Childhood Friend of the Zenith

Chapter 218: Omen (5)

Chapter 218: Omen (5)

༺ Omen (5) ༻

‘How long has it been, I wonder?’ 

I hadn’t seen Gu Jeolyub ever since I had killed the First Elder. I didn’t bother searching for him, believing it would be best for me to not see him again. 

‘It’s not like I could’ve done anything to help him.’ 

Should I have apologized? 

I couldn’t bring myself to do so. It wasn’t an impulsive act, and if I was going to have regrets, I would’ve never killed him in the first place.

I was quite surprised to see Gu Jeolyub. His face had grown much thinner, he seemed to be going through a very hard time. 

  ‘But I didn’t expect him to visit me.’

Well, I needed to talk to him about some matters related to Gu Sunmoon anyway.

After the end of the Elder’s Meeting, I had been thinking of visiting him soon, so it was unexpected for Gu Jeolyub to visit me instead.


Step by step, he slowly approached me. 


I didn’t know what Gu Jeolyub would do to me in his current state, yet I didn’t react and simply observed him.

Wi Seol-Ah tried to step in front of me, as if trying to protect me, but I quickly grabbed her shoulder, signaling her not to do so.

“Young Master.” 


After a moment that seemed to stretch on for far longer than usual, Gu Jeolyub finally arrived in front of me. 

“…I would like to ask you something.” 

His request piqued my curiosity. It seemed he had no intention of attacking me—not that I would allow it anyway—Instead, he instead wanted to ask me something. 


I granted him permission, waiting patiently for him to start speaking. After a while, Gu Jeolyub finally spoke.

“…Why did you do it?” 

  His lips shook as he uttered those words. 


His words weren’t filled with resentment, nor was it filled with anger or curses. He simply wanted a reason. 

‘I heard that he didn’t leave his room for a while.’ 

I had heard about his whereabouts from time to time. Since the First Elder’s funeral, he had secluded himself in his room.

“Why did I do it?” 


“Haven’t you already heard? The reason behind my actions?” 

“Yes, I have.” 

He must have already heard about it from the Second Elder, Muyeon, or other members of the clan. It wasn’t a small incident, so I was sure it was often discussed in the clan. 

“Then why do you ask? You already know.” 

“I felt the need to hear it directly from you.” 

It was strange. 

Gu Jeolyub’s gaze remained fixed on me, his emotions boiling beneath the surface. But even in his agitated situation, he only asked me for a reason. 

Of course, he likely chose this option because he knew that he couldn’t harm me. 

‘But he’s choosing not to run away.’

Though I don’t know if it could even be called ‘running away.’ Whichever it was, Gu Jeolyub had come to face me directly. With that realization, I responded to him. 

“Your grandfather crossed a line that I couldn’t ignore.” 

My voice sounded colder than I had expected.

“He not only targeted me, but also those around me. Moreover, he was becoming poisonous for the clan.” 

Without pausing, I spoke calmly, my words harsher than my tone. It wasn’t the time to be considerate with my choice of words.

“I took matters into my own hands because I couldn’t let him continue unchecked.”


“If you were expecting a different answer from me, I apologize, but there isn’t one.”

I didn’t know what Gu Jeolyub wanted from me by seeking me out, but this was all I could offer him.

He stared at me silently.

“I wasn’t hoping for any response.”


“I only asked because I don’t know.”

“You don’t know? What?”

I frowned slightly, puzzled by his cryptic words. What was it that he didn’t know?

“What I should do from now on… I don’t know the answer to it.” 

“So you came to me for an answer?” 

“No… not exactly.” 

I understood that he was struggling with his own inner turmoil, having his world suddenly turn upside down.

However, if he had come seeking answers from me, it was an utterly foolish move.

‘Stupid bastard.’ 

What closure did he expect from me? What did he want from someone who had killed his grandfather? 

It seemed that even Gu Jeolyub himself didn’t have the answer to that question. 

After all, he was still just a young boy, not even in his twenties, a teenager overwhelmed by the harsh realities of his circumstances.

I asked him. “Do you resent me?” 

“Yes,” he replied without any hesitation. 

“Do you seek revenge?” 


He fell silent. It seemed that he wanted to spit out the word ‘yes’, but couldn’t bring himself to do so easily. 


“…I do.” 

“Then why did you hesitate?” 

Was it because he was scared to state his desire of wanting to kill a direct blood relative of the clan? That was somewhat understandable, if I were in his shoes though, I wouldn’t have been able to hold back. 

‘How could I keep my sanity if the person who killed my family stood right in front of me?’ 

Though I have some semblance of control myself at my age now, if I was Gu Jeolyub’s age, I wouldn’t have been able to contain myself. 

As I wondered how he could control himself like that, Gu Jeolyub responded.

“…Because it would go against justice.” 


Justice, you say? It was rather random.

“If everything that the Young Master said about Lord… about my grandfather is true,” his voice trembled ever so slightly, “me resenting the Young Master wouldn’t be justified.”

The First Elder hadn’t hidden his ambitions. Not only had he manipulated events to ensure his grandson became the Young Lord of the clan, but he had also been scheming behind the scenes.

If all that was true, Gu Jeolyub believed that his resentment towards me wouldn’t be justified.

So, was he having conflicting thoughts because he still harbored resentment towards me? I couldn’t understand.

“How complicated you are.” 


“I don’t know why you’re suddenly talking about justice, but there’s nothing I can do for you.” 

Whether Gu Jeolyub resented me or not, whether he wished to take my life, there was nothing I could do to resolve his inner conflicts. 

I wouldn’t be concerned even if he resented me, and if he truly sought my death…

‘I’ll kill him.’ 

I would have no choice but to end his life. There would be no second chances. 

The best consideration I could offer him was to not lay a finger on him at this moment.

The First Elder had a funeral, but I knew I wouldn’t be allowed near the graves that held the remains of the important figures of the clan. 

They couldn’t afford to let a sinner like me enter. 

If the sins of the First Elder were to be exposed, it could potentially impact Gu Jeolyub as well.

He might have to pay for the sins of his grandfather, inheriting them like a debt. 

Even if he had done nothing wrong, that’s just how this wretched world worked, and there was nothing that could be done about it.

All I could hope for was to minimize the damage he would suffer. It was the best I could do for him…. 

‘Though I have no idea if this bastard would even want that.’

Judging by Gu Jeolyub’s temperament that I saw from this brief encounter, it seemed unlikely.

“What have you decided to do for Gu Sunmoon?” 

“…The Second Elder said that he would take over temporarily.” 

“The Second Elder?”

I was taken aback by his answer. 

The Second Elder, who had no connection to swords, would lead Gu Sunmoon?

Would he only be responsible for the administrative tasks while someone else handled the more important matters? 

‘Well, it’s certainly better than having it fall into the hands of the Third or Fourth Elder.’ 

But it seemed rather arbitrary. 

“And you are okay with that?” 

“…I am powerless. I lack both the ability and the qualifications to become the Lord.” 

Gu Jeolyub was the Young Lord of Gu Sunmoon, but that was solely because he was the grandson of the First Elder.

While he did possess talent, only that couldn’t solve everything. 

“I don’t know why you came to me, but I can’t show you the right path.” 


“Furthermore, it’s strange that you’re seeking guidance from me in the first place.” 

It wasn’t my place to tell Gu Jeolyub what to do in his current situation.

It was really odd that he was trying to gain something from the person who had killed his grandfather, when he should have resentment towards me instead.

“I do feel some remorse for you, but only to a certain extent.”

No matter how despicable the First Elder may have been, he was still Jeolyub’s family. So, in that regard, I did feel some remorse.

“If you wish to resent and despise me, then do so. I will accept it.”

I wouldn’t bear responsibility for it, but I could at least accept it.

However, I had no idea what decision Gu Jeolyub would make after hearing my words. 

Upon hearing my response, Gu Jeolyub muttered quietly with a somber expression…

“I… don’t know.” 

“So, take your time to think about it; about what you truly want to do.” 

I couldn’t offer any further apologies to Gu Jeolyub. I wasn’t in a position to console him nor give him any advice.

Because even if I were to go back in time, I would still make the decision to kill the First Elder. 

‘Even if I had let him live, I would have only delayed his death. He would have still met his end, just not by my hands.’

Whether I shattered his abdomen to let him die slowly or used a different method, the outcome would have been the same.

Just as my decision would have remained the same, the First Elder’s decision wouldn’t have been any different.

Gu Jeolyub, with his face cast downward, rubbed his weary eyes with his hand. 

I simply watched him, not uttering a word.

As the gentle breeze brushed against my face, Gu Jeolyub, tightly biting his lips, cautiously asked me.

“…I heard that you are headed to the battlefield.” 

“Where did you hear that?” 

This matter was discussed only recently, so how could he have learned about it so quickly?

“The Second Elder told me that the Young Master will be going to the battlefield. The frontlines.” 


What was he talking about? The Second Elder had told him that I would be headed to the battlefield? 

Could it be that… 

‘…Father and the Second Elder had already discussed this?’ 

It seemed they had already decided beforehand to send me to the battlefield as my punishment. 

‘How petty of him, unlike his bear-like body of his.’ 

He was probably still mad about me escaping from jail without listening to him. 

And I had been actively avoiding him as well lately. 

I asked, staring at Gu Jeolyub. 

“So, what’s your point?” 

Jeolyub responded with an exhausted expression. 

“I want to go too.” 

“What? To where?” 

“To the same battlefield that the Young Master is going to.” 

“Are you crazy?” 

What nonsense was he on about. 

He wants to go to the frontlines with me? 

“What’s your motive?” 

“…Motive? I want to find… that.” 

“Did you seriously lose your mind?” 

He wished to follow the very person who had killed his grandfather. 

‘Is he trying to make an early appointment to assassinate me?’ 

If that weren’t the case, I honestly couldn’t understand what emotions were driving Gu Jeolyub to utter such words. 

“What I should do… I want to decide that later.” 

Whether he would live consumed by resentment or live for the sake of revenge. Or perhaps he would do neither, accepting what had happened, and move on with life.

The young boy, burdened by his conflicting emotions, seemed to have chosen to confront his problems…


However, I found it difficult to comprehend Gu Jeolyub’s decision. It was a choice I would never have made.

“…Do as you wish. Although I doubt the higher-ups would allow that in the first place.” 

Our past might have been different, but now that our relationship was in shambles, it was highly unlikely that they would allow Gu Jeolyub to be by my side, given the possibility of ill intentions.

And even if, by some chance, it was approved…

“I did say that I would accept your resentment, but I have no intention to accept anything more than that.” 

I said this earlier as well. So, if he harbored anything more than just resentment… 

Then I, too, would sever ties. 

Having said everything he wanted to, Gu Jeolyub stared at me for a moment, slightly lowered his head, and turned around to walk away.

Behind him, I noticed a few martial artists who appeared to be from Gu Sunmoon. 

It seemed like they had come to protect Gu Jeolyub, or perhaps they were uncertain if he would try to do something to me.

[You are too soft-hearted.] 

As I watched Gu Jeolyub going further away, Elder Shin spoke. 

‘Are you saying that I should have killed him then?’ 

[Well, I wouldn’t have done it personally. But brat, you are different.] 

His words pierced my heart. 

Indeed, it was true. In the past, I would have killed Gu Jeolyub without a moment’s hesitation. Just as I had done with the First Elder.

However, I didn’t. 

Even if it was possible for Gu Jeolyub to turn into a problem due to ill intentions towards me, and even if our relationship deteriorated; I didn’t want to resort to killing him, as long as he didn’t cross the line.

There were two reasons for this decision. 

Firstly, I desired to live differently from my past. 

Secondly, it would be a pitiful for him to be killed solely because of his family background.

After all, I had experienced a similar fate myself.

[That’s why I’m saying that you have become soft.] 

‘You’re not wrong.’ 

My current actions were leaving a small ember of a flame alive, even in the face of an impending calamity.


“…I wanted to be a bit greedy in this life.” 


Elder Shin remained silent thereafter.


I felt a sensation of something wrapping around my hand. When I looked, I saw Wi Seol-Ah gently holding onto my hand. 

“Young Master… are you okay?” 

“Why? Do I not look okay?” 

“Well… you look like you are having a hard time.” 

“Don’t worry, I’m perfectly fine.” 

I don’t know why I looked like that to Wi Seol-Ah, but I was fine. 

As always, I had to stay perfectly calm. As Wi Seol-Ah looked at me with worried eyes, I gently patted her head and spoke to the empty space in the air.

“So, could you please explain to me now?” 

Although it seemed like no one was present, someone was there.


From the tall grass beside a tree, a giant figure emerged, making me wonder how he managed to hide. 

The Second Elder didn’t appear to have fully recovered yet, as he still had bandages wrapped around his body.

“You’ve become sharper than before.”

“Isn’t it weirder for you to hide there with your body?” 

Despite me saying this, the Second Elder’s ability to conceal himself was quite impressive. I wouldn’t have noticed him if my senses hadn’t picked up on him just now. 

“Is there a reason why you informed that bastard about me going to the battlefield?” 

“I told him because he asked.” 

“Even though you didn’t tell me?” 

“Why would I tell you when you don’t even listen to your grandfather?” 


As expected. The Second Elder was still mad about escape. 

Feeling guilty, I scratched my cheek, and the Second Elder continued speaking.

“I know that you requested for Gu Jeolyub’s well-being.” 


How did he know? I only secretly told Father. 

“Is that why you chose to take care of Gu Sunmoon?” 

“I only did it because it’s better than the Third or the Fourth Elder doing it. I’m only managing it. Training the martial artists and their martial arts is a responsibility given to the captain of the First Army.” 

“The First Army’s captain?” 

When it came to swords, the strongest man of Gu Clan, was the First Army’s captain. 

I didn’t know who would win if he was compared to the First Elder in his prime, but at least in the current point of time, he was the strongest. 

  ‘I guess if it’s the First Army’s captain… it’ll be fine.’ 

If I thought about him, he was certainly better than anyone else I could compare to. He at the very least wasn’t someone that would plan something behind the scenes. 

“Are you feeling better?” 

“Jeez, how fast of you to ask.” 

“It’s better than me not asking at a- …Put your fist down please. You know you are a patient, right?” 

An old man that wasn’t even in his best shape, still had his violent personality. 

“I’m fine, a wound like this is healed if I put my saliva over it.” 

“…Is your saliva a medicine that heals anything?” 

Why would the Immortal Healer exist in the world if such a thing existed. 

“Anyways, it seemed like you brought a special guest as well.” 


After hearing the Second Elder, I thought about the old man that would be in Gu Clan’s jail right now. 

‘I totally forgot about Hao Clan’s Lord.’

I forgot about the Lord of Hao Clan that I brought from the Black Palace. 

“What happened.” 

“Is it perhaps, someone that the Second Elder also knows?” 

The Second Elder let out a fake cough while brushing his beard after hearing my question.

“It’s someone that I barely met for a moment. I knew that he would end up that way with the way he acts.” 

‘So the Second Elder also knows about the Lord of Hao Clan.’ 

I wonder how so many people knew about Hao Clan’s Lord when not many things are known about him. 

‘Anyway, this really isn’t a normal household.’ 

It became certain to me. 

“It was an old man I found in the Black Palace, and father told me to bring him with us.” 

In times like these, it was wise for me to use Father as an excuse. 

As expected, the Second Elder nodded his head without saying anything when I brought up Father. 

“…If that’s the case, then I guess the Lord himself would take care of it.” 

I didn’t know whether he would make relations with the Hao Clan, or use him for a different purpose, but since the Hao Clan’s Lord already got caught by father’s gaze, it was hard for me to reach him.

“Putting aside the guest…” 

After cutting off the conversation, the Second Elder took a letter out of his pocket and handed it to me. 

“I didn’t know that you had some sort of relationship with the Beggar’s Sect.” 

“Beggar’s Sect?” 

Beggar’s Sect all of a sudden? 

I took the letter from him wondering what he meant. On the letter that the Second Elder gave me, a stamp of the Beggar’s Sect was on it. 

‘This is…’ 

Judging by the small name that was written underneath the stamp, I was able to know who sent the letter. 


It was a letter sent to me by the future Beggar King. 

‘I knew that a letter would be coming to me.’ 

But it came faster than I expected. I wonder what information is written in it.

If it’s the information on the Silent Fist or the Dishonored Venerable that I asked for back in Hanam…

‘I hope that it’s the Dishonored Venerable if possible.’

If I had to choose one, I hoped that it was information on the Dishonored Venerable. Because he was the one that I was more urgent for. 

‘I also hope that there aren’t any problems.’ 

In the letter that Chuwong sent, there was a short sentence written inside. 

-True Dragon… Save m… 

-There is no problem. 


Putting aside the line that looked like it was erased in the middle of writing, after reading the second line, I carefully folded the letter and put it in my pocket. 

I then nodded my head and whispered. 

“Seems like he got caught.” 

I think I could forget about Chuwong for a bit. 

He’ll be fine. He is the Beggar King after all.

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