Civil Servant in Romance Fantasy

Chapter 126: Starting Over (3)

༺ Starting Over (3) ༻

Today was my last day at work.

‘My last day.’

The word filled me with emotion. The thought of going to work for the last time was so exciting.

Of course, it wasn’t the last day of my career; it was just the last day before my break. If it were actually my last day on the job, then I’d even crawl to the office from my mansion if I had to.

So please, just let me retire. I would do anything you ask.

“I wonder if I can retire in my 40s too,” I muttered, thinking of the former Count Horfeld.

However, the Senior Manager next to me quietly looked away. Yeah, I know that wasn’t going to happen.

Yet, out of respect for my hope, he remained silent. I appreciated it, but sometimes a considerate gesture hurt more than a firm denial.

However, the Senior Manager was an angel compared to some.

“I’m afraid that the only way you can retire in your 40s is by dying.”

“Shut it.”

Suddenly, the 1st Manager’s blunt comment struck a chord with me—it was annoying, and yet I couldn’t disagree. Damn it.

“You always say mean things to me. It’s unfair.”

My hand instinctively flew to her lips as she pouted and whined.

Saying mean things to her? Anyone passing by could tell who started it.

“You deserve a subordinate just like yourself.”

“I already have one like that.”

“The world must be ending,” the 3rd Manager added, making me sigh.

As if dealing with the original the 1st Manager wasn’t enough. There’s a mini version now, too?

I glared at her, but she just struggled under my grip. Go on, keep talking.

“If there were more of me, the Prosecutors’ Office would be brighter and better! Turning a dull department into a pretty one deserves praise!” she exclaimed, managing to free her lips.

I grabbed her lips again, wondering if she had taken the wrong medication or had forgotten the right one.

‘Brighter, my foot.’

If her idea of brightness was the blood from torture and my tears of frustration, then I’d rather prefer gloominess.

I finally let go of the 1st Manager’s lips when the Senior Manager handed me the last document. Once I sign this, I will finally be free from paperwork for months.

“Executive Manager, did you cut your finger?”

“My finger?”

I turned to look at my thumb, which had turned red.

That’s weird. I didn’t even feel a cut.


Everyone’s gaze shifted to the 1st Manager at her teary voice.

Her face was pale, but her lips and the surrounding area were stained red.

“Hey, are you hurt?”

Did I accidentally cause a disaster? Did I actually split her lip?

As I rushed over to her, she clutched her lip, sobbing. Wait, was this for real?

“…Aren’t injuries from assault punishable by suspension?”

“Fortunately, there are no more documents to sign. Take some time off.”

The Senior Manager and the 3rd Manager’s remarks almost made me lose my mind. It seems I was already presumed guilty in the eyes of my subordinates.

What a dilemma. I’ve never failed to control my strength before. If she was sobbing, then I must have really hurt her…

“All my makeup is ruined now.”


Relief and emptiness hit me at the same time.

Why did she even have to do something she never usually did?

“What, are you wearing makeup? I don’t see any difference.”

“I did wear it!”

The 1st Manager screamed in response to the 3rd Manager’s comment.

Sorry, I honestly didn’t notice.

If I had known, I would have grabbed her somewhere else.


After the Executive Manager left, I returned to my office. What was the point of staying in the boss’s office when he wasn’t there?


I touched my lips thoughtlessly. The Executive Manager had chided me for wearing makeup to work, but his tone was unexpectedly gentle. It looked like showing vulnerability softened his heart.

“It looks strange. Just be your usual self.”

The Executive Manager grumbled as he wiped off my smudged makeup. Was it his way of saying I look pretty without makeup? He’s so bad at being direct.

Feeling pleased, I nodded in agreement. After all, I did my makeup to impress him. If he prefers a natural look, then I’ll adapt to that.

‘Penelia was right.’

The Executive Manager seemed more relaxed and generous than before. He was also more active and talkative than usual.

— It looks like Master has made progress in his relationship with Lady Marghetta.

“Really? The Executive Manager?”

This was the news Penelia shared with me recently.

Lady Marghetta, the one most affected by the Executive Managers’s iron wall, was now closer to him.

— Lady Marghetta now addresses Master by his first name.

“Just do what’s comfortable. It’s only between us, after all.”

It was surprising that the Executive Manager allowed her to use his first name. What was more shocking was Penelia’s insistence on calling the Executive Manager ‘Master.’

Anyway, it was good news. The Executive Manager being kinder to Lady Marghetta meant that he was finally letting go of his past.

Of course, there wouldn’t be any dramatic changes right away. But the fact that he was letting go was the most important.

‘He’s on the market now.’

The Executive Manager couldn’t forget Hecate. His inability to move on caused him to push everything away.

But now, he’d stopped pushing people away? It was a sign that he was ready to move on.

What was once unattainable was now up for auction. I might have a chance to be by his side if I played my cards right.


The opportunity had arrived. The insurmountable wall was coming down.

Until now, I couldn’t even dare to try. Knowing how much the Executive Manager cherished the Six Swords and especially Hecate held me back.

Lady Marghetta, on the other hand, might not even know about his first love. And because I was aware of it, I couldn’t risk his wrath by approaching him carelessly.

That would jeopardize our close boss-subordinate relationship, which was too precious to lose.

‘Thank you, Lady.’

The fear of losing what I had kept me from taking risks, but now the situation had changed with Lady Marghetta at the center of it all. As expected, the color red was always the best—I liked her from the start.

So, I’m okay with having her become the first wife. I have that much generosity in me. Second place was enough for me.

‘It’s a pity he had to go back to the Academy.’

The boss was leaving soon after this great news, but it was fine. After all, there was no competition in the Academy except for Lady Marghetta.

I can’t stop her from being the first choice, so having him at the Academy was fine. If the Executive Manager stayed here, he might charm someone else.

So, I’d wait until the winter break. Even if he didn’t return, I’m prepared to go to the Academy.

There was still a chance for me. After all, I was his closest subordinate, especially since Penelia left for the Special Service Agency.

“The Prosecutors’ Office is tough. We should at least be comfortable with each other.”

I remember the day I first met the Executive Manager and started our Executive Manager-Manager relationship. Being newly promoted along with the other Managers, I was quite nervous.

However, the Executive Manager’s first words warmed my heart. At first, I thought, ‘Why was the youngest boss so soft?’ But his words were exactly what we needed after the exhausting internal and external purges.

“Is the Prosecutors’ Office just for show? Did we create this department just to gather and play poker? If you can’t do it alone, you should ask for help.”

“If it’s an emergency, then do what you can. I’ll take care of the reports later.”

“Who dares to mess with my people?!”

The Executive Manager was not just kind, but also a leader and motivator for the Prosecutors’ Office.

That was why I decided to become the comfortable subordinate he desired.

“Damn it, I should’ve been stricter with you guys.”

Despite his occasional blunt remarks, the Executive Manager had always been considerate towards us.

He often said things like ‘I wish you guys would just disappear’ or ‘Why do I only get these kinds of subordinates?’ However, he was always there to help whenever we needed him.

I had known the Executive Manager for more than a day or two. If he really disliked us, then he would have fired us a long time ago.

So, yes. The Executive Manager and I had a comfortable, close relationship.

‘Now all we need to do is to get closer.’

The Executive Manager was warm, yet decisive. He was also rational, yet gentle.

For two years, I had harbored feelings for him alone. Penelia, who shared similar feelings, was content just being by his side.

I felt relieved. I was worried I’d stay single past thirty.

‘This is perfect.’

I lightly ran my tongue over the lips he’d just touched.

Well, he was a bit forceful, but who cared? As long as he was happy, then that was all that mattered.


When I came back from work, the 4th Manager greeted me.

“You’ve worked hard, Master.”

“Ah, thanks.”

I told her it wasn’t necessary, but she insisted on doing her duty. A little less formality would’ve been fine.

I suddenly thought of the 1st Manager, who was unusually lively today. She had always been energetic, but today felt different.

‘How did these two become friends?’

They were so different. The 1st Manager was the embodiment of enthusiasm and madness while the 4th Manager was the personification of silence and seriousness. Apart from being human, they had nothing in common.

Yet, they’ve somehow managed to become friends.

‘If only they were a mix of both.’

It would have been better if the 1st Manager was less boisterous and if the 4th Manager was less serious.

I felt worried because they were both so distinctive; would they ever find suitable partners and have a normal marriage?

‘I hope they find someone good.’

That went without saying for the 4th Manager, who was practically raised by me. But I also had a soft spot for the 1st Manager, so I hope she finds a good partner.

However, there were no signs of it so far. I just hope someone shows up for them.

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