CEO's Runaway Mate and Her Cubs

Chapter 124 - The Secret To A CEO's Heart

«Lara Clayton, ah? And where did you meet CEO Woods?» Michael Clarke inquired, his eyes narrowed and filled with suspicions.

«Ehm... At a party,» she said with a shrug.

«Oh, does that even work nowadays? What kind of party was it? A formal event or another cocktail party?»

«Just a party,» Lara sighed. «Totally informal.»

«And what did you do to attract his attention? Just curious, uh... We have no intention of stealing your tricks.»

«I did nothing,» Lara replied, frowning.

She sipped again from her glass, and the taste brought her back in time... To that night of six years before.

What had she done?

It wasn't very clear in her mind, but she was sure everything was boring and conventional until her eyes met Nate's. She could see him... Oh, not just that: she could feel him!

From quite the distance, she had felt his gaze on hers and turned. There, she had stood in place for seconds, maybe even a minute, staring at him like an unexpected treasure. Then, she had walked to him, hypnotised. Soon after, they were kissing outside of the club.

«I don't think I did anything special,» she sighed, coming to terms with the fact that people would always assume. In the end, she could understand their concerns. Someone like Nate, so exceptional, with someone as plain and common as her. She would wonder as well, in their place.

Still, she had the chance to be with him and date. She wouldn't throw it away just because of what people would say. The only one with the right to complain was Nate.

«Oh, damn it. I knew she wouldn't tell us, Michael,» Katy complained with a pout. «We have been waiting for ages to meet with CEO Woods, but all we got was a contract sent to our agents and the best clauses we've ever read. But no meeting to define the rules. Boring.»

«Nate is very busy,» Lara pointed out. She bit her tongue, wondering if she had the right to call him like that in front of strangers.

But, in the end, they were dating. She had that right, she decided with a sigh.

«Oh, don't tell me he snobs you as well,» Michael commented with a smirk. He stepped closer, ready to hear some juicy gossip.

He wasn't the first, that evening, so Lara didn't even feel the need to glare. Everyone was curious, in the end, and she could understand their reasons. If only she knew the answers to all their questions, she would be happier as well.

«Not really,» she said. «He knows how to keep business and private life separate and in order.»

That one was a lie. Nate's way to keep private and business separate was to avoid the office when she was in. It was just the beginning, and Lara was sure she would be transferred into another department soon. It wasn't such a big deal, after all.

Also, she didn't dislike his consideration. No one would talk if they didn't spend hours alone in his office. It was for her, at least in part, that he would find another place to work.

Before the two could start an interrogation even the cubs wouldn't conceive, Nate appeared behind her back. His hand landed on her side, and he smiled at her.

«Hey, everything all right?»

Lara nodded, sighing in secret. His presence was a relief, like always.

«I was just chatting with your models,» she said.

«My models?»

He turned his head and analysed the two in front of his mate. They didn't look dangerous, but it could all be a facade. He recognised their faces after a couple of seconds.

«Oh, right!» he exclaimed. «You two will endorse our clothing brand for the next two years.»

«That's correct, CEO Woods,» Katy said, her voice suddenly calm and respectful. «We're glad you offered us such an opportunity.»

«We were trying to convey our gratitude through Miss Clayton,» Michael added.

Their innocent expressions were as fake as the flowers on the counter, but they still didn't look dangerous. People from the show business were weird and difficult to read.

«Oh, but we can do it directly now!» Michael added, clapping his hands. «Thank you for the opportunity, CEO Woods! We will work very hard for the years to come.»

Nate nodded, still confused. Lara was calm... A little awkward, maybe, but that didn't mean they had done anything odd.

His eyes landed on the cocktail in Lara's hands. She had drunk half of it already.

It was the same as that night: he could feel it from the scent. Oh, maybe a little sweeter, with more orange. But it was the same combination of aromas.

«You're drinking?» he whispered after greeting the couple of models and taking a few steps away.

«Hmm?» Lara moaned, confused. Of course, she would drink: it was a cocktail party!

«I thought you didn't like alcohol.»

«Oh, this does not have any,» she explained. «It's a sweet sunrise.»

«And what did you say to the barman? Sunrise only?»

«No, I said sweet sunrise.»

«Did he hear you, Lara? There is Tequila in your glass.»

«No,» she replied, shaking her head. Only after taking another sip, she realised he was right.

She had been too distracted to notice, but there was alcohol in that drink. It burned her throat and warmed her stomach, making her feel light-headed after a while.

«Oh, damn it,» she cursed. «I was too distracted!»

«It's no big deal, Lara. I'm here with you: you're safe.»

«That's exactly the problem,» she sighed. «I lose control when you're nearby.»

He couldn't just cheer up at that sentence. He couldn't take advantage of her when she was weak, either.

He had to keep his face solemn and nod, repeating he would protect her even from himself. In the end, he couldn't assault her.

The last time he did that, she left in the morning. He wasn't going to repeat the same mistakes over and over. Not when it could cost him years or even more.

«I won't lose control,» he promised. «I will be rational this time and stop you before doing anything you'll regret.»

She breathed, apparently relieved. Or, maybe, was it a sigh of complaint?


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