CEO's Sudden Proposal

Chapter 436

He Weifei went home after lunch with the two men. He stopped riding his bicycle when he almost had a car accident.

This time he walked home. It was wet and cold in winter in Rongcheng. It was very different from Qincheng, but it made him think it was home more than Qincheng.

There are little girls looking at him everywhere he Weifei goes. The astonishment in his eyes falls into his eyes without looking into it.

I don't know if he is out of school, but his heart is empty. On the surface, he told his father, principal and friends that he wanted to find himself and the way to get along with he Weixia, but he didn't know how to go next.

He lost his identity as a student who could best protect him.

It's more than seven o'clock since he Weifei got home. He Qiaoyan, Qin Yiyue and he Weiyu are already having dinner.

Qin Yiyue saw that his clothes were wet and asked, "did you come back?"


"Hungry? If you're not hungry, go to the bathroom and change clothes first, and wait for mommy to boil ginger soup for you. "

"Thank you mommy." He Weifei turns back to the room.

The smile on Qin Yiyue's face almost didn't fall, murmuring: "Tu Hao, I really regret that I didn't specialize in psychology."

"Isn't Chu Feiyan an internationally renowned psychiatrist? He didn't solve the only problem. It depends on fate. In my opinion, it's not all bad that he has the chance to choose a totally different way of life. "

"I'd rather he didn't have the chance."

"It's a good thing to have no chance. I'm lucky to have the chance. Doctor Qin, don't hold back the organization. "

"No drag. What to do next? "

"I'll talk to him in the evening. If he wants me to go to Bincheng with Chu Feiyan."

"To see the tomb of He Feng?"


Qin Yiyue nodded and reluctantly agreed.


as he Qiaoyan thought, he Weifei didn't have much rejection of going to Bincheng, but he refused to be accompanied.

When he Qiaoyan thought about it, he agreed. Chu Feiyan was furious.

Scold and scold but he Qiaoyan, beat but also beat him, almost choked out manic depression.

He Weifei flew straight to Bincheng the next day after the exam. When he arrived at Bincheng, he went to Lingxian county according to the address he wrote down. There was a Hejia village in Lingxian county. All the people in the village were surnamed he.

He Weifei stayed in the county seat of Lingxian for one night, and took the county bus to Hejia village the next morning.

It's winter vacation time. The newly cast cement road from the station to Hejia village is sometimes overloaded with students' private cars.

Seeing he Weifei walking alone, many cars stopped to ask him if he would like a ride.

At first, he didn't think people had a purpose. Later, he found that people in the small place thought that it was too dangerous for him to walk as a child and wanted to give him a ride.

When the fifth car asked him, he first asked the destination of the other person, and then he got on the car when he saw that the other person was going to Hejia village.

The driver looked very simple and honest. Seeing he Weifei put on his seat belt, he asked, "son, which family are you related to? I haven't seen you before. "

"I came to find he Feng."

The driver stopped with a shudder and looked at he Feifei in disbelief. "What do you say, kid?"

"Doesn't he Feng live in Hejia village?" He asked naively, putting the driver's expression into his eyes.

The driver looked at he Weifei, tears rolling in his eyes, "son, you are He Feng's classmate. It's not more than half a year since my family's Fengzi

He Weifei didn't expect to meet his family directly. "Hello, uncle. My name is he Weifei, he Feng's friend. I've contacted him many times. I don't feel relieved to come here specially this time. "

He Qiang stared at he Weifei stupidly and said in a trembling voice, "what do you say your name is, child?"

He Weifei takes out his mobile phone and enters his name and hands it to he Qiang.

When he Qiang saw the name for a long time, he couldn't get back to God. His eyes looked back and forth on his face and mobile phone for several times. Finally, his tears couldn't help falling.

"Oh, is that life?"

"Uncle, what's the matter with you?"

He Qiang wiped his tears. "Son, he Feng and he are gone. I am his father. If he does something that makes you uncomfortable or owes you money, I will apologize for him and help him pay back the money. "

"Uncle, you misunderstood me. I'm He Feng's friend. I know about him. I came to see you and your aunt during the holiday. "

"Boy, you're ready." He Qiang forced a smile and started the car.

He Weifei looks at the vast wasteland beside the window. There are many earth graves and concrete graves on the side of the road. It seems that earth burial is still popular here.

He Weifei put down the idea of asking about He Feng's grave. It's evening now. It's too exciting to ask where the children's grave is.

The car drove along the narrow cement road for more than ten minutes and entered a Hejia village.Hejia village is not big. It is surrounded by mountains and houses are built according to the mountains.

He Qiang parked his car in front of his yard and called out to the house, "Qiufen, come out quickly. There are guests at home."

There was a hoarse female voice in the room. "Here we are."

As soon as the voice fell, a simple middle-aged woman appeared at the dark door.

Her face is the simple smile of rural women, which is very similar to the feeling he Qiang gives people.

Qiu Fen saw he in the front passenger's seat, but he was stunned. "Lao he, is this child?"

"He is our Fengzi's friend. He comes to see Fengzi and us."

"Oh, oh. The child has a heart. " Qiu Fen smiled and hurriedly ran down the steps to open the door on the other side of he Weifei's door. "Come down, boy. You're home."

"Thank you, aunt. I've brought you two presents in the trunk. "

"It's nice to have people here and presents."

"Etiquette should not be disordered."

He Qiang went to the trunk to get something and said to Qiu Fen, "make more delicate dishes for the children tonight. The children are the city people at first sight. Don't make the coarse food that we country people eat."

"I know." Qiu Fen said with a smile and naturally held the hand of he Weifei. "It's cold outside, kid. Let's go inside."

"Good." He Weifei didn't think how strange Qiu Fen was holding his hand, which was similar to his mother holding him.

Is he Weixia's feeling in his body influencing him?

The houses in the village are basically self built, and the houses of He Feng family are no exception.

The floors of self built houses are very high. The floors on the first floor are five meters. Standing inside is not depressing at all. It's much more comfortable than commercial houses.

He Feng's house is clean and tidy. The kitchen and bathroom are on the first floor.

Qiu Fen and He Wei simply introduced the layout of the first floor, "son, you sit in the living room first, and your aunt will cook dinner. You are welcome to eat fruits and snacks by yourself. "

After thanking him, he went to the bathroom.


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