Celestial Bloodline

Chapter 476 An old tale III

Chapter 476 An old tale III

Azazeal couldn't hide his amusement when he recalled Kyle's shocked expression as the human started to move away from him after hearing his next words.

"The kid who survived never shed a single tear, even after witnessing all that."

"He had a strong soul, didn't he?"

Despite many people extending their hands towards the kid, no one actually took him in or offered him a meal. He found out later that they were only concerned because he was hindering their business by sitting above the teleportation array.

The kid's eyes contained nothing but hatred as he glanced at the people around him, but they laughed at his audacity. He quickly left the area, even though he struggled to walk because he understood that, given his condition, he wouldn't last another week without eating soon.

But before he could even swallow the food offered to him by a homeless person as he sat inside a dark alley, he overheard a story that was strangely familiar from the people conversing in the restaurant a short distance away.

They were discussing how, even though all the races are always fighting each other for resources, many of them joined hands and carefully planned before hunting the entire blessed race just to obtain a share of the celestial element the race possessed. The ones who didn't participate in that hunt also just watched from the sidelines quietly without interfering because even though they didn't desire the race's blessing, they wanted the strongest race to disappear so they could obtain the title.

The blessed race was strong, but what could they do with their small population when countless people attacked them together? But despite knowing the truth, when someone nearby asked them about the details, the people changed their words while laughing it off and stating that it's good the powerhouses of each race took actions on time and defeated the evil before it was too late.

The kid felt it right away... those words crushed something deep inside him, and the emotions bottled up inside him completely spiraled out of control as he erupted into uncontrollable laughter in the midst of that suffocating place that threatened to engulf him entirely.

It might have been his final bit of hope that kept him going as he devoured the small and dirty bun handed to him. Days slipped away as he staggered from one alley to the next, battling for food like stray dogs just to survive. He even resorted to stealing, only to end up getting beaten up numerous times in the process.

It was incredibly hard for him as he felt the weight of each blow and the sting of each defeat as he fought to cling to life in the harsh streets. However, the hatred and disgust he had for the people around him just increased with each passing day. So much so that he couldn't even bear the sight of a living person.

But who would have guessed that he himself would forgive the world when all of a sudden two annoying people would enter his empty life without his permission, only to change it completely.

Their presence showed him that not everyone in the universe was bad, not everyone was so repulsive. It was just a coincidence, right... that he needed to awaken his talent on the very same day when they both just happened to go to that very place to supervise the process because of their master.

The place that was always open for the poor people so they could awaken their talent without paying, and if any of them had an exceptional talent, someone influential would take them under their wing, and their lives would change.

Hence, it was unexpected when two elegantly dressed individuals arrived just to observe the process and take part in it. He would never forget the moment when one of them held out a shimmering crystal orb towards him and asked him to place his hand on it with a beautiful smile.

The smile that was annoying but not at the same time. However, the smile stiffened when the crystal ball erupted with a brilliant light to showcase his talent that was higher than all the people present. Or maybe even higher than the whole planet.

Azazeal suddenly closed his eyes and released a heavy breath.

"It's hard for me to remember anyone from the past as it's been too long, but why is it that I can't forget the faces of those who extended their hands toward me, only to deceive me the moment I turned away?"

"That is why I still want to end their lives just once with my own hands, even if they are dead. If not, I would have already destroyed this entire universe without a thought and would not have felt a thing even if it crumbled right in front of me."

Now, even the bitterness from the past has become so faint for him that he can barely feel it. But he knew he can't act on that urge. Not right now.

Azazeal rubbed his thumb and gazed into the air for a while, as if waiting for the perfect moment.

"If this universe crumbled. Instead of breaking the barrier that's stopping me from leaving, I will be buried under that same barrier. Huh..."

He chuckled and shook his head. That was the only reason that kept him afloat. The story of the nine-year-old boy reached its conclusion when he transformed into a handsome adult with boundless talent.

Only after a year, he found himself surrounded by two individuals who always stood by his side, and together, they all started their journey to become the strongest.

Maybe that's why the sole survivor of the story forgave the entire universe for taking everything he cherished and making his life miserable. Or perhaps he forgave them because it was too bothersome, and the two people beside him weren't bad, even though he had forgotten how to smile a long time ago.

But regardless of the circumstances, he never shed a tear throughout his entire life, not even one out of joy.


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