Child of Destiny

Chapter 47 Special Training (Part 1)


Shin is sitting on a boulder to take some rest. He is already farming on this 'Open Dungeon', The Corrupted Ruins for almost six Natural Days already.

Aside from doing his daily routine on the Real World, most of his time was invested on the game.

He heard from his Master that Arthur is currently undergoing a special training with Nathan. Old Plum also said that he will also have his own special training, and Old Plum is currently discussing it with Grandmaster Benn.

He also checked his Advance Watch a few times, to see some if there is something that he missed. He saw a few missed calls from Leonard but he don't know why, so he called back a few times to see are what is it, but the other side is not answering the call. He brushed it off when his call can't connect. After all, this is not the first time that something like this happened. He only thought that maybe Leonard is currently busy with his sideline jobs.


"Tsk, I didn't think that this place is quite large. I've been here for quite some time already but I still haven't explored half of it." said Shin to himself as he wait for his clones to recover their HPs and MPs.

During his time in here, Shin finally felt the difficulty of leveling up. The 'Experience Pool' of a player in every 25-levels will be doubled than the normal. It just that Shin didn't felt it earlier because of his bonus 'EXP Boost', and also because he had accepted a lot of quest previously.

During his 6 Natural Days here, he only gained a single level. Meanwhile, he manage to increase his pets' levels to 25, which gave them an upgrade on their strengths. But unfortunately, they still can't help Shin for now, since the monsters here are still quite strong for them.

Shin is also not satisfied with his loots here. Despite having a 'X2 Drop Rate', all he got are a bunch of crafting materials.

What Shin didn't know is that these materials are rare and not yet available in the market, and because of that these materials can be sold on a very good price.

And of course, there still some good news for him. And that is because of repeated usage of his 'Class Fighting Style', Shin become more familiar on it. And due to that, just now, he manage to create two new skills.


Self-Created Skill (Combined)

Skill Name: Solar Flare

Rank: Special (Class Fighting Style)

Details: Channel the power of Sun on your sheathed Sword before drawing it quickly and releasing a horizontal freiry fire sword wave that extends up to 5 meters away from you.

Damage: (2% P.Damage) • 1/4 AGI

Extra Effect: (2% of your Total P.Damage) Burning damage last for 5 seconds.

Consumes 200 Stamina

Cooldown: 15 seconds

Note: This skill can only be use when the sword is sheath.


Self Created Skill (Combined)

Skill Name: Lunar Flash

Rank: Special (Class Fighting Style)

Details: Channel the power of Moon on your sheathed Sword before drawing it quickly and releasing a horizontal chilling frost sword wave that extends up to 5 meters away from you.

Damage: (2% M.Damage) • 1/4 AGI

Extra Effect: -30% Movement Speed

Consumes 200 Stamina

Cooldown: 15 seconds

Note: This skill can only be use when the sword is sheath.


When Shin saw that his clones are ready to fight once again, he immediately stand up to start a new battle. "OK, this time, my target this time is to reach the inner part of this dungeon."

Shin and his clones rush towards the nearest monster pack fearlessly. And when those monsters notice them, they immediately change towards the trio.

At the same time, The Sun Clone and Moon Clone sprinted forward, leaving Shin behind.

And the moment those clones reached the 5-meter mark away from the monsters, the sheathed swords of the clones glow with two different lights. Then, they immediately draw their swords and slash it forward, sending two crescent shaped sword Qi's. One is a blazing fire with a yellow-orange light, while the other is a chilling frost releasing a bluish-white glow.

'Self-Created Skill: Solar Flare'

-483 920

-9 678(Burned Damage)

-1 224(Burning Damage)





'Self-Created Skill: Lunar Flash'

-428 025(Slowed)





A bunch damages pop-up on the monsters' head when the were hit by Shin's newly created skills.


-100 294




Then, an explosion was created when the two opposing energy simultaneously landed on the incoming monster pack. But that was not all of it, because what come next is Shin making his actions.

He advanced forwarding and brushed pass his clones while turning himself into a bluish-white light, before piercing through that explosion fearlessly.


'Self-Created Skill: Moonlight Splitter'


-638 560





All the Elite and Special Elite Monsters died after that. Then, Shin killed the Chieftain Rank Monster by throwing a 'Hell Execution' on it.


"Heh, that felt so good. With this skill combo, I can finally raze this place to the ground." muttered Shin as he looked at his surroundings.

"But I guess, I still need to be careful regarding this. After all, It is not good if I become too dependent on my skills. And it is going to be too troublesome if this kind of things become a habit of mine." said Shin as he picked up the loots.

Because of his battle against Sorrowful Leaf's party and see that 'that Human Magician' can use a skill that exceeds his tier, Shin become curious about it and also become a little more interested PvP battles. So during his idle time or when he was resting, Shin was looking for some uploaded videos of experts' battles online, it is for him to learn from them.

And sure enough, he gain a lot from those battles, especially the battles between Godlike Players.

On those videos, Shin discovered that there are some Combat Techniques that are quite common on the ranks of expert players. He also learned that the battles between experts are pretty much lean towards Combat Techniques and their unrivaled Movement Controls, while their skills become their supporting tools.

Shin also tried to study those common Combat Techniques and manage to learned some.

After collecting the loots, Shin look for his next victims..... Eh!? I mean targets. But this time he become bold and try a new approach, he control the Moon Clone to lure some more monsters groups.

When the Moon Clone returns, a large number of monsters are chasing after it, and that sight is enough to for it be called a real monster horde. But Shin didn't waver, he change through that 'monster horde' by using another [Moonlight Splitter].



The aggro of all the monsters that Shin had passed through were switched to him after that skill. Shin positioned himself on the middle of those monsters before creating a purple spherical barrier with the power of eclipse.

'Slayer Skill: Eclipse Pulse'







A bunch of attacks simultaneously lands on the barrier almost immediately after its creation. Then, Shin throw AOE skill after AOE skill in the middle of the pack.

'Extra Skill: Flame Burst'

'Slayer Skill: Half-Moon Slash'

'Slayer Skill: Crescent Cleave'

'Self-Created Skill: Eclipse Cross'

A lot of monsters died on that barrage of attacks. But Shin is not done yet, he immediately jump high in the air and swiftly do some consecutive kicks up there to position himself even more deeper in that 'monster horde'.

'Legacy Skill: Mondi's Jump'

And when he felt that he was deep enough, he swung his sword downwards to hasten his decent. He looks like a meteor coming from the sky.

'Equipment Skill: Barbaric Descend'



All the monsters 3-meters away from Shin were knocked down on the ground when they were hit by that skill, but Shin didn't care about that, because the duration of the [Eclipse Pulse] was about to end. So the moment his feet touches the ground, he immediately spins his body around while swinging his sword in a full circle horizontal motion.


The Eclipse pulse was detonated and a powerful horizontal circular sword wave was sent outwards.


'Slayer Skill: Eclipse Counter'


The monsters inside the 5-meters mark away from Shin were killed when they were hit by that sword wave.

After that, a huge boar spirit suddenly appeared protecting Shin inside its body. Then, Shin charge towards the place where he came from.

'Equipment Skill: Boar's Assault'

Du ru ru rug




The Monsters that were blocking Shin's path were either knocked back or have been dragged during Shin's charge. Then, he immediately turn around and channel the power of eclipse to his sword before swinging it forward, sending a powerful sword wave slash that devours all the monsters on its path.

'Slayer Skill: Eclipse Slash'

In the meantime, the Sun and Moon Clones are not idle either. They are also killing a bunch of monsters with their combined force. Few moments later, the chaotic battle ends.

From what you have heard, Shin killed a lot of monsters already, but the EXP that he gained were not that optimistic. He only manage to increase his EXP by 1.3%, which indicates how hard the leveling speed on his current level.

The only good news on that, is there are still a lot of monsters in the vicinity that he can monopolize.

After gathering all the loots and recovering for a few minutes and waiting for his skill to be cooldowned, Shin immediately started another hunt.


Real World

One of the nameless island of Soaring Continent


A 15-year-old boy is dealing with a 5 meter tall black bear. The bear keep chasing the boy but it failed to touch even a strand of hair of its target.

The boy is circling around the bear while throwing some heavy kicks and punches in the process.


The bear was hit by a powerful strike on the head, causing for it to pause its movements because of dizziness. And that slight pause sealed off its fate.

The boy jumped in the air and enfold himself with a golden internal Qi. Then, he adjust his center of gravity before descending with a great speed. And during that descend, the boy is also throwing his fist downwards and towards the head of the black bear.

'Advance Dragon Arts: Descending Dragon'



The head of the black bear exploded on that explosion of power. Then, its body fell on the ground lifelessly.

The boy sits on top of the black bear's corpse before muttering to himself. "Tsk, why the hell did Uncle Nathan left me in this place? The Monsters here are only as strong as a Martial-Artist on 'Qi Refinement Stage'. Even though the their bodies are tougher than humans, I can still kill them without being in trouble. This is too boring~♪."

It turns out the boy was Arthur. Nathan left him here for his special training, but what he didn't know is his real training is just about to start.

"Nah! Never mind about that! I should go back to the cottage, so that I can report to that weird mister that I'm done dealing with the targets that he gave me." Arthur jumps from the bear's corpse and walks towards the top of the mountain.

Few moments later, he arrived at the his destination. On top of the mountain, there is a humble cottage peacefully standing there. In front of that cottage sitting a handsome middle-aged man with a long black hair. He has a good body build that can't be called bulky nor slim. The presence that this man is giving is too ordinary, ordinary to the point that he is just an ordinary human being.

If not for Nathan's warning, Arthur might ignore this guy's presence and think that this man is just some ordinary pedestrian on the streets.

Arthur walks towards the middle age man and said. "Mister, I've done dealing with all the monsters that you have said. What should I do next?"

The middle age man give Arthur a sideeye glance before ignoring him.

The corner of Arthur's mouth twitch when he saw that. Then, he yelled at the middle-aged man. "Hey, Mister! My Uncle said that you are going to train me here, but all you do is just sit there and order me around to kill some weak monsters. Are you not scared about being beaten up by my uncle when he learn about this?"

The middle-aged man picked his right ear with his right hand pinkie finger when he heard that. Then he sneered at Arthur after. "Heh, being beaten up by your Uncle? Hahaha.... That was the biggest joke that I've heard. Don't think that just because of your Uncle being called a 'Dragon King', he can beat me just like that. Even if he teamed up with the 'Warrior Sage' of the Stuart Family, I can still beat them with ease. So don't you dare threaten me with those useless crap."

Arthur stared at the middle-aged blankly before muttering in his heart. "Beating up the Dragon King and the Warrior Sage together? This weird mister really know how to boast."

"It's fine if you don't believe me. You can just call your Uncle and tell him what I have said. Let us see if he have the guts to fight me." said the middle-aged man as if he can hear what Arthur have said.

The middle-aged man ignored Arthur's next reaction and added. "That's enough, let's forget about that. I've made a deal with your Uncle so I'm going to train you seriously. Don't you want to know why I've let you kill those monsters? That is for me to see what you can do currently. And good enough, You have a very solid Martial-Art foundation, as expected from a Martial-Art and Military Family."

Arthur feel proud of himself when he heard that compliment, but the words that comes next made his face to become twisted.

"But your 'Martial-Art Awareness' is just a crap. You are such a disgrace to all 'Martial-Art Prodigies' that lived on this world." The middle-aged man pause for a moment to strengthen his back, before continuing. "What you did was to just learn a bunch of Martial-Art Skills and use it in battle. It's like you are writing some random words on a blank paper, making it meaningless."

"As for you ocular talent, that 'Foresight' talent, you've just become too dependent on it. You just using it to predict others' next move and counter it without knowing its purpose. If your enemy is fast enough, they can use that talent of yours against you. There are some that can even beat you straightforwardly, all they need to do is throw a barrage of swift attacks until your talent can't keep up on them anymore."

"In short, you are just wasting all of your talents. You are not worthy of being a 'Fearless Chosen One'."

Arthur can't take those criticism anymore and rebutted. "You're talking as if you know everything about my talents, Mister."

The middle-aged man sneered at Arthur when he heard that. "Heh, what did you know kid? Let me tell you that there is no one in this world that is more familiar with your talents more than am I."

Arthur stared at the middle-aged speechlessly when he heard that. 'B*llsh*t! This man really like to boast about everything.'

"That is fine if you don't want to believe me. The question here is if you still want to learn from me, 'cause if you don't want to, then you can go back to where you come from." said the middle-aged man nonchalantly before laying back again.

'Just who the hell this guy?' thought Arthur as he look at the middle-aged man suspiciously. Few moments later, Arthur opens his mouth. "Fine, let me see what you can teach me that even my Grandpa and Uncle Nathan can't."



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