Case Files 013

Chapter 261.1

Chapter 261.1

"Wang Yikai, Sun Shouwang..." The old grandmother slowly said the names of one person after another, as if she were calling names in a college class. When the grandmother said the person's name, Zhao Mingkun, she quickly fixed the camera on the person's face.

And now I understand why Zhao Mingkun asked me to remember the positions of those thirteen people. The human eye is capable of seeing more colours and details than cameras. But from farther away, the camera can see significantly better than my eyes.

Before, we only asked to find those classmates who had interned at the construction site together, but I heard that the grandmother deliberately pointed to some people who were not at the original construction site. I smiled. It seems that Zhao Mingkun and this old grandma played a good hand.

Doing this would break the unique relationship between these thirteen people, making it impossible to guess what kind of law the grandmother used to point people. And if they only read the names of those thirteen people, the more they go on, the easier it is for them to guess who the grandma will pronounce and who will not.

And if someone else guesses the pattern, then the person can act out the reaction that he wants others to see in advance when Grandma pronounces his name. What we want is a reaction to the moment when a person does not know if they will pronounce their own name. This momentary reaction is the most real reaction in the human heart.

When an innocent person hears that he has to stay, his instant reaction must be shock or doubt, and when people are shocked by something, the uniform expression is wide-eyed, The mouth is slightly open, accompanied by the action of spreading out his hands or pointing at himself. The movements of the gestures may last longer, but the momentary shocked expression will never last too long.

And when a person thinks that he should be called, he will not be surprised. But in order to disguise themselves, some people will also pretend to be innocent. But this way, in front of people who have studied psychology, it is as obvious as a child whose lips are covered with chocolate but who says that he has never eaten chocolate.

Among these thirteen people, there are not a few who have made such a performance.

Others, obviously, know what their name will be called. When they heard their name, some people didn't respond, while others nodded slightly. This kind of reaction is the expression after being sure that something will happen, and it does happen.

Among the thirteen people, some have such expressions.

And there is another kind of person who, when they hear their name, will lean back subconsciously, or wrap their hands around their shoulders, or cover their mouths with their hands. From a psychological point of view, this is subconscious avoidance psychology. It means that, after hearing their names, these people are afraid that this matter will have something to do with them.

So who is the most suspicious person?

Some people may think it is the third type, but in fact, the most suspicious person is the second type. It is a human instinct to subconsciously avoid something that sounds troublesome. This is something that has been left in the genes since the formation of human beings. So we can understand that when they heard about a classmate who died seven years ago, these people instinctively avoided him.

But the second kind of person, when he knew he would call his name, pretended he didn't know anything. There must be some hidden secret behind this.

At this point, the grandmother has already called the names of more than 20 people. And thirteen of those twenty people had worked.

There are students who are doing internships here. The rest of the people didn't understand what happened, and some chose to leave early to avoid getting involved with this matter, while others felt that it didn't matter and continued to eat and drink.

The twenty people followed the old grandmother to a large room.

Zhao Mingkun looked at me, took another shot of the camera on the second floor, and said, "The expressions of those thirteen people in a moment were all recorded by this camera."

For the next hour, I was responsible for watching the recorded records up close and keeping everyone's expressions in my heart. At this time, I said to Zhao Mingkun, who was next to me, "Let's go. Everyone there had been waiting for an hour. I think they are already waiting. "

Zhao Mingkun nodded, looked at the window in the big house from the second floor, and said, "Yes, but who do you think is suspicious?"

I gently closed the camera and said, "Judging from the expressions I captured at that moment and the expressions left in the camera, many people have doubts. However, psychology is only a way of analysing, but we can't take this as the most important basis. You know, people's hearts are very complicated. If you can really see everything from people's expressions, there will be no police profession in this world. "

With the effort of a cigarette, Zhao Mingkun and I arrived at the door of this room.

I turned my head and said to Zhao Mingkun: "For a while, remember to look at their expressions. If these people did have the murderer at the time, and after hearing the news that Lv Zhiqiu had come back for revenge and learning that someone had died because of this, I thought, "The murderer back then must have behaved abnormally, and you should also observe carefully at that time to see who has the strongest reaction. Don't do anything wrong. Don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on your door. Sometimes the words of the ancestors are really true.

Zhao Mingkun winked at me, then pushed the door open.

T/N : Hello everyone,

Today we are launching a challenge for you guys

Our goal is to hit a benchmark of 5 comments in LCD on Novel Updates

We will be uploading bonus chapters as a reward.

Goal - have 1/5 comments on LCD

Reward - 1 bonus chapter in the week the goal is reached

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