CEO's Runaway Mate and Her Cubs

Chapter 130 - Mrs Woods

The familiar villa of the Woods family was in the outskirts of Norwich, far enough from the city traffic. It was surrounded by a beautiful garden and many trees.

It was a building with two floors, with space enough for a pack and not just for the family. The only inhabitant was Mrs Woods, the late Alpha's mate. She had retired from the pack with her husband's death, and she spent her days taking care of the villa and preying to the Moon Goddess for grandchildren and a daughter-in-law.

One of the dreams was finally a reality and, from the sounds of it, the second part was soon to follow. One day, she had heard the news about her son's pups. She became grandmother overnight, yet her son didn't want her to meet the kids for long, suffered weeks.

It was understandable, and she knew Nate was just being careful. Still, she couldn't help but blame him every time she could.

Luckily, Samantha had told her the details after hours of interrogation. It was unbelievable how the brat had kept the secret for so long, but she had loosened her tongue when she heard Mrs Woods knew about it already.

«Are you sure it's okay if I'm here, aunty?» Samantha asked, sipping the tea and looking at the clock. «It should be a family reunion, after all. I feel like an outsider trying to prick my nose in your business like this.»

«Oh, but you are part of the family, and you know them already. I prefer if there's a familiar face around for the first time we meet. The pups will be nervous, and I heard that Miss Clayton is quite shy. If you're here, they will relax.»

«I hope so,» she sighed.

«Do you think the pups will be happy with the rooms I prepared for them? And the toys? Oh, I should have ordered more, in the end...»

«Aunty, they really aren't spoiled. You will see, but they can't be bought with toys alone. Nate has been buying things for them for weeks, but all they do is take the gift and continue glaring at him.»

«Territorial, aren't they? I'm looking forward to meeting the woman who can keep three wolves fighting around her. She must be special.»

«She is special. She spent six years alone with the pups.»

«Poor girl. As a human, it must have been difficult. I'm so glad she's finally here with us.»

«We all are glad, aunty. Just remember not to look interested in her, or the pups won't love you.»

Mrs Woods chuckled, imagining two small copies of Nate glaring and scoffing around their mum.

«Twins,» she repeated. «It's hard to believe it.»

«Oh, not that much. It runs in the family, after all.»

«It does, but it's so rare!»

Samantha's lips curled up at her aunt's shining eyes. She was happy to meet with the pups, and she was willing to accept Lara without a frown for her human nature. Not that it could make any sense: she was the Alpha's mate. The pack could disapprove as much as they wanted, but no one could cut the link between the two.

«Oh, but tell me about you, Sam. How are things going with your mate?»

«Oh, aunty, it's complicated!»

«It always is. After watching so many human dramas on TV, I can tell you: we wolves have it easy. Humans struggle a lot more when looking for a partner. We can feel if it works as soon as we meet. It's either yes or no; there's no space for wavering.»

«Lara is human, aunty, and she hasn't yet found out about her feelings.»

«But she went out on a date with my son!»

«Yes, a date. They're giving it a try, apparently. Just be careful not to make her feel uncomfortable around us. If she leaves because of something we do, Nate will kill us with his own claws.»

«It's good I watched enough human TV series. I saw how mothers-in-law are supposed to act, so you do not need to worry!»

Samantha's face turned pale as she widened her eyes in shock.

Mrs Woods couldn't help but burst out laughing. Her brown eyes closed, and she covered her mouth with a hand.

«Oh, child! You should have seen your expression,» she said when she could breathe. «It was so funny!»

«Don't tease me like this, aunty,» the other woman sulked. «I thought you were going to harass her. You shouldn't follow what mothers-in-law do in a series!»

«Of course not; I am not that naive. And I am too happy to think of dumb plots to pair my son with someone else. Is there any woman who stands a chance, either way? I better just accept her now. Even if she turns out to be irresponsible or greedy, it's not my place to deal with her.»

«Oh, she's neither of the two!»

«Didn't you just say not to look like I'm aiming at her, or the pups will hate me?» Mrs Woods chuckled. «You've been advertising her for the whole morning, Sam.»

«The pups aren't here to hear. And I'm just stating what I noticed.»

They sipped their tea again, worried about the incoming meeting. Just when they thought about looking for a new topic for the conversation, the butler warned them the main gates of the residence had been opened and that Nate's car was on the way.

«Oh, dear...» Mrs Woods breathed. «I haven't been this nervous in a very long time. Maybe since I got married.»

«There's no reason to worry, aunty. You will see for yourself: Lara Clayton isn't as easy to bully as you think, and she isn't easy to break either. She survived worse than the two of us trying to be nice. She will do just fine.»

«As for the pups?»

«Oh, there's nothing you can do about them. Either they like you, or they don't.»

«Who would have thought that son of mine would appear with a family just like that. I thought he was going to be alone forever.»

«I wouldn't rejoice too early, though. He's struggling with them right now.»

«Oh, it's more than deserved! He wasn't there for them for years.. It's good if he needs to sweat a little.»


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