Civil Servant Hunter’s S-class Resignation Log

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

“Ah, geez. I was afraid something bad might have happened to you, but you look so relaxed. I hate you.”

Gong Haeyeon clicked her tongue and grabbed Seora’s soft cheeks and stretched it out.

“Argh! That hurts!”

“Yoon Seora, are you really okay?”

Haeyeon’s face was in front of Seora’s, who opened her eyes in her pain. Maybe because she was beautiful that it felt quite powerful.

An E-class that makes an S-class feel intimidated. What if she’s been hiding her grade too?

“Mm-hmm. There’s no problem… Thank you for your concern.”

When Seora answered in grunts in embarrassment for nothing, Haeyeon, who was watching, nodded saying Alright.

“Okay, then tell me. Why are you feeling so good!? I need to know that!”

But her attack was not over.

As she finished stretching Seora’s cheeks like glutinous rice cakes, she yelled evilly.


“It hurts. This is a world with magic, why is Gong Haeyeon so heavy with her hands?”

Seora, who had barely escaped from Haeyeon’s questionings, stood in one of the quiet hallways and rubbed her tingling cheeks. If Section Chief Jung Taesuk hadn’t called her at the right time, her cheeks would have drooped like a heated rice cake. Seora whimpered.

“It is a prejudice that the people living in a world with magic have bad physical abilities, a prejudice. You still don’t know that?”

Jung Taesuk, who was beside her, smirked. Seora’s heart grew even more bitter.

I know that well, but I didn’t know that an E-class could stretch an S-class’s cheeks like rice cakes…

“But why did you call me? Is something wrong?”

If it was a dispatch job, he would have said that right away, but Jung Taesuk called her up to the hallway where no one was present. When asked about it, Taesuk’s face was briefly flustered.

“That’s— The president told me to hear your opinion first.”

“About what?”

“Right now, Park Jinyong is at the association.”

Seora’s eyes widened at the unexpected answer.

“Park Jinyong? Director Do has beaten him to a bloody mess and he can move already?”

“I think Clear Blue Guild has used their hands.”

Seora snorted at the answer that came back.

“Ah, Healer. A-class Hunters are truly different. Even though he threw an innocent person into the dungeon, the guild gave him all treatment. Oh, how envious.”

Then is an F-class supposed to live in shame?

‘I really want the leader of Clear Blue Guild to get hit on the head with the S-class people watching.’

Seora grinded her teeth inwardly.

“No, it’s nothing like that. I think they just healed his legs a bit so he could walk. The leader told him to apologize first.”

This was also an unexpected remark.

“We were supposed to meet them together when Director Do returns. What changed?”

“Since he couldn’t wait until then to apologize, she told him to get down on his knees and apologize, and if you don’t accept it, he should just stick his head on the ground until the day you all face each other.”

“Oh, that’s another very unexpected…”

“Seora-ssi, you’ve seen what kind of person Director Do is in reality, haven’t you?”

Although known as an A-class Hunter, but Do Junyoung was actually an S-class Hunter.

It seemed that the anger of the same S-class Hunter was unbearable even for the leader of Clear Blue Guild.

“Clear Blue Guild’s leader seems very angry too. Nobody expected you to accept his apology, so it seemed like she just wanted him to stick his head in here for days. He’ll be under surveillance anyway.”

Seora was in agony for a moment. Whether or not to accept Park Jinyong’s apology was not a matter to worry about in the first place. She just wanted to watch him apologize after he got beaten…

Is he really truly repenting?

And will I show my true feelings in front of S-classes?

That’s never going to happen.

“I’ll see him, just the two of us. He’d make a forced apology if I had a strong person with me. I hate that. I’d like to hear what he means.”

A look of concern crossed Jung Taesuk’s face. The words What else do you think will happen if you guys have a solo meeting? were written on his face.

Instead of answering, Seora opened her inventory and took out a weapon that was shining.

“It’s really okay. I might be fragile, but the same things cannot be said to my item.”

“Is that…?”

Jung Taesuk’s eyes shook violently as he recognized the S-class Red Mace. Seora smiled brightly as she tapped the mace on her palm.

“The president gave it to me for self-defense. I’m curious. Is he personally strong, or is he just a strong A-class Hunter?”

Jung Taesuk raised his thumb without saying a word to the confident aspiration that implied she would not stay still this time if that guy ran wild again like that time.


Hiyaa. That’s surprisingly unexpected.’

Seora deliberately called Park Jinyong to a conference room without CCTV. That way she could see the truth of this guy without hesitation.

And as expected, Park Jinyong, who had confirmed that there was no CCTV, changed his expression as soon as Jung Taesuk left. It looked like he wanted to kill her right away.

‘Are you naive, or are you stupid? I can’t believe you fall for such an obvious trick.’

Seora clicked her tongue.

“I have something to say. We are all busy people, so I’ll keep it simple and end it as soon as possible.”

“What do you want to say? You really don’t think I’ll kneel down to you, do you?”

“Of course I do, is that weird?”

When Seora tilted her head, Park Jinyong jumped up. Unable to overcome the strength, the chair fell backward and caused a loud noise. As if threatening Seora, his thick muscles twitched wildly.

But, so what?

“Well, are you going to threaten me? Oh, do it, do it. I wonder what you are going to do.”

Seora looked at Park Jinyoung, who seemed like he wanted to rush at her at any moment, and frankly stroked the mace that was placed on the table.

“I wonder what the S-class weapon that the president gave me feels like.”

It was hard enough not to salivate because she couldn’t taste it, but Seora managed to keep her composure and held the mace in her arms as if holding a baby. Park Jinyong’s face turned blue in an instant.

“S-class? That’s an S-class weapon?”

“You are an A-class Hunter, but you don’t recognize an S-class weapon? This kind of things have also circulated on the Interner a lot… When you become a leader of a large guild’s raid, you should know these things in advance.”

It wasn’t a sarcastic remark. It was a voice that came out of genuine pity.

An A-class Hunter who didn’t know what C-class Jung Taesuk noticed as soon as he saw it. Oh my gosh. I could really tell what kind of person Park Jinyong is.

“Then take this opportunity to take a good look at it.. After all, it’s all thanks to you that I got this, so I’ll give you a look.”

Even she thought it was silly.

I’m sure my bright smile and all the sarcastic and condescending words were annoying him.

[Administrator: (* ´ ∀`)b°]

Look at that. Our administrator compliments us for doing a good job. Seora was so proud of herself that she shrugged her shoulders.

“Ohoo. Just looking at it makes my heart feel full. Thanks to you, I got an S-class weapon. I won’t be able to do this without you, that’s why I’m very grateful.”

You don’t have this in your inventory, do you?

He couldn’t kill Do Junyoung after being beaten so heavily. His guild leader was furious. And even the F-class, whom he looked down upon, bragged about having an S-class weapon thanks to him.

Park Jinyong’s face turned red as if it was about to explode.

Oh, this is kind of refreshing.

“Try it again. I don’t think you know this, but self-defense is recognized even for civil servants, so I have nothing to fear from you anymore.”


“Of course, if that happens one more time, then you will really die.”

Seora, who was stroking the mace playfully, turned to Park Jinyong. Unlike her youthful face, her black eyes that contained Park Jinyong were frozen cold.

“Apologize, won’t you?”

It was just that.

Her eyes didn’t smile.

But now, Park Jinyong couldn’t figure out why he was feeling pressured.

She’s only an F-class. She’s nothing. She’s the one who dared to humiliate him…

Park Jin-yong became so stiff that he was surprised for a moment.

“I-I won’t do it! Shit! Why would I do that?!”

Suddenly realizing that, he shouted.

“In the first place, this happened because you made fun of me! What did i do wrong!? It wasn’t my fault that the gate was closed! It’s you, not me, who should kneel!”

As if he was displeased that he was dazed for a moment, his face as he pointed at Seora was severely distorted.

In that pitiful travesty, Seora snorted.

“You didn’t do anything wrong? It’s my fault? It seems that you don’t regret throwing people into a dungeon at all.”

She had already expected that he would not apologize, but she never expected that he would come out so proudly. It was a waste of time to say more.

“Then, today’s meeting should end here. I’ll see you again later with Clear Blue Guild’s leader.”

She waved her hands as she issued the order. As if confirming that she was an employer and he was the employee.

His face grew even redder, but there was nothing he could do about it. If even the table is broken, it will come to the ears of Clear Blue Guild’s leader.

“The association won’t be able to support you forever.”

In the end, all that was left were cheap threats.

When Park Jinyong’s gaze turned to the mace for a moment, Seora almost burst out laughing. It seems like he wants to come quietly to me, hit the back of my head, and take away this precious weapon…

‘You must do it. That’s the moment I have been waiting for.’

Seora, who twisted her lips openly, flicked her fingers lightly at Park Jinyong.


In the end, Park Jinyong shut the door so violently that the whole building shook and left.

“How ignorant. What the hell did the leader of Clear Blue Guild see in that guy to make him the leader of a raid? How suspicious.”

[Administrator: (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))))]

Then the administrator’s emoticon appeared popped up. It looked quite excited, enough to laugh.

“Administrator-nim, aren’t you enjoying this too much?”

Seora looked at her finger. This neatly outstretched finger can now be called a weapon without holding a weapon.

Then the question was.

“Park Jinyong, when will that dull man find out about the scar on his face?”

At the last moment, I had lightly blasted magic toward Park Jinyong.

I’m curious to see how different my skills have become.


Park Jinyong, who had left the association, headed to Clear Blue Guild headquarters.

The surveillance of civil servants belonging to the association was annoying, but he could not defeat those ordered by the association’s president herself.

They’re making such a fuss just for touching a piece of trash!

Park Jinyong glared fiercely at the civil servants. He had no intention of letting them hanging around, so he was just going to go back to his dorm and stay calm.

But he encountered an unexpected situation. Han Suwon’s secretary, who had been waiting, took him straight to the guild leader’s office.

Park Jinyong broke out in a cold sweat. He was more afraid of the expressionless face of Han Suwon sitting at his desk than the officials who were making sure he would not escape.

“Did you apologize properly?”

Park Jinyong’s, who clasped his hands at the cold voice, shoulders trembled.


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