Can You Mend My Broken Heart?

Chapter 189: I want to talk with you

189 I want to talk with you

His eyes suddenly turned all greedy and hungry.

Her one statement was enough to flip his switches. No matter how hard he tried to keep the demons lurking inside of him under a leash, she was always there to unleash them in the flip of a second. She knew how to meddle with his head and make him go all insane.

He took a deep breath and drank her with his eyes. He then moved his gaze from her face and looked at her hands which she had raised and suddenly his gaze took a pause.

She didn't have the ring on her finger.

"Did I hallucinate? When did she take it out?", he thought in his head but didn't dare to ask her but she could read his eyes and every single thought that was running in his head because she could clearly see his eyes fixated on her fingers.

"You are thinking about that ring right?", she looked into his eyes and asked.

"Umm...well yeah".

"Well, it was removed and kept on his bed before I came with you".

"I see", he said but deep down he was gloating. Gloating over the fact that she wasn't attached to the ring like he was expecting her to be.

She then placed her arms around his neck and said,

"I love you so much, Raymond. Can't you feel it? I can't see anything hurting you. I don't know when and how that ring came on my finger but that look on your face, I couldn't bear it. Why won't you tell me when something hurts you? Why do you have to keep all bottled within?".

He slowly raised his hands and embraced her body. His fingers tracing her outline with perfection. With every passing second, he pulled her closer and tighter like he wanted their bodies to assimilate with each other.

"Let me take you to bed".

He said and in one fluid movement, he lifted her up and then took her to his bed. He carefully lied her down and adjusted the pillows for her and then pulled the sheets to cover her up.

She pulled his hand and said,

"Don't leave me !!!"

He smiled and bent down and kissed on her forehead. His lips lingered there for a while for be badly wanted to kiss her lips, just a few inches down. But he didn't because he knew that once he started, there was no force that could stop him from going further. Just when he was about to retract himself she pulled the collar of his shirt and said,

"Can we just talk? Just like how normal people do. I am just sick of so much drama happening in my life and I just want a few moments of sanity with you".

He smiled and then sat on the bed, leaning on the headrest which gave support to his back. Then he pulled her close, making her head rest on his chest while his fingers played with her hair.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"Everything. Tell me everything that I need to know".

"Be specific Akira", he said slightly nibbling on her ears with his muffled voice.

"Umm... I want to know why you transferred the company shares to me. And what happened in Singapore?"

"Really you wanted to know about that?", he sounded a bit disappointed.

"Yeah what did you think?", Akira replied being all cheeky.

He took a deep breath and then said,

"I transferred the shares to you because as per the clause Vikram can anytime pull out the funding if he finds my leadership non-productive for my startup but that means I end up paying millions to people who are employed with me. In short, I would have gone bankrupt. So I transferred the shares to you".

"Smart move".

"But what was that Singapore deals again? Who is this third party that's after you?"

He took a deep breath and then said,

"The third party is Mr. Sebastian Walker".

"What? The owner of WALKER ENTERPRISES?"


"No kidding !!! But he is a tycoon and his company is like a giant blue whale. Why would he be interested in your startup? Did he like want to buy your company and you didn't give or something? Why would he waste his time and energy running after Delphie?"

"Because he is my Dad".

She turned back and stared at him,

"THE Sebastian Walker is your dad?"


"Like real dad? Like DNA level similar dad?"

Raymond chuckled and said,

"Pretty much".

"Oh boy and here I thought everything in my life will be sorted out now".

"Why what happened?", he asked and moved her hair behind her ears with his fingers.

"Nothing, just random questions in my head".


"So legally you will inherit it all?"

"Legally yes".

"I am a gold digger then", Akira said and sighed.

Raymond laughed at her cuteness and said,

"Well nobody knows about it and I would like to keep it that way. I do not want any part of it. I want to build a name of my own sans his reputation or reach and trust me it's hard when you got your own father to pull you back".

"You rich people have a different level of the problems altogether, don't you?"

"As I said, he is rich. I am not".

"That's exactly what all rich heirs say".

"You have started talking a lot these days. Where are your inhibitions?", Raymond said and pulled her close and took a bite at her earlobes. She moaned and leaned back even more.

He slowly pulled the neck of the t-shirt to one side, baring her shoulders and kissed her there. Her toes curled and she pulled her thighs tight together for the sensations down there were too overbearing for her.

His hands moved down to her chest, over the t-shirt and he could easily feel that there lied nothing underneath. She flushed instantly and said,

"That dress had... and the caretaker at Vikram's place didn't give me any".

"What caretaker?"

"Aunt Jenny. That poor thing has changed me a couple of times when I was covered with vomit. She must have been happy to see me not covered in vomit today".

"Interesting !!!", he said and a smile spread on his face for the thought of Vikram changing her clothes repulsed him to infinity.

His hands slowly threaded the terrains of her chest and teased her with his barely-there touch. He made a wreck out of her and said,

"I can help you undress whenever you want to".

His hands moved down and he separated her knees and thighs that she was holding all tight together. Hey, eyes fluttered all nervously in an instant. Then be brought his lips close to her ears and said,

"One day I am going to touch you there and make you all mine. But not today. You need to rest. I can't drain you anymore", he said and gently kissed her lips and got up.

She had a very angry and dissatisfied look on her face like someone stole a candy from her.

"Yeah right !!! Put such thoughts in my head and then ask me to sleep", she said and pouted.

"Don't push your luck Akira because I am treading on a thin line here", he said and walked towards the couch.


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