Catastrophe Card King

Chapter 503: 177: The Final Secret in the Ruins

Chapter 503: Chapter 177: The Final Secret in the Ruins

Leonard Churchill successfully obtained the second Bronze Fish. The four of them then leaped down from the Ghost Building.

The Fierce Beast Legion that had previously provoked hostility seemed to have all been killed, and the nearby Catastrophe had subsided.

This operation was unexpectedly smooth due to the several prior instances of Time Retrospection, and there was plenty of time left.

Thus, the four of them leisurely headed towards the waterfall they’d discovered earlier.

Walking and chatting along the way.

Surprisingly, it was Leonard’s outrageous strength during the just-concluded battle that shocked everyone the most.

The image of him, a Second Tier card master, almost beating elder Miss Vivian of the White Family to death is still vivid in their minds.

Others would usually be very cautious about asking such privacy-invading questions.

But Colin, being clear of heart, asked directly with envy on his face: “Wow… Mr. Leonard Churchill, are you really just a Second Tier card master? How can you be so powerful?”

Leonard didn’t know how to explain, so he just smiled and replied: “Because both my mark and Profession Card are rather special.”

Hearing this, Elder Clinton rolled his eyes and, uncharacteristically, said something nice: “Your abilities aren’t solely due to external objects. Some abilities on you… it’s hard to perceive without dying a few times.”

Recognizing that he was talking about the Fifty-two Demonic God Secret Skill, Leonard chuckled but didn’t deny it.

The progress he had made up to this point was indeed too complicated to sum up in a few words.

Catherine Carter, who was still being assisted, maintained an unchanged expression, even though she was not calm inside.

All the way along, this guy has repeatedly reset her impressions of him.

The most shocking reversal had just happened.

As a top-class noble, she had seen countless talents from a young age, but she had never seen such an outrageous Second Order Card Master.

The legitimate children of aristocratic families are not lacking in extraordinary resources; she knows very well how strong Vivian, who comes from a prominent family, is. Vivian had never been defeated by someone of the Same Tier.

But the truth was, Vivian was almost killed by a Second Order Card Master?

If she hadn’t seen it with her own eyes, she really would have struggled to believe it.

Thinking of this, Catherine let out a sigh.

Thinking back to that moment, she still felt a lingering fear.

If not for Leonard discovering that woman in time… if Vivian had successfully parasitized and stolen her destiny, the consequences would have been even worse than losing her life.

So, she was curious about how Leonard discovered it and asked: “How did you find out about that woman parasitizing me?”

Hearing this, Leonard’s expression was a bit playful, and he hesitated a little: “Well…”

Seeing his expression, Catherine instantly understood something: “You guessed?”

She spoke as her expression showed a faint grievance: “So, if you were wrong, I would’ve been attacked in vain?”

Leonard spread out his hands and frankly admitted, “Mmm.”

Catherine was instantly rendered speechless.

Not long after, the four of them arrived at the bottom of the waterfall again. Having obtained two Bronze Snakes, the confusing prohibition on the stone sculpture suddenly stopped working.

Only then did Leonard see the line he had carved, and he pondered.

Last time, he chose to carve here after killing Catherine, then used Time Retrospection.

Since she was still alive now, there was no need for that.

But even if he put the Bronze Snake into the statue, it wasn’t certain that it could break the Time Retrospection zone, or it might trigger some other changes…

Some thoughts instinctively popped into his head.

Should he leave some clues? For example, the fact that Vivian could body­snatch.

Thinking of this, Leonard’s mouth curled up slightly, and he immediately denied the idea: “What if I fail this time, and can’t pass next time if I have to go back?”

If he had to do it all over again, he could enjoy the process once more.

This cunning grin made Catherine and the other two twitch at the corner of their eyes.

They also understood at the same time why he didn’t leave any useful clues, preferring to add something seemingly irrelevant.

But they didn’t plan to change anything.

It felt like Leonard was leading them through the whole way.

Any suggestions from them would seem redundant.

However, so far, whether it’s the Angel’s Remains or the taboo related to the Sealed Ancient God, none of them have truly appeared.

They might be the most terrifying entities in the entire Summer Shepherd City ruins.

When he put the key in, the real deadly crisis might emerge.

Leonard thought for a while and then looked sideways to ask: “Should I open it, elder?”

He had the Light and Dark Shroud and the Silver Moon Secret Book, so theoretically, his survival chances were better than others.

But others may not have the same chance.

Elder Clinton also realized the problem. His murky eyes flashed with an indifferent thought, and said, “Yes.”

Evidence showed that the old man’s intuition about danger was unmatched.

If he said it was ok to open, then it was probably ok.

Hearing Elder Clinton’s words, Leonard didn’t hesitate further and directly placed the two Bronze Snakes in the stone sculpture’s groove.

The two Bronze Snakes bit each other’s tails, forming a pattern of a coiled snake.

The pattern then started rotating.

“Click”, “click”, “click”…

The sound of stone grinding came to their ears as the ancient mechanism that had been sealed for countless years opened.

Leonard had been prepared for some unknown monster to rush out, but nothing happened.

But Colin could sense some changes in the law and said, “It seems that time is back to normal.”


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