Cautiously Cultivating Immortality in a Strange World

Chapter 45: Demons

Chapter 45: Demons

The five Foundation Establishment cultivators in the sky were like fish being pulled out of the water, struggling and twitching.

They tried every possible method to break the red thread, but to no avail.

In the distance, their family members were still rushing over like moths to a flame.

The family's cohesion was perfectly displayed, but it was all in vain, only serving to nourish the monster, and even allowing its already weakened shadow to recover.

"All Han family disciples, listen up! Leave immediately and don't come back to rescue me!"

The patriarch of the Han family, a middle-aged man with a scholarly appearance, bit his tongue and let out a stern shout.

The sound echoed through the night sky, filled with despair and heroism.

Immediately, another elderly man with a red face also shouted loudly: "Zhang family disciples, don't come over either! Quickly leave and find a place to rebuild the family, and never set foot in this area again!"

Next, the other three family patriarchs also issued their orders, their voices resounding through the night sky.

At this point, they knew they had no hope of survival, and the younger generation of the family couldn't possibly rescue them.

Death was only a matter of time.

The disciples of the five families in the distance were all anxious, but they didn't dare to continue charging forward.

"Leave quickly, it's too late! Go, go!"

Han Yuhe, the family patriarch, watched as two more of his grandchildren were devoured by the red thread, and let out an angry roar.


The elder of the Han family, Han Yuhe's younger brother, who was responsible for controlling the huge flying sword, gritted his teeth and made a decision with a livid face. The sword flashed and shot away into the distance.

The others also chose to retreat, their faces filled with sorrow.

The family still had to be rebuilt, and the bloodline had to be continued. It would be meaningless to die here.

Moreover, they had made countless preparations for this escape, sacrificing many of their family members. If they all died here, everything would be in vain.

Seeing such a scene of separation between life and death, Chen Lin's mood fluctuated as he watched it. He was also emotionally affected by the tragic situation, and somewhat envied their familial love.

In this world, he probably wouldn't be able to have such emotions.

"Senior brother, let's leave too! The monster can't be killed, and if we don't leave, it'll be too late!"

Ye Jingyun's voice sounded, and Chen Lin and the Xia sisters looked at each other.


Yu Yuehai let out a sigh.

Then, he took out a black bottle, searched around, and opened the lid with a determined look.

A black smoke emerged from the bottle.

In an instant, a virtual monster shadow formed.

The shadow rolled around, making it difficult to discern its true appearance, but it emitted a terrifying aura that made one's hair stand on end.

Affected by this aura, Chen Lin felt his soul had already petrified, and even his thoughts had slowed down.

Aside from Yu Yuehai, the others were also in a bad state.

"Hehe, I've finally come out! You lowly humans, you dared to imprison me, and now you'll become my food!"

The rolling shadow let out a strange laugh, then pounced on Yu Yuehai.

Yu Yuehai's face remained unchanged, and he produced a small black bead the size of a thumb, which he squeezed.

The bead didn't react, but the rolling shadow let out a pained cry, its body violently shaking as if it might collapse at any moment.

"Help me with one thing, and I'll give you freedom. Otherwise, I'll scatter your soul right now!"

After saying this, he pretended to squeeze the black bead again.

"Okay, okay, don't squeeze it! What do you want me to do?"

The demon shadow hastily begged for mercy, then suddenly sensed something and became enraged: "What did you do to my main body? It's gone into that monster's body!"

He immediately exclaimed in surprise, "You won't make me go against that monster, will you? That thing can't be killed, and it's useless for me to go!"

"Hmph, I don't want you to kill it. Just extract its demonic spirit and bring it back to me. And bring back those five cultivators as well. Then I'll let you leave!"

Yu Yuehai scanned the sky and said urgently.

"But I need to think about it. The monster is very difficult to deal with. Even if its demonic spirit is extracted, it will still take time to recondense. It will definitely fight me to the death. And you, you're so unpredictable. How can I be sure you'll let me leave?"

The demon shadow rolled its eyes and expressed its doubts.

"No problem, I can make an Oath of Heart Demon. I'll definitely let you leave then!"

Yu Yuehai directly made the oath, causing Chen Lin to raise an eyebrow.

The other party uttered this oath very smoothly, and the words and tone were exactly the same as when he uttered it to him. It seemed that he had uttered it frequently.

Could such an oath be binding?

Although he didn't know what method the other party used to avoid the inner demon's oath, he knew that the oath he made earlier was as useless as a fart.

Of course, he wouldn't be foolish enough to remind the demon shadow.

The demon shadow hesitated for a moment before rolling its eyes and saying, "Fine, I'll believe you this once. Wait for my good news!"

After speaking, it transformed into a black smoke and disappeared instantly.

Chen Lin had never seen a demon like this before. Even the original owner's memories didn't have detailed information about it. He couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder.

This thing was really eerie, and this world was full of strange creatures.

Just as the demon shadow disappeared, a dull thud sounded from the sky, followed by a loud explosion.

Then, a tall, black creature appeared out of thin air.

The creature was extremely tall, and its face couldn't be seen from a distance. Its body was surrounded by black energy, and it seemed to be holding a white object in its hand.

"Hmph, I'll take care of this small monster myself. After I take back my original demonic pearl, I'll devour all of you!"

With a snort, the demon shadow transformed into a black mist, gathered the five family heads who had fallen due to the broken red thread, and returned to Yu Yuehai's side.

"I've brought back what you wanted. Now give me back my original demonic pearl!"

The demon shadow shook, and the five weak and feeble people were thrown to the ground. Then, it sent the white energy ball to Yu Yuehai and said in a deep voice.

"Good, you're indeed a strong night demon. Your methods are quite ruthless. Here's your pearl!"

Yu Yuehai's eyes lit up with excitement as he collected the white energy ball in a container. Then, he threw the black pearl at the demon shadow.

"Hehehe, I've finally regained my freedom! You pitiful humans, I'll… Ah, what are you doing? You cunning human, you dare to violate the oath of the Heart Demon? Wait to be devoured by the Heart Demon!"

As the demon shadow let out a series of miserable cries, it transformed back into a black smoke and was collected by Yu Yuehai into a bottle.

With the demon shadow captured, Chen Lin and the others felt a huge relief and returned to normal.

The five family heads also stumbled to their feet.

Han Yuhe, the head of the Han family, was the first to bow and thank them. "Thank you, Daoist Yu and Master Ye, for saving our lives. We will never forget this debt of gratitude!"

The other four family heads also bowed and expressed their gratitude, their faces still pale from their ordeal.

"Haha, you're too kind, friends. But if you want to repay us, now is the best time to do so!"

Yu Yuehai laughed and suddenly made a move!


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