Celestial Bloodline

Chapter 492 Yue will train under me I

Chapter 492 Yue will train under me I

Underneath one of the countless large, expansive branches of the Tree of Fate, many wooden houses were lined up in a haphazard manner, surrounded by lush plants and vibrant flowers.

The atmosphere in the quaint town was bustling and spirited, despite its small size compared to the numerous grand cities of the elven race that thrived under the vast canopy of the Tree of Fate.

In the middle of that very town, a small circular arena with sand covering the ground was set up. Inside that arena, a beautiful young elven woman with amber eyes and honey-colored hair, along with a man of a similar age with green hair and brown pupils, were engaged in combat.

Many groups of people, old and young, wearing robes, elegant attire, or expensive embroidered dresses had gathered around the arena to witness the fight. As the elven woman with amber eyes gracefully moved inside the arena with a bow in her hand and attacked the man across from her with a sharp icicle that she formed with lightning fast speed, the gathered crowd laughed at the man who was getting beaten up after another rejection he received from the same woman who was overpowering him so that he would leave her alone.

The crowd grew louder and taunted the man in the arena even more when he tried to dodge the icicle but ended up freezing in place as the elven woman across from him took out an arrow from her storage ring and pointed the sharp tip directly at one of the man's eyes.

The man's brown pupils narrowed at the sharp tip that was just an inch away from one of his eyes, before he raised his hands in defeat with a loud grumble.

"I admit defeat! Yue, please spare me this time. I know you are disappointed as I am so weak... but you know I like you so-!"

He bit his tongue as the arrow edged closer to his eye, so much so that he almost thought it grazed his iris.

However, he sighed with relief when the elven woman across from him retracted the arrow after the old town's head concluded the fight with a chuckle.

The old town's head slapped the shoulder of the man with brown pupils, causing the latter to groan in pain. Then he looked at Yue with soft eyes as his white robe billowed in the wind.

"Yue won again, and Sebastian, our blockhead bird who's been getting on everyone's nerves lately, lost!"

The crowd burst into laughter at the young man, who kept his sad brown eyes fixed on Yue's back, as if he was contemplating to make another attempt at proposing.

As the sun filters through the leaves above the area, casting dappled shadows on the crowds, Yue flew out from the arena and landed gracefully on the ground. The grey robe, cinched with a ribbon at her waist, swirled gently as she started walking towards the black-haired elven woman sitting in the distance, waving at her.

It's been a year since she arrived on this planet, and she has to say that the people here treated her well.

They also gave her, her mother, and her friend everything one would need to live a pleasant life but, she just was not grateful and felt like she was trapped because she was not allowed to leave this place.

Not to mention... she had no idea what happened after she vanished so suddenly into thin air. Did Kyle try to find where she went? Did he resent her, thinking she could at least tell him?

It's been a year since she saw him. She knew he would have gotten stronger as he always did, but she was still just a pseudo divine rank individual who was trapped in a small town, unable to leave.

In that moment, a familiar pair of green eyes flashed through her mind before she remembered the last moment they were together under the same sky. It was a beautiful memory.

Yue let out a sigh and shook her head to disperse the countless thoughts that would always emerge in her head every night as she stared at the night sky that always twinkled with many stars.

She gazed at Elli, the black-haired elven woman who had been by her side for the past year and let out a faint smile that only stayed on her face for a brief moment before Elli began to speak.

"That jerk Sebastian! Who does he think he is? Just because he's the town head's son, it doesn't give him the right to bother you! It's the sixth time already, but it's good you gave him a good beating this time!"

Yue shook her head at the elven woman who got angry on her behalf.

She sat down beside Elli on one of the many tree trunks sticking out from the ground. Suddenly, she raised her hand to shield her eyes from the sunlight filtering through the leaves, but she stopped when the many leaves of the tree of fate moved on their own to block the sunlight as if sensing her discomfort.

It had become a normal occurrence, but Yue was still fascinated whenever the tree of fate did something like that. Just like her, many other people nearby also noticed how the leaves' moved to block the sunlight for her, and they all started whispering among themselves, but she ignored them.

Yue gazed at Sebastian, the man with brown eyes whom she had just fought. He was being reprimanded by the town head, who happened to be his father, for losing so badly in front of a large crowd.

She furrowed her brows slightly because, no matter how much she tried to stay calm in his presence, he was just annoying. He was a year younger than her and was also one of the youngest pseudo-divine rank individuals on the planet, just like her.

However, since she arrived on this planet, he had been pestering her, saying he liked her and that it was love at first sight. Yue snapped out of her thoughts when the small lynx jumped on her shoulder.

"What happened, Nox?"

Nox rubbed his horns on her shoulder as iridescent scales shimmered on her body before gazing sharply across with his blue pupils that turned sharp and alert, almost as if he was looking at a big enemy.

Yue followed his gaze with furrowed brows, and she froze in her position when she saw Glacia, who had just landed from the sky on the land across from them.


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