CEO's Sudden Proposal

Chapter 18

The middle-aged man came over with a smile. "Mr. Qin and Ms. Luo, please?"

Qin Qiuyang asked politely, "we are, are you two?"

"I'm he Jiaming, the father of he Qiaoyan. This is my wife Lin Rui. I'm very sorry to have come without notice. "

Qin Qiuyang's face didn't change, but his tone became a little cold. "How do you know we're back at this time?"

"We don't know. From the day before yesterday, my wife and I came here every morning and left at seven in the evening. "

Qin Qiuyang and Luo Mingmei take a look at each other. Qin Qiuyang opens the door, "please come inside."

Qin Yiyue poured tea for each of the four parents.

He Jiaming and Lin Rui have good manners and manners. It seems that they have been cultivated in an excellent environment for a long time.

Lin Rui said with a kind smile: "you must know that Qiao Yan and Xiao Yue have registered for marriage. We think it's very inappropriate for marriage affairs to be so hasty. Therefore, I came here uninvited. I hope the two parents don't laugh at each other. "

"We don't agree," said Luo Mingmei directly

"Family talk is heavy." Lin Rui still said gently and softly, "I know the reason why the two disagree is that they are afraid that after marriage, our he family has wronged Xiaoyue, right?"

Luomingmei shrugs her shoulders, not for sure.

"Xiaoyue is kind to the he family. How can we let Xiaoyue be wronged?"

"Yes?" Luo Mingmei is confused.

Qin Qiuyang's eyes also flashed doubts.

He Jiaming said, "yes. Originally, these things were private affairs of the he family, which should not be publicized everywhere, but our two families are one family, so there are no many scruples. You've probably heard that my eldest son and daughter-in-law died in a car accident five years ago. "

Luo Mingmei and Qin Qiuyang nodded.

"At that time, my daughter-in-law was about to give birth. At the time of the accident, my son, Qiao Nian, in order to protect his daughter-in-law and her baby in the stomach, turned the steering wheel when the accident happened, resulting in his own death on the spot, and her daughter-in-law was seriously injured and in danger. At that time, Xiaoyue happened to pass by and delivered the baby for my daughter-in-law, so that she could save her child's life. "

Luo Mingmei and Qin Qiuyang didn't expect to hear such news.

Lin Rui, with tears in her eyes, still smiled: "in order to protect the children and let them grow up healthy and carefree, the children are fostered under the name of Qiao Yan. Therefore, the outside world thinks Xiaobao is the child of Qiao Yan. I understand the worries of both of them. Actually, Qiao Yan and Xiao Yue are both first marriages. He has no marriage history before. But for Xiaobao, we will not clarify his identity to the society for a long time and let him live in the name of Qiao Yan's children. In addition, you don't have to worry about Xiaobao's being bad to Xiaoyue. Xiaobao has had some things before. He has an autistic tendency. No one other than Qiao Yan is allowed to approach him. Even my husband and I can't touch him. But Xiaobao accepted Xiaoyue, which I think is a very good phenomenon. "

Qin Yiyue looks at he Jiaming and Lin Rui and thinks to himself: how can two people who are so cultured bring up the bear child of he Qiaoyan.

After hearing this, Qin Qiuyang said, "we know your sincerity and intention. Since the two children chose to get married, the parents didn't mean to obstruct them. It's too hasty in general. "

"The marriage registration is really in a hurry. The two families need to sit down and discuss the wedding matters. Our he family will never be aggrieved by Xiaoyue. Please rest assured." He Jiaming said with a smile.

Four people talked for a long time, he Jiaming and Lin Rui just left.

As soon as Qin Yiyue sent them out, he wanted to sneak out with them. Luo Mingmei flew several white eyes and stopped.

Qin Qiuyang looked at his daughter who had been seated in front of him again. "I heard your mother and the parents of he Qiaoyan. Now I want to hear from you. "

Qin Yiyue looked at Qin Qiuyang seriously and said, "Mom and Dad, I'm married to He Qiao's banquet."

"OK. You say that, your mother and I don't say anything. In the future, your parents can help you to any extent. You can insist on being happy and come back if you are not happy. "

Qin Yiyue hears the heat in his eyes, leans to hold Qin Qiuyang and Luo Mingmei, sobs, "I'm sorry, I've worried you."

Qin Qiuyang patted her back, "I believe you have the ability to make yourself happy under any circumstances."

"I won't make myself sick."


**Qin Yiyue wept with Qin Qiuyang and Luo Mingmei in his arms. These days, he had a lot of emotions and went back to the room to wash his eyes red.

Lying in bed, I found that there was unread information on my mobile phone.

It's for Joe's dinner.

He Qiaoyan: I've solved the problem of the post. I'll be my bride at ease.

Qin Yiyue was stunned for a long time with his mobile phone, and then typed a line of words, "what kind of life will we live?"

As soon as Qin Yiyue's message was sent out, he Qiaoyan called.

Qin Yiyue picked up the phone, did not hear the voice of he Qiaoyan, but heard a steady footsteps and some weak background sound.Qin Yiyue held his breath and waited.

It wasn't until the phone became quiet that the magnetic languid voice of he Qiaoyan came, "you can live any life you want."

"Is it?" Asked Qin Yiyue uncertainly.

"Of course. If you are worried about divorce in the future, I can tell you clearly. When you are with me, your chances of divorce are much lower than those of ordinary men. At least none of the men in our he family has divorced yet. I have no intention of breaking this good tradition for the time being. "

"You tell me in disguise that I will live with you forever?"

He Qiaoyan chuckled a few times, "not good?"

Qin Yiyue listened to the pleasant laughter of he Qiaoyan, and his mouth also rose slightly.

"Sleep." He Qiaoyan said.

"Well." Qin answered the way with a happy voice.

But neither of them hung up and listened to each other's breathing quietly.

Qin Yiyue swallowed, "what are you doing?"

"Work." He Qiao pauses for dinner and adds, "by the way, solve some women who want to be your third child after marriage."

Qin Yiyue was silent for a moment. "Are you showing off to me?"

"What is there to show off? A successful man is not how many women he has slept with, but can make a woman willing to sleep for him all her life. "

Qin Yiyue's reply is to hang up the phone directly, and don't bother to deal with this kind of mouth owe neuropathy.

**Qin Yiyue stayed away from work like an ostrich for a few days.

After he Jiaming and Lin Rui came to visit, the string in the bottom of their hearts finally relaxed.

She is not the kind of person who is afraid to face difficulties and rumors, but this matter is beyond her own scope, and it is not her who makes these things.

In essence, she is too passive in this matter.

Now I know that mom and dad and the people in the he family all agree with her and he Qiaoyan's relationship, and he Qiaoyan also shows his attitude.


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