Catastrophe Card King

Chapter 452 - 164: If you die, I will bring you flowers every year

Chapter 452: Chapter 164: If you die, I will bring you flowers every year

A bottomless pit suddenly opened up in the central region of the city ruins. Subsequently, violent dark energy erupted like a volcano, shooting up to the top of the cavern.

Not only the thick, visible black mist, but also countless monsters surged out.

Zombies fell to the ground, ghosts floated in the air…

An indescribable wave of terror instantly swept over everything.

The movement was so great that the whole city of ruins trembled for it.

It did not subside for quite a long time.

Yet, Leonard Churchill didn’t seem surprised and had a gleam in his eyes.

During the previous gathering in the broken building, the Silver Moon Leader didn’t avoid him in everything she did.

So Leonard guessed some reasons.

The Old Days Disciple intended to unseal something related to the Ancient Deity ‘Lord of Dreams and Joy’ Arachne.

Although Leonard didn’t know what kind of preparations these people had made in advance in the ruins.

But then he saw the Silver Moon Leader continuing to fight, even though she could have escaped, Leonard began to suspect that she was plotting something. Latterly, seeing the massive loss of lives caused by the magnanimous solar flares and the pale moonlight in Lion City, Leonard basically confirmed this probably was a sacrifice.

The Silver Moon Sect’s method of communicating with God is through “flesh and blood sacrifice”.

Considering this, the Silver Moon Sect’s high-level meeting unintentional attack was not entirely an “accident”.

Then Leonard thought of how he had helped the Silver Moon Leader get close to Young Master Kak of the Lionheart Family.

He didn’t know what that woman had done.

But she definitely did something.

In addition to himself as a “double agent,” the Silver Moon Sect must have other sources of intelligence.

The Silver Moon Leader might have known about today’s ambush.

Of course, the most important thing was the “Angel Feather” stolen from the Lionheart Family party.

When Leonard held it, he always felt a kind of indistinct response, as if something was somewhere in these city ruins.

However, what the sacrifice is, what the altar is… it didn’t matter to Leonard.

He couldn’t stop it.

Nor was he interested.

Quite the contrary, he thoroughly enjoyed those few fights just now.

Now, the fights are over.

As he looked at the dark energy erupting from the center of the ruins, Leonard had a look of interest in his eyes.

A strong sense of conspiracy hit him in the face.

He thought about the commotion, and the lively scenes that would surely follow.

But with the current situation unclear, now was not the time to interfere. He glanced at the detective, Robin Smith, in front of him, nodded his farewell, showing his respect for a worthy opponent.

Then he gave a quick glance at Reuel Bible but remained silent.

He knew that his old friend came here to save him.

But now was not the time to say more.

Not to mention that he had just killed a few Field Agents of the X Bureau. About that one-armed Third Tier God Thief, Leonard had no interest at all.

He wanted to kill him earlier.

But there was no pleasure in doing it now.

So, Leonard sniffed around, chose a direction, turned around, and left the battlefield.

Reuel Bible watched Leonard’s retreating figure with a complicated look in his eyes and didn’t say anything.

Instead, he looked at the black energy that rushed into the sky in the city center, and his face was full of solemnity.

It was obvious that this time the X Bureau’s hasty raid had caused a big problem.

There also seemed to be some issues with the intelligence system.

About the intelligence of this raid, indeed much had leaked from his assistant Ada, but she was not the only source.

The Lionheart Family and Orlan Remnants also seemed to have played a disgraceful role in this incident.

For a moment, Reuel Bible thought of many things.

Leonard walked on the dark and deserted streets of the ruins.

After turning a few corners, in a corner here, a mechanic had been waiting for a long time.

Seven Brown watched Leonard walked back calmly and breathed a sigh of relief, “Are you alright?”

Leonard looked at her and smiled, “When did you come?”

He had suspected that things might go awry when he attended the party. So he had arranged for Miss Rita to hide in the city and not show up.

But when he detected a familiar scent earlier, he knew that she had been worried and had come over.

Seven Brown responded casually, “I arrived when you were dueling with that detective with the black umbrella.”

After saying that, she looked at the big patch of newly grown white hair on Leonard’s head and said in a small voice, “I’m sorry, I always can’t help.” During those advanced battles just now, she saw Leonard on the brink of death a few times and really wanted to help.

But she knew that if she took action, instead of being of any help, she would become a burden.

The sense of powerlessness due to her strength limitation made her feel very down at the moment.

Leonard listened with his mouth slightly curved up, not minding it, “Why apologize? I chose all these.”

Although Seven Brown knew it.

But that sense of powerlessness was like drowning, water covering her over and over again, trying to struggle but all in vain.

She thought that if she were as powerful as Aunt Jones, she could probably handle this situation quite comfortably, right?

She was really too weak.

Seeing Miss Rita’s gloomy expression, Leonard guessed her thoughts.

He did what she usually did, put his arm around her shoulder, patted it, and said, “Let’s go, it’s not safe here. Let’s go back to the city first..


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