Child of Destiny

Chapter 1203 Haowin, the God of Carnage (Part 2)

Chapter 1203 Haowin, the God of Carnage (Part 2)



A huge explosion erupted when the three attacks landed on their target almost at the same time. Blazing smoke, flying rock fragments, and a long tear in space could be seen in the air where the three attacks met.

But despite successfully landing their respective skills, the three Elemental Spirits still felt that there was something wrong. Even though they felt that they hit something, the feeling was a little too strange. It was as if they hit something extremely hard and could not be penetrated.

Not long after, the thick cloud of smoke started to settle. When everything receded, the trio saw a familiar sight in front of their eyes.

They saw a dark cocoon floating at the center of the receding smoke and falling rock fragments. It seemed to be a solid object that could not be crushed nor penetrated by any attack.

It had a rhombus shape with a three-dimensional figure. It looked like a floating prism with sharp edges and pointed corners.


The floating cocoon seemed to shake a little, making it look like a beating heart. It then started moving and revealed its true form.

A huge pair of demonic wings slowly unfolded, revealing Haowin, who was currently curled within it.

From the look of it, he used this pair of wings to protect himself from the Ultimate Skills that the three Elemental Spirits had thrown at him. Using one of the special defensive skills under his arsenal, he managed to save himself at the very last moment.

However, he still had sacrificed quite a lot just to use that special skill. Not only he had consumed a large portion of his VIT stat just to use that defensive skill, but he had also sacrificed it permanently.

He might have escaped the lethal strike that he was supposed to suffer, but he exchanged it for a permanent loss of his stats, which affected his foundation.

He knew that he would not die from those attacks since he could tell that the three Elementals were somewhat holding back and seemingly trying to incapacitate him. They controlled their strengths very well, making it possible for him to use this defensive skill at that final moment.

He might be able to somehow survive their attacks, but he would surely be in a state where he could no longer fight if they successfully landed.

To avoid the worst-case scenario, he made a sacrifice that could give him a path to survive. It actually paid off.

It was very close, but he still managed to survive in the end.

In the meantime, the three Elemental Spirits were currently wearing solemn looks on their faces as they knew that they failed to secure the only chance to capture Haowin alive by themselves.

After failing to incapacitate him with those three ultimate moves, they knew that Haowin would no longer lower his guard. Now that he was aware of their current strengths, it would be impossible for them to catch him off guard once again.

He would be in extreme vigilance when facing their combined attacks while keeping a close eye on his surroundings.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Understanding their current position, the three quickly resumed the battle as they knew that this was the only way for them to win. They had to continue putting pressure on him before he could fully adjust to their strengths and find a way to deal with them.

At the same time, they were also pinning him on this place while waiting for Shin to arrive. They fully believe that if they could hold him here, the rest of the battle would be in their favor.

Naturally, Haowin was able to read their thoughts. He could tell that the Spatial Imprisonment and Earth Sealing Domains that Hanzo and Astaroth had released were meant to prevent him from using his 'Spirit Awe' skill that could forcefully unsummon them.

It was his first time to learn about these skills. He did not know that Elemental Spirits could also use this kind of skill, so it caught him completely off guard.

The 'Spirit Awe' skill was meant to counter players with Elemental Spirits and special creatures. It could forcefully unsummon any kind of summoned creatures on the battlefield, which were pretty much too broken most of the time.

The only counter for this skill was the 'Call of the Nature' or 'Spiritual Summoning' skill that Tamers, Summoners, and Beastmasters had.

But those skills were exclusive to the said classes, or the ones related to them.

It was pretty natural for Haowin to be surprised that these Elemental Spirits were capable of possessing such abilities as well.

Little did he know that it was only for exceptional Elementals. Only the ones with special abilities and reached the peak of their respective elements could achieve such a feat.

Having these thoughts, Haowin knew that there was only a single solution to his current predicament, and that was to escape the area of effectiveness of these domains.

As long as he got out of their area of influence, then he would most likely be able to use his 'Spirit Awe' skill once again.

With that, Haowin used his demonic wings to fly over the mountain forest with the fastest speed that he had. He had to escape the domains that were locking him as soon as possible.

At the same time, the direction that he was heading was the Forsaken Port City. It was one of the cities situated near the border of the Saint Heaven Kingdom.

That city was also one of the places where the monster horde event was currently taking place, so he could use the chaos within the area surrounding the city to escape.

The three Elemental Spirits knew what he was thinking, so they did everything they could to hinder him. They were using everything they had just to keep Haowin inside the domains.

Solus and Hanzo, who were capable of flying, were engaging in an intense aerial battle against Haowin. But despite being besieged by the pincer attacks of those two, he was still able to hold his ground without a problem.

Not only he was defending himself very well against their combined assaults, but he was also counterattacking from time to time, which made it hard for the two to keep the pressure up.

Astaroth, who was slightly behind, was riding a moving wave of dirt and rocks. He was leaping in the sky from time to time, assisting the two with their combined assaults.

He was putting up a good performance despite being the only one who could not fly. In fact, he was the only one who was giving Haowin a lot of trouble since he was always popping out at the right moment.

He was perfectly blocking the escape route that Haowin was taking, whenever he was breaking free from the encirclement of the two.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Bang! Bang!


The chase and the clashes between the two sides created loud explosions in the sky, which reverberated in the entire region. The collisions resulted in huge disturbances that started to attract the attention of the players within the area.

There were many players, who were hunting in these maps right now since most of them were currently defending the borders near the Forsaken Port City due to the monster horde event.

But it did not mean that there were no longer any players around. And since the disturbance that was created by the clashes between Haowin and the three Elemental Spirits was starting to get near the city, curious players started to gather head over their direction.

Naturally, these players would not dare to get too close to the center of that commotion. They would only stay in a place far away from it but also have a clear view of what was happening.

After all, most of the strongest players in the city were currently engaged in an intense battle with the continuous horde of monsters. They were too busy defending the city to satisfy their curiosity.

At the very least, they could only send some scouts to investigate what was happening. The guilds would also do to same while waiting for what was about to come.

In the distance, they could see two bright lights chasing after a humanoid silhouette with a pair of huge demonic wings on their back.

Closely behind those three was a moving hill that seemed to be also chasing after that mysterious silhouette.

At first, the curious players and the investigating scouts thought that it was another monster horde, but upon closer inspection, they realized that it was not the case.

Based on the huge explosions from each collision, it was pretty clear that it was a clash between powerful beings within the game. Or at least the strongest players who stood at the peak of everyone else.

In the distance, Haowin could already see the silhouette of the city. His confidence was starting to rise since it would only take a short moment before he finally reached it.

At the same time, he could also now see the borders of the domains cast by Hanzo and Astaroth. Other players might not be able to see them, but given his current power within the game, seeing such a boundary was very easy.

Understanding that he would now be able to escape, he started unleashing his real power while forcing his way out of the boundary of the two domains.

The expressions of the three Elemental Spirits were already getting grim as they tried their best to stop Haowin.

As more time passed, the three Elementals started to become hopeless as they watched Haowin exit the Spatial Imprisonment and Earth Sealing Domains.

They felt rather helpless due to the restrictions that the Will of the World (System) had cast upon them. If only they could showcase their real strengths, then teaching this guy a lesson would be as easy as flipping their hands.

Haowin was already grinning from ear to ear as he flew past the boundary of the two domains. He was no longer paying attention to the three Elemental Spirits at that time as he was flying straight to the Forsaken Port City.

He had already wasted a lot of time traversing multiple regions and hunting maps of the Saint Heaven Kingdom just to escape the pursuit of the Church of the Sun and Moon. He could no longer waste more time since it would be more dangerous once those powerful NPCs caught up to him.

He no longer had the support of the Demonic Formation, so he would not dare to face such powerful NPCs in his current state. It was the same as committing suicide, and he was not that foolish.

But right after he flew past the boundary dividing the inside domain and outside its area of influence, a much heavier pressure suddenly descended on him.

He was not sure what it was or where it was coming from, but he completely understood that it was targeting him. It locked on him from a very long distance, sending shivers down to his spine.

It only took him an instant what was happening and quickly turned sideways. He then curled his body into a ball before enveloping himself with his pitch-black wings.


A sonic boom could be heard coming from a distance, attracting the attention of the players watching the earlier chase from afar.

At the same time, Solus, Hanzo, and Astaroth finally halted their tracks while wearing a deep smile.

Solus seemed to have stepped aside and straightened her back before putting her hands slightly below her belly with one over the other. She then gave a respectful bow while waiting for the arrival of her master.

Hanzo stood opposite her with a smug look on his face. He had his arms crossed in front of his chest while wearing a smirking smile.

Astaroth also halted before solidifying the wave made of dirt and rock fragments into a tall pillar. His right hand was holding the greatsword upside down beside him as he knelt on the stone pillar like an honorable knight while keeping his head lowered.

Then their bodies suddenly glowed before transforming into specks of light that followed the dashing figure who flew past them.


Shin, who currently had two pairs of black angelic wings, flew straight to Haowin, who was currently hiding behind his demonic wings, and sheathed his sword.


The sound of metal grinding against its sheath reverberated in the entire place as Shin pulled out the [Yamato] from its sheath.

This sound was still echoing throughout the entire place as Shin swung the sword forward, unleashing a powerful slash toward the opposing godlike figure.


This collision was going to be another sensational clash between two peak gods within the virtual world.

The battle between Battle God Sickarius and the God of Carnage, Haowin.



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