CEO's Sudden Proposal

Chapter 139

After talking to the members of the Interpol in the office, the three members of the Interpol in the office looked at her a little surprised, and then lowered their heads to get busy.

Qin Yiyue had no experience in dealing with such incidents. She chose an empty sofa and sat down, pondering over her next response and what she would ask after seeing the He Qiao banquet.

It's not 24 hours since he Qiaoyan left last night. People from the criminal police may not let her see him.

Qin Yiyue waited for more than ten minutes, but he didn't see any movement of those people, and there was no footsteps outside.

Qin Yiyue knew that she had been left behind. She picked up her bag and stood up, ready to turn around and go out.

The nearest member of the criminal police stopped her. "Cheng and Zhang are just finished, waiting for you in the small meeting room on the third floor."


monitoring room.

Cheng jiangxue and Zhang Yang watch the delayed monitoring, where Qin Yiyue gets up.

Chengjiang xueyang pours a cup of coffee. "Our doctor Qin is really inexperienced. It took so long to react."

"You feel very special about Qin Yiyue." Spread your hands around your chest and look at the glowing screen with a kind of scanning eyes.

"Don't you think she's a little like me?"

"It was the first time I saw her."

"I think so. The world is so big. It's not easy to meet a comfortable stranger. I have to observe more. " Cheng jiangxue said with a smile, "how is the superior going to deal with the matter of he Qiaoyan? Now the Internet has been a mess, today's Hershey group's share price has fluctuated, now the increase is not obvious, tomorrow may be

"Do your forensics have a verdict on Wen Xinmo's death?"

"It's still under discussion. There are two conclusions. One is that the time of death is consistent with the time of receiving the report, and the time difference is about one hour; the other is that the time of death is about ten hours before receiving the report. My opinion tends to the former. "

"What causes you to have two opinions?"

"The characteristics of the dead in two stages. If it is only when we start autopsy that we find that the condition of the corpse is characterized by two stages, we can quickly draw a definite conclusion. But through our observation, the change of the corpse has always been two situations at the same time. "

"The body surface can be fake. What about the internal organs? The visceral response can't be the same. "

Cheng Jiang Xue shakes her head, "so do the internal organs. So it's more complicated than we think. "

Zhang Yang was silent for a moment and said: "the evidence and clues at the scene of the crime are too determined and too unsuspecting to point to he Qiaoyan. From our investigation experience, we can almost conclude that he Qiaoyan is not a suspect or a murderer. Now we can't determine the time of Wen Xinmo's death. We can only focus on the case of he Qiaoyan and clear his suspicion by eliminating it. "

Cheng jiangxue rubbed his face, "it's not a good thing for he Qiaoyan to cooperate like this. Now he is like a giant Buddha in the Bureau. We can't play this time. All the pressure is over. "

"There are more ways than problems. Doctor Qin goes to the meeting room. Go and have a look. By the way, I'll give you a Sideswipe at the situation of he's family. I'll study the evidence and the files. "


Cheng jiangxue gets up his spirits and walks quickly to the meeting room Qin Yiyue is waiting for.

Qin Yiyue rubbed the disposable cup in his hand and looked up at the sound of high heels in the corridor.

Cheng jiangxue smiled wearily at her. "Have you been waiting for a long time?"

"Just came up."

Cheng jiangxue collapsed on the sofa next to Qin Yiyue in an irregular way. "Let me slowly first. My brain is almost drained."

Qin Yiyue sees Cheng jiangxue take out the snacks and milk from the bag, "eat it. After eating, tell me about the current situation. "

Cheng jiangxue took over the snacks and milk and slowly ate them. "Your father-in-law doesn't seem to be able to do a good job in crisis public relations. People who don't know the situation think he has a feud with he Qiaoyan."

"Forensic doctor Cheng, it's useless for you to talk to me. I'm really confused about business affairs. It's similar to silly Bai Tian."

Cheng jiangxue turns a white eye, "can you go on the road a little bit? I'm almost out of my mind. I really don't have the brains to think about how to set you up. "

"To what extent has the case been solved?"

"A stage of confusion."

Qin Yiyue: "..."

"Can you come up with some good qualities for the people?"

"No. I haven't had a rest for a day and a night. The documents and phones on the top have been smashed down one by one, and I'm worried to death. What's more, there is a Buddha who can't fight or scold. My heart is tired. I want to quit my job and go home to Hohhot. My huge family business will be Hohhot's life. Why should I be a forensic? "

Qin Yiyue is soon out of temper when she is teased by Cheng jiangxue's appearance. Originally, she came here to inquire about the situation, but Cheng jiangxue took her first.

"So you're going to let me comfort you?""I'm not against that, either." Cheng jiangxue said with a smile, "it's almost seven o'clock. Let's go out and eat something. After that, I'll tell you what's going on. "

**Qin Yiyue drives Cheng jiangxue to a vegetarian restaurant near their branch office.

This is what Cheng jiangxue asked for.

After ordering five sets of dishes, Cheng jiangxue leaned against her seat and drank tea.

Qin Yiyue did not disturb her.

In her opinion, Cheng jiangxue's work pressure is no less than that of her. When she is so busy, she is willing to take out rest time to have a meal with her and explain the case. It's very rare.

The dishes were served one after another. The two women were so inconspicuous that the dishes on the table were swept clean.

Qin Yiyue poured Cheng jiangxue a cup of tea. "Do you have the strength to say now?"

"No, it has to be." Cheng jiangxue looked at the wristwatch in his hand. "It's only two hours before he Qiaoyan is taken back to the police station for investigation. Then you can go to see him. We also need to negotiate whether we can let him leave. "

"So you've ruled him out?" Qin Yiyue frowned. "To be honest, I don't quite understand the significance of your actions. Team Zhang showed you the arrest warrant at that time, not asking him to bring it back to assist in the investigation. If it was an arrest, there would be no 24 hours when he could not be found guilty and released. Who granted the arrest warrant? When an arrest warrant is granted, doesn't it mean that his crime has been determined? After the whole city of Qin knew it, you began to adopt a policy of easing. I don't think you haven't considered such consequences before you do it. Your emergency response and pressure resistance can't be so poor. "

Cheng jiangxue nodded, "you are right. Our ability to resist pressure and coping style are not so bad. I don't know why we decided to arrest Heqiao Yan immediately after receiving the report. My first task now is to find out the case as soon as possible. If you think my family has passed away, it is possible to have a higher voice in the Bureau than the forensic medicine of the same level. But there are other leaders and superiors in the forensic medicine. My colleagues and I should obey the orders of superiors. I'm also curious why they made such a decision. From last night to just now, team Zhang has verified all the whereabouts of he Qiaoyan and confirmed that in the time of Wen Xinmo's death summarized by us, he has the alibi. That's for sure. "


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