Chef in the Apocalypse

Chapter 27: Scouting the Area

Chapter 27: Scouting the Area

Amidst the heavenly aroma of freshly conjured cream puffs, Jayce found an inexplicable sense of peace while working on his culinary arts. It was as if, when he was cooking, all other thoughts dissolved, leaving his mind as clear as a pristine lake, allowing him to savor every moment of the process.

The sparring session had been a resounding success, surpassing Jayce's wildest expectations. The teams fought with unbridled fervor, wielding the formations and tactics he had taught them as if they were experienced fighers. If he didn't know better, he'd have thought they had battled together for lifetimes.

Team A, led by the indomitable Colin, emerged victorious, their victories only marred by one occasion when a mage's mana arrow found its way to the back of Colin's head.

"Haha, serves you right, you big oaf," Jayce chuckled, his face lighting up at the memory of Colin's bewildered expression after being struck.

But as the laughter subsided, a serious look washed over Jayce's features. Tomorrow would be the true test, when the teams would venture out to face real monsters. Sparring was one thing, but the new world was an entirely different battlefield.

Jayce's eyes fell on the cream puffs before him, their tantalizing allure a fleeting distraction from his thoughts. "No point in worrying now," he muttered, a mix of determination and concern on his face. Survival in the Apocalypse required strength and vigilance.

With a resolute shake of his head, Jayce lifted the tray of desserts, ready to share them with the winning team. "Dessert is ready!" he called out, hearing some cheers in response.


The door of the shelter creaked as Jayce pushed it open, revealing a world that hadn't been seen for two days. The air outside felt heavy and still, carrying an eerie silence that hung over the desolate city. The sun was just beginning to peak over the horizon, casting a faint golden glow on the abandoned streets. What used to be bustling with life and activity was now a hauntingly empty landscape.

Jayce stepped out cautiously, accompanied by the archers who could see farther than any other class. Their keen eyes scanned the surroundings, searching for any signs of danger. The city looked like a ghost town, with windows boarded up and doors closed tightly. It was as if the residents had vanished into thin air, leaving behind an empty shell of what was once a lively community.

The Archer's whispered their observations to Jayce, pointing out possible locations for monsters or potential dangers. Jayce nodded, grateful for their sharp senses, and decided to scout around a bit to get a better lay of the land.

As they moved through the streets, the desolation became more apparent. Piles of rubble and debris littered the ground, evidence of the cataclysmic events that had taken place. Nature had not yet started reclaiming the urban landscape, as it had only been two days since the apocalypse began. The buildings still stood tall and intact, but the silence and emptiness were overwhelming.

Despite the stillness, there was an underlying feeling of danger in the air. Jayce's heart pounded in his chest as he led the Archer's further into the city. He knew that they were treading on dangerous ground, and the need to stay vigilant was paramount.

After thoroughly scouting the area and finding no immediate threats, Jayce gave the all-clear signal, ushering the first group, Team A, to follow. Colin, Jackie, an additional mage, and three swordsmen formed the team, with Lianna joining as the only healer.

"Alright, everyone, stick together and keep your eyes peeled," Jayce instructed, his voice carrying a sense of urgency. "We're looking for monsters in small groups. If you see more than five monsters together, it's time to run. Safety comes first."

The group nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. Each of them was equipped with their starting gear and weapons, ready to defend themselves against any potential threats.

As they moved through the city, they maintained a heightened sense of awareness. Every alleyway and building was carefully inspected, and they avoided making unnecessary noise. The once-bustling streets now felt like a labyrinth of shadows, and they treaded carefully to avoid attracting any unwanted attention.

Jayce reminded them, "If you come across anyone alive, do not approach. Stay vigilant and be prepared for the unexpected. This world isn't what it once was, and we can't take any chances."

As Team A cautiously moved through the desolate city, they suddenly stumbled upon a scene that left some members of the group frozen in fear. Peering from behind the wreckage, they saw a pack of grotesque creatures with hunched figures, gnarled claws, and beady, malevolent eyes. The sight was unlike anything they had encountered before.

Jayce signaled the team to halt, and they all huddled together, concealing themselves behind a half-collapsed building. The sight before them was unsettling, and the stench of decay mixed with the goblins' foul odor filled the air. These creatures were vile and aggressive, known for their cunning and tendency to attack in groups.

Jayce noticed the fear in some of their eyes and immediately understood the gravity of the situation. He gestured for everyone to stay low and quiet, urging them to control their breathing. This was their first encounter with real monsters, and their minds were grappling with the horrors of the new world.


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