Civil Servant Hunter’s S-class Resignation Log

Chapter 80

Chapter 80

“Seong Jarim!”

Seora swiftly activated her skill, enclosing Seong Jarim within a red cube and pulling her back. The condition of Seong Jarim’s face inside the cube was a sight of utter devastation.

Why was she in such a state when she had the ability to restore her stamina on her own?

Even during her journey to this place, Seora had never anticipated that the L-class Awakened would be gravely injured. Her concern had been focused on how to handle any potential resurfacing trauma.

But now, Seong Jarim appeared in this state.

“Cough, hugh, ughh…”

Rushing to administer a healing potion, Seora watched as Jarim, who had been immobile, finally managed to cough. She struggled to open her swollen eyes, her gaze fixed on the distant enemy.

The enemy possessed short bobbed hair, a gaunt physique, fragments of broken ore embedded in their body, unfocused eyes, and an expression devoid of reason.

It was a peculiar-looking adversary.

‘What on earth is that?’

In response to Seora’s question, a message appeared, displaying something she hadn’t seen in a long time.

【Activates ‘Title—Contractee of the System Administrator’. You can access information on the person you desire.】

【The Awakened Information】

Name: E█na ██ros (EX)

Title: The Last of the Ruined Planet (??)

Specialty: Battle Mage

Contracted Entity: None

Notable Traits: Former contractee of Planet—Baskar’s system administrator (This individual is currently being controlled.)

“… Nonsense.”

The contractee of Baskar’s system administrator, a concept she had only heard about from Seong Jarim. However, the information displayed was far from what she had expected. This person was labeled as a “former contractee”, instead of a contractee of one.

Could it be that the contract had been terminated? Did that mean the administrator would not intervene even if the contractee was manipulated?


Seora’s attention was drawn to the dry voice, and she turned to look at Seong Jarim. The wounds on her body had significantly healed due to the potion.

“Seong Jarim, is that person…?”

“Yes. She’s Baskar’s…” Seong Jarim trailed off, only revealing a fragment of the truth, likely due to the presence of Do Junyeong and Yun Jaeheon.

She should have entered alone. Seora cast a fleeting glance at the two individuals standing at a distance.

“By the way, what is all this? Was the contract terminated?”



“…She’s dead.”


“The contract was automatically dissolved upon death.”

A deceased individual. I see. That’s why she appears so peculiar.

“I don’t know the details, but since she’s dead, how is she still moving?”

“I believe she’s being controlled. Although I’m uncertain about the mechanism controlling her movements,” Seora responded to Do Junyeong’s question.

“Does Seong Jarim know anything about this?”


“Seong Jarim?”

Silence hung in the air as Jarim averted her gaze. Even her bloodied fingers twitched, seeking refuge behind her back.

Ah. Seora realized then that she was not holding her weapon. So Seong Jarim hadn’t fought back and had simply been subjected to a one-sided assault.

“Did you kill her?” Her tone of voice underwent a sudden change.

Do Junyeong was taken aback, witnessing Seora treat Jarim with such harshness for the first time. However, Seora had no capacity to dwell on that matter in the present moment.

Seora’s heart was heavy with anger and disbelief. Her friend had been beaten and bloodied, unable to fight back. All because of an acquaintance.

“Are you like this because you killed her?”

“I didn’t kill her with my own hands, but she died because of me. Because I brought destruction upon this place,” Seong Jarim confessed.

Do Junyeong and Yun Jaeheon held their breath, their expressions turning somber. The realization sank in that Seong Jarim was the one responsible for turning this once-thriving land into a desolate grave.

Seora didn’t care about the strange expressions on their faces. She understood. She had spent three months by Seong Jarim’s side and had witnessed the immense pain she had endured.

Whenever thoughts of Baskar crossed Seong Jarim’s mind, she would lose focus, gazing into the distance. She was tormented by the memories, plagued by nightmares, and Seora would often rush to her side, waking her from her screams, reminding her that they were still on Earth.

It wasn’t just this land that had been devastated for a hundred years. Seong Jarim’s spirit had also been shattered.

“So, what now? Are you going to let yourself be killed by that person’s hands because of what you’ve done?”


“Seong Jarim. Big Sis Jarim, do you want to die?” Seora’s hand caressed Jarim’s scarred cheek, reminiscent of how she would comfort her during her nightmares. Seong Jarim’s tears continued to fall. “Of course not. So what’s wrong with someone who fought so hard to survive? You’ve endured for so long because you wanted to live.”

“Can you handle this on your own, Seora?”

“Yes, I’ll be fine. I can definitely handle it.” It wasn’t just because she held the highest rank, but also because she didn’t know what unexpected actions the former system administrator’s contractee might take. Therefore, despite being heavily protected, she had to step up.

Leaving behind Yun Jaeheon and Do Junyeong, who expressed their concerns, Seora made her way toward the enemy, who stood in a daze.

Was her name Elona? At a second glance, Seora felt nothing. She didn’t know any details about her, except that she died because of Seong Jarim. But she couldn’t just let it go. She didn’t want to lose a friend.

So Seong Jarim, I will kill her on your behalf.

【Activating skill “Spatial Domination”!】

【A field has been generated in the designated area.】

【Current Domination Power: 100%】

A red cube materialized.

“So this is what it feels like to enter the field.”

Unlike before, Seora found herself standing inside the cube. Despite its red appearance, the world inside was not overwhelmingly crimson. However, there was a definite sense of difference. Breathing, moving—everything felt comfortable as if she had been given a special boost.

This was now her domain.

“I never expected to encounter another contractee like me in this manner.” Seora gazed at her opponent, Elona, who couldn’t comprehend her words no matter how she spoke.

She didn’t know who was responsible, but what kind of despicable person manipulated the deceased like this?

“Administrator, is it acceptable if I eliminate her completely, rendering her unable to move any longer? Will you face consequences with the administrator present?”

No response came. Perhaps there was a different system administrator in place since she was on another planet.

〖”Can you handle the burden of taking someone’s life?”〗

No, that wasn’t it. He was simply concerned for her.

“I have accepted that responsibility when I made the choice to hunt monsters as a Hunter.”

〖“Then proceed.”〗

Seora picked up the gun, urged on by his encouragement. As the gun aimed at Elona, her trembling body moved in an unnatural manner, resembling a puppet with strings. And when Seora pulled the trigger, Elona evaded the shot like a deflating balloon.

It wouldn’t be easy, but Seora remained composed, moving her finger without panic. This was her domain now. The path of her bullet flowed freely, piercing through Elona’s forehead.

“I wish to preserve the body as much as possible.”

Unfortunately, even with the bullet lodged between her eyebrows, Elona continued to move. If her limbs were severed, her body would attack, and if her body were destroyed, her head would still make an attempt.

“Who dares to defile the deceased in such a manner?”

She didn’t want to do this, but… allowing Elona to be manipulated any further would be more agonizing.

As Elona staggered closer and swung her sword, Seora did not evade. Instead, she blocked the blade with her gun and caressed Elona’s cheek with her other hand.

Beneath her touch, she felt the cold, lifeless skin.

“I’m sorry.” Seora felt remorse that this was the only way she could help her.

“Fix coordinates.”

【Successfully secured the specified target.】

Elona’s body became rigid. Even as Seora lowered her gun, she remained unable to move. Seora’s ability to anchor extended to lifeless objects, including corpses.

After offering a bow to Elona, the cube began to shrink. It seemed that the culprit manipulating her had a significant amount of power, causing Seora’s mana to deplete faster than expected.

She couldn’t afford to waste any more time.

“Big Sis Jarim.”


“I don’t know if you can hear me, but if there’s anything you want to say, say it now.”

Seong Jarim’s eyes widened. Her gaze trembled as she stared at Elona beyond the diminishing red cube.

“Because you will never see her again.”

“…” Her dry lips moved several times as if she had a lot to say, but ultimately, she couldn’t express anything. Jarim lowered her head. “No, I have nothing to say. Anything I say now would be deceitful.”

Seora hesitated to proceed and brought her gun closer to the cube. It couldn’t be possible, but it felt like her eyes met Elona’s for a brief moment.

“Rest in peace now, please.”

Flames surged within the cube accompanied by a piercing sound. Elona slowly turned into ashes.

Seong Jarim observed the entire scene without missing a single moment. Seora couldn’t discern the emotions reflected in those captivating golden eyes.

She simply wished that the individual responsible for the demise of this ravaged planet would find a peaceful end.


With Elona’s complete demise, the portal closed. Now that the end had befallen the planet, no living was left on Baskar.

Perhaps due to that, Seong Jarim watched intently as the once-green-glowing gate disintegrated into the air.

Seora briefly explained the situation to Do Junyeong.

“I see. So now the place is completely…”

It was the same dungeon where Seong Jarim had been trapped during her absence, and now that the world had utterly collapsed, it was unlikely to be accessible any longer.

Seora refrained from mentioning Seong Jarim’s involvement in the destruction of the place or the kind of life she had endured within it.

‘Well, the director should be able to surmise what he witnessed today.’

He was the second-in-command of the association. It was highly unlikely that he was unaware of such details.

However, instead of delving into those specifics, he asked Seong Jarim something else, “I deeply apologize for the unfortunate events that occurred within the association’s premises. If you wish, we can arrange a new residence for you elsewhere.”

He was a considerate individual.

Seong Jarim had demonstrated her non-threatening nature for over three months. In return, Do Junyeong chose to maintain trust and confidence in her.

“Huh? Oh, no, it’s alright. But… Well, I’m not entirely certain, but perhaps I was the reason the dungeon appeared in the house where I reside.”


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