Case Files 013

Chapter 265: A Night Visit to Luo Ding

Chapter 265: A Night Visit to Luo Ding

A weird video of a few people who pulled out their own eyeballs. Is it really like what Luo Ding said, that everything is a ghost? Will anyone who has seen Lu Zhiqiu's body be killed by ghosts? So, is it possible that Zhao Mingkun and I are also in danger?

Although I am a staunch atheist, I think there are no ghosts in this world, but seeing this video makes people doubt it. But if it wasn't for the ghost, what would have been the reason for Xing Yafang to do such a terrible and weird thing in an empty elevator?

But whether I believe it or not, it is the truth.

Zhao Mingkun said, "Is it possible that it is hypnosis? Under certain circumstances, when the conditions of hypnosis are stimulated, these people will take their own actions to pull out their own eyeballs. "

Zhao Mingkun's words reminded me of the old man who was locked up with a mental illness in Dongxing City. That old man can hypnotise others without knowing it. But the old man was still in the mental hospital. Could it be that the person who came back for revenge would be the old man's apprentice, Wu Zui?

People who can do this are either locked up in mental hospitals or used by the state. How many do you think there are such talented people in Dongxing City? " I turned to look at Zhao Mingkun.

For a moment, the two of us said at the same time, "Wu Zui."

I shook my head again and said, "But Wu Zui, would you do this?"

Zhao Mingkun also shook his head and said, "I don't know. But if it's not hypnosis, it's not a ghost. I can't think of what means the murderer used to kill. There are so many of us, so many eyes watching, we can't all see. Did you read it wrong? Like Liu Ruijie before, the elevator is also a secret room.

I frowned and said, "If you were asked to pluck out your eyeballs, under what circumstances would you do this?"

Zhao Mingkun waved his hand and said, "Unless someone puts a gun to my head and tells me that I can only survive by plucking out my eyeballs." If that's the case, my survival instinct might make me pull out my own eyeballs. things. Otherwise, this is really not something a normal person can do. "

I watched the video that looped but had no sound, and said slowly, "Can the person who cut out the eyeball still live?"

Zhao Mingkun also put his eyes on the screen, and said lightly: "Actually, where is the eyeball so easy to pull out? There are many muscles and nerves around the eye socket, which will definitely hurt the nerves in the process." The blood volume should be quite large. But haven't I heard of a crime team before that specifically gouged out the eyes of children and then sold the corneas? "

"These people are too cruel." The security captain couldn't help but say

Zhao Mingkun looked at the security captain and said, "Yes, but they seem to have professional tools." Those children whose eyeballs were gouged out were thrown on the street, and they all survived in the end. "

I "tsk tsk" twice and said, "But these people, without exception, died, and they died almost in a very short time."

Zhao Mingkun said, "This needs to be verified."

Zhao Mingkun said to the security captain, "We will take away all the surveillance videos today, and clear your video records so as not to spread this thing out and cause panic, you know?"

The security captain nodded and asked again, "Wouldn't it be better to just take the video of the dead person away?"

Zhao Mingkun shook his head and said, "We have to go back and investigate every suspicious person carefully. Do you understand? "

The security captain nodded: "Then you need to turn off all monitoring first. It will take a while."

Almost an hour later, the security captain sent dozens of G-sized surveillance videos to my phone.

Zhao Mingkun asked, seemingly unintentionally, "How long does it take to restart monitoring?"

"About five minutes." The security captain said

Zhao Mingkun nodded and said, "Thank you for your cooperation."

After saying that, he took me out and walked outside.

Seeing Zhao Mingkun walking in such a hurry, I couldn't help but ask, "What's the matter, walking in such a hurry?"

Zhao Mingkun pointed to the monitor on his head and said, "This thing will start in five minutes." If you don't want us to be seen, you'd better leave early. I want these videos. Do you think it's true? Is it to see if there are suspicious people? The two of us are probably the most suspicious people tonight. "

I suddenly understood.

Seeing my expression, Zhao Mingkun shook her head and said, "Do you still think of yourself as a policeman?" It's really fun to pretend to be a policeman, but at least I know clearly that this is only temporary. I'm just a fugitive, not what kind of policeman. People always have to recognise their own identity so as not to suffer losses, don't they? "

Thinking about it, what Zhao Mingkun said did make sense, but he felt that it was such a sad thing.

I took out my phone and deleted most of the useless video files during the day, leaving only the time period from when we entered the scene to when the camera restarted. Zhao Mingkun was driving a motorcycle, and I was sitting on the back of the motorcycle watching the video.

To be honest, I'm really not suitable for this job. Looking at the monitoring to find clues is the most basic step, just like laying the foundation on a construction site. All subsequent

investigations will be completed on this basis. And what to do in a case without surveillance? You can only rely on visits and inquiries, and then check the surveillance on the street to see if there are any suspects.

But for someone like me, who is most afraid of a boring life, this is driving me crazy. But I might find some clues from here, so I still watched patiently.

As can be seen from the video, the traffic around Huangjia Garden Hotel is still very large, and there are many people coming in and out. And I managed to find Xing Yafang in the crowd.

But you must know that there are so many cameras in the hotel, and each camera has its own video file. Fortunately, the position of each camera is displayed on these files, which allows me to follow the many videos all the way. The figure of Xing Yafang This made me suddenly feel like I was like the perverted "idiot" Han who stalked others in the movie.

What is certain is that Xing Yafang came to the hotel alone. Xing Yafang only communicated with her former college classmates. During this period, she did not see any suspicious people, except for some staff on the top floor, such as cleaning security and on-site bartenders. The chef waits, and the rest is for the party.

In the entire video surveillance, from the moment Xing Yafang entered the hotel to the moment Xing Yafang's body fell out of the elevator, I never saw any suspicious person appear. From the video, after the grandmother brought thirteen people into that room, I couldn't see a single person outside, not even a cleaner.

From this point of view, Xing Yafang walked into the hotel and left angrily, and there was no suspicious person in contact with her during this period. Judging from the video, Xing Yafang's state has always been normal. I really can't figure out why a good-natured person would do such a weird thing without any stimulation.

The only time we can't see Xing Yafang is when Xing Yafang is on the toilet for just two minutes. In this short period of time, it is estimated that Xing Yafang just washed his hands and face. Could it be that Xing Yafang was entangled by a ghost in the toilet?

After thinking for a moment, he put the phone back in his pocket.

Weird, so weird.

Seemingly sensing my movement, Zhao Mingkun turned his head and asked me, "Why, do you see why?"

I shook my head and said, "No, Xing Yafang has never had contact with any suspicious person. This case is really evil. I have never encountered such a situation before. What tactics did the murderer use? "

Zhao Mingkun asked, "Do you still think it was done by humans?"

Without thinking, I said, "There is no doubt about this, although I sometimes make myself a little terrified, I still believe that all this is done by humans. If there were really ghosts in this world, if it was about revenge, then the murderers in the world would have died long ago. "

My words seemed to hit Zhao Mingkun's pain point. She concentrated on driving and stopped talking.

I realised that there was something wrong with my words, but I couldn't take them back, so I had to watch the road with peace of mind.

After a while, I felt that Zhao Mingkun had never seen this road before, so I couldn't help but ask, "Where are we going?"

Zhao Mingkun said: "Of course I'm looking for Luo Ding. When he was in the room today, Luo Ding still had some things to say to us. And we don't know when Luo Ding was scared to death. It's better to ask about it as soon as possible. Otherwise, Luo Ding will become the second Jiang Xiaochun again. "

When I mentioned this, I suddenly realised one thing and asked: "I think it's very interesting that Hu Pei was scared to death, Liu Ruijie died from gouging his eyes, Hu Xiaoxue, and Xing Yafang were also dug up." The eyes are dead, and this Luo Ding is too frightened now. Looking at the current state, it is not impossible to be frightened to death. "

"Tell me!" I looked at the vehicles passing by and asked, "How did the murderer choose? Why does the murderer have different methods for different people? "

Hearing this, Zhao Mingkun was silent for a moment, and then he said, "This means that the murderer knows the characters of these people? It's like some people believe in ghosts and gods, while some people don't believe in ghosts and gods. But if I guess this, it means that the murderer must know these people, and the murderer also has motives and reasons to avenge Lu Zhiqiu! "

"Lu Zhiqiu's younger brother?" I said.

Zhao Mingkun twisted the accelerator to accelerate and said, while driving the motorcycle, "When every new student enters the school, the tutor will have the student's information." I know Lu Zhiqiu's home address, but it has been seven years since the original address, and it may have changed.

Furthermore, Lu Zhiqiu's family was compensated one million yuan.Seven years ago, one million could buy two houses. "

"Tomorrow, I think we need to go there." I said to Zhao Mingkun.

Have you seen the neighbourhood in front? Zhao Mingkun pointed to a neighborhood, "That's the neighbourhood where Luo Ding is." Most

of the residents in the community have turned off the lights, and Luo Ding's house is not lit.

Zhao Mingkun turned off the motorcycle and asked, "Could it be that Luo Ding didn't go home after running away from the hotel?"

I shook my head, "Looking at his appearance, I'm afraid there's nowhere to go if he doesn't go home. Judging from his previous clothes and state, he doesn't seem to have slept for a long time. I think he's going to be overwhelmed. "

(End of this chapter)

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