Children of the Holy Emperor

Chapter 166

Chapter 166

After the Holy Emperor made his appearance, the main banquet of the birthday celebration came to a smooth close.

Word had it that, for some unfathomable reason, His Majesty had bestowed blessings with far more leisure and care than the previous year.

By the time the banquet dispersed, the tempest had completely subsided, so the dignitaries left immensely satisfied without sensing anything out of the ordinary.

Seongjin, who had returned to Pearl Palace slightly later than planned due to tending to Logan, instructed Dasha, who had come for an investigative report.

“Let’s wrap up the investigation on the merchant guild at this point.”

The Milo Trading Guild wasn’t very large in scale, so the basic accounting data and personal information of key personnel had already been investigated.

As expected, nothing significant was flagged in the basic investigation. Even if they had ties to the Dark Cult, they wouldn’t be foolish enough to leave evidence of it.

In that case, it would indeed be better to conduct an on-site investigation in the Siegmund Territory.

If they could catch any decisive evidence there, they could return to the Imperial Capital, report to the Heresy Tribunal, and commence a seizure and search. If they shake them down thoroughly like that, something was bound to turn up.

“Then will you be heading to the North now, Your Highness?”

“Yeah. I’m going to accompany the Grand Duke on his way back.”

“I will discreetly escort you.”

That would be a great help. While briefly considering it, Seongjin soon shook his head.

He had heard that the Siegmund Territory was cold and remote. Wasn’t it too harsh an environment for an intelligence agent to wander alone?

Moreover, the entourage included seasoned Aura users like Sir Masain and Commander Bruno. If she tried to make contact while evading them, she might experience her nerves fraying in real-time, though he couldn’t say for sure.

“Dasha is too valuable a resource to be overworked like that.”

How long do you think I’ll be there for you to pull all-nighters on stakeouts? The workload is excessive, and the efficiency is too low.

At those words, Dasha’s expression turned into a complex and subtle mixture of joy and perplexity.

“But that is the nature of an intelligence agent’s work.”

“Rather, there are things I need Dasha to investigate further in the Imperial Capital.”

Seongjin planned to have her focus on investigating the Republican organizations operating covertly in the Imperial Capital from now on.

Thinking of Logan, who had remained dejected until the end, he felt the need to do something quickly.

If he picked a decent organization and had Logan directly sponsor it, wouldn’t that groundless sense of debt gradually fade?

And if they could at least implant the perception of him being a supporter or collaborator rather than an enemy prince to the Ortona people, that would be the icing on the cake.

Preferably, it would be good to go with that [Blue Republican Revolutionary Front] that Morres had been supporting for a long time. Since there was already a sponsorship history, there likely wouldn’t be much issue even if another prince was hastily added.

[What if they don’t accept?]

In response to the Demon King’s question, Seongjin answered matter-of-factly.

‘Then I’ll have to completely cut off their funds.’

It’s not just about cutting off my sponsorship. I’ll investigate all their funding sources, seize them, and threaten them! Even then, would they dare not obey me and turn their backs? Heh heh heh.

At Seongjin’s evil laughter, the Demon King shuddered.

[Are you even thinking of helping the 2nd Prince rebuild the country? How can you crush the hopes of those trying to revive the nation in such a way?]

What are you saying, you unnecessarily immersed Demon King?

An organization that ignores or opposes Logan couldn’t possibly have such pure intentions, right?

[…This eight-armed bastard’s illness is truly incurable.]

What’s your problem now?

Anyway, there were quite a few other organizations that came to mind. Although he had only recently learned of it, there was surprisingly a lot of subversive activity by treasonous organizations within the Empire.

There’s no way the Holy Emperor wouldn’t know about it, so why is that gentleman letting them be?

“The policy is to not crack down too harshly on organizations quietly operating underground.”

“Oh, is that so?”

It was truly amazing that the Empire was running so stably even with such subversive organizations running rampant under the surface.

And another thing he learned was that, surprisingly, the organizations Morres had been sponsoring were quite substantial compared to others.

Take the [Blue Republican Revolutionary Front], for example. Not only Ortona refugees but also young thinkers and writers had joined in droves, continuing their vibrant activities.

Especially among them, the achievements of the writers could be said to be unparalleled.

The young blood of Ortona, having experienced the vitality of the republic even if briefly, sublimated their passion and ideals into literature without reserve.

And the literary works born from their diligent writing activities had recently become a topic of discussion even in mainstream social gatherings.

As a result, somewhere along the way, Ortona had become an image of a fantastical or ideal country among the Imperial Capital’s youth.

‘And Adelheid’s Plague Society is also relatively decent among plague societies……”

In that case, it raises expectations for the remaining Golden Truth Society as well.

As Seongjin was lost in thought, Dasha observed him and cautiously spoke up.

“Your Highness, regarding the investigation of the Republican organizations, if it pleases you, how about entrusting it to my fellow intelligence agent?”



Seongjin blinked. This person wouldn’t easily suggest delegating her work to others unless there was a good reason.

“He is a reliable and skilled colleague. Moreover, I understand he has been investigating these organizations for quite some time. I received his assistance for the results of this investigation as well.”

“Is that so? Who is he?”

“As he is an exclusive intelligence agent for another Imperial Prince, I cannot disclose his identity, but……”

Something clicks.

“He’s Logan’s intelligence agent, isn’t he?”

“…Yes, that’s correct.”

Dasha’s eyes widened in surprise, and she soon nodded.

Right. Logan must have been separately investigating them as well. Why wouldn’t he?

‘Indeed, it would be more efficient to entrust it to them entirely.’

Seongjin was convinced.

However, the Dasha he knew would gather more data rather than suggest completely delegating it.

“…Dasha has something else she wants to do?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

And she looked straight at Seongjin and said.

“Please allow me to accompany Your Highness to the Siegmund Territory.”

“It will be quite hard for you, Dasha.”

“Forgive my presumptuousness, but that is the duty of an exclusive intelligence agent. There are also Monkey Watchtower agents in the Siegmund Territory, so I can receive assistance from them.”


“I implore you. Please permit me to fulfill my role.”

Seongjin gazed at the back of Dasha’s head as she bowed respectfully.

She could have compromised appropriately.

-Back then, I shouldn’t have burdened my friends and comrades with everything and closed my eyes so easily.

Well, there are people with a disposition that can’t bear it unless they hold themselves to strict standards in everything.

“Alright. If that’s the case, I don’t mind. It would make things much easier if Dasha helps out, right?”

Seongjin nodded.

At those words, Dasha smiled with relief.

Little did she know that the prince intended to search the Count’s family rather than investigate the Siegmund Territory.


The plans of Greed and Sowing were miserably thwarted.

It was a decisive blow targeting the weakness of the birthday banquet, but unexpectedly, the Holy Emperor showed a leisurely response against the two high-ranking Demon Lords even with lacking causality.

On top of that, with the sudden intrusion of an unexpected variable through the gap, the hundreds and thousands of near-death bombs that the two’s near-death avatars were hit with were utterly torn apart without a trace.

The two Demon Kings barely escaped the gap and returned to their contractors’ bodies. However, Sowing was still paying a hefty price for underestimating the situation.


Black smoke rises from the young man’s arm. The persistent flames that had clung to Sowing in the gap had followed him here and were now burning his contractor.

“Tsk. Can’t you even handle a single near-death attack? How pathetic.”

When Greed criticized, Sowing frowned and appealed his grievance.

“No, this is really strange! It won’t go out!”

True to his words, Sowing had tried all night to suppress the flames with his authority.

But for some reason, the red flames that refused to be extinguished had completely devoured his contractor’s right arm and were now slowly spreading beyond his shoulder.

The pain of slowly burning was one thing, but just what was the identity of these flames that even the authority of a high-ranking Demon King couldn’t suppress?

‘Could it be that I’ll be reverse summoned like this?’

Sowing broke out in a cold sweat.

If he couldn’t find another contractor right away, it was evident that Sowing would be helplessly reverse summoned from Delcros. Then, it was clear that he wouldn’t be able to return to this world until the cult performed a new ritual.

Right then.

“What brings you to the contact point at this hour? Lord of Greed. And who might this person be…?”

Someone approached them and asked. It was Romaine, the man wearing a half-mask.

Although both Demon Kigns were emitting an ominous black demonic energy from their entire bodies, he came close without minding and asked.

“What problem does this person have?”

Sowing glared at him fiercely.

Behind Romaine followed an old man in priestly attire, and the energy emanating from him clearly belonged to Sowing’s brethren who had received his baptism.

“What have you done to a member of my cult? You wretched puppet bastard.”

The old man’s eyes had already lost their reason, turning hazy. Romain glanced back at him and shrugged.

“I merely eased his mind a little since he was so frightened. Looking at it now, it seems I did the right thing. Considering what’s to come, wouldn’t it be cruel to demand he remain sane?”


“Don’t you happen to need him as well? There doesn’t seem to be any other way.”

Romaine added, his gaze fixed on Sowing’s shoulder, which was burning and emitting black smoke.

“I will gladly yield my [puppet] for the sake of the great lord.”

Sowing’s eyes widened. How dare he say he would yield a human belonging to him!

Reflecting his discomfort, the demonic energy rising from his body also intensifies. However, even facing that overbearing gaze, Romain didn’t flinch.

After glaring at him for a moment, Sowing eventually sighed and grumbled.

“Argh. I prefer a fresh and young body… Grafting is supposed to be done with a young tree!”

Anyway, as Romaine said, he had no other choice now.


The moment Sowing transferred to the old priest, the previous contractor’s body was engulfed in dark red flames. It was because the authority suppressing the flames had completely disappeared.

Shortly after, Sowing’s former contractor collapsed to the ground, reduced to a handful of ashes.

Greed, who had been silently watching the scene, finally lifted its expressionless gaze to meet Romaine’s.

“Your timing was opportune, Romaine. You must have something you desire from us in return for this, correct?”

Then, the lips beneath the half-mask curve into a long arc.

“Yes. I have come to hear about the [Prepared One], Lord of Greed. Directly from you, the great lords who have prepared him.”


The morning of the last birthday banquet.

Seongjin was at the training ground of the Order of Saint Marcias with Logan. It was because Sisle had been summoned by the Commander.

Sisle’s initiation ceremony was scheduled to take place immediately after the end of the birthday banquet. It was under the pretext of a rehearsal, but what kind of rehearsal would they do with a clueless child at the training ground?

‘It’s obvious.’

From the knights lined up exuding an imposing aura to the squires swinging flails with exaggerated movements while shouting savagely.

Apparently, they all had the obvious intention of deflating the saint’s spirit in advance. After all, a mere 12-year-old kid was going to become their superior.

Of course, Sisle, who hadn’t noticed that hostile atmosphere, received the flail handed to her by a knight and had an excited expression.

As Seongjin watched an inquisitor boastfully explaining to Sisle how to swing a flail, he spoke up.



“You agreed to help with the demon beast squad’s work while you’re in the Imperial Capital, right?”

“I did.”

As if yesterday’s agitation had been a lie, Logan looked as upright as ever. Glancing at him, Seongjin suggested.

“Then do you want to come along to investigate the Siegmund Territory? Get some fresh air and all that.”

If left alone, who knows how deep this guy would dig? He might strike oil.

But hearing that suggestion, Logan stared blankly at Seongjin and suddenly burst into laughter.

“That’s impossible, Lee Seongjin. When the subjugation unit visited near the Siegmund Territory, the margrave was uncomfortable with even me staying briefly within the territory. If I get involved, the demon beast squad will probably be driven out of the territory right away.”

If they were so wary of Logan, who was renowned for his strong divine power, it truly meant there were many shady dealings within the territory.

As Seongjin fell silent, Logan turned his eyes to Sisle and continued.

“I feel ashamed for causing worry. Yesterday, I showed an inadequate side of myself as the elder.”

“Who’s the elder, dude?”

“I’m ten years older than you. I was in my seventies.”

Seongjin gaped.

There’s no one who doesn’t know when General Gale died, yet this bastard is still insisting on that?

Ignoring Seongjin’s dumbfounded gaze, Logan went on.

“And as you can see, it seems Sisle needs more professional help. I’ll stay here and teach her. At this rate, she might end up killing someone soon.”


It was as Logan said.

Clang! Crunch!

Beyond the flatly crumpled plate armor, the pale faces of the Order of Saint Marcias members could be seen.

The little saint smiled transparently at them while adjusting the flail with menacing spikes.

“Aiming at armored dummies instead of people somehow puts my mind at ease. If I hit like this, they won’t die, right?”

No, they will die! They will absolutely die!

Hearing the inquisitors’ internal screams of anguish, Seongjin grinned.

The rehearsal is perfect.

Now, let’s see if you can properly handle a martial arts prodigy who never gets tired no matter what she does.


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