
Chapter 136

Chapter 136

  1. Bomberman(2)

Jeong-woo walked towards the two men standing at the studio entrance. One was a mid-forties Korean man in a suit, and the other was a foreign man with striking brown hair and impressive muscles. The foreigner stood out even in a place frequented by handsome and beautiful models.

“Are you Han Jeong-woo?”

“Yes, I am.”

The suited man immediately got to the point.

“I’m Hwang Jeong-myung, a secretary from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ UN Division. We’ve received a request from the ISTC, a UN-affiliated organization, to meet with you, so we’ve brought this gentleman here.”


The abbreviation sounded familiar, and Jeong-woo recalled his recent conversation with Dr. Moon about an organization.

“Are you referring to the International Science and Technology Council?”

“Exactly. I’ll translate for you if needed…”

“If it’s in English, I can handle it myself.”

Hwang Jeong-myung nodded and stepped back. As Jeong-woo turned to the foreign man, the latter greeted him immediately.

『Mr. Han. I’m Vince Rebb, head of the ISTC Special Investigation Team.』

『Are you here because of the consultation from two days ago?』

『Yes. The MIT research paper you mentioned – we need to discuss it. Can you spare some time?』


Considering the presence of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs official, Jeong-woo figured it must be important and nodded.

『Go ahead.』

『We can’t discuss it here. It involves confidential matters.』

“There is a place set up at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs office.”

Feeling he had no choice, Jeong-woo glanced back towards the second floor where Yoon Yi-seol was waiting.

‘She’ll be busy with the photo shoot soon, so I’ll just leave a message. Reviewing a paper shouldn’t take too long, right?’

「Seoul, 04:34 PM」 – Ministry of Foreign Affairs Secure Meeting Room

In a tightly secured room with a ‘No Unauthorized Entry’ sign Jeong-woo carefully examined the laptop on the table before him. He looked up at Vince and spoke.

『Based on the recent research findings, I’m certain. The high-frequency plasma nanostructure developed by Professor Jordan Stansfield matches the compound in the video.』

『You’re sure about this?』


Jeong-woo nodded, and Vince opened another document file.

『This is data from Dr. Natalia at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. We only managed to obtain a portion of it, and we haven’t been able to analyze it properly. Can you identify what this research is about?』

Jeong-woo scrutinized the partially burned document images on the screen before turning to Vince.

『Excuse me, Team Leader Vince.』


『Is it typical for the UN to call random people and give them endless tasks like this?』

『No, it’s not typical, but…』

『Now that I think about it, it’s strange. If you know who created it, shouldn’t you be asking them directly instead of me?』

Vince glanced at Hwang Jeong-myung, who smiled and addressed Jeong-woo.

“Of course, we don’t ask just anyone. When goodwill continues, it might be seen as a right. These gentlemen will compensate you for the consultation.”

“How much are we talking about?”

“It varies depending on the nature and outcome of the work. Last year, I think it was? A professor fluent in Uruk made $30,000 for three days of interpreting.”

Jeong-woo’s mind raced at the thought of earning approximately $10,000 per day. Even when divided by 24 hours, it was a significant amount. Seeing Jeong-woo’s contemplative expression, Hwang added.

“You work at a large company, so your salary must be considerable, but this fee is tax-free, so you’ll receive the full amount.”


Thinking about the potential renovations for his mother’s restaurant, Jeong-woo turned his attention back to the laptop screen.

『Well, given the circumstances, I guess you had a reason to ask me instead of them. Give me a moment, Vince.』

With a soft smile, Jeong-woo memorized the chemical formulas from the fragmented document and began constructing a large molecular structure in his mind.

He envisioned a universe of metal particles, filling the gaps with predictable compounds for about 20 minutes.

『…Okay, this substance has an incredible diffusion rate when heated. If we set the level of water boiling and turning into gas at 100, this would be around 2,000 to 3,000.』

Vince, listening intently, flinched and asked.

『Are you talking about a thermal pressure bomb?』

『A bomb? The missing data doesn’t allow for such high heat output. Is Dr. Natalia a bomb maker?』

『No, she’s not. Lastly, please confirm this. It’s research material from Professor Amit at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.』

This time, most of the images were photographs—syringes, test tubes, and sealed containers filled with yellow liquid. Jeong-woo examined them closely before speaking.

『It appears to be a substance that affects the nervous system, with properties that could block sensations.』

『So, it poses a lethal threat to humans?』

『I can’t confirm that definitively. Overdosing on sedatives can be fatal, right? You’d need proper measurements for this. Besides, just from these…』

After nearly an hour of focusing on the molecular world, Jeong-woo’s head began to spin as the various compounds jumbled together, causing him to wince.

『Mr. Han, are you feeling unwell?』

『No, just a slight headache. I need a minute to rest.』

Hwang approached Jeong-woo at this.

“Jeong-woo, would you like some coffee?”

“I’m avoiding caffeine. Could you get me a glass of water, please?”


Stepping out of the meeting room, Hwang Jeong-myung ran into a high-ranking official from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who was passing by in the hallway.

“Oh? Director Hwang, it’s rare to see you back in the country.”

“Ah, Counselor. I’m currently on duty, so please refer to me as Secretary instead of Director.”

“Oh, an investigation. Who is it? Don’t tell me we need to prepare for North Korean provocations?”

“You know I can’t disclose that.”

The counselor nodded and walked away. Hwang Jeong-myung turned his attention back to the meeting room.

The reason why he, a NIS overseas operative active in Europe, had suddenly returned to Korea was particular. The CIA had bypassed national channels and contacted him directly. They even disguised it as a request from a UN agency to arrange a meeting with a chemist.

“All the owners of those documents seem to have encountered trouble, but we don’t know the details. There’s no way they would share the information just because we ask. It’s definitely unusual.”

In such uncertain situations, protecting nationals was the priority. Hwang Jeong-myung walked to the break room, filled a glass with cold water, and returned to the meeting room.

“Here you go.”

Jeong-woo, massaging his temples, accepted the cup of water and nodded in thanks. As he looked at the rippling surface of the water, he was reminded of the liquid from the video he had seen two days ago.


“What is it?”

“Hold on.”

A sudden idea struck him. Jeong-woo opened the materials from the MIT professor, the documents from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, and the research from Nanyang Technological University on the same screen, scrutinizing them in silence. He then gestured for Vince to come closer.

『When viewed separately, these are just unique new materials. But when combined, their reactivity becomes apparent.』

『What kind of…?』

『Look here. You have a nanostructured material that can encapsulate something, combined with a neural stabilizer, and then condensed to collide with a particle diffusion substance.』

Jeong-woo’s hands moved quickly, writing and adjusting the structural formulas. After several revisions, he stepped back from the laptop.

『Look at this.』

Vince’s eyes scanned the long chemical formula on the screen.

『This is…』

『Ah, I suppose you’re not the chemical expert at ISTC? What this is, in theory, is a miraculous substance. It has incredible expansiveness, enough to spread throughout this entire building with just a fingernail-sized amount, while maintaining its properties. Of course, this is theoretical.』

Vince’s expression changed.

『A new biochemical weapon?』

『The neural stabilizer in its expanded form functions almost like an anesthetic. Essentially, it’s a biological EMP, not stopping machines but stopping people.』

『A biological EMP?』

Pale-faced, Vince pulled out his phone and ran outside. Hwang Jeong-myung, who had been listening quietly, looked alarmed and asked.

“Does something like that really exist?”

“How would I know?”

“What’s with that alien-like formula?”

“It’s a hypothesized chemical formula. I filled in the gaps with educated guesses. But if these three materials exist in one place, they could potentially create this. The process would be complex and the success rate low.”

“Could you create it?”

“Well, maybe, but…”

Jeong-woo looked away from the screen and turned to Hwang Jeong-myung.

“It would be much easier if the three scientists who developed these materials worked together.”

「Berlin, Local Time 10:37 AM」 – CIA Secret Base

A reconnaissance satellite monitoring the Ministry of Foreign Affairs building in the heart of Seoul transmitted a signal to the other side of the globe.

-…It could be developed into a biological EMP.

The CIA base receiving this information plunged into confusion over the news relayed to Vince.

『This is driving me crazy. Contact the analysis team and have them verify if the process proposed by that chemist is feasible.』

David, who was sending encrypted orders per Nathan’s instructions, shook his head as he spoke.

『Verify it with the analysis team that didn’t even realize it was a study by a professor from MIT? And it’s been over 20 hours since they received all the data.』

『Are our analysts idiots, or is that chemist just exceptionally brilliant?』

『I think it’s both.』


Nathan sighed deeply and turned his eyes to another monitor.

On the screen was information about individuals who had been missing since two days ago. There was Robert, the initial subject of the information gathering. The MIT professor uncovered during the investigation of his case. And two doctors who had met with that professor but had been unaccounted for in the last 48 hours.

『Director, we found a record of Dr. Amit checking into a hotel in Hong Kong.』

Nathan quickly asked in response to David’s report.


『This morning.』

David, typing rapidly on the keyboard, even found a CCTV image showing Amit.

『Thank goodness. Send a tactical team to approach him as quickly as possible given the risk of kidnapping.』

『The only team currently in Asia is Vince’s, but he’s supposed to stay with that chemist, isn’t he?』

『Didn’t you hear? All three of these studies are connected. Ask him to bring the chemist along. Come up with a good excuse so he doesn’t panic. If this chemist is smarter than our analysis team, he can meet Dr. Amit and conduct an accurate verification. Blake.』

At Nathan’s call, a woman sitting in front of a monitor near the entrance turned her head. She was a young agent with sharp blue eyes and a keen look.


『Take a backup agent and head to Hong Kong.』

「Seoul, 05:38 PM」 – Ministry of Foreign Affairs Secure Reception Room

『Hong Kong?』

Jeong-woo was taken aback by Vince’s sudden request.

『We are planning to meet Dr. Amit. We need your expertise there.』

『Even if you say so, I have work commitments. I need to be at the office tomorrow.』

『We will pay you a consulting fee of $500 per hour.』

Jeong-woo, a man easily swayed by money, began to think quickly.

『What’s the schedule like?』

『We’ll go immediately and meet, so it will take at most a day.』

$12,000 for 24 hours. After doing the math, Jeong-woo spoke up.

『Sorry, but I can’t break my commitments for just that amount…』

『$1,000 per hour.』

『…Should I just give you my bank account number? Lump sum payment?』

10 minutes later.

Seated in the back of a black sedan driven by Hwang Jung-myung, Jeong-woo picked up his phone and called Yoon Yi-seol. However, the call went unanswered, likely because she was in the middle of a photo shoot.

[Ms. Yi-seol. The UN International Science and Technology Council has invited me to participate in a special investigation as a consultant. I’ll be back by tomorrow… I’m the kind of guy who works well enough to take a lot of time off, so I’ll definitely make time when I return. Call me when you see this message.]

Jeong-woo sent the text first. As he waited for Yoon Yi-seol’s reply, he gazed at the receding landscape of Seoul.

Hwang Jung-myung glanced in the rearview mirror and then turned his eyes towards Vince in the passenger seat.

『Your organization seems quite busy. Can my team and I offer any further assistance?』

『Your cooperation today is sufficient. We will express our gratitude later.』

『I’m curious about what kind of gratitude that will be. Please ensure our chemist’s swift and safe return after the consultation.』

『Don’t worry. The best talents in the world will do their utmost.』

Jeong-woo, who had been staring blankly out the window, tilted his head as the car took an outer road heading towards Seongnam instead of Incheon Airport.

“Where are we going? Aren’t we flying out from Incheon Airport?”

“Oh, we’re using the transport service from the air force base.”


“Have you seen the presidential plane on TV? It takes off from here. Vince’s organization has considerable authority within the UN, so this is possible. It might be a bit inconvenient, but the travel will be quick.”


Soon, Jeong-woo saw the barbed wire fences marking a military facility. As they entered, the car stopped not at a Korean military area but at a hangar for the U.S. Army Air Corps.

A military aircraft was visible on the runway.

As he stepped out, three large men in suits approached. One of them handed a bag to Vince.

『Mr. Han.』

Vince pulled out an ID card from the bag and handed it to Jeong-woo.


Jeong-woo’s eyes widened when he saw the card, which had his photo and the title “UN ISTC Special Advisor” written beneath it. It was astonishing how quickly they had processed this ID.

“Mr. Han Jeong-woo.”

Hwang Jeong-myung, rolling down the driver’s side window, gestured to Jeong-woo.

“Provide as much consultation as you can, but don’t act too smart.”

“Act too smart?”

“You’ve been in the military, so you know. If you do a good job…”

“They’ll give you more work?”

“Exactly. Make sure to secure a generous consultation fee. If the schedule is tight, ask for more. They have plenty of money.”

Jeong-woo nodded with a smile. Hwang Jung-myung waved and drove off.

Vince approached and pointed to the C-130 transport plane on the runway.

『We’ll depart once refueling is complete. Please board ahead.』

『Oh, sure.』

Watching the airmen connect the refueling hose from the truck, Jeong-woo climbed aboard the transport plane.


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