Civil Servant Hunter’s S-class Resignation Log

Chapter 139:

Chapter 139:

We kindly ask for your understanding regarding the inconsistency of character pronouns, particularly for the Entities (ex. The Greedy Predator). In Korean, pronouns are rarely used, making it challenging to ascertain a character's gender or identity until later narratives unfold. Update twice a week [SUN] & [THURS] starting August 2024!

“Then will you make armor and repair the jacket?”

“Yes. First, let’s check your body condition. We need to know what suits you. But do you really need the armor I made? You already use an impressive Regeneration Jacket and even a formidable weapon. I don’t want to force something unnecessary on you.”

While saying this, Shin Dowon looked at Hit, which was lying next to him, with a flickering gaze. The blacksmith’s gaze seemed to burn, perhaps because the weapon was so rare.

“Do you want to take a look? You won’t see this anywhere else.”

“Is that okay, though?”

“You’re appreciating the value of my precious weapon, what could be not okay.”

Shin Dowon cautiously touched Hit. He was even more careful than when he handled the Regeneration Jacket.

“I haven’t seen a weapon like this in any store or auction. It’s not even graded. Where on earth did you get it?”

“My deity gave it to me. It was a congratulations gift for my first contract.”

It was the first gift she had ever received from the ‘god’. Therefore, it was the most tender and precious to her.

“Can I ask about its performance?”

“It fundamentally increases destructive power and accuracy. The specialty is transformation.”

When Seora tapped Hit, the sniper rifle instantly transformed into a Colt. Shin Dowon’s eyes sparkled even more.

“A transformation weapon. No wonder it’s out of the ordinary. You’ve really obtained a rare weapon.”

“A rare weapon indeed. It’s the world’s only freely transformable weapon.”

As Seora tapped Hit again, this time, it changed into the form of a shotgun revolver.

“… Wait, what? What did you say? What kind of weapon? Freely transformable…? You mean it can change into any form?”

Shin Dowon, who had been relaxed until it transformed into a Colt, was now visibly shaken. Just like when Seora first received Hit, he found himself holding the weapon with both hands.

“It’s limited to firearms.”

As Seora chuckled, Shin Dowon’s hands trembled slightly. Eventually, he gave Hit back after feeling the urge to return it. Only then was he visibly relieved.

“In the future, never entrust that to someone else, especially not in the hands of others. What if they have ill intentions? Don’t easily entrust it like that.”

‘Oh, the lectures have started.’

Being genuinely passionate about weapons, the blacksmith began an enthusiastic monologue. Seora, who had put Hit in the inventory, shrugged. “I entrusted it to you because I trust you.”

“… What?”

“You made weapons for my mom and Song Hanna, the association president, so I trust you. Besides, if you were a suspicious person, the association president wouldn’t have recommended you.” And the administrator would not have even put him on the list. Since the two people Seora trusted the most vouched for Shin Dowon, she didn’t doubt him. “Moreover, I’m confident I can track it even if you run away with it.”

Her contractor was none other than a system administrator. No matter where in the world he went, as long as he was on Earth, he couldn’t escape his sight.

【Administrator: (ง •̀_•́)ง】

“If you get caught, I won’t stop at just your third generation. I’ll go all the way to the fifth. I won’t forgive anyone who dares to touch my most precious weapon.”

Seora ended her speech with a reassuring smile, saying, “There’s nothing to worry about.” It was a very scary smile.

“… Right, I shouldn’t have been worried about an L-class who has even gone into the Labyrinth.” Shin Dowon shook his head and stood. “Let’s start by checking your body. The jacket comes next.”


Having meticulously understood Seora’s body size, strength type, and combat style, Shin Dowon moved on to examine the jacket. As he inspected the extent of the damage, he tilted his head in confusion.

“But, who exactly made this? There’s no maker’s mark.”

Uh, um. Seora worked her mind. I don’t know who the maker is. The administrator just gave it to me…

‘Administrator, who is the maker?’

【Administrator: __ϕ(。。)】

Seora let her imagination run wild. Could it be…?

‘Could it be that he made this too?’

【Administrator: (..*)】

‘Oh, he’s embarrassed.’

So, did the administrator really make this too? Unbelievable. First, the gloves, and now the Regeneration Jacket? What’s going on? Could the administrator also be an item creator?

【Administrator: ✖(。。)✖】

It wasn’t the case. So, he just knows how to create items?

【Administrator: o(。。)o】

That was the correct answer. Unbelievable. Seora wiped her face with her palm. She had just thought he bought them at an item shop, but that wasn’t the case.

‘Come to think of it, my gloves were made by the administrator, too. So, can the administrator create all items?’

【Administrator: ✖(ㅠ_ㅠ)✖】

Even though he was an administrator, it seemed he couldn’t create everything. Still, the jacket and gloves were something. Knowing that she was considered special in that regard made her feel a bit proud.

“What’s wrong? Feeling too warm?”

“Ahem. No, ahem. It’s not like that. I, uh, don’t really know the maker. My deity had it, and they gave it to me.”

“They gave you a Regeneration Jacket, on top of a freely transformable weapon.” Shin Dowon wore a bewildered expression. “This is incredible. To give away things like this.”

“I’m probably the only one getting this level of protection.”

“Even with high protection, it’s not usually to this extent.”

Shin Dowon seemed curious, but he didn’t ask anything further. Inquiring about one’s relationship with their deity was not polite.

“The damage isn’t severe, so the repair shouldn’t take long. Still, since the materials are unique, it might take a few days. Do you have a temporary armor to use until then?”



As Seora avoided eye contact, Shin Dowon looked at her pitifully. Seora was left speechless by his expression, which seemed to ask why she hadn’t prepared backup armor.

Wait, let me explain. I didn’t expect to rise to the S-class and gallivant into the Labyrinth within half a year…

“I’ll show you a few options, so if you like anything, feel free to use it temporarily.”

“Oh, for free?”

“Don’t you think digging into the pockets of a retired person is a bit too much?”

“I don’t think so.”


“Don’t worry. I think the repair costs and the price of the armor you will make will be reasonable. But since we’re mutually benefiting, isn’t it a bit much for me to pay for it? So, please agree to give the spare armor for free.”

“What kind of logic is that?”

“My logic.”

Seora, shamelessly unapologetic, confidently lifted her chin. Shin Dowon realized he shouldn’t underestimate her and clicked his tongue. It was clear that dealing with someone so shameless would be difficult. In the end, he reluctantly agreed.

However, he soon realized what a big mistake that was. The system administrator behind Seora, almost ghost-like, keenly recognized and chose the best and most expensive armor he had and took it away.

Realizing that she wasn’t simply being shameless, Shin Dowon, who had lost his cool, sprinkled a bucket of salt behind Seora as she left.


“Yun Seora-ssi.”

It was a weekday afternoon. Seora, who had just eaten lunch and was dozing off, woke up abruptly at the sound of Do Junyeong calling her.

Gasp. Yes, sir.”

Surely she hadn’t dozed off with drool on her face. Wiping her mouth, she quickly got up from her seat as he greeted her like it was a casual conversation.

“Are you feeling okay?”

It had been over three weeks since her expedition into the Labyrinth. However, Do Junyeong was still concerned about her health. Seora smiled and nodded. “It’s been over three weeks. If I still hadn’t recovered, I would have been hospitalized. Didn’t I go to work?”

“I see.” Do Junyeong, who didn’t know that his subordinate put great care about early leave and vacation more than anyone else, nodded in understanding. “The president is looking for you.”


Usually, when Song Hanna wanted to meet her personally, she would reach out separately. But for Do Junyeong to come and inform her like this… What could be going on?

“She wants to see both of us. Let’s go.”

Seora immediately headed to the association president’s office with Do Junyeong. Song Hanna, who was waiting there with a cheerful smile, got straight to the point as the two sat down, and it was rather ominous.

“The reason I called both of you is that it’s about time…”

“What time?”

“The rookie Hunters’ training season.”

Every year in January, the association, along with the top 5 guilds in the country, conducts training for newly awakened Hunters. The goal was to educate them on Awakened laws, dungeon strategies, collaborative relationships between guilds and the association, and the ecology of the Hunter world to improve their survival rate. In reality, the mortality rate of rookie Hunters had significantly decreased after the education had been implemented.

“But why are you telling me this…?”

Conducting rookie education was one of the main duties of the support office. Why were Do Junyeong and she from the management office called here?

“Well, this year, we’re entrusting it to both of you.”

“… Excuse me?”

“Do you know who the rookies are most eager to meet these days? You, Seora. More precisely, Headbang.”

“Well, I am quite impressive, so it’s natural. But that’s unrelated to handling the education task. Besides, I haven’t done this job before.”

“That’s why I called Director Do as well. He will handle the theoretical education, and you will take the lead during the practical sessions. Director Do is already known as an A-class Hunter.”

Seora turned her gaze toward Do Junyeong. This Anonymous Applicant! Do Junyeong sheepishly averted his gaze from her sharp-eyed scrutiny.

“This year, both the Clear Blue and Sunset guilds will assist during the practical sessions. You’ve done a lot with both guilds, so no need to worry.”

Worrying isn’t the problem; the problem is that I’ll be working overtime. Seora buried her face in her hands.


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