Case Files 013

Chapter 88: A Prostitute's Love Story

Chapter 88: A Prostitute's Love Story

Back in the lab, Guan Zhenglin was analysing the tobacco with the cigarette paper found inside the car. With the special goggles on her face, she turned to tell me, "Found something." I was immediately jolted out from my seat as I hurried over to ask for the result. Guan Zhenglin removed the glasses and said, "The tobacco is not from China, but I don't really know cigarettes, Sister Mary should be able to find out more about that on the internet. And this cigarette paper it's not common rolling paper either." After a pause, she continued, "A normal cigarette paper is about 82 to 87 percent bleached, tight and highly opaque. They also stretch very well. Most cigarette paper would be added with a minute amount of chalk to make them firm, and a small number of oxidants to help with combustion. But," Guan Zhenglin looked at me, "This particular rolling paper is not that white and it doesn't contain any oxidant. That way, the cigarette would burn slower and last longer, probably to prolong the sensation of the experience. However, like Doggie Wang Er said, I did find traces of white sugar and wine inside the tobacco. You're a smoker so you should know about this more than I do."

I am a smoker but I only smoke commercial cigarettes, but I did know someone who had a higher standard than I did.

"I'm going to go find someone." I told Guan Zhenglin. She looked out the window. "It's already 1 am, who are you going to find?"

"Someone who can tell us about the origin of this tobacco." I smiled at her. "Mind lending me some of that tobacco leaves?"

Even though the day was dark, I was certain she was still awake. The person in question was Sister Mao. In the previous case, Sister Mao had helped us identify the victim and this time, I needed her help again. When I found her, it was already 4 am. The season was turning cold but Sister Mao was still in short skirts and high heels, you'd think summer was still around.

"How can Sister Mao help you this time?" Sister Mao offered me a cigarette while she lit one herself, "You're either here for a dead person or a dying person, so state your business." I accepted the cigarette with both hands but didn't light it, instead I twirled it with my fingers as I studied it. The cigarette was a brand that I didn't recognize. Sister Mao was a clever woman as she soon asked, "Oh, so you're here this time because of cigarettes?"

I placed the cigarette behind my ear. "Yes. I am dealing with someone who likes to roll their own ciggies. I know Sister Mao, you're an expert in this field. I believe this tobacco is not from China, I wonder if you can help me identify its country of origin." I handed the evidence bag to Sister Mao. She used her finger to lightly pinch out the sample. She placed it under her nose, closed her eyes and sniffed. Her brows creased. Moments later, her red lips moved, "This is indeed not a Chinese product. The scent is aromatic, even pungent, but then there is a light fragrance in the background. That should be the effect of wine." Then, Sister Mao tossed the leaf strand into her mouth and started to chew on it. I should have stopped her but it was too late now. I hoped that Guan Zhenglin still had copies of the evidence back at the lab. Sister Mao chewed slowly as if savoring the small tobacco strand. "Davidoff English Mixture, the country of origin is Holland but mixed in England. It's an English mixed cut tobacco, the white sugar and wine are added later. Compared to normal cigarettes, this one has a strong kick and thus provides a very enjoyable smoking experience, but its biggest draw is the unique fragrance that comes intermittently."

Sister Mao spat out the chewed tobacco and curled her finger at me. "Follow me." I obliged. Sister Mao started smoking before she was of legal age. Even though she was only in her 30s, she probably had been smoking for more than 20 years. That was especially true after she had some money, and thus had access to more luxury items like designer cigarettes. I was right to come find her, in just minutes, I already knew the country of origin for the tobacco.

I followed Sister Mao into her car and arrived at an apartment. We got up the stairs and Sister Mao opened the door with her keys. This appeared to be Sister Mao's private residence. The first thing that greeted me was a whole wall of shelves. Behind the glass were various alcohol bottles, there were red wines, white wines, gins, and others. Sister Mao had me sit on the sofa while she opened one of the cupboards to pour me a glass of red wine. "Have some to relax, while I go get some Davidoff tobacco for you to compare." Then she squatted down. While she went looking for the thing, I looked around. Suddenly, Sister Mao knelt lower and her buttocks were basically displayed before me. Furthermore, she was in a very short skirt. Certain things I couldn't write down here, I had seen that day. I frowned and at that moment, Sister Mao gasped in pain, "I believe I've twisted my ankle, do you mind coming to help me?"

Even though I did prefer mature women, I also knew why Sister Mao was doing this. I sighed and said, "Sister Mao, I may be young but I've been in the business for decades already. The inmates in prison have taught me many things. I know why you're doing this, you're hoping to lower the sentence on Brother Huang Er. Don't worry, Brother Huang Er is a model citizen in the prison, and your help in our cases has not gone unnoticed."

Hearing that, Sister Mao stopped twisting her buttocks. She didn't say anything but took out a round tin can from the cupboard. "This is the tobacco you are looking for." Sister Mao said matter-of-factly. It was like everything that happened earlier was a dream, I naturally played along with it. I opened the can while Sister Mao disappeared to what I assumed to be the kitchen because she soon returned with white sugar and wine. She took out some tobacco samples and said, "I'm sure this is the tobacco used but the wine is harder to determine because the amount in it was too small. How about this, I'll try to replicate the product as closely as I can. With my collection, I'm sure I'll find that particular wine eventually. It'll take time to bake the mixed tobacco though. Give me until noon, I should have a result by then."

I shook my hands and explained, "That is not the point, Sister Mao. The point is, can you help me identify the people who might own this tobacco? Furthermore, not many people still know how to make traditional hand-rolled cigarettes. I'm sure the overlapping in those two circles is very small. Take for example, where do you source your tobacco, Sister Mao?"

Sister Mao finally understood why I was there. She thought about it and then said, "I will give you an answer this afternoon. This tobacco is not that easily found in Dong Xing City and the number of buyers will be even smaller. When I get the list, I'll send it to you."

"Thank you." I nodded. "I'm still in the middle of a case, I better get back." Sister Mao nodded before she added, "How about I give you a lift? There's probably no train heading back into Dong Xing City now." I knew I should have said no but knowing Sister Mao's history, the rejection sat in my throat. One time when Brother Huang Er had too much to drink, he told me his story with Sister Mao. Those who didn't know Sister Mao's past and only saw her now would think she was the daughter of some rich man. But in reality, before the age of 25, Sister Mao was a prostitute and Brother Huang Er was her pimp.

Brother Huang Er ran a spa at Qing Cheng and he had more than 10 masseuses' working under him. For others, Brother Huang Er was the worst of the worst because he ended the lives of these girls. Their lives were ruined because Brother Huang Er was earning money off their backs. They were selling their bodies for his profit. But for these girls, Brother Huang Er was their savior. When these girls had no one else to turn to and had to turn to prostitution, most people only took the moral high ground and berate them but Brother Huang Er took them in. Brother Huang Er gave them a place to stay, food to eat, and if they were bullied by customers, Brother Huang Er would be the first to stand up for them.

When the girls served' the customers, they never saw themselves as a person but when they were with Brother Huang Er, at least they were still a human being. Brother Huang Er was a kind and gentle person. For example, on each of the girl's birthdays, he would give them a day off, buy them cake and offer them surprise presents. If they were living in sin, then the spa was also their sanctuary.

When did Sister Mao fall in love with Brother Huang Er?

It was an early morning, and Sister Mao had just finished one of her sessions'. She was on out-duty business. She had walked for 2 hours from her customer's home. She didn't take a taxi because she wanted some time to be by herself. She was abandoned before she was ten. She had always lived off the streets just to survive. She had been a prostitute for several years already and she saw no future for herself. To be honest, she wanted to kill herself that morning. Without even realizing it, she had arrived back at the spa. She would bid farewell to her sisters and be done with her life.

But as she walked in, Brother Huang Er was coming in as well. Seeing how tired she was, Brother Huang Er said something and it was that sentence that made Sister Mao fall in love with him. "You look tired. Let me help you massage your feet. Relax." That was what he said.

That day, Brother Huang Er helped Sister Mao clean and massage her feet. From then on, Sister Mao never let other men touch her feet. She was a prostitute, her virginity was no longer precious. But the feet that Brother Huang Er had touched, they became her treasure, her final pride.

Eventually, Brother Huang Er's spa was exposed for the brothel that it was. Brother Huang Er was jailed and the place sealed. The ladies all escaped as fast as they could, only Sister Mao remained. Sister Mao promised, "I will wait for you to return. And when you do, you'll be a richer man than now."

Who knew what Sister Mao had experienced but the reality was, while Brother Huang Er was still in prison, Sister Mao had opened more than a few spas in his name and all of them were larger than the one she stayed in.

Every Monday Sister Mao would go and visit Brother Huang Er, be it rain or shine.


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