Case Files 013

Chapter 278

Chapter 278

All of a sudden, everyone was crowded at the door. I took out my police officer card and showed it to the waitress girl, and asked him to find the person in charge of the store. On the other hand, Zhao Mingkun and I started to conduct a simple investigation and autopsy on the three corpses.

We took off the bath towels wrapped around the three bodies and saw that they were wearing at least one pair of underwear, so we felt relieved and ripped off the bath towels. Zhao Mingkun and I carefully observed the three corpses, but when we looked left and right, we could not see any fatal wounds on the corpses. And let alone a fatal wound, even a small wound, I didn't see it.

And this shows that these three people did not die from mechanical injuries.

Mechanical injury refers to the destruction or obstruction of the structure of organs and tissues when the body is subjected to mechanical violence. The more typical ones are blunt force injuries, contusions, fractures, sharp injuries, etc., which include suicide or homicide.

Typical non-mechanical injuries include poisoning, chemical injury, radiation injury, etc.

In fact, to put it bluntly, this is similar to the physical attack and magic attack in the game. And these three people are not very likely to die of mechanical causes. I pried Zhang Yifa's mouth open with my hand to observe the situation in Zhang Yifa's mouth. If you look closely, you can see that Zhang Yifa's tongue is blue-purple, and there are small white spots on the tongue coating. Look at Zhang Yifa's lips again; they are scarlet.

When I saw Cheng Lu's body before, his face was also slightly vermilion red. I put my nose close to Zhang Yifa's lips and sniffed gently. A faint smell of bitter almonds came over, and if you hadn't leaned down to smell it carefully, you wouldn't have smelled such a faint smell at all.

I looked up and saw three water glasses on the bedside tables of the three beds. There was no more water in Cheng Lu's water cup, while Zhang Yifa and Sun Shouwang's cups were half full. This shows that all three people drank water. I reached out and picked up the glass of water on Zhang Yifa's bedside table, sniffed it, and sure enough, it had a faint taste of bitter almonds.

This means that these three people actually died of cyanide poisoning.

At this time, a middle-aged woman in her forties walked out of the crowd. She walked in with a frown and said, "What's the matter? What happened?"

The waiter stood in front of her timidly and said, "This is the owner of our store."

I nodded and said, "It's dead."

While speaking, she also saw the three people lying on the bed, and suddenly exclaimed, "How did you die? What happened here? "

I looked at the female boss and said, "Who sent these three glasses of water in? The water is poisonous! Cyanide, if the amount is sufficient, can kill people in a minute! "

While talking, the female boss looked at the waiter and said, "Did you bring this water in?"

Under the stern questioning of the female boss, the waiter's tears were already rolling in her eyes, and she said, "After a few guests came in, they asked me to heat a pot of water, and I did the same. They told me to go ahead and take a dip in the pool. Let me heat up the water and come in directly and put it on the table.

Ten minutes later, The little girl said, with a crying voice, "I knocked on the door and they didn't answer, so I came in directly. They should have been taking a bath at that time, so I put the hot water on the table, took the door and walked out. At that time, I heard the three of them discussing something inside, and I couldn't hear the buzzing! I didn't poison it! "

I nodded, "

Well, you didn't kill people, I know." After saying

that, I pointed to a two-way sliding door in the house and said, "Is the bathroom behind this door?"

The female boss nodded and said, "Well, they asked for a quadruple room. Our place is different from other places. We have a pool in our room. You can see it when you come and see.

Having said that, the female boss went to the sliding door and pulled a door to see it. Only then did we see that there was a large pool behind the door. The pool is still steaming hot at the moment, and it seems that the water temperature in the pool is still quite high. I walked in and saw several people's clothes still on the hangers in the room.

The space inside is quite large. On the wall facing the door, there is a large colour TV hanging. The entertainment appears to be quite plentiful.

I turned to the female boss and said, "Look at the surveillance. Who else has been here?"

The female boss's expression changed, and she pulled her face and said, "There is no surveillance in our store."

"What?" I couldn't believe my ears. There was no surveillance in such a big store.

At this time, Wang Yikai ran over, leaned into my ear, and said, "Officer, what business does this store do? I told you before. It is because there are no cameras, so there are many customers. Ahh. That way, no one knows what you're doing here, and no one even records that you've been here. "

After hearing Wang Yikai's explanation, I understood. In this way, if there is no evidence, whether it is the police coming to crack down on pornography, or a wife coming here to find her husband, it is easy to hide. But without a camera, things are easy to lose, and people will get into them. This has, of course, both pros and cons for the store owner.

And we don't know who else has been in the store, let alone who added cyanide to the water.

When you get out of the bath, you will naturally feel thirsty due to dehydration. Perhaps the murderer saw this and poisoned the pot. The three of them never imagined that after taking a bath, the water in the pot would turn into a poison that could kill people in minutes. And the three of them drank a cup of poison without even thinking about it.

"Can't the door be locked?" I asked again.

"Yes!" the female wife said, "Of course you can."

The waiter said, "Because they wanted me in to deliver water, the door was just closed, but not locked."

I nodded.

From this point of view, the murderer must have known in advance that these people were coming here. Otherwise, how could the murderer think of using this method? If one of them didn't drink water and saw something was wrong with the other, and if they were rescued in time, all three of them might not die. But after the bath, the three mouths are dry, and they will naturally drink water.

And if we didn't find Wang Yikai today and delayed his time here, I'm afraid Wang Yikai would be the fourth corpse lying here, just like the three corpses.

The way a murderer kills is so simple that even a child can do it. It's nothing more than walking in, pouring poisonous cyanide into the kettle, and the rest is waiting for them to kill themselves. And chloride, if someone who understands chemistry can configure it by himself.

But although the words are light, if you think about it carefully, if there is no careful observation, how could the murderer know that there is no surveillance here? How do you know that killing them in this way will definitely kill them?

I looked at Wang Yikai and

said, "Are you guys still in constant contact?"

Wang Yikai nodded and said, "We were roommates in university, and we all stayed in Dongxing City after graduation, so we have always been in touch, and we often come out to get together when we have nothing to do."

Speaking of this, Wang Yikai was very sad: "We have been friends for more than ten years, but how can I think that three people will die this time?" How can I tell their family members at that time? "

But when it came to this, Wang Yikai's face changed and he said, "If you didn't call me, I should be dead now."

It seems that Wang Yikai also wants to understand this matter.

"Do you come here often?" I asked again.

At this time, it was the waitress who spoke up, and she said, "I have been working here for more than a year, and I have indeed seen them a few times before." However, there are three of them here, and this gentleman is not very common to me.

Wang Yikai waved his hand and said, "I don't come here very often. Every time I come, I actually don't do that. "

I naturally understand what Wang Yikai is referring to.

Although three people died, a clear feeling gradually emerged in my heart. This time, the three did not see anything strange and were not scared to death. This time, the three of them did not gouge out their eyes. And from this point of view, the murderer is indeed a human rather than a ghost.

Could it be that it was daytime, and Feitouman couldn't come out to scare people, but the murderer still wanted to kill, so he used conventional methods?

The main question now is, in the previous cases, what method did the murderer use?

Zhao Mingkun pulled me at this time and said, "Don't stay too long; we've almost finished the investigation, you know?"

Zhao Mingkun's words are good, but I just didn't expect the murderer to be one step ahead of us this time. We have to investigate one by one, and the murderer doesn't think about that at all. These three people are actually the most unsuspected, but they became what they are now because they echoed a few words of Wang Yikai's.

Didn't the murderer even have a little time to investigate? If you have the time to follow others, can't you spend a little more time figuring out the truth of the matter? Why would he care so much about the truth if the murderer still wants to avenge Lu Zhiqiu after seven years? Could it be that he didn't want to find out who killed Lu Zhiqiu?

Zhao Mingkun and I walked out, and I said, "The police will come to take the body away for investigation in a while. Remember not to touch anything in the house, especially the water in the pot, which is highly poisonous." Something. "Wang Yikai, please come with us."

Wang Yikai nodded sharply and said, "Yes, yes!"

He drove us to his house. In the car, Wang Yikai was shivering a little, looking very scared.

"Dead, how many people died?" Wang Yikai finally looked back at us.

I counted it in my heart, and then I realised that six people had already died, and in two days, thirteen people were almost half dead.

The murderer seems to be like a perpetual motion machine and can never stop his killing heart. At this rate, it only takes five days for these thirteen people to be killed by the murderer. The problem is that we can't find the slightest trace of the murderer, and we don't even understand how the murderer kills.

There is so much more to investigate.

(End of this chapter)


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