Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 18: A Messed Up Situation

Chapter 18: A Messed Up Situation

Laz was in love. This feeling of the wind hitting him while riding down the road. There was little traffic and with the small mirrors on the handle bars, he could keep an eye out behind. He would always move over when a care came, but otherwise he was able to soar down the road.

He noticed the bike could do over 70 mph based on the speedometer, but he kept it somewhat lower than that. He never really realized how much more you could feel the road and the wind when on a bike as opposed to a car. Although it was liberating, for his first time he took it somewhat slow.

The other thing he noticed was that when he got used to the ride, although he would stay alert, his mind would sometimes start thinking back to the last few days. The conversations with his grandpa and Grandpa Bill were the things that came up the most. Times to come, changes that were happening, even about things like Tony and his grandpa's 'business' deal.

He knew that his grandpa was probably doing it for his sake but Laz had always been someone who would walk on the side of the law, so he still had questions in his heart.

As he rode, he would constantly be scanning the surroundings with his vision and focusing his hearing. Although the sound of the bike was loud, he found that with practice, he could narrow down what he heard and block out what he didn't want to.

He realized that practice makes perfect, even with something as strange as this.

He found himself pulling into the parking lot of the apartment shortly before 3pm. Driving in the car would have made for a quicker ride and he could have gone faster, but it felt like he would connect more when he rode slower and used his enhanced senses.

It was a type of training he made up for himself. Losing focus on a bike was far more dangerous than in a car. So to keep his concentration while also observing and listening ended up causing him to expand a lot more brain power. The reward seemed to be worth it though. By the time he parked the bike and shut off the ignition, he was able to have one part of his mind focus on that while the other part was scanning the surroundings with his hearing.

He started to wondering if this was kind of like echolocation. He could practically build a 3D image in his mind based solely on the sounds he heard.

Pulling the key out, he looked at them somewhat absentmindedly. Two keys, one for his bike, one for his apartment. It felt strange. He was only 14 and yet he already had his own place and his own ride. He didn't know for sure. but he felt like there probably wouldn't be a lot of 14 year olds who could compare with him on this.

Since he had parked on the far side of the lot, away from the entrance, he had to walk along the walkway for the lower apartments. As he was passing by Joey's apartment, he was still using his hearing and building the 3D image. It was like everything was blank outside of the circle radius until he got within range. If you could imagine exploring and mapping terrain inside of a game, it would be somewhat similar.

He paused for a moment as his mental image came into focus. He could practically see the inside of Joey's apartment and what he noticed disgusted him. The place was a mess with trash everywhere, practically piled up with flies buzzing around. The area around his computer was the only open area in the place. Focusing more, he could tell Joey was in his bedroom.

He also noticed he wasn't alone.

If something didn't make a noise and wasn't close, it wouldn't come into Laz's mental image but luckily, he had his eyes as well.

He focused his heat sensing vision at Joey's place and was able to tell a few things.

The first thing he noticed was that it was much warmer inside than it was outside.

The second thing he noticed was there was a large, roundish heat signature that must have been Joey, standing in his bed room and moving around like crazy.

The final thing he noticed was there was another heat signature that was many times smaller than Joey that seemed to be in a horizontal position in the bed room as well.

'What the?' Laz found this to be somewhat odd. He didn't think this guy would have friends, much less a girlfriend.

Laz slowed his breathing and stopped walking, slowing expanding out his hearing sense while closing his eyes.

"Please... please... stop.... let me go. I won't tell anyone, I swear. Please....".

"Oh ho, sorry my little baby. Your not going anywhere till daddy here is finished with you. Even after 3 days, you're still not begging me by calling me daddy, huh? I knew you were a feisty one when I grabbed you, but this has just been.... oh so good."

"I don't want to die... I've been good... so.. please daddy... let me go..."

"Finally, HA HA HA, FINALLY," Joey's breathing was labored at this point, like he had become overly excited and his body couldn't handle it. He started taking a few deep breaths to calm himself.

"Well now, daddy seems to be a little happy, but you're asking to go still. I haven't trained you enough it seems. Well, there is still time. There is plenty of time."

"No.... no, no more, not that."

The girl's weak voice cut out and Laz could vaguely make out that she had been gagged with something due to the muffledness of her voice.

Smack Smack Smack

There were two layers of a smacking noise coming from the apartment now. One sounded sharp and intense and was usually accompanied by painful groans. The other smacking sounded like two wet sponges being slammed together repeatedly.

Laz may have been a virgin, but he'd watched enough porn to know what that sound was.

'The mother fucker is raping someone in his apartment?' Laz asked himself. From what he knew, Joey was an asshole in the worst kind of ways, but this was a new low. And if that wasn't the worst of it, it also sounded like he was beating the shit out of her at the same time.

Laz's first thought was to just walk away like he had heard nothing. His years of being air towards the world was the first instinct that came to mind, but it wasn't the first instinct he acted on.

Running back to his apartment, Laz grabbed his cell phone and started dialing 911, but he stopped before he dialed the last 1. His mind had been going at hyper speed since the ride which meant he would act first and think later, but it suddenly stopped when the thought of what would happen when the police got here.

They would want to knock on all the doors and question everyone. His grandpa might be in a bad state today which might get the state involved.

And then there was Tony whose apartment was probably like a small drug den. Even if nothing happened to Tony, once the police were there, things would get really complicated.

Laz didn't know what the situation with the girl was either. Were people looking for her? Was Joey noticed at all when he pulled this? Was he going to kill her and do this again?

'Well, what the hell am I suppose to do now?' Laz thought to himself, clearly out of answers.


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