Can You Mend My Broken Heart?

Chapter 163: Quite some experience

163 Quite some experience

She saw him walking away silently and slowly his figure got absorbed in the darkness of the night.

A smile etched on her face for she knew that this guy was the one. The one who would wait for her, the one who would move mountains just to be with her, the one who would bet his life to just see her smile and the one with whom she wanted to grow old.

Her hands automatically moved to her lips and she recollected the way his lips had touched hers a few seconds ago and her happiness manifolded. He gave her nothing but sheer happiness. There was so much power in his love that she was ready to do anything for him for one single command of his.

She picked up the SIM card and inserted in her phone and waited till it latched on to the network. She initially thought of calling his personal number using this Private number, but then she refrained herself for he had asked her earlier not to use any medium of contact other than the blog. So she took the phone and went to bed.

She kept looking at it intermittently like after every five seconds just to see if he had called, to see if the network was ok. Her agitated mind just couldn't keep calm, knowing that she now had a proper medium to be able to talk with him, for there were so many things unsaid.

All bored she climbed down and picked up the ice cream box and then sat on the rug which he had spread for her. She saw her bra lying on the floor which he had opened in seconds with his deft fingers and wondered if he was a player who was habituated doing it. He mind started building the webs of thoughts and series of events which could have happened if he wouldn't have stopped. But then her process of knitting came to a halt when she heard her phone buzz and her screen lit with,

PRIVATE NUMBER calling.....

She picked it up immediately on the second ring itself.


"Hello. I hope I didn't wake you up", he said all softly.

Fom the background noise, she could clearly understand that he had just reached his house and was unlocking the main door. Her tiny little heart fluttered with the thought that he couldn't wait for a second more to call her up and she became all ecstatic.

"I wasn't sleeping".

"Then what were you doing?", Raymond asked as he entered his room.

"Umm... basically nothing. Was just having the ice cream".

"It feels so good to be able to hear your voice like this", he said and sighed.

"Then why did you leave?"

"You could have stayed and talked with me. Why did you rush away?", she asked and her tone clearly reflected her disappointment.

He took a deep breath and wondered as to how to explain this specimen about the laws of desire and the power it has over the human body.

Sensing the silence from his side she said,

"I know you wanted to wait to make it special for me, but you could just have stayed by my side right? I didn't even get to see you properly. Didn't even get to talk with you?"

"Tell me now", he said.

"Huh", she stuttered.

"Tell me all the things in your heart that you wanted to tell", he said and loosened his tie and sat on his chair.

She thought for a while but she couldn't stop the question which was swirling inside her head from surfacing out.

"Well, you look like you have quite some experience. What was the need to run away?"

He laughed as soon as he heard her.

"Why would you think so?", he asked curiously.

"It took you just seconds to open it, while I have heard from Elina that many guys struggle to do that".

"Well, firstly those who struggle are either idiots or who don't understand how a hook and clasp works and second off all who is this holy person who has enlightened you with such primitive knowledge?", Raymond asked suppressing his laugh.

"Elina is my best friend from uni days who is I guess is currently wandering in God knows which Amazon forest. But leaving that aside you speak like you have mastered the art of it. Isn't it?"

"Are you jealous or are you reprimanding me? Be specific !!!"

"I am neither jealous nor reprimanding anyone. I just said what I felt", she said but Raymond could clearly understand that her mood was all sour.

"Akira !!!"

"Yeah", she replied all irritated.

"If only you can read my mind right now, then you could have understood the things that I want to do with you. So don't you dare try to tease my primal instincts for I can't describe in words how much I need you and how much I want you".

"I might have done things before, I admit that, but you are different. You are way different from what I have ever experienced before. The way your body reacts to my touch is magic. I just want you to wither in my arms and only in my arms. The thought of even anyone remotely touching a strand of hair of yours pisses me off".

She heard every word that emanated from his lips and it quenched the thirst of her parched and troubled heart. That thin layer of irritation that had built within her was wiped clean by him.

"Well, then I guess Vikram is lucky that he is in Sweden. Else God known which bone of his might be broken by you for that poor guy is sharing the dance floor with me at the Gala night". Akira said and chuckled.

"He has gone to Sweden? But when?"

"I guess today early morning. He had just sent a text message in the morning. Might have left yesterday night as well. Why what happened? You had any work stuff to discuss with him?", Akira asked all innocently for she had no clue what broth was boiling underneath.

"I see, give me a moment", said Raymond and excused himself.

His adept hands immediately texted David,

"Subject has gone to Sweden. Check for any itinerary copy in his room at his place" - Raymond

Then he switched back to the call and said,

"So where were we?"


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