Celestial Bloodline

Chapter 451 Planet Aethstria

Chapter 451 Planet Aethstria

The nightkin race people who found Kyle were stunned when the human vanished into thin air right before their eyes.

They started searching for the human because planet Aethstria was off-limits to the outside world due to the fifth shadow general, who had been staying on the planet to heal the injuries he suffered while fighting the strongest demi-human.

That's why Kyle's sudden appearance was a shock to them, even though every planet nearby knew that planet Aethstria is very dangerous right now.

Not to mention, it's rare for people to have teleportation skills, but the human have such a strong teleportation skill!

If they manage to find him, they could sell him to one of the twin divine-rank demons on the planet for a hefty price, all because of th human's teleportation skill.

The twin demons possess a unique ability. They can extract skills from anyone's body. That's why the duo is always willing to pay big for people with strong skills.

After the nightkin race started searching for the human, the rumors about a silver-haired man with brilliant green eyes entering planet Aethstria spread like wildfire.

The news reached the dark race as well, and how could they miss out on the fun? So, even though they had doubts about the rumors, they started destroying everything around the planet just to find the human before the nightkin race.

Just within an hour, chaos erupted throughout the whole planet, with two different races competing with each other just to find an unknown human.

After the people of the demi-human race, the ones who used to rule planet Aethstria, were either killed or trapped by the dark race and nightkin race, life on the planet became pretty dull for the two races.

So, Kyle's sudden appearance ignited their spirit to hunt once again. However, no matter where they looked, not even a single person was able to find the silver-haired human, almost as if he didn't exist at all.


Inside a grand hall, bathed in a soft, dim light that cast long shadows across the stone walls. The air seemed heavy, and right in the center of the hall, there sat a magnificent throne. It was crafted from dark, weathered wood and adorned with ornate carvings and gilded accents.

A man with dark, piercing eyes and pointy ears was sitting upon the throne. Onicuss, the fifth shadow general, let out a yawn. He was trying to rest, but he wasn't able to due to the commotion he could hear from outside the hall.

He let out a snarl and narrowed his eyes to see just who the hell dared to disrupt his rest, and he saw the twin divine-rank demons pacing behind the doors.

"What do they want now? I gave them permission to do whatever they want on this planet and leave me alone."

His voice didn't sound hoarse, but it had a hint of pleasantness to it. If it weren't for the dark five-petal flower glowing on the back of his hand, he could have been mistaken for a normal elf who just gained a lot of strength.

He rubbed his temples and got up from the throne, then gestured toward the entrance of the hall. Right away, the two massive doors shook and creaked open slightly to give the twin demons enough space to enter the hall.

Onicuss watched as the two idiots, dressed in dark robes, entered the hall and quickly knelt before him. He tsked and took a seat to hear what the duo wanted this time.

If they weren't useful, he would have already disposed of them. After all, they are the only ones bold enough to disturb his rest.

One of the demons flinched when he sensed the shadow general's gaze on his head. But he knew that the general wouldn't kill him or his brother because of the unique skill they possess.

Still, he cleared his throat and, without wasting any more time, went straight to the point. Even though he and his brother were useful, he knew the man opposite him would kill them without a second thought if they wasted his precious time.

"Master, we apologize for the disturbance. We just want a little help from you... Please use your strength and close off the planet for a while so no one can leave this planet."

He didn't dare to raise his head, hidden beneath the dark robe, and quietly waited for an answer with his brother, hoping the shadow general would agree.

Onicuss let out a hum and raised his brow. He thought the duo wanted more rewards from him since they recently managed to extract a powerful skill from one of the strongest demi-humans he killed and presented it to him.


The two demons kneeling in front of him flinched again, as if they weren't expecting him to agree so easily or maybe ask such a question.

"It's just that... we heard a human with a strong teleportation skill entered the planet, and we want to extract that skill... So, if master closes off the planet, he won't be able to leave, and we would be able to find him."

The news about the silver-haired human reached the ears of the twin divine-rank demons an hour ago.

The moment the duo found out that the human had a powerful teleportation skill, they were tempted and started searching for him. However, even with their superior senses, they weren't able to locate the human.

At first, they thought the rumors were baseless and wanted to punish the people who spread them. But coincidentally, one of the nightkin race people who saw the human had the ability to show what he saw to others.

After the duo saw the vision shown to them, they finally believed the words of the people who were dragged in front of them for punishment. Now they wanted to find the human, but they knew it wouldn't be good if he somehow left the planet.

In the end, the duo decided to seek help from the shadow general. But they were hesitant and wasted too much time outside the hall.

Onicuss hummed with a bored expression. He was a little surprised that someone dared to step onto the planet even after knowing about his presence, but that's it because he knew the human wasn't a threat. Otherwise, he would have sensed the latter's arrival.

"A human you say?"

The twin demons nodded their heads while not daring to look straight into the shadow general's dark eyes.


Onicuss rubbed his chin and waved his hand toward the demons.

"It's not hard to seal off the planet. I'll do that... so go and find the human. I believe he is not strong and just someone who accidentally entered the planet."

The two demons' expressions lit up. They quickly thanked the shadow general for his help and left the hall.

Onicuss stared at their fading backs and let out another yawn.

"I will sleep after this..."

He sighed and placed his palm beneath his chin before a dark beam of energy shot out from his other palm. The beam shot up towards the hall ceiling with lightning-fast speed.

After just a few seconds, countless dark ripples started spreading all around the planet in the sky, which was already filled with gloomy clouds.

Onicuss observed with his senses as the entire planet was enveloped in a faint layer of energy. Now, no one would be able to leave the planet without his permission.

He closed his eyes and decided to sleep again because after another year, he had to leave this planet.

Meanwhile, the twin demons started searching for the human once again. They also asked a lot of people under them to find the human, and whoever found him would get a huge reward.


Completely unaware of the commotion his sudden appearance has caused throughout the planet, Kyle stretched his body and slowly peeked out from where he was hiding. He let out a sigh of relief when he didn't see or sense anyone nearby.

"I need to leave this planet as soon as possible."

He thought his injuries would heal in an hour, but it took longer than he expected, maybe because he broke a lot of bones and had many internal injuries.

Regardless, he was sure that if it was another person who suffered such injuries, the person would have taken at least a few days to make a full recovery.

He removed the concealment array and left his hiding spot. But after only a few minutes, he sensed many dark presences around him.

"Why the hell are there so many people in this place? I didn't sense so many when I decided to rest and heal my injuries."

Kyle quickly vanished in another direction, but once again, he sensed many people in his surroundings.

He cursed under his breath and vanished towards the clouds to leave the planet. But his eyes widened with shock when a layer of energy stopped his path.

"What the heck!?"

He clenched his fist and tried to break or tear the layer of energy. But no matter how much he tried, it just didn't budge.


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