Children of the Holy Emperor

Chapter 174

Chapter 174

Surprisingly, it was Claudia who defended the dejected Lorang.

“Cheer up, Lorang. Why is that depraved? If love is the theme, I think you’re on the right track.”

Lorang perked up his ears and raised his head.

“…You think so?”

“Of course. The image Lorang pursues may be the ultimate form in which the love between a man and a woman can remain most beautiful, don’t you think?”

A moment of silence fell among the group gathered around the bonfire.

“…A fleeting, burning love? And spending a lifetime reminiscing about each other after parting?”

“That’s why it can remain beautiful, at least. The longer a romance lasts, the more you only confirm each other’s petty and dirty sides, right? Even if that becomes a song, who would want to listen to it?”

…Is that so?

Surprisingly persuaded, each person began to recall their own experiences.

“Come on, Sir Valery. As one of the most notorious playboys in the Order of St. Marcias, why don’t you share a word?”

Then the flirtatious inquisitor gave a weak smile.

“A playboy, that’s not true. I was always faithful to my lovers.”

“But your lovers change so frequently!”

“It was a difference in personality.”

Having answered like that, Sir Valery rested his chin on his hand with a somewhat serious expression.

“Hmm. Now that I think about it, you’re definitely right. The excitement is only momentary. Often, not knowing why she’s getting angry, we gradually grow distant and part ways utterly disappointed in each other. That process isn’t something you could call beautiful.”

Nodding in agreement, Claudia turned to the side and asked.

“Dame Maria. You were once famous as the long-term couple of the 1st Knight Order, right? How did it end?”

Suddenly called upon, Dame Maria was briefly flustered before answering.

“Huh? Umm. We dated for so long, but the reason for the breakup was trivial in the end. As soon as I became a senior knight, he suddenly asked to break up.”

Then, as if recalling the feeling at that time, she suddenly contorted her face.

“…That jerk!”

“You see, Lorang?”

Claudia spoke assertively to the wide-eyed youth.

“Real love is far from beautiful. So if you’re creating something with the theme of love between a man and a woman, there are only two paths. Either fantasy or a train wreck!”

“…Fantasy…train wreck?”

To Lorang, who was gaping and staring at her blankly, Claudia flashed a broad smile and launched a pointed remark.

“Lorang. Honestly, you’ve never had a proper relationship, right?”


“See? Someone like this should be the one making songs for beautiful love songs to emerge. They still have their fantasies about love intact, don’t they?”

Lorang now seemed almost in a state of shock.

Claudia, stop! That guy looks like he’s about to cry!


Seongjin’s party, having set out in the morning, arrived in Regina before the sun had even reached its zenith.

“…It’s huge!”

After a simple procedure, Seongjin passed through the gate and let out an honest exclamation at the grand sight that unfolded before his eyes.DiiScôver 𝒏𝒆w stori𝒆s on no/𝒗/e()/lbin(.)c/o/m

Competitively built tall buildings and colorfully painted signboards of various sizes.

Vast radial roads stretching out from the logistics relay station and the countless cargo carriages incessantly coming and going between them.

It had a bustling metropolitan feel, different from the well-organized imperial capital.

“It’s no coincidence that Regina has a large logistics relay station. It’s a plain that’s easy to pave roads on, and above all, it borders a large river to the north.”

Listening to Sir Masain’s explanation, Seongjin gazed out the window.

“You mean the Breeze River?”

“Yes, Your Highness. Most of the goods heading to Eastern Ortona and Kipros pass through the logistics relay station and travel along the Breeze River. They say the shipping costs are greatly reduced due to the fast current.”

“I see. Next time we have business that way, it might be nice to travel by boat…”

Casually saying that, Seongjin suddenly trailed off at a sense of incongruity.

Next time?

“…Your Highness?”

“Oh, it’s nothing.”

Responding to Masain, who called out quizzically, Seongjin awkwardly scratched his cheek.

Thinking so naturally about the next trip, geez. I think I’ve grown too accustomed to living as Morres these days. Sometimes I even forget the fact that I’m possessing him.

‘As if I know how long I’ll be in Morres’ body…’

[Hmm, Lee Seongjin?]


[…No. Never mind.]

Why is this guy being so cryptic again?

Meanwhile, the carriage slowly headed towards the inn.

Although small in scale, it was a journey escorting none other than the imperial prince. Through Herman’s arrangements, a knight had ridden ahead to Regina a day earlier to reserve a luxurious inn.

And upon arriving at the inn, the minstrel Lorang approached Seongjin’s carriage, prostrated himself, and spoke.

“Thank you again, Your Highness. You saved my life yesterday.”

“Are you leaving now?”

“Yes. Thanks to you, I’ve safely arrived at my destination, Regina. I will never forget this kindness.”

Seongjin silently surveyed the surroundings.

The inn was renowned for its excellent facilities, and besides Seongjin’s party, a couple of large merchant groups they had traveled with yesterday were also seen entering the entrance. And there were quite a few mercenaries fiercely glaring at Lorang.

Will this guy be okay like this?

Amidst that, Lorang, oblivious to the atmosphere, was chattering away with a bright face.

“I’ve also gained a great topic to ponder over. I realized that the ideal image I aimed for may not actually be perfect.”

“So you won’t be making love songs anymore?”

“I’m going to take my time and contemplate that. Whether I should refine my ideal to be more perfect or completely change my repertoire. Perhaps, as the other knights said, if I stay in this city for a while, my inspiration may be fully revived. This place is overflowing with depraved love, after all.”

Then Lorang grinned with a purple bruise on his brow.

“Who knows? Maybe someday I’ll create a fantastic love song with Your Highness as the protagonist.”


Seongjin silently looked down at Lorang for a moment.

Why? He had a feeling that this guy would never create such a thing in the future.

“Will you be all right? The mercenaries who tried to harm you yesterday seem to be mostly staying in Regina for a day with the merchant groups.”

At that, Lorang’s face stiffened with the corners of his mouth turned up.

Although he had been drunk, the experience of being lynched by a mob had undoubtedly left a strong trauma on him as well.

After observing that expression for a moment, Seongjin added.

“Why not head north this time? We’re currently on our way to the Siegmund Pass. If you want, we can take you there quite safely.”

“The Siegmund Pass?”

It was clearly an overgenerous offer, but Lorang wasn’t particularly inclined.

That place was covered in snow all year round. A land of severe cold where even budding love would freeze over.

“Yeah. The Siegmund Pass is isolated, so the people there will greatly welcome a minstrel’s arrival.”

“But will I gain inspiration for love there?”

“Well. I’m not sure about love, but if you see the Wolf Knights in action at the demon realm border, you might at least be inspired to write a heroic epic. Who knows? You might later make a name for yourself with a famous work like [Orlando’s Epic].”

Hearing the unexpected words, Lorang blinked in surprise.

“A heroic epic?”

“Yeah. Or you could learn a bit more about that ‘train wreck’ from Claudia. I think it might be quite interesting if a train wreck is added to love.”

Although he was saying it to persuade Lorang, Seongjin was somewhat serious.

Whatever it may be, wouldn’t it at least be better than the current outdated love stories?

“A heroic epic with a train wreck… Hmm…”

Deep in thought, Lorang turned his head and took in the sight of Claudia engaged in conversation with Sharon in the distance. Without realizing it, the corners of his mouth had already curved into a smile.

“Yes. That might work. I’m not yet convinced about the train wreck, but I just had a pretty good inspiration about the freckled lady.”


For a fleeting moment, Seongjin felt the subtle tug of gravity flowing through his arm.

It was brief, but Seongjin recognized that familiar sensation.

It was the sensation of [Causality] at work.


“We plan to stay in Regina for today without any schedule.”

After hastily unpacking at the inn, Herman told Seongjin’s party.

Considering the distance to the next destination, even if they hurried, they would likely end up camping at an awkward location again.

Of course, the real purpose would be to track Milo’s merchant group.

Merchant groups usually stay in Regina for a day, handling various complex matters at the logistics relay station, from confirming order quantities to customs clearance.

“We’re going to stop by the logistics relay station for now. We intend to monitor Giacomo, the head of Milo’s merchant group.”

As Orden added with a serious face, Seongjin clicked his tongue inwardly.

This simple-minded guy. If knights, not merchants, blatantly follow them all the way to the logistics relay station, wouldn’t the other side be on high alert? Huh?

Just as Seongjin was about to say that, he changed his mind at a sudden thought.

Wait. If they openly draw attention, wouldn’t Dasha and I be able to move around more easily?

“Got it. Then I’ll hear a detailed report on the results tomorrow.”

They’ll come back empty-handed anyway.

After seeing off Oden’s group, Seongjin holed up in his room. To attempt contact with Dasha, he would have to wait for nightfall.

Of course, he had planned to quietly meditate at the inn during the remaining time. But the entire party dissuaded him in alarm.

“Are you serious, Your Highness? Regina is a city with many sights to see!”

“Don’t tell me you’re going to do indoor training in such a famous city!”

“Your Highness! There’s an incredibly famous restaurant in Regina! You absolutely must visit it!”

Hmm. Indeed, if he, the one being guarded, stayed cooped up in the inn, the knights would also be tied down here.

Above all, the Demon King, who had enjoyed breakfast with Seongjin, was excitedly singing in an annoying manner.

[I want to eat something delicious! Something delicious! I really, really want to go to that famous restaurant!]


All right. I’ll endure it just for today.

If it’s like this tomorrow too, I’ll seriously exorcise you!

And so, Seongjin ventured out into the streets with his companions. Excluding the two channelers who found crowded places mentally taxing.

Since the inn was located in the heart of the bustling district, the group decided to walk and sightsee along the way. Although it was a similar commercial area, the atmosphere was quite different from Bertrand Street or Deste Street in the imperial capital.

The various restaurants and unique shops lining the streets made it feel like they were on a foreign trip.

Especially Kalmen, who was leaving the imperial capital for the first time, had his eyes wide open and was constantly turning his head. It was embarrassing to take him along.

‘Come to think of it, I did say I’d buy souvenirs for my father…’

Eyeing a small antique shop, Seongjin thought. There’s plenty of time, so should I buy something for my sister, Logan, and the kids too?

[You do realize it’s only a day’s distance from here to the imperial capital, right? What souvenirs are you buying in a place like this?]

‘Then I can just buy them somewhere else. What’s the problem?’

The more souvenirs, the better, isn’t it?

As he was having that trivial conversation with the Demon King in his mind, Sir Masain suddenly pointed at something and spoke.

“Your Highness. That is the logistics relay station building.”


The logistics relay station.

It was a massive rectangular structure that would be more appropriately described as a construct rather than a building.

Although it had quite a few floors, it was so expansive that the height wasn’t easily noticeable.

The first floor was densely filled with tall pillars instead of walls, and countless carriages were passing through the gaps.

All those paths led directly into the building, a structure based on sheer practicality. And wide radial roads extending from there connected to the entire city.

It indeed had an appearance befitting the center of distribution where all goods heading to the north and east converged.

[Lee Seongjin.]

Dazed and overwhelmed by the scale beyond his imagination, the Demon King suddenly whispered to Seongjin in a tense voice.

[Be careful. It’s faint, but I sense demonic energy coming from inside.]


He quickly looked back, but the inquisitor Valery showed no signs of noticing. He was too preoccupied with sightseeing, grinning from ear to ear.

[It’s probably too faint for humans to detect. Only high priests or your siblings might be able to sense it.]

The Demon King explained.

Whether a devil worshipper or a devil contractor, it’s difficult for humans themselves to emit demonic energy unless they directly summon a demon to this place.

The fact that such demonic energy was directly felt meant only one thing.

[I’m certain, Lee Seongjin. A demon is hiding inside that building.]


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