Case Files 013

Chapter 156: Zhao Xiaoli

Chapter 156: Zhao Xiaoli

The two boys entered the bedroom and Teacher Zhao sat down. We knew that she had sent them away because she had something to tell which she didn't think was appropriate for the kids. She glanced at the bedroom and began, "There is something that I wish to tell you."

I nodded. "Teacher Zhou, please."

Teacher Zhao nodded and whispered, "There is just something not right with Wang An. When he was in school, he kept getting into fights and his temper is only getting worse. Earlier, a few bad youths came to school to find Wang An, but they were stopped by the security." I took out the same picture to show Teacher Zhao. Teacher Zhao looked at them and nodded. "Yes, that's them. I've seen the surveillance footage myself. It was these 3 who came looking for Wang An. One of them was even bandaged. But soon after that, we began the new year holiday so we never saw them again."

Zhang Bin's group tried to take revenge on Wang An at his school but they failed. Wang An was sent here after the school holiday so even if the trio wanted to find Wang An, they didn't know where he was. I looked at Teacher Zhao and asked, "You never told Wang An about this?"

Teacher Zhao shook her head, "He's just a child, there's no point telling him so much. His father, Hao Ren also has gone missing but if you ask me, I believe his disappearance has to do with these 3."

I frowned. "Why would you say that?"

Teacher Zhao looked at the prawns in the plate and said, "When the 3 were chased away, they swore that this was not over. They would take revenge on the father and his children. I heard this from the security guard but I believe their threats were real, or else why would Hao Ren leave Wang An with me?"

I said, "Teacher Zhao, to tell you the truth, Fang Xiao Qi has committed suicide. We also suspect it has to do with these 3 people but we have no clues."

At this point, Teacher Zhao sprung up before she sat down again. She said with panic, "Fang Xiao Qi has really committed suicide?" It sounded like Teacher Zhao already knew that this would happen.

Guan Zhenglin asked, "Teacher Zhao, have you seen the suicidal tendency on Fang Xiao Qi?"

Teacher Zhao explained, "It's not that. The same guard told me that since they couldn't see Wang An, the 3 threatened to go after Fang Xiao Qi instead. They said they would not stop until Hao Ren's entire family is ruined."

Gu Chen slammed his fist on the table. "This bunch of bastards!"

Teacher Zhao sighed and shook her head. "Looks like the trio knows about Hao Ren and his adopted children, but I wonder how they got that information. People like them probably spent their whole day pondering how to take revenge." We nodded.

Teacher Zhao looked towards the bedroom and sighed, "I honestly don't know what to do. I have a feeling that Wang An is not acting like himself lately. I can feel this suppressed anger in him. He might look like a boy, but for his age, he knows a bit too much."

I nodded and then shook my head. "Wang An has gone through the system since he was young, he probably has experienced things that we might not have imagined. He is extremely precocious but his way of thinking is still immature, we noticed that when we conversed with him earlier."

Teacher Zhao combed her hair with her fingers. "I only hope that he can have a wonderful childhood." At that moment, the two kids walked out of the bedroom. The worry and concern on Teacher Zhao's face immediately changed into smiles. No matter how strong the storm was outside, the kids would never see it from their mother. Teacher Zhao served us food and we tucked in for the meal.

During the meal, I observed Wang An. Wang An kept his head lowered and looked at no one as he shoveled the food into his mouth. When Teacher Zhao picked food for him, he smiled shortly before continuing with his eating. Wang An's steadiness surprised me. Other than emotions shown when he heard his sister had committed suicide, he seemed to have sealed the rest of his emotions in.

Suddenly my phone rang. I took it out and saw that it was a call from Mary. This could only mean that there was development to the case. As I answered the call, Mary said, "There's someone called Zhao Xiaoli at the station, she claims she was almost raped."

We were looking for Zhao Xiaoli but she had come to us at the station instead. Perhaps we could find out more from her. With that in mind, I told Wang An, "Wang An, your sister Zhao Xiaoli has been found. Would you like to come to the police station with us?"

When Wang An heard that, he said hurriedly, "Of course I'm going." Then he quickly finished the rest of his meal, he almost swallowed the plate. Seeing how anxious he was, we knew how desperate he wanted to see his sister. After a few mouthfuls, we hurriedly bade farewell to Teacher Zhao. Teacher Zhao tried to persuade Wang An to stay but she knew she couldn't stop him.

Guo Feng was unwilling to part with Wang An. He pleaded, "Wang An, Wang An, you said you would always play with me, where are you going now?" His voice broke from tears.

Wang An walked to the door and then walked back. He stood on the chair to wipe away Guo Feng's tears. He said seriously, "Guo Feng, I need you to stay home to look after your mother, okay? Do not go out to play with those bad kids, they will only bully you. Play with your toys at home and I'll be back before you know it."

"Okay." Guo Feng looked at Wang An and said unwillingly, "Then when will you come home?" Wang An thought about it before he said, "If you promise to listen to your mother and do not create trouble, I will be back soon."

"Pinkie swear." Guo Feng requested. Wang An reached out his pinkie and hooked it through Guo Feng's. "Rain or shine, I'll always be there. Pinky promise." Then Wang An jumped down from the chair and turned to address Teacher Zhao, "Teacher Zhao, thank you for taking care of me all these days." Teacher Zhao nodded with a smile.

When we arrived at the police station, we saw a crying girl giving a statement. Wang An called, "Sister Xiaoli!"

Zhao Xiaoli turned at the sound of her name. She said with shock. "Wang An, why are you here?"

Wang An answered, "I've been staying with Teacher Zhao, it was these police officers who told me you're here." Zhao Xiaoli calmed down a lot after reuniting with her little brother. We asked Zhao Xiaoli why she had come to the station and she told us her side of the story.

Since their family was not that rich, Zhao Xiaoli was still working in another state the month before Lunar New Year. She knew that in this day and age, her siblings needed a phone to maintain contact with each other. However, Hao Ren had limited income, so Zhao Xiaoli hoped that she could work to buy a cell phone for each of her younger sister and brother. Du Zigui already had a phone. She worked until it was time for her to return home to celebrate the new year.

Zhao Xiaoli called home but there was no answer. She called her older brother, Du Zigui and there was no answer either. Zhao Xiaoli became increasingly worried and she hurried home. But when she arrived, her home was a burnt wreckage. Hao Ren's family home sat on a plot of relocation. However, halfway through it, the construction company ran out of funds, so the relocation stopped. Most of Hao Ren's neighbours had left, and only Hao Ren's family remained so even if Zhao Xiaoli wanted to ask around, she couldn't find a neighbor. She couldn't reach her father or her big brother.

Zhao Xiaoli worried about her younger sister and brother but she too had no idea where they went.

However 10 days ago, Zhao Xiaoli got a phone call from someone, the stranger said he knew where her younger sister and brother were. By then Zhao Xiaoli had returned to Elm Town for more than a week already. She was desperate because her family was missing, so when she got the call, she immediately went to the address given by the caller without thinking much of it. Zhao Xiaoli only realized how rash she was acting when she arrived. The location was extremely secluded and there was no one around.

Zhao Xiaoli was afraid and thought about leaving but at that moment, someone came up from behind and sedated her. When Zhao Xiaoli woke up, she was inside a dark room. Zhao Xiaoli spent 10 days there. One day, when her captive was not paying attention, she escaped and raced to the police station. Then Zhao Xiaoli stopped as she turned to Wang An.

I told Guan Zhenglin, "Do you mind leaving us? I wish to do some recorded statements."

Guan Zhenglin grasped my meaning. She led Wang An out of the room. Finally Zhao Xiaoli said, "That person raped me"

I looked at her and asked, "Do you know who that person is?"


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