also related to our Federation’s future development. We can’t afford the loss if something were to happen to a mental power prodigy. Something like what happened to Yi Xiao has occurred once, and we absolutely won’t allow a similar situation to happen a second time.”

“Don’t worry, Principal Grandpa promises you they won’t interfere with your life. Moreover, they will make sure you don’t realize their presence.”

“Bringing inconvenience to you. Just consider it as your contribution to our school and country. In the future, you will be a respected hero and genius whom everyone admires. Being unable to tolerate this minor matter doesn’t befit a man!”

Ren Zhu looked at the kindly smiling old man, but his wariness was increasing. He was sure the old man did care about his safety, but he could sense the ulterior motives and commanding feeling that those in higher positions have towards those beneath them.

Thinking about it, Stellar Academy itself is a place where strength is respected, straightforward, and cultivates individuals. Ren Zhu, in his previous identity, had never received any attention here for three years. Now, suddenly being valued so much, how could it be out of genuine concern? Besides, what caught his attention more than anything was the mention of “something like Yi Xiao.” What had happened to Yi Xiao in this school? And did that incident cause any harm to him?

Compared to speculating about the headmaster’s attitude and the troublesome protector, Ren Zhu was more concerned about Yi Xiao’s mood. He didn’t want to continue talking to the old headmaster, as it would be futile: “Alright, I understand. If they want to interfere with my actions, I think I’ll resist. Please don’t be angry when that time comes.”

Headmaster Mao chuckled, “No anger, no anger. How could Grandpa Headmaster be angry with you? You are the pillar and hope of our future. Oh, and from now on, you can receive a special scholarship from the school every month to ensure a good life for you. Three thousand credits per month, so eat well and grow.”


Ren Zhu nodded, smiled, and then turned to leave. The gaze of Headmaster Mao behind him was unusually kind and joyful.

When Ren Zhu walked from the simulated forest to the cafeteria, Yi Xiao had been waiting at their usual spot for quite a while. His anxious and impatient expression was evident on his face. No one had taken a seat within three tables of his location. Ren Zhu could even sense the restless energy around him.

“Where did you go?! I’ve been waiting for so long!” Yi Xiao spotted Ren Zhu right away. Without another word, he came forward and pulled Ren Zhu to sit at the table. His expression was fierce, but his hands quickly placed chopsticks and food in front of Ren Zhu.

Observing the contrasting behaviors and expressions of Yi Xiao and the old headmaster, Ren Zhu’s previously unpleasant mood turned pleasant. “Let’s eat first and talk later. I’m hungry.”

As a result, Yi Xiong immediately stopped fussing and began quickly picking food for Ren Zhu from the already prepared dishes. It seemed he knew exactly what kind of food Ren Zhu liked without needing to think. Without even realizing it, he was doing this task very skillfully, as if he had been doing it for a long, long time.

With a smile in his eyes, Ren Zhu finished the lunch, and his mood brightened like the sunshine outside.

“I encountered something this morning and I want to ask you about it. Shall we go to the hillside by the lake to bask in the sun? It should be nice to chat during the lunch break.”

Yi Xiao looked at the warm sun outside and nodded almost without hesitation. “Sure.” As he said this, he completely ignored the annoyed expression on Zack’s face nearby. They had agreed to use the lunchtime to address the shortcomings of the combat mecha! Aren’t you worried about getting kicked by the flying donkey beasts if you prioritize romance over friendship?

Yi Xiao said that he could take down three flying donkey beasts with one punch.

Lying on the golden grass, feeling the warm sunlight and the gentle breeze blowing from the side, Yi Xiao felt like he was about to fall asleep. He was somewhat surprised by this feeling; it seemed like it had been a very long time since he had relaxed like this. Even when he slept at night, the tumultuous and restless pain in his mind kept reminding him. His mental power had gone from being a prodigy to a useless waste, one that could die at any moment. Unable to sleep at night and constantly being provoked by those foolish people from Soya during the day, Yi Xiao had even gone crazy and considered dragging Souya along to self-destruct their mental powers to end it all. At least then, he wouldn’t feel life was so hopeless, and the faces of the people around him so hypocritical and disgusting.

He had always believed that the weak had no right to survive or have a voice. Did that apply to him as well now that his mental power had turned into rubbish?

Before meeting Ren Zhu, that’s how Yi Xiao had thought. But now…

Yi Xiao lay drowsily on the grass, thinking that occasionally relaxing a bit wasn’t a big deal. Making oneself happy was also important.

“I got set up by someone today.”

Ren Zhu’s clear voice came from the side, causing Yi Xiao, who had closed his eyes, to suddenly open them wide. He quickly turned to look at the figure lying next to him. Ren Zhu’s face had put on a bit of flesh over the past few days due to eating better, and he didn’t look as frail as before. He even looked much better than before.

“Which foolish person tried to set you up? Don’t they know you’re a well-known pauper?” Yi Xiao sneered.

Ren Zhu rolled his eyes. “Don’t be so harsh. Though I used to be poor, I’m now in the high-income bracket. And, the girl who bumped into me wasn’t trying to make me pay, but to lure me to the Simulated Deep Forest to teach me a lesson.”

“However, both she and the group failed,” Ren Zhu smiled.

Yi Xiao’s eyebrows furrowed at first, then relaxed. But after a moment, his expression changed to something slightly unpleasant. “…Did the Stellar Enforcement Team show up?”

Ren Zhu observed his expression carefully and nodded. “There was a guy who looked like a bear and another guy holding a pink rose. They took those people away.”

“Xiong Xi and Lan Tu,” Yi Xiao’s voice was confident. “You probably saw the headmaster, Mao Jiuchong, too.”

At this point, Ren Zhu was certain that Yi Xiao had something to do with the Stellar Enforcement Team and the headmaster. “Yes, the headmaster told me that those two will be my personal protectors from now on. And I’ll receive a scholarship of three thousand credits every month to focus on studying and growing. I’m really surprised by all this favor.”

Yi Xiao sneered, “What’s there to be so happy about? Do you think that old man truly cares about you studying and growing taller? He’s just making what he thinks is the most suitable and appropriate investment. When you’re useful, he’ll support you; but when you’re not, you’ll find yourself in the same dreadful situation you were in before, being bullied by them, like that little trio with Bu Lu. While the founding principles of Stellar Academy were good, by now, they’ve been corrupted. It’s no longer the neutral, pure institution that existed for the purpose of providing orphans with a better life and choices. Otherwise, how could so many young masters from prestigious families enter this school? It’s just a division of interests.”

“As for the Stellar Enforcement Team, they have some skill, but unfortunately, not a single one of them has a brain. They allow themselves to be used like tools by others and still feel smug about it. After being sold off by the academy, they’re still grateful. I feel sorry for them. Heh.”

Listening to Yi Xiao’s lengthy explanation, Ren Zhu was somewhat speechless. If you didn’t add those two “heh”s at the end, it would sound more convincing. However, Ren Zhu was surprised that Yi Xiao could see through Stellar Academy to such an extent. Even if he’s talented, he’s only twelve years old now. Did he really come up with all of this on his own?

“Do… Have you ever been bullied by them?” Ren Zhu looked at Yi Xiao and suddenly spoke, “If you have, I’ll help you get even.”

Yi Xiao’s previously angry mood dissipated completely with those words. He became joyful and lighthearted. “Ahem, that wouldn’t happen. Even though my mental power is problematic now, it’s still impossible for others to bully me! Not to mention the Stellar Enforcement Team, they’re all brainless idiots. Forget about them not being able to bully me, if you find them displeasing or if they do anything that makes you uncomfortable, just tell me. I’ll beat them up and send them back in pieces. Then you’ll have some peace and quiet.”

Ren Zhu: “…”

Indeed, he’s a foolish brat. In a certain sense, being a bear implies not getting bullied by others and only bullying them.

However, before Ren Zhu could voice his thoughts, a cold snort sounded from the other side.

“Heh! Who dares to talk big here? Turns out, it’s you, you annoying brat! You dare to badmouth us behind our backs? What do you mean we’re brainless idiots? And you, a brain-damaged idiot, dare to say that about us?”

The voice sounded somewhat feminine, but it was unquestionably male. Ren Zhu quickly sat up and looked up, spotting the young man with golden shoulder-length straight hair holding a pink rose. It seemed his name was Lan Tu. Standing next to him was the other young senior who looked like a bear, likely Xiong Xi.

Yi Xiao had already stood up when they arrived. Now, upon hearing their retorts, he immediately retorted back without hesitation, “You don’t even know what you’re doing. You only know how to follow orders every day. If that’s not being an idiot, what is it? At least my brain damage is due to some kind of stimulation. But you guys are so dumb that you haven’t even said a word before throwing your own brains away. In comparison, I think I’m much stronger than you.”

Lan Tu’s face turned dark, and Xiong Xi snorted coldly beside him, “In that case, let’s see who’s really much stronger. Shall we compare?”

Yi Xiao grinned in the sunlight. Despite being a whole head shorter than the two on the opposite side, he stood up straight. His whole body exuded an inexhaustible fighting spirit and a hint of madness. He licked his lips, “Come on, who’s afraid of who?!”

Ren Zhu: “…”

There’s always a feeling of being a helpless little princess waiting for rescue on a high platform.

Well, let them fight. After all, it won’t be him feeling the pain.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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