Case Files 013

Chapter 162: The Video

Chapter 162: The Video

If everything was as Guan Zhenglin said, then I could already predict what would happen next. Du Zigui couldn't be left alive to challenge Zhang Bin's testimony. With his death, the chain of evidence would be shattered and we would have nothing but Zhang Bin and his friends' testimonies to go off on. With China's law of innocence until proven guilty, Zhang Bin might be released after all.

It was clear that both of my partners thought Zhang Bin was the killer, but we still hadn't found the evidence to prove that. However, I personally thought something was still not so right. In Guan Zhenglin and Gu Chen's eyes, Zhang Bin was a cunning person. His breakdown and arrogance were all an act for us. Inside, he was probably laughing at us. But no matter what kind of person Zhang Bin was, we would know more when we located Zheng Shuai or Cheng Yimin. Soon we arrived at Shun Chang Daily Rental.

From the outside, it was clear that this was a building built without a permit. The small yard housed a building that was 3 story tall and the stairwell could be seen from the outside. Each floor had 4 small rooms. Since the gate was open, we walked in directly.

Beyond the gate was an auntie about 50, she looked around to be 250 plus in weight. In the winter, she wore the largest shirt but even so, it could barely cover her protruding stomach. It was hard to tell if she was feeling the cold or not. Seeing us, the auntie asked kindly, "A young couple seeking a place to rent? My place here is cheap, only 50 RMB a day." Then the auntie glanced at the 3 of us and continued, "I get it. The youngsters nowadays have unconventional relationships. By the way, do you need condoms? I sell them for cheap." Since we didn't say anything, the auntie continued, "Or how about some drinks? It will be sure to put you in the mood! I have a room on the top floor ready for you. Don't worry. The floor is firm."

Gu Chen's face was red as a tomato. Guan Zhenglin walked forward and said, "We're the police." Then she showed the id that Captain Zhao gave us.

Then it hit the auntie that we were not potential renters. She spat on the ground and turned upwards, "Motherfuckers, which of you have created this problem for me? Did you bring a prostitute home? The fuck, this is a legal motel, what do you think this place is? Who did it, come the fucking out now!" The auntie's voice was like thunder booming. Soon every family' staying here poked their heads out from the corridor.

"I say, Sister Ma." One voice was heard saying, "Could you be more soft and ladylike? The entire Elm Town could hear you."

Sister Ma countered, "Well, fuck you too. The police are here. Those who did this better come down now. Don't let the police go up there and get you. If they start shooting, don't think I'll come and clean up your blood!" Then Sister Ma mumbled to herself, "There is just so much trouble recently. It's either the peeper or a visit from the police, can't I have a peaceful new year? The fuck, the fortune-teller told me I was supposed to have a good year."

I shrugged and said, "We already found the person we're looking for. Zheng Shuai, do you mind coming down? And where's Cheng Yimin?" The person who answered Sister Ma earlier was none other than Zhang Bin's lackey, Zheng Shuai. Hearing that, Zheng Shuai immediately shrunk his head back.

Gu Chen shouted from below, "Sister Ma is right. Come on down. Don't make us go up there to get you." When they were sent to the station by Hao Ren, they had already tasted the fist of Gu Chen. So immediately, the duo slithered down the stairs like rats.

Sister Ma commented, "Well this is unexpected. These two never brought any girls home. If you ask me, men need their release or else things like this will happen. Police officer, did these two rape someone?"

Sister Ma was truly something else. I told her, "I'm sorry but that's confidential." Sister Ma spat. "Pfft. Bring them with you but they're not getting their down payment back Consider it my way of helping the police punish these criminals." The two were hauled into the car and Gu Chen watched over them. In the meantime, Guan Zhenglin and I went to examine this trio's new living space. Sister Ma led the way for us. As I watched her giant ass move up the stairs, I was afraid for my life, fearful that she might tumble backwards. Sister Ma said, "Those 3 things are disgusting. It's already pushing it when 3 men share one room but they never take out their rubbish. If not for a lack of tenants, I would have kicked them out already. I knew they were not good people. I kept hearing them saying, they need to lay low. I guess I understand why now."

"They need to lay low?" I repeated, "Do you know who they are hiding from?"

"Clearly from you." Sister Ma laughed, "Who else?"

By then we already reached the door. As the door opened, we were greeted by mountains of boxed meals and beer bottles. The floor was dirty with cigarette ash. Two beds were pushed together. The mattresses were black with stains and the comforters were not made. This room did look like their previous place. However, this room didn't even have a television. Other than the bed, the other piece of furniture was a chair. There was no bathroom. It was hard to imagine what the trio could do here, trying to pass time.

Sister Ma spat on the ground. "This place is so damn dirty, if not for their monthly payment of 30 RMB, do you think I will let them live here? In their dreams! There's nothing here. Those dirty mags that you see, they were my donation. They do nothing but jerk off here all day. There's no saving these people."

On the bed, there was a small table, and on it sat some food. There were vegetables and meat. I hovered my hand over them, they were still warm. So Zhang Bin at least was not lying about this. We looked around and found nothing.

When we returned to the car, we heard the two plead at Gu Chen, "But we have not done anything. We've already explained everything to you. In our line of business, running away from the police is our sign of respect to you. But recently we really haven't done anything, even we want to take breaks on the New Year."

I patted the car door and said, "Zhang Bin has already sold you out, why are you still arguing?"

"Zhang Bin?" Zheng Shuai cursed. "I knew that motherfucker can't be trusted. He did everything on his own but he had to drag us down with him. For real, we have nothing to do with that. Du Zigui raped his own sister, that was Zhang Bin who coerced him into doing so. The both of us hadn't said a word to him about that."

"Hmm?" I glared at them.

Cheng Yimin added, "That's right, after Du Zigui drank the amidone, the both of us wanted to chase him out but Zhang Bin insisted on keeping him around. The next day, Zhang Bin purposely left the drug in the room for Du Zigui, for him to turn into an addict. Du Zigui is quite scary when he is high. We did advise Zhang Bin to not cross the line. He needed to stop before something bad happened but he refused to listen to us."

Zheng Shuai said, "Zhang Bin treated Du Zigui as his dog and Du Zigui was like his dog when he was high. He depended on Zhang Bin for everything. That day, after Du Zigui had too much to drink, Zhang Bin told Du Zigui to rape his own sister. Du Zigui was already drunk and then Zhang Bin promised to give him a big bag of drugs after he was done."

"Both of us told Zhang Bin to not do that." Zheng Shuai glanced at Cheng Yimin. The latter nodded, "But he blew us off. He knew how much Du Zigui followed his every word. About 2 days later, Du Zigui returned saying he had completed the job. Afraid that Zhang Bin wouldn't believe him, he even took a video of it."

"A video?" The 3 of our eyes lit up.

Cheng Yimin said, "He took it on his phone. I have a copy with me, I can show it to you." Then Cheng Yimin opened the video. After watching it, our emotions were highly tumultuous. The video was indeed taken on a phone. The person who held the phone kept moving so the video was shaking a lot. But even so, we could see that it was Fang Xiao Qi who was pinned to the ground. The person who took the video peeled off Fang Xiao Qi's clothes as he mumbled, "I don't want to do this, but I can't take it anymore. I need it." Fang Xiao Qi kept crying as she struggled. But the hand in the video never stopped moving. Soon Fang Xiao Qi was completely naked. Then the cameraman undid his pants.

His whole body was shaking, it was clear that the man was high on drugs. With one hand holding the phone, his other hand closed over the girl's neck. Then it happened. Soon, the cameraman finally stopped pushing and laid exhausted on Fang Xiao Qi.

It was then that we saw the cameraman's face. It was none other than Fang Xiao Qi's older brother, Du Zigui.

Du Zigui slapped his own face and then cried, "I'm sorry, Xiao Qi. I don't know what came over me. I'm sorry, I" Then the video went into a black screen before it finally ended.

"This motherfucking Zhang Bin!" Gu Chen punched the car door and it caved in. He was very furious. "This bastard deserves to be chopped into pieces!"

Cheng Yimin said, "We have already persuaded Zhang Bin from crossing the line but he refused to listen to us. Right, you can go and find the owner of the restaurant where we drank that night. He heard everything that was said at the table. He would tell you that we have tried our best to persuade Zhang Bin. After Du Zigui returned with the video, Zhang Bin finally got scared. He brought us and went here to hide. But since we moved here, Zhang Bin kept acting strangely, he always went out alone without telling us."

"He would go out alone?" I asked.

"Yes." Zheng Shuai answered, "And it has been getting more and more frequent recently. But he would have nothing else to do other than to meet his doctor's appointment."

Guan Zhenglin leaned in to whisper, "He probably went to kidnap Zhao Xiaoli."

I nodded. It looks like Zhang Bin was the killer. But if that was the case, was Du Zigui really dead?


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