Civil Servant in Romance Fantasy

Chapter 90: - My Home, but with Unexpected Guests (1)

༺ My Home, but with Unexpected Guests (1) ༻

As always, things ended with a meeting with Villar when it came to matters related to the members. Villar now felt like a fellow department Civil Servant. I wonder why he feels so familiar and comfortable.

Since we’re going to spend three years together, I feel like the affection between us will grow. I might even be tempted to offer him asylum. However, such a suggestion would be rude to a steadfast knight like him, so I must end it as a thought.

A steadfast knight. That’s right, he’s a steadfast knight.

“Are you getting enough sleep?”

“I’m fine without sleeping for about four days.”

The problem was that steadfastness and mental fatigue were different things. In a short time, Villar showed signs of rapid fatigue. Of course, a royal knight wouldn’t die from being unable to sleep for three days. However, he would internally become a mess.

The day I sold the freedom of my house to the Crown Prince for ten gold coins, I invited Marghetta to my mansion and immediately contacted Villar. The conversation at the time was so short that it could be summarized in just two sentences.

“Our local dog told me to bring your dogs to my house.”

— Fuck.

Of course, we didn’t really have such a conversation, but our inner thoughts were similar to that.

Anyway, after hearing that he would have to spend the vacation in the Capital instead of the Academy, Villar obtained new things to worry about.

According to the deal made by the Empire and the three country’s forces, the escort forces could only be stationed around the area near the Academy. If things got twisted, they could enter the Academy, but the actual escort forces were stuck outside.

Fortunately, there was a precedent where the three country’s forces were allowed to stay in Boyar with the permission of the Gold Duke. Considering this unique situation, the Crown Prince also allowed them to enter the Capital. The problem was that he put a number restriction on the numbers, unlike the Gold Duke. After all, it would be annoying to have foreign forces wander around the Capital.

“Since the number of people that had to be selected was so many, there was no time to sleep properly.”

“Good job.”

Sir Villar had to pick the people who would accompany him to the Capital and those who would return to their respective countries to ensure other forces could come. This reduced Villar’s sleep time even more.

First, he had to send half of the forces back to their homeland to switch with the newly formed escort force. Meanwhile, the other half would be sent back once the new forces arrived at the Capital. Since everyone wanted to go first, there was a lot of discussion involved.

“I just did what I had to do.”

I could see the sorrow behind Villar’s smiling expression. Having him select who would go first and last was quite a cruel task especially because he was someone who couldn’t even go back.

“I can guarantee the prosperity of the Capital. I hope Sir Villar will take this time to enjoy it.”

“I’m also looking forward to it. When else would I get the opportunity to tour the Capital?”

For some reason, it sounded to me like ‘I never really wanted to see it in my lifetime.’

“Since you’re a guest staying at my mansion, I will take special care of you.”

“Thank you for your kind words.”

Villar bowed his head with a faint smile that was tinged with sadness.

Would I be able to see Villar smile genuinely before the graduation? I felt sorry for him. I’d have to give Villar a good room.


Two more days passed as Marghetta finished her work in the Student Council, the members packed their luggage, and I arranged carriages that would carry dozens of people and their luggage.

Going by teleportation would have been convenient, but the road to the capital itself was also part of the trip. I recalled the hardships I experienced when I came to the Academy, but the newly appointed Governor fortunately seemed to be managing the roads properly. The same thing probably wouldn’t happen.

— I hope you haven’t forgotten what I said last time.

“Yes, of course.”

— What did I say?

“That if I want to get married to Mar, I’ll have to go and see Your Grace to kneel and then beg.”

— So you do remember.

And during those two days, a certain father sent me a message after hearing that his beloved youngest daughter would be heading somewhere other than home. He had such a menacing look that I thought he would tear my body apart.

Fortunately, there were also other noble young ladies like Louise and Irina. If only Marghetta had been invited, he would have tried to surround my mansion with his knights. The Crown Prince would probably welcome us to the Capital with applause.

‘That bastard.’

It was okay to curse him from time to time, even though he hadn’t done anything to be cursed at yet. They said one would live a long life if they were cursed a lot, so I was doing this as a loyal subject of the future Emperor. Long live, you son of a bitch.

“The preparations are done. Executive Manager, you can take the lead carriage.”

“Ah, thank you.”

Villar approached me while I was wishing the Crown Prince a long life. The three countries had an overwhelmingly large amount of luggage and people, but Villar had offered to take care of it himself. It was fine by me, as I didn’t have to do anything.

“Let’s get going so we can arrive quickly and rest.”

“I hope we have a safe trip.”

Villar’s remarks oddly sounded like a foreshadowing, but things would be fine. The Empire’s vast territory meant that there were bound to be bandits and monsters we hadn’t yet subjugated. However, this wasn’t just anywhere. It was the road that connected the Capital and the Academy. If something happened, the new Governor’s neck would fly.

Although the road before was okay in terms of safety, its state was a mess. How did they gather the courage to leave things like that? Maybe they didn’t have any regrets in life.

“Carl, are you here?”


Anyway, I boarded the carriage that Villar had casually mentioned and was greeted by a smiling Marghetta. The members who were inside the carriage were Louise, Erich, and Marghetta. What a unique combination.

‘It’s okay.’

Except for one person, it was an oddly familiar combination. If Louise were somewhere else, I would feel anxious. On the other hand, I had invited Marghetta. It wasn’t bad. Erich’s presence was a bit surprising, but I could roughly guess why he was there.

‘Anyone can see he’s the weakest.’

Villar had also learned about the true nature of the pastry club during his semester at the Academy. In reality, it was just a group of five men captivated by Louise. I felt sorry for Villar, who seemed lost for words after discovering the truth. However, I’m glad that it was only him who had discovered it.

And from Villar’s point of view, sticking Rutis and Louise together would seem biased. Meanwhile, sticking another guy from the three countries with her would make Rutis’s gaze toward him uncomfortable. Even Ainter was a member of an Imperial family.

The only choice was Erich. To think that even Villar would think of Erich as the weakest… I felt a bit sorry.

“Please sit down. We’re going to leave soon.”

“Ah, yes.”

As I looked stiffly at Erich, Marghetta tapped the seat beside her. I would probably get thrown out if I were standing when the carriage started, so I’d better avoid that.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve been to the capital.”

Marghetta spoke as soon as I sat down.

“Is that so?”

“Yes. I haven’t been there since last year’s New Year ceremony.”

I turned my eyes after hearing what Marghetta said with a smile. If the last time she’d been in the Capital was during last year’s New Year’s ceremony, that meant she hadn’t been to the Capital since I refused her marriage proposal. Having it brought up so suddenly was embarrassing.

“After last year’s sad event, I hesitated to go back to the Capital.”


“Traveling with Carl and enjoying it makes me really happy.”

“That’s a relief.”

My heart hurt a lot.

“I’m glad it could be covered with good things!”

Fufu, right?”

Marghetta’s gaze shifted to Louise, who wasn’t aware of what had happened. Thank you, Louise…

As expected, the journey to the Capital was smooth. We enjoyed the view outside, took short naps, talked a bit, and discussed what was famous in the Capital.

“Those carriages are also with me, so let them pass.”


We declared our entry and were able to pass through the Capital’s gates without any issues. The carriages slowed down as we approached the center of the Capital.

“Is that your house over there, Hyung?”

“Uh, yes.”

Although the carriage slowed down, it didn’t stop.


“It’s been a while since I stayed in my mansion, so I forgot.”

“What did you do while staying in the Capital?”

We reached the mansion while I unintentionally showed off my life as a black Civil Servant. Well, at least I remembered the address correctly. If I’d gotten the address wrong, we would have ended up in the wrong place.

As soon as I got off the carriage with the label of ‘Someone who can’t even remember his own house,’ I was greeted by the butlers and servants.

“Welcome, Master.”

“It’s been a while since I’ve seen you in person.”

“I’m also filled with joy to see you again, Master.”

“You’re making me embarrassed.”

It seemed like the butler said it as a light joke. After all, there was nothing joyful about a relationship of paying and receiving money.

“Is the person behind you Mr. Erich?”

As I turned around, I saw Erich getting down from the carriage. We had the same hair color and a similar face, so the butler noticed it right away.


“If he’s the Master’s brother, he’s a guest more valuable than anyone else. I will do my best to serve him.”

“There are really important guests, so don’t exert yourself too much.”

“I will keep that in mind.”

After patting the butler’s shoulders a few times, I moved on to the mansion. Welcoming someone was the butler’s area of expertise, and meddling would only complicate things. In fact, I didn’t want to meddle.

Suddenly, my gaze turned toward the servants who were bowing to me from left to right. Because I only used this place to sleep, I hired commoners. That was also why there wasn’t anyone who had noble origins among the servants or maids.

They were mostly common-born male and female servants. Maybe they would find it burdensome to deal with a member of the Empire’s Imperial Family and members from foreign royal families.

No matter how much I thought about it, the foreign trio was definitely the hopeless three musketeers. They were similar to a recipe for disaster to ordinary salary workers.

“Thanks for your hard work.”

“It’s an honor!”

See? I just said a word, and yet their bodies became stiff. These people were scared of even a free and idle master like me.

I hope no one resigns during vacation.

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