Celebrity Lady

Chapter 134

Chapter 134

The translation up to the final chapter (Chapter 158) has been completed; you can purchase them to read in advance. Pledging via Ko-fi for a cheaper bundle is still available. If you're unsure what it is about, please visit our Ko-fi page for details or reach out to us via Discord. The translation's quality improves over time, even I've got to admit it was kinda shite in the beginning...

“It seems Your Highness has also come to watch the fashion show.”

“Oh, indeed. I brought along some friends I work with.” Lark glanced around at the knights swarming in a half-dazed state, looking somewhat embarrassed. “It seems the shop’s popularity is so high that the tickets are already sold out.”

“Oh, I see.” Cade wore a sympathetic expression. “Nevertheless, Your Highness, you should be able to enter, shouldn’t you? With Madame’s influence, you probably received an invitation.”

With a smile, Cade took out his own invitation from his jacket pocket and slid it onto his finger.

Lark’s gaze lingered on the invitation for a moment.

It was a minor gesture. But for some reason, it bothered him. It felt as though he was displaying his closeness to Rubette…

‘Am I being too sensitive?’

Lark, who was silently contemplating, nodded. “Well, it’s true, but it’s a bit disappointing since I can’t watch it with friends.”

“I see,” replied Cade, his brows furrowing sympathetically. Despite his handsome face and empathetic demeanor, Lark couldn’t help but feel wary of Cade’s presence.

At that moment, two workers attached to a large congratulatory flowerpot entered noisily.

“Marquis, where should we place the gifts?”

“Place them in one corner of the lobby,” Cade ordered without turning around, simply tilting his head to the side as if giving a command.


“What’s with all the fuss?”

“Hey, keep it down.”

The shocked knights, who had been mumbling incoherently, suddenly fell silent with their mouths wide open.

There were more than ten splendid congratulatory flower arrangements, dazzling decorations adorned with gold and gems, and a string of unheard-of precious gifts coming in one after another.

They were neatly displayed in one corner of the lobby, and it seemed like more teams were still coming in with no end in sight.

“Well, I’ll take my leave,” Cade smiled. He gave a slight nod of acknowledgment to Lark and then proceeded into the hall.

And Lark, well…

[To the Muse of People,

From the one who loves your passion that is redder than rubies.]

He couldn’t take his eyes off the congratulatory message that was too romantic to be carved into a gift.


The fashion show was set to begin at 7 PM. However, as soon as ticketing started and the hall doors opened, a man had already taken his place right in the middle of the front-row VVIP seats.

‘Hmm, this is definitely strange. Obviously, he’s the one who snagged all the tickets.’

It was Marquis Cade Reuben.

I observed him sitting alone in the fashion show venue where no one else had arrived yet, and approached him.

Cade had one leg crossed and was leaning back with his head tilted, his eyes closed.

“You arrived quickly, Lord Reuben,” I said.

Upon hearing my voice, he jumped up in surprise. “Madame, it’s been a while.”

“That’s right. Did we meet last month?”

Cade, who had kissed the back of my hand that I had extended, smiled brightly. “That’s right. I came because of the fashion show, but I do not enjoy festivals… I didn’t have anywhere else to kill time, so I came early,” Cade shrugged. “It’s not a bad choice to have a chance to see you separately, Madame,” he added with a playful tone.

I sat in one of the empty seats, and Cade followed suit, taking a seat beside me. “It seems like the show has been well-promoted. They said the tickets sold out when the ticket booth opened.” Getting straight to the point, I watched as Cade pretended not to know what I was talking about.

“Oh, really? Haha… Well, it’s not surprising. Madame’s shop is so famous that there’s hardly anyone who doesn’t know about it.”

“I appreciate you saying that,” I replied with a smile while inwardly stifling a chuckle.

Due to an overseas branch investment, we have become business partners not long ago, so it’s necessary to maintain a harmonious relationship…

But why did he feel the need to monopolize the seats? There were certainly wealthy commoners or average nobles who didn’t want to share their space with others; but they were more snobbish than anything else.

‘Yeah, that could be the case.’

Of course, according to Becky’s suspicions…

“It’s not that he wants to monopolize the seats, but he wants to monopolize you, Princess. He wants to minimize the competition as much as possible in a public event where you’re being showcased.”

“Even though your videos will be separately released, the experience of seeing you in person is different. He must be very eager. He definitely has a romantic interest in you.”

…Even though she said that, I continued to fiddle with the mask I was wearing and looked at him.

“By the way, should I start calling you an investor now, not a customer? Thank you for your trust and support in establishing our shop’s overseas branch.”

“It’s my honor.”

“But the decision to invest… You could have met with overseas branch officials next month and thought about it a little more.”

“The timing for investment is crucial. I’ve been closely watching Madame’s every move, and I do not doubt that Madame’s brand will succeed abroad.”

“Oh, that’s very kind of you to say.”

“By making a quick investment decision, I’ve also shown Madame my trust in you.”

“Indeed. As you said, timing is everything.”

“That’s right. I look forward to working with you, Madame.”

“And I look forward to it as well.”

“And,” Cade added affectionately, “since there might not be enough time later, may I give you a gift right now?”

“A gift?”

“Yes. If you permit.”

“Well, sure.”

With a smile, Cade leaned in closer, reaching toward my face. Without hesitation, he put his hand around the back of my head as I paused. Soon, his hand returned to the front of my face, holding a small ring case.

“Oh my.”

“Haha. Ladies seem to quite like magic. I practiced for quite some time, probably because I lack talent.”

Cade flicked open the ring case in front of me with one hand, revealing a dazzling, iridescent diamond even in the dim light.

‘What is this?’

It wasn’t an ordinary diamond.

As soon as I recognized it, my jaw dropped beneath the mask.

‘That’s the diamond the Satur merchant imported from the Carta Kingdom.’

The Satur merchant dealt in rare gems from various countries. While they always imported valuable stones, this diamond from the Carta Kingdom was different from anything they had brought before.

I had considered acquiring it myself out of curiosity, but I had heard of a madman at the auction who had shouted, “Add ten million marks on top of the highest bid, no matter what.”

‘That madman must have been Marquis Reuben. But to think he’s giving it to me…’

I stared awkwardly at the smiling man.


The festival was in full swing at the capital, Descarde.

After briefly leaving the palace in the morning to buy tickets for the fashion show, Lark returned to the palace to attend to my duties and prepared to leave on time.

“Make sure to tell me about the show, Your Highness!”

“Ma! Dam! Ru! By!”

“I’ll be waiting!”

Ten knights who had been granted permission to go out today gathered in front of the theater, wandering around the chilly capital ground with their ears and noses turning red.

Although he had an invitation, Lark couldn’t bring himself to go alone.


Unlike their robust stature, the knights’ eyes sparkled like baby birds waiting for their mother to feed them.

Lark knew just how much they had been looking forward to today.

“There should be standing seats at the theater…”

There must be a reason why Rubette didn’t sell standing seat tickets.


‘There are only ten of them.’


‘Isn’t the princess my lover? Can’t I make a simple request like this?’

Determined, Lark spoke to the ten knights.

“Don’t go anywhere, wait here.”


“I’ll check for any way to watch from standing seats.”

The knights’ eyes lit up at Lark’s words. They soon erupted into cheers and tears, displaying a range of emotions.

“Wow! Your Highness is the best! Hooray!”

“Indeed! A true and righteous leader of this era!”

“We love you!!”

In no time, Lark strode into the theater.

Before entering, all audience members were required to wear masks.

The mask, which was practically a symbol of “Madame Ruby,” was the dress code theme for today’s fashion show.

Wearing the black mask he had received in advance, Lark headed straight to the waiting room on the second floor.

Rubette greeted him with a smile.

“You’re here?”


Seeing Rubette’s delighted expression, even from her gestures, Lark couldn’t help but smile.

“You see… Princess…” Suddenly, Rubette pulled him close by the waist. Lark hesitated for a moment, then smiled and embraced her. “Congratulations on the fashion show opening.”

“Thank you.”

“But you see.”


Knock, knock.

At that moment, there was an urgent knock on the waiting room door, and the voice of the seamstress, Madame Becky, came through: “Ma’am, there’s a greeting request from VVIP customers.”

“Oh, Your Highness. You can wait here for a moment. I need to attend to the VVIP customers before they enter personally.”

“Ah, understood.”

Lark approached the wall of the waiting room.

The door opened, and six nobles dressed in lavish attire entered. With their masks on, it was impossible to tell who was who, but judging by their attire alone, they were incredibly wealthy.

“Congratulations on the fashion show opening.”

“Madame Ruby, we have high expectations for today.”

“Thank you.”

The dresses from <Blanc de Ruby>, which were nearly impossible to afford unless you had substantial wealth, expensive handbags, and fans—all of them were adorned with the most expensive accessories on their faces, necks, and hands…

‘It’s a noble’s party.’

Lark silently observed the nobles as they conversed in their own world.

Given his position, he consciously refrained from participating in aristocratic events.

In other words, this atmosphere made Lark uncomfortable.

‘Madame Ruby, you’re amazing.’

Nevertheless, Lark couldn’t help but feel pleased as he watched Rubette.

He knew she was the head of the capital’s finest luxury shop, but seeing her interact with nobles personally gave him a new perspective.

“Have a wonderful time.”

After bidding farewell to the nobles, Rubette hurried over to Lark. “Earlier, what were you going to say?”

“Well, I checked this morning, and all the tickets seemed completely sold out.”

“Oh, that’s right.”

“By any chance, standing seats—”

Knock, knock.

“Ma’am, the next VVIP customers.”

“Ugh.” Rubette smiled apologetically. “I’m sorry. Just a moment.”

“It’s okay. Take your time.”

Rubette began conversing with the incoming nobles once again.

Lark, standing at a distance, continued to wait for her.

‘She must be tired,’ he thought.

However, whether it was in her nature or not, Rubette seemed comfortable mingling with the nobles and appeared to enjoy interacting with them.

‘Hmm, if the princess were to enter the imperial family…’

Lark looked at the busy Rubette and suddenly felt anxious. Even if Rubette became a part of the imperial family, Lark wanted to ensure she could focus on her work.

But could he make that happen on his own?

The image of stern aristocratic officials, who would undoubtedly scrutinize Rubette and question where her duties as the crown princess and eventually the empress lay, already loomed before Lark.


As he pondered, Rubette returned once more. “I’m really sorry. Where were we?”


Knock, knock.


Rubette held her forehead with an exasperated sigh as the annoying knocking continued. Seeing her like this, Lark couldn’t help but laugh and gently patted Rubette’s shoulder.

“Go ahead.”


The third set of VVIP customers who interrupted their conversation were three noble ladies who appeared quite mature.

Rubette effortlessly led the conversation with nobles of any gender or age. Her seventeen-year-old age seemed irrelevant in the face of her sophistication.

“I considered not coming because I didn’t want to be in a crowd with just anyone.”

“Hehe, who do you think Madam is? She must have her reasons for doing things that way. Besides, it would be too obvious if she only invited nobles.”

“That’s true. I didn’t understand Madame’s intentions well enough. Seeing that she filled the standing seat positions, it seemed like she had hired people separately.”

Observing their conversation, Lark shifted his gaze outside the waiting room window. Indeed, the people who filled the standing seats were all dressed inconspicuously and sat motionless, as if they were a plain, colorless backdrop in a party hall meant only for a select few nobles.

“Please don’t misunderstand. It’s not like that.”

Rubette raised her hand, but the noblewomen simply chuckled and nodded knowingly.

Lark briefly thought about the knights waiting outside.

Yes, of course… There must be a reason why standing seat tickets weren’t sold for a highly anticipated fashion show at a renowned shop.

With a slightly bittersweet smile, Lark pushed himself away from the wall. Then, quietly, he slipped out through the opposite waiting room door.

“Well then, I’ll be looking forward to it.”

“Yes, enjoy the show.”

Rubette waved the noblewomen goodbye and turned around.


But Lark was gone. The slightly ajar door was the only indication of his absence.


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