
Chapter 112

Chapter 112

  1. Old Steel Great Line(10)


-Listen carefully, Kaya. Wolves are creatures that learn. Theres no way they dont know that if they attack humans, their entire pack could face obliteration.

While departing from the completed emergency repairs on the pipeline, a message came in from Wolf who had caught wind of the situation.

Holding the walkie-talkie, Kaya amplified the volume for everyone to hear before responding.

They dont seem to fear us. Theyre maintaining distance but continue to follow.

-Seems like a new group with a young alpha. Knowing the dangers, why did you lead Mr. Han here?

Because of my fathers incessant superstitions. A keen sense of smell is just a physical advantage.

Kaya cast a fleeting glance at Jeong-woo. In response to her piercing gaze, Jeong-woo offered a reflexive smile.

-A keen sense of smell?


-Remember encountering that coyote during trail training? Use a flare for a warning if they come too close. Theyll scatter in surprise.

All the flares were used up protecting the pipeline.

-Hmm. How about bear spray?

That too. By the way, we dont have flints or waterproof matches. Dont even think about making a torch with the leaked oil.

There was a pause in Wolfs communication, seemingly taken aback.

Jeong-woo felt a pang of regret. He had inadvertently involved his beautiful daughter in this, and now, with no contingency plan, his concerns extended beyond just the gray wolves of the forest.


Recalling the lethal muscles of Wolf doting father awaiting at base camp made sweat form on his back.


-I still cant quite grasp how you managed to protect the pipeline with survival tools.

Dont ask me. I was right there, and I still dont understand it myself.

-Could it be the mystique of the East?

They call it the eldest sons destiny. Got anything else to say?

-The rescue team is on its way, so dont worry too much. But remember, artificial threats are effective against wild animals. Show them youre not an easy opponent. Climb a tree if necessary. Wolves cant climb trees.

After ending the communication and attaching the walkie-talkie to her waist, Kaya turned to Jeong-woo.

Did you catch all the precautions?


Jeong-woo cleared his throat, diligently scanning the surroundings, wondering if there was still a lurking threat from the wolves.

Ten minutes later.


The sound of a wolf howling echoed from a distance. In response, howls began to resound from various parts of the forest.

Miss Survival Expert.

With a serious expression, Luke called out to Kaya, who was leading the group.

Arent we supposed to run with all our might before they close in? One of those scouting wolves has been staring at us, making my hair stand on end.

You should never run within a wolfs line of sight. Doing so is no different than declaring ourselves prey. Predators instinctively chase the weak.

Luke paused. Upon Kayas advice that standing firm might be better, Simpson pulled out a tranquilizer gun from behind.

Cant believe we cant even run away freely.

With a flick of his tongue, Jeong-woo blinked and scanned the forest through an ultrasonic vision.

A long wave, about 10 meters in length, refracted between rocks and tree trunks, facilitating communication among the wolves.

One scouting wolf, which had been tailing closely, perked its ears, paused, and then tilted its head toward the sky.

Is it trying to communicate?

Thinking he should block it, Jeong-woo immediately took a replacement battery for the walkie-talkie from his bag. A sloshing sound came from his hip flask when he tapped it.

Good thing the weathers warm.

To increase responsiveness, Jeong-woo sprayed water onto his gloves and started gathering dust particles.

The free electrons, powered by ion reactions in the battery, extended toward the howling wolf. However, due to the wolfs longer vibrational frequency, he couldnt pull in its ultrasound.

I might have to scramble it.

If the wave had the opposite tremor of the howl, it might block the noise.

Suddenly, Kayas gaze shifted toward Jeong-woo, who was shaking the battery oddly.

What are you doing?

Just a moment.

Jeong-woo vigorously waved his arms to adjust the wavelength, frequency, and amplitude of the ultrasound produced by the free electrons. When overlapped with the wolfs sound, he sent out the dust particles again.

Confused, the howling wolf stopped and looked around, baffled as its sound seemed to hit an invisible wall.

Jeong-woo continued creating dust particles to counteract the wolfs ultrasound.

Eventually, the simultaneous howling that had filled the forest ceased.


Once Jeong-woo successfully blocked the communication, Kaya turned her gaze to him.

Seeing her questioning look, Jeong-woo put the battery back in his pocket and smiled awkwardly.

Kaya, do you know about the properties of wave interference?


I was just experimenting. No particular reason.

Kaya pointed to the scouting wolf that had suddenly stopped and was now aimlessly wandering, looking towards the sky.

Maybe its doing so without any particular intent?

I dont know Wild animals are unpredictable.

With an innocent face, Jeong-woo looked at Kaya, who sighed softly while scrutinizing him.

Being with Mr. Han makes everything we trained for to understand natures fears seem trivial.

You dont have to feel that way. I respect and trust your abilities. From the icy glaciers to this muddy terrain, our safe movement is all thanks to your guidance.

Thanks for even considering the safety officers feelings.

Kaya responded with a somewhat bone-dry tone, making Jeong-woo chuckle.

If my younger sibling were as reliable as you, the weight of being the eldest son would be somewhat lighter.

Suddenly, an ultrasound brushed past Jeong-woos field of vision. Turning his head, he caught a glimpse of a blunt tail darting away.

The Wolverine is fleeing.


That way.

By the time Kaya turned her head, the Wolverine had already vanished. Kaya, who had been tracking it with binoculars, let out a low groan.

Our paths intersect with the Wolverines escape route.

Remembering the Wolverine he had avoided a few hours ago, Jeong-woo quickly closed his eyes.

Through infrared vision, he identified five wolves sprinting toward them.

Kaya, the wolves are closing in rapidly. About a mile away, five of them.

Well be caught before reaching the rendezvous point. Can you detect the scouting wolves?

One of them is still there. Cant see him, but hes around 400 meters away.

If any wolf is detected nearby, warn immediately. And

Kaya looked back at Luke and Simpson, who were following behind, before continuing,

Everyone, run. Keep running until Mr. Han gives the signal. We need to buy some time.


Mud splattered from the pond.

Watching the scene unfold before him, with the five wolves chasing through the forest, Jeong-woo was reminded of a similar scene he had witnessed before.

The hunting techniques of the wolf pack, pushing a moose into a trap.

He scanned the area cautiously, fearing that if there were a trap ahead, it would be disastrous.

Its okay. Theyre not within a mile.

This judgment was followed by a moment when he took a step forward.

Infrared vision detects objects based on temperature. Therefore, sensing objects that do not retain heat would naturally be slower.


Suddenly, a spruce tree that met these conditions sprang up out of nowhere.

In his haste, Jeong-woo turned but got entangled in the protruding tree roots, losing his balance. He collided with a neighboring tree, and his bag snagged, causing him to change direction.

His body floated as if lying in mid-air.

At 3 PM, Alaskas clear sky displayed a warm hue despite the freezing temperature of minus 9 degrees celsius.


Colliding with the ground, his vision plunged into darkness.

Mr. Han!

Whether it was Luke or Simpsons voice, Jeong-woo couldnt tell as he lost consciousness.

It must have been a dream. His hands and feet looked like ferns when he glanced at them. Chan was giggling beside him, he couldnt have been more than five years old.

-Brother, lets go together!

Two ordinary little kids visiting their grandmothers countryside home.

Even though they merely dipped their feet into the stream flowing beside the old tree or looked down at the field after running up the hill, their expressions gleamed as if they had completed a grand journey.

Whats so enjoyable?

During his childhood, filled with vague imaginings about nature, he had anticipated adventures far more daring and exhilarating than anything unrealistic he might experience in the heart of Alaska.

Growing older and being confronted by the world made him forget.

What the hell, am I dead?

At that moment, when an unexpected sense of unease crept in, he shivered as if trying to wake up from the dream.

Mr. Han, are you awake? Mr. Han.

Jeong-woo opened his eyes amidst throbbing pain. He was still deep in the forest, with Kaya wrapping an emergency bandage around his head.

You see this? Focus.

Kaya waved her finger right in front of his eyes.

What happened?

You have a mild concussion.

The wolves

Jeong-woo quickly sat up. Luke, holding a probe like a weapon, and Simpson, wielding a tranquilizer gun, were on guard, while five wolves appeared about 200 meters ahead.

Theyre almost caught up, and were in a standoff.

At the sound of Kayas voice, Jeong-woo immediately responded.

How long was I unconscious?

10 minutes. Can you move?

Probing around, he felt a lump on the back of his head. Flinching from the pain, Jeong-woo realized he had to move, regardless of the situation.

Its just a headache for now.

As Jeong-woo stood up, Luke sent him a questioning look. After nodding, Jeong-woo turned his gaze towards the wolves.

They stared intently, yet made no further move.

Slowly retreat. Shout if they show any sign of charging.

Kaya instructed, as they began to move backward.

As the watching wolves closed in, Luke shouted, Get away! slamming the probe on the ground. Simpson also clapped loudly, shouting, Move!

You little brats! We actually protected your forest by preventing the oil spill!

Jeong-woo yelled until his voice cracked, massaging his temples.

It was then, about 100 meters back, a rustling sound announced the arrival of four more wolves.

The difference in numbers spurred the wolves into more aggressive action.

Theyre closing in!

What now, Miss?

Luke and Simpsons bewildered voices followed.

Once were 50 meters further, well reach the pine forest. Climb the trees. Wait for reinforcements.

Pulling out a rope, Kaya made several knots for easy climbing and handed them to Jeong-woo, cutting them into pieces with a knife.

Find a thick tree and tie as high as possible, stepping on it as you go up. Repeat that. You need to climb at least 2 meters. Can you do it?

Ive never done it before.

If you want to protect even a tiny bit of your honor, dont let your epitaph be that of a fallen hero. Its not that hard.

Amidst this, Kaya remained calm and collected, efficiently managing Luke and Simpson.

In a situation nearing a dead-end, Jeong-woo felt overwhelmed by the glaring eyes of the nine yellow-flashing wolves. It seemed as if they were assessing whether the humans loud noises were mere bluffs.

Dont run!

Upon reaching the forest, Simpson attempted to rush towards a tree. Kaya urgently grabbed his arm.

Slow down. We need to use their continued alertness to our advantage.

As the nine wolves slowly closed in, the group started tying ropes to trees one by one. Kaya, after lightly climbing up using her pickaxe, held a walkie-talkie.

Rescue team, weve failed to escape and are surrounded by wolves. Well provide GPS coordinates, please come this way.


-Where are you?

After grabbing and wobbling up a tree, Jeong-woo secured the rope at a height of approximately 2.5 meters. Luke managed to climb up, stepping on the tied rope and hugging the tree tightly.

Simpson! Hurry up!

Im trying!

However, due to his larger size, Simpson struggled to climb properly.

Upon seeing the wolves arrive within 100 meters, Jeong-woo stifled a groan.

This is really dangerous.

After finishing the communication, Kaya checked on Simpson and immediately descended. She shouted to Jeong-woo and Luke, securely positioned above.

You two stay there!

Approaching Simpsons tree, Kaya started tying the ropes more tightly.

Im sorry, Kaya.

Just climb up.

While Kaya pushed Simpson upwards, the wolves gradually increased their speed, closing in.


As if signaling, they howled, and given their number, Jeong-woo hesitated to engage. At this rate, it seemed like all twenty would converge on their location.

I need to prepare something.

Jeong-woo reached into his pocket and pulled out a battery. It wasnt a large one, meant for the walkie-talkie, and it had almost depleted.

No, using this as a battery bomb wont work. Itll end up just like a firecracker.

While contemplating a solution, Jeong-woo noticed Luke hanging on a nearby tree.



About that heart medicine. May I use it? Unless its an immediate emergency.

You can carry it around like a talisman, but its not a vascular dilator or a panic-relief pill.

I understand.

Luke, who had an ammo-like medicine bottle hanging around his neck, extended his arm. Jeong-woo took it, opened the lid, placed the pills on his glove, and crushed them with force.

Looking down, Luke was startled and shouted.

Ha, ones here!

Simpson managed to stretch his arm and climb up the tree by force. However, the gray wolf that had been the fastest to charge blocked Kayas path as she was about to retreat.

Kaya froze in her tracks. Whether she remembered the tree she had climbed or not, the wolf stood directly in that direction.

Without uttering a word, Kaya locked eyes with the wolf. Seeing her cautiously stepping backward to find another tree, the wolf growled.

Luke swung the probe downwards.

Damn it! Come this way!

Simpson also put a tranquilizer dart in his mouth and shot, but due to the 5m effective range of the equipment, the dart fell powerless in front of the wolf.

Damn it!


The wolf bared its teeth as if about to pounce on Kaya.

A split-second moment.

Step back.

Jeong-woo drew the last ion reaction from the battery and shot a stardust towards the wolfs forehead.

Infrared wavelengths resonating with free electron groups.

Feeling the sting from the pouring heat like a laser pointer, the wolf retreated with a whimper. Not missing the hesitation, Kaya swiftly climbed another tree.


Seeing her relieved expression, Jeong-woo felt relieved too.

Kaya pointed to the wolf glaring fiercely from the tree.

Did Mr. Han do that?


Dont fool around. Your actions just now were strange.

Despite the wolfs fierce momentum, Jeong-woo only smirked at Kayas intense gaze.

More importantly, Kaya. Instructor Wolf said to use a flare, right? How about a nitroglycerin bomb instead?

What did you say?

Take it.

Jeong-woo tossed an aluminum bottle shaped like a bullet to Kaya.

What did you say earlier? That artificial threats are effective against wild animals? Just throw this. Its an alternative to the flares, I forgot.

Kaya stared at the bottle with an incredulous expression.

Are you joking now?

Im always serious.

Inside the heart medicine, he had stored the sensitive compound that causes a physical explosion, nitroglycerin. Jeong-woo calmly spoke, imagining a microcosm of molecules colliding and explosively reacting.

Since they showed the terrifying aspect of the natural ecosystem, we as humans should show them the terrifying aspect of the chemical ecosystem. Its simple to use. Shake it and throw it on the ground.

I really dont understand you.

Assuming it was a joke, Kaya shook the bottle in her hand and threw it to the ground. The bottle rolled on the ground.

Nothing happened.

Angrily, she glared at Jeong-woo.

Since it shouldnt explode upon shaking, Ive intentionally delayed the reaction speed. The glycerin inside is about to intertwine

The aluminum bottle vibrated as if it were receiving an earthquake alone.

Its starting. Everyone cover your ears!

Jeong-woo spread his index fingers to cover his earholes.

Crackle, the bottles seal broke.


The compressed nitroglycerin molecules burst out through the crack.


A sound far louder than the howling of the wolves echoed.

Triggering a chain reaction, the ignited molecules turned into small fireballs, soaring into the air.

The wolves scattered in all directions, howling in confusion.

Jeong-woo turned to Kaya, whose eyes widened in shock after witnessing the explosion, as if reassuring her with his explanation.

When a solid turns into a gas, its volume expands by hundreds or thousands of times. I merely emphasized the sound to allow the molecules to disperse widely. Look, even the wolf that was right next to us is fine.

Thats not the point. What in the world

On the opposite tree, Luke looked at Jeong-woo and then shifted his gaze to the scorched ground, frozen in place.

Did I walk around with C4 strapped to my neck?


-Kaya, do you copy? Based on the rescue teams location, they should arrive near you in about five minutes. Can you hold on until then?

Kaya held the radio and replied.

Mission accomplished. The wolves have learned the terror of a single human.


Honestly, Im scared myself now.

8:00 PM, downtown Fairbanks.

The lobby of the headquarters building of Alaska Pipeline Service Company was bustling with reporters, creating a crowded scene. With cameras and microphones focused, Neogi continued his announcement from the podium.

Thanks to the efforts of Yujin Chemical, we were able to stop it early. I would like to express deep gratitude here for the heroic actions of Mr. Han, who discovered the leak and performed emergency repairs on the spot, along with the three people who assisted him.

As soon as he finished speaking, several reporters quickly raised their hands.

-Government authorities have expressed confidence that the pipeline can be permanently operational. However, accidents have occurred consecutively. Do you have any contingency plans?

-What do you have to say about the controversy that the corrosion prevention measures for TAPS have been insufficient?

-The governor of Alaska expressed concerns in a daytime interview that the lifespan of the pipeline is limited. What are your thoughts on the immediate closure and replacement?

Neogi broke into a cold sweat, unable to easily answer any of the reporters relentless questions. Then, his gaze settled on a vehicle parked outside the lobby.

They had arrived.

This is the same hotel we stayed at last time. Since its directly managed by the headquarters, the facilities are decent. You can even take a hot shower.

Jeong-woo got out of the car, explaining to Luke and Simpson. His eyes widened upon seeing the lobby full of cameras and people.

Whats going on?

The doors of the headquarters opened, and journalists poured out. As they surrounded the car, Kaya, who had just gotten out, looked bewildered.

Mr. Han! Who is Han Jeong-woo?

When a reporter holding a microphone asked, Jeong-woo turned his head and said, Me? Cameras flashed simultaneously.

Whats all this commotion about?

Drenched in oil and covered in mud, he felt embarrassed to face the media. As he regretted not looking into a mirror, reporters nearby bombarded him with questions.

Can you comment on the diagnosis process of the leak?

Environmental experts claim that if emergency measures had failed, up to fifty times the amount of oil would have flowed into the Yukon River! Any comments?

What led you to make such a bold decision to enter the dangerous forest without safety measures?

As a corrosion expert, what are your thoughts on the lifespan of the pipeline?

Struggling to find an answer amid the barrage of questions, Jeong-woo sensed that he couldnt head straight to the hotel if he lingered.


As he began to speak, the reporters fell silent.

The emergency repair was an accidental occurrence during an inspection. Its not significant. Also

Jeong-woo locked eyes with Neogi inside the lobby. He had been pleading for a proper diagnosis and solution for the corroded pipeline.

After inspecting approximately 450 miles, I can provide some answers.

The corrosion of the pipeline, built to withstand strong earthquakes, was due to aging over 40 years. The symptoms of the Alaska pipeline are similar to arteriosclerosis in humans. The inner wall accumulates wax, while the outer wall is damaged by various causes.

Are you saying this pipeline is old and beyond repair?

Jeong-woo shook his head in response to a reporters sudden question.

Do we give up on people when theyre sick? We identify the cause and treat it. Similarly, if managed rigorously now

Estimating the corrosion rate, Jeong-woo continued.

it should last about five more years.

The journalists buzzed with murmurs. Neogis expression darkened upon hearing that only five years remained.

Jeong-woo then mentioned appropriate coatings, paints, corrosion removers, and prevention methods for the Alaska pipeline.

Please dont misunderstand. Thats if an average company manages it. With the best specialized team, it should last at least 20 years.

Upon this revelation, the journalists erupted in unison.

Who is that?

Well, thats for the person in charge of TAPS to decide. Im too tired, thats all.

With a slight bow, Jeong-woo started walking towards the hotel.

Neogi, looking out, couldnt take his eyes off Jeong-woos departing figure.


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