Case Files 013

Chapter 109: Gotcha!

Chapter 109: Gotcha!

Wu Zui leaned forward like he was about to fly. The gag was removed from Liu Yinyan and Liu Fei'er's mouths, they could finally speak freely now. Wu Zui moved over a table and chair. He sat on the chair and placed the gun on the table. I was placed beside the table by scar face, it appeared like I was going to be a player of this twisted game too. Due to my near brush with death when I was a baby, my physique had always been bad. I wanted to counter but I was not Gu Chen. Scar face gripped my hands behind my back like a vise. I couldn't even move even if I wanted to.

"What is it that you want?" Liu Yinyan shouted, "I've already brought you the money, what more do you want? If 10,000,000 RMB is not enough, I can give you more money. I only ask that you let my daughter go. We didn't call the police, they came here on their own." Wu Zui used his hands to tussle Liu Yinyan's hair and said patiently like a parent would to an unruly child, "Shush, be quiet. There's no need to scream. Naturally I know the police didn't come here because of you, I believe you. Look at how cooperative your daughter is. She's so cute." Liu Fei'er's eyes were filled with tear. Her body trembled and her face was as pale as wax.

Then Wu Zui leaned his face close to Liu Fei'er's cheek, as if taking in her scent. Liu Yinyan's face darkened. Only God knows what was going through his mind then, but I was sure it was not positive thoughts. After a long time, Wu Zui leaned back and said, "My apologies, where was my manners. Now, we will play an interesting game, it's called, I have many secrets but I'm not going to tell you about them. The name itself already makes you shiver already, hasn't it?"

"What is it that you want to do, just do it to me. Don't harm my daughter!" Liu Yinyan pleaded. "If you want to kill someone, kill me. Leave my daughter be!"

"Dad!" Liu Fei'er called before she started to cry. Instantly the two broke down and cried.

Bang! Wu Zui shot a fire into the air and instantly the two quieted down. "One more pointless word out of you two, and you'll get a new hole on your forehead each, understood?" The two nodded. Wu Zui was satisfied and he continued, "Wonderful. Now the game shall begin. The game rules are very simple. You will answer whatever question that I ask you. If you lie, I will shoot. Don't tempt me, no one living in this world has been able to lie to me yet." Wu Zui casually aimed the gun at Liu Yinyan, "Alright, first question, Liu Yinyan, did you plan to rob a gold trading shop 35 years ago?"

Liu Yinyan looked at his daughter before answering, "Yes I did."

"Very good." Then Wu Zui turned to Liu Fei'er. "Darling, it's your turn next. Are you still a virgin?" All the eyes were all the girl, especially Liu Yinyan, as a father, he understandably cared deeply about this question. Liu Fei'er lowered her head and said softly, "No, I'm not."

"Good, you now know how the game works." Wu Zui nodded. "But these are just simple questions, it'll only get harder from now on. The consequence of lying is death, I hope you understand that. Well then, Elder Liu, do you know that the man whom you framed had a daughter with uremia?" This question directly unearthed the incident from 35 years ago. It was meant to directly shatter the pride and reputation of a father before Liu Fei'er. Liu Fei'er was going to know how dirty of a man her father was under the sharp suit and clean appearance. Liu Yinyan looked at Liu Fei'er and his tears started to flow. His lips twitched but ultimately, he admitted, "Yes, I did know that."

"It's your turn now, Liu Fei'er." Wu Zui asked, "Now, remember not to lie. Did you give your virginity to your boyfriend?" Liu Fei'er face turned from fear to shock. She looked at Wu Zui numbly. From that expression, I knew that Wu Zui must have a lot of dirt on these 2 people, or else he wouldn't suggest this crazy game. And this Liu Fei'er wasn't the innocent young girl that she appeared to be.

"No, I didn't." Liu Fei'er forced out the word with difficulty. Liu Yinyan looked at Liu Fei'er with complicated emotion, it had a mix of both shock and shame. "Fei'er, how did dad always teach you. How, how could you do something like this?"

Wu Zui shook his head and warned, "Ah, ah, ah, now is not your time to ask questions." Wu Zui tutted. "Remember the rules. Elder Liu, it's now your turn to answer the question. Did you not feel shame doing what you did knowing the man had a daughter with uremia?"

"But even without my intervention, the girl would have died," Liu Yinyan argued, "She was at a late stage of uremia, even God couldn't save her! Money wouldn't save her daughter! Since she was going to die, why not make her life more worthwhile?"

"That was not the answer to my question." Wu Zui shook his head with disappointment, "I asked, did you feel shame?"

Liu Yinyan deflated like a balloon. "I, I do." Liu Yinyan said, "The shame has never left me for 35 years. I often dream about it, about the man's body which was salvaged from the sea, the daughter who was pining for her father to return but who never did. It was why I set up the charity foundation for uremia patients, I've helped so many people because of it."

"Shhhh." Wu Zui placed his finger on his lips, signalling for Liu Yinyan to shut up. "Okay, Liu Fei'er, when did you lose your virginity?"

Liu Fei'er's head sank even lower, she didn't dare to look at her father. Perhaps she considered lying but when she saw the mask, she admitted, "It, it was when I was 16. I was out that day and met a man" When he heard, Liu Yinyan trembled from fury. He couldn't believe his ears. "What? 16?! Who is that man?! Why didn't you tell me?! I'll get the police to arrest him, how dare he goes after a minor. He will rot in jail"

Wu Zui suddenly clapped happily, "Yes, well said! These kinds of people should be arrested, but when you orchestrated another father's death, did that thought not cross your mind? But, no wait, forget what I said. That was not my question. My real question is, do you now understand that father's willingness to do anything to protect and save his daughter?"

"I." Liu Yinyan suddenly was stumped. 35 years ago, Ren Tian was willing to sacrifice his life just to save his daughter. He could take on the whole world just so that his daughter could live. 35 years ago, Liu Yinyan didn't have a daughter, he might not understand that feeling. But 35 years later, Liu Yinyan's own daughter was 19 already. So could Liu Yinyan empathize with that man now?

"I understand it now." Liu Yinyan said with a bitter smile. "35 years ago, I didn't have a choice, if Ren Tian didn't die, I would die. But now I have plenty of choices, I can and have helped many people so why must you bring up something from 35 years ago?" Liu Yinyan was crying openly now.

Wu Zui ignored the man and turned to Liu Fei'er. "My dear darling Liu Fei'er, you gave your virginity to a man when you were 16. Was that with full consent?" Wu Zui planned to leave no stone unturned. After shattering a father's pride, he was now going to dissect a young girl's self-respect openly before her father. How was this pair of father and daughter going to face each other in the future?

Liu Fei'er had stopped crying. Perhaps after a certain stage, she just didn't care anymore. Things couldn't be worse. She confessed, "Yes, it was." That answer broke Liu Yinyan's heart. He was strict with others so understandably he was even stricter with his family. He assumed his daughter was raped when she was 16 but the truth was much worse than he thought. It was easy to break one's mind, you only needed to crush his most precious thing before him.

"Well done, my darling." Wu Zui caressed Liu Fei'er's face. He turned to Liu Yinyan, "Liu Yinyan, you heard it here first. Now you know how helpless and powerless a heart is when it is overburdened by sadness and pain. Now, are you willing to pay penance for the sin you've committed 35 years ago?" Wu Zui didn't speak that loudly, but every word registered in Liu Yinyan's ears.

A glow suddenly appeared in Liu Yinyan's eyes. He said, "I'm 70 already. Not many people can live until that age. I only started studying when I was 30, began my career at 35 and had my daughter at 50. I always feel like I do not have enough time, so every time, I am gambling, gambling with my money, luck and life." Liu Yinyan said lightly, "I've been alive for so long and only now I understand this life lesson, what you have is never what you really want. When I first came to Dong Xing City, I only wanted to find a wife and start a family." Liu Yinyan closed his eyes, "How could I have lost sight of that?"

These words landed like soft blows in my heart. This legend of Dong Xing City didn't really want much but when one was racing, they often forgot for what purpose they were racing.

"Sounds like repentance is on your mind!" Wu Zui suddenly stood up.

"Yes" Liu Yinyan sighed. A gun aimed at Liu Yinyan's head.

"Don't!" I shouted.

"Do it!" Liu Yinyan shouted.

Wu Zui sighed, "All man is kind when death is near. Perhaps we should let bygone be bygone." He put the gun away, and we all sighed in relief. Liu Yinyan's tense expression relaxed too.


Blood splattered and Liu Yinyan tumbled backwards. There was a new bloody hole between his brows.

"Ha ha, gotcha!" Wu Zai guffawed.


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