
Chapter 55

Chapter 55

8.The Chemistry Behind Cooking (8)

As the competition began, the main camera focused intensively on Jeong-woo and Hyun-min.

Most of the guests who visit my restaurant come for this.

Explaining to the VJ, Hyun-min took out a piece of beef tenderloin.


The epitome of a sophisticated feast that should be enjoyed only on special occasions. Even with the same meat, the taste could fluctuate between heaven and hell depending on the cooking method, temperature, and the condition of the ingredients. This dish also served as a measure of the chefs skill in preparing it.

Hyun-min looked at Jeong-woo.

I can cook a steak that I wont be ashamed of, I assure you.

I believe you. I completely believe you.

Jeong-woos mouth watered as he saw the blazing grill and the piece of meat, even though it hadnt been cooked yet.

Not using any sauce is the basic way to serve it. You can add sauce if you want. How would you like to do it? We can probably grill two or three pieces within the time limit.

Well lets plan it this way.

Jeong-woo examined the five elderly people who were newly seated at the evaluation table.

We dont need to satisfy all five of them with the dish. Just the majority, three of them. Well grill customized steaks specifically for those individuals.

But everyone has different tastes. What criteria will you use?

What theyve eaten a lot of during the feast. How much theyve eaten. That kind of thing.

Are you able to figure that out now?

As Hyun-min asked the question, the VJ camera also focused closely. Jeong-woo smiled lightly to avoid any misunderstandings and answered.

Ive seen many of them before. You were right about the pork belly.

Jeong-woo seemed satisfied enough to accept the remnants of food particles around the elderlys lips as evidence.

Ive adjusted the grill temperature. How should we cook the first one?

Hyun-mins attitude, as if he were a seasoned apprentice chef, waiting for Jeong-woos instructions, was something even the staff members who had been working on the show for a long time had never seen before.

As a result, the PD fixed one of the main cameras entirely on Jeong-woo.

Staring closely at the elderly person sitting in the first seat.

Steamed egg custard, pan-fried tofu, and a bit of japchae. They prefer mostly soft textures. Not too salty.

A gentle cooking method, then. Would the elderly person like it rare with a juicy texture?

The sauce you mentioned, Chef. Lets cover it with that.

Mushroom sauce is the smoothest. Shallots, sliced mushrooms, white wine, butter. Season it with salt and pepper.

Drawing a molecular map of flavors in his mind.

I noticed that they tried first the egg garnish in the noodles. It should follow the order of experiencing the moistness of the egg first, and as they chew, the original savory taste of the ingredients should emerge.

Hyun-mins eyes widened in curiosity.

Is that possible?

Well, tasting is also a chemical reaction. We consider the timing for the dish to touch the tongue and elicit a taste reaction, the time it takes to chew and mix, and the final time for the taste to stabilize.

Seeing Hyun-mins face, still struggling to fully understand, Jeong-woo chuckled.

Please understand it as an approach from a chemist rather than a chef. And could you call out the quantities of the mushroom sauce ingredients?

Oh, well

Finally, Hyun-min placed a piece of beef on the grill.

Jeong-woo quickly prepared the ingredients for the sauce on the cooking station and looked at the beef.

Oh, you aged it in advance? Marinating Was that what you did?

You certainly have the eye of an experienced chef, Mr. Jeong-woo.

Jeong-woo couldnt help but smile, even though he had only confirmed the protein in the meat breaking down through enzymatic action.

Different reasons, but compliments always feel good.

Chef, Ill start with the sauce preparation.

First, add butter and shallots to the pan.

The area around the cooking station was filled with the heat of the grill and the sauce pan, emitting from the dishes being cooked.

While the butter melted, Jeong-woo turned his gaze to the grill.

Uh, I think the steak would taste delicious even if you just eat it as it is.

As the fat tissue started to melt, the structure on the surface of the meat began to change. The steak was soon entering a state commonly referred to as rare.

At this moment, Jeong-woo observed the molecules of the blood scent coming into contact with the meat fat and reacting with sulfur compounds.

The aroma of the meat is gradually becoming more fragrant. It seems the elderly would prefer it more with the addition of glycolipids.

What is that

Ill sprinkle something.

Jeong-woo quickly combined his special blend of spices with a base of flour and spread it onto a plate. Then, he reached out his hand.

I need the aroma reminiscent of pan-fried tofu.

He pushed aside molecules that could produce unnecessary scents, gathering them in the corners. With his hand, he sprinkled the remaining mixture evenly over the steak.

Due to the dust-like powder, flames flickered briefly in various places on the grill and then disappeared.


Simultaneously observing the chemical world, those flames provided Jeong-woo with a dizzying spectacle akin to an explosion of molecules.

Hyun-min grabbed Jeong-woos twisting arm.

Are you okay?

I got too absorbed in molecular gastronomy. The sauce. Whats next?

I need to add mushrooms, saut them, and then pour in the wine. Ill take care of it. Its a meticulous task that can be tricky for beginners.

Then Ill handle the flour preparation.

As mushrooms were thrown in by Hyun-mins hand and the moisture was almost evaporated by the intense heat, wine was poured into the pan.

Jeong-woo sprinkled the flour on the steak a few more times.

The way they complemented each other in cooking. It was reminiscent of a bustling kitchen in a restaurant, and even the VJ capturing the cooking scene showed frantic camera movements.

Theyre all cooked.

Hyun-min picked up the steak with tongs and placed it on the plate. As he briefly smelled the aroma, his pupils widened.

Jeong-woo, what kind of flour did you sprinkle earlier? The aroma is very unique.

Shall we say its a seasoning that replaces the elderlys preferences at a molecular level?

The sauce was completed shortly after. Jeong-woo carefully examined its chemical world.

It seems to hide the juiciness, but it feels like something is missing.

At that moment, a pungent and spicy aroma of the spicy stir-fried pork rushed in from the opposing teams cooking station. The aroma of the fiery flavor that ignites ones appetite made Jeong-woo unintentionally swallow. It was a powerful culinary stimulus that could momentarily make one forget the allure of this high-end steak.

-Oh no, Mom! Its burning!

-Dont panic, just hurry up and go through it.

It was truly ironic that the person cooking was Yoon Yi-seol.

Jeong-woo looked at the pot where the thrown vegetables began to mix vigorously in the high heat and discovered particles that blended the taste of vegetable oil and sugar, emitting a savory aroma.

This is it.

Adding a mild sesame oil ingredient to cover the greasy and non-preferred butter flavor. It was a point worth trying.

Hyun-min was taken aback when he saw Jeong-woo holding the vegetable oil.

Should I pour the sauce?

Just a little.

Theres already a layer of butter on it, so it wont mix. It would be better to pour new wine and use it as a vegetable oil base instead

We dont have time for that. Ill take care of this one, so get ready for the next step.

Jeong-woo recalled the chemical analysis that the ingredients in egg yolk would mix properly and took out an egg.


Hyun-min asked, and Jeong-woo nodded. Hyun-min pointed at the egg yolk.

We make mayonnaise with the yolk. You have to slowly drizzle the vegetable oil while mixing it, or it wont turn into proper mayonnaise.

I see. Its not that we need the taste of mayonnaise, but that method seems better. Thank you.

Since Jeong-woo rarely pondered about cooking methods, when he received an unexpected tip, he immediately applied it to make the sauce.

How did you know about eggs without knowing this?

Do you know about emulsifiers that mix oil and water? The lecithin contained in the yolk is one of those emulsifiers. Its chemical inference.

Watching the sauce, a mixture of bizarre combinations, Hyun-min swallowed a sigh and took out the second piece of meat.

Whats the next preference?

Just a moment. Oh, wow. This person seems to have consumed an excessive amount of sodium ions. Its too salty.

I guess I dont need to be more moderate with the seasoning.

In the ongoing conversation that intertwined cooking and chemistry without a moments rest, theories about taste crossed paths and repeated the process of harmonizing.

And so, the second and third steaks were completed and placed on the plates.

Two plates were placed on the table.

Spicy stir-fried pork, a synonym for its rich red glaze.

Steaks emitting an infinitely deep fragrance with different sauces.

Just before the evaluation, the tripods of the VJs, who were filming only the food separately, continued to wobble. The visuals made ones mouth water just by looking at them, to the point where ones stomach would ache.

Hyun, shh. Well start in 30 seconds. Hong Ji-sook, please stand next to me.

At the voice of the PD sitting under the camera, Hyun-min stood next to the table with a stiff face. Hong Ji-sook, who walked alongside Yun Yi-seols support, looked at Hyun-min.

Chef Hyun-min.

When she called him with a nonchalant expression, Hyun-min turned his head slightly, feeling a slight tension.

Yes, maam.

Jeong-woo cant cook at all. Youre amazing with him.

No, its not like that. I received a lot of help from Jeong-woo.

Youre humble.

Its not about being humble, its really

That guy who cant even cook instant ramen properly asks me to cook for him. Its a hassle. But hes good at doing the dishes.

Hong Ji-sook cut her off as if there was nothing more to listen to.

By the way, what kind of show did you say this was?

Well, its a delicious treat.

Ill definitely watch it later.

With that, Hong Ji-sook turned her gaze away. Yoon Yi-seol, who overheard their conversation, suppressed her laughter and returned to the cooking station.

Curious, Jeong-woo asked because Yoon Yi-seol had a mischievous smile on her face.

Why are you like that?

Because mother praised Mr. Jeong-woo.

Oh, thats impossible.

Well, she did. Hehe.

With suspicion filling his eyes, Jeong-woo turned his gaze towards the table where the dishes were placed without saying a word.

Thats right, whether you win or lose this competition, your mother will receive a prize.

A prize?

A one-year membership to Chef Hyun-mins restaurant.

Wow, my mother is lucky.

But I want to go. Shall we go together later?

Jeong-woo looked at Yoon Yi-seol in surprise.


Well me and Jeong-woo

After a moment of hesitation, Yoon Yi-seol continued speaking.

and Soo-chan too, if she wants. The more, the merrier.

But it would bother the Chef.

Well finish a years worth of meals in one day, so what.

While Hyun-min was thinly slicing the steak with a knife, the tasting began. At first, the elderly guests only focused on the stir-fried pork, but after tasting the steak, they had expressions that it wasnt bad.

Hyun-min, who was extremely nervous, looked at Jeong-woo standing far away. Jeong-woo nodded to reassure him.

After about five minutes, the guests continued to choose flags. However, since only two flags were picked up, and the remaining three continued to eat the steak, the PD stepped in.

-Elderly guest, you need to make your choice now.

-Wait a moment. Wouldnt it be a waste to leave this behind?

-Did the chef cook this? Its savory, and I like it.

-Its strange. It tastes like tofu and fried food at the same time.

Before the flags were raised, the atmosphere seemed to indicate that the winner had already been determined, capturing Yoon Yi-seols attention. She focused on the three individuals.

You old folks said you were full, but youre eating a lot. I want to try the steak too.

I put in some effort. Adjusting the syrup concentration for the mushroom sauce was challenging.

Oh my.


You really sound like a chef right now.

The result was as Jeong-woo had expected. Hyun-min won with a score of 3 to 2.

Hyun-min politely nodded to Hong Ji-suk.

-Thank you for your hard work.

-You too, Chef.

Hong Ji-suk lightly acknowledged the greeting and looked around. In that moment, her eyes met Yoon Yi-seols. Jeong-woo quickly intervened and gestured for her to look away.

With a chuckle, Yoon Yi-seol spoke.

It seems your mother is looking for me.

I wonder what she wants. She keeps looking for you, Yoon Yi-seol, whom just met today.

In your mothers team, I was the kitchen manager in some way. The key to the stir-fried pork is quickly mixing it on high heat.

Yoon Yi-seol shrugged her shoulders.

You didnt think I looked like a skilled cook just now, did you?

Lets agree that youre a newlywed who just learned how to cook.


Choi PD opened his mouth towards the living room.

-Since Chef Hyun-min won, we will randomly select one person from those who chose this team for a chance to win a kimchi refrigerator. Hwang, bring me the list of selections What? Only one person chose?

Everyone seemed to have bet on Hong Ji-suk, thinking the stir-fried pork would win.

Since there was only one person for the drawing, Choi PD immediately made the announcement.

-Grandma Choi Geum-soon? Where are you? Congratulations!

As Grandma Geum-soon, who was sitting in the back of the living room, stood up, people applauded.

Due to the staffs obstructed view, Yoon Yi-seol clenched her fists.

Oh? Thats Grandma Doo-chi, right?

Yes, I think she recognized my face and threw the flag. Its true that affection matters more than taste. The chef also struggled because of this.

Wow, Doo-chi brings luck.

Grandma Geum-soon didnt come towards the camera but waved her hand.

-Oh, I dont need it. It wont fit in my kitchen. Just leave it here, and Ill use it.

As the situation was settled with the donation to Longevity Elderly Care Center, Yoon Yi-seol sighed with admiration and looked at Jeong-woo.

That worked out well. Its all thanks to you, Jeong-woo.

No way.

Is this also some kind of chemical magic?

Why force connections like that? Its just that Grandma Geum-soons house is small.


-Cut! Great job!

After the filming ended, Hyun-min glanced at the plate with the steak, his gaze filled with curiosity about its taste. Even while cooking, he couldnt help but wonder what it would taste like.

Looking around, he picked up a piece of steak with his fork, unsure of which elderly person it was made for.


The piece that entered his mouth delivered a completely different flavor than expected.

This is

How should he even describe this taste?

The richness of a simple mixed vegetable dish, the affection contained in a savory anchovy broth, and the longing for his mother who always served more saying, Should I give you more? Enjoy it all passed through his esophagus and vanished.

This was a dish that was structurally different from food prepared with technical precision.

The steak had become a soul food.

The impact on Hyun-min, who was a chef capable of empathizing with the emotions that a dish made for one person could evoke, was indescribable.

The taste that called forth precious memories.

Inspiration sprouted vigorously. Despite having gone through three hours of hardship for cooking, he found himself wanting to cook again in that very moment.

Hyun-min turned his head to find Jeong-woo, the one who brought all of this to life. But he was nowhere to be seen, neither at the cooking station nor in the living room or kitchen.

Where did he go? I need his contact information. Lets exchange contacts first.

Under the night sky with the moon shining, Yoon Yi-seol removed her mask and hood, taking in a deep breath of fresh air.


Standing by the rooftop railing, as she looked down below, the events of the day replayed in her mind. It was all thanks to her decision to step outside the safety of her blanket that she had experienced what happened.

The same applied to the day she watched the movie. All it took was a little bit of courage to experience such a delightful feeling.

Ugh, I cant stand this smell anymore.

Yoon Yi-seol snapped out of her reverie at the scent emanating from the mask and hood in her hands.

Taking in the fresh air, she checked her phone for messages, particularly from Director Ji.

[Yi-seol! Its so much fun that you havent contacted me? What time are you planning to leave? Im heading your way for now.]

Once the staff of Channel Olove finished cleaning up, they had all left around 9 oclock. Most of the elderly had also finished their meals and returned home, leaving only some local residents who were staying in the living room, drinking alcohol until late.

Yi-seol, were leaving!

Park Soo-chan and Shin Ki-joon waved their hands towards the rooftop from the entrance of the yard.

Take care.

Yoon Yi-seol also raised both of her hands to bid them farewell. As the two disappeared, she turned her body around.

Hyun-min and Jeong-woo, who were engrossed in a serious conversation, came into her view.

Lets do it that way. Since the combination menu is challenging, Ill pay the training fees for the time being.

Ill come to see you soon.

Well then, take care. The manager has been waiting for me since earlier.

Take care, Chef.

As Hyun-min descended the stairs, Jeong-woo turned his back. Yoon Yi-seol approached him and asked.

Seems like youve become really close with the chef, huh? Youve been talking for 30 minutes.

It just happened.

Jeong-woo let out a bitter laugh. When he thought about it, he realized that he, as a chemist, and the culinary expert had used every possible means to impress their harmless mother.

Tsk, Im jealous.

Yoon Yi-seol muttered casually as she passed by. Jeong-woo smirked, saying that he was jealous of everything.

If you were on Chefs team, you wouldve been much closer to him than I am. Hes kinder than he appears.

Its not that I envy Mr. Jung Woo~

Jeong-woo didnt understand her words and looked at Yoon Yi-seol.

Yoon Yi-seol whispered, Never mind, and her expression turned gloomy as she shifted her gaze back towards the yard. Jeong-woo quietly approached her and cast his eyes towards the neighborhood scenery.

You only managed to check off one item on your checklist, right? Youve been helping my mother since lunch. Im sorry.

Well, thats true.

Yoon Yi-seol blinked her eyes filled with anticipation towards Jeong-woo.

We can do one more thing here.

What is it?

Feeling his heart pounding in her sparkling eyes, Jeong-woo asked.

Listening to someones meaningful memories.

You want me to do that?

Why not? Just give it a try.

Yoon Yi-seol stepped away from the rooftop railing and plopped down on the makeshift chair prepared for relaxation.

Come on.


Youre apologizing, arent you?

Jeong-woo scratched his head and turned his head awkwardly. Then his gaze settled on an alley near the house where the streetlight illuminated below. There were plenty of memories there too.

A place they passed by every day. And the person who used to reign over that place in the past.

My father. He used to say something on a regular basis. He said that everyone is equally great and miserable.

Oh, profound.

And then he said to me, Hey, do you have 30,000 won? Dad is broke and miserable right now. And he immediately took away my allowance.

Yoon Yi-seol chuckled.

Come to think of it, I havent seen your father, Jeong-woo.

He got divorced. Its been quite a while since I last saw him too.


Its not that serious though. Im just looking forward to seeing his greatness, now that Ive seen his misery. He was such a breezy person

Jeong-woos expression as he talked about his memories with his father was wistful.

Yoon Yi-seol couldnt take her eyes off his face.

His figure visible through the rooftop clothesline. Blending with the neighborhood lights, it felt like an affectionate photo framed in an album.

For a moment, as if the world had stopped, she slowly admired him within the frame.

Was it because her emotions were stirred? She unconsciously started humming.

A nameless song with a sweet voice resonated through the rooftop, intertwining with Jeong-woos memories.

Yoon Yi-seol couldnt believe it even as she sang. The chorus of the song that had been blocked and caused her trouble until yesterday unraveled like a lie.

Jeong-woo, who found himself naturally drawn to her singing asked.

Is it a melody Ive never heard before?

You havent even heard all of my songs.

Ive heard them all.

Feeling a sense of confidence from his response, Yoon Yi-seol smiled at Jeong-woo.


Seeing her phone ringing, she saw that it was Manager Ji who couldnt wait anymore and was calling.

It was time to leave now.

Yoon Yi-seol stood up, leaving her regrets behind, and spoke to Jeong-woo.

Do you know? Relationships should be two-sided.

What kind of relationship?

Fan, manager, checklist friend, cooking rival. What do you like about me, Jeong-woo?


For your information, I like everything.

Yoon Yi-seol once again showed a bit of courage.

Could you give me an example, just one of these, about me? What kind of relationship do I have with you, Mr. Jung Woo?

Faced with a serious and thought-provoking question, Jeong-woo couldnt answer hastily.

Thats right. What kind of relationship did you have with Eun-sil?


Jeong-woo became even more flustered.

Where did you hear that damn Soo-chan. Anyway, its not any kind of relationship.

Like us?

What When we were very young, and back then, we didnt even know what the word liking meant.


Jeong-woo realized he misspoke. It was salvageable if he tried to pick up the pieces now.

However, as he looked at Yoon Yi-seol, whose cheeks had turned completely red, he didnt feel like doing that anymore.

To me, Yoon Yi-seol is

Yoon Yi-seol swallowed hard.

someone I wouldnt even dare to think about meeting. But I can say that I have a strong liking for you. As a man, I want to get to know you more.

Suddenly, with a gasp, he started to hiccup uncontrollably, accompanied by shallow breaths.

Is this kind of relationship okay with you?

Yoon Yi-seol was speechless. Panic. Tension. Trembling. Various excitements overwhelmed her heart.

Then, with a gasp and spasmodic breaths, she started to hiccup.

I-Im really serious Hic. Ah, in this situation Hic.

I also like that you can be unexpectedly funny sometimes.

Its a j-joke Hic. Forget it!

Yoon Yi-seol closed her mouth, struggling to regain composure, then glanced at the familiar van entering the yard and managed to say.

Im leaving Hic. This conversation Hic. Next time.

Okay. Take care.

Feeling utterly embarrassed, Yoon Yi-seol quickly descended the stairs. Once she got into the van, she disappeared from Jeong-woos sight in no time.

code: Molecular Combination Formula

case: Handcrafted MSG combined at the micro level

research: A powder with a 1-micro richer umami taste than popular products on the market. Expected to become the signature seasoning of a certain restaurant.


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