Can You Mend My Broken Heart?

Chapter 155: BITCH PLEASE !!!


"Cat fight? What cat fight?" Katherine asked all surprised.

"Well I have called Scarlett and Dr. Brooks at one place and dare I say, I have added a bit of fuel in between them. They are both coming to meet me at 2 pm at Cafe Peppermint. I think they both will put up a nice show. So grab a bucket of popcorn and come over here", Raymond said.

Katherine for a moment couldn't believe that these were the words coming from the mouth of his brother. He was the sort of guy who would keep his stuff to himself and would never meddle in anybody's affair. But right now he had charted a full-blown attack and was staging everything from scratch to get Akira back. She was surprised to see this change in him.

He was back being the mischievous but unforgiving version of himself which he used to be before their mother had passed away.

She smiled and said,

"I am on my way then. Bye".

Raymond rested for a while till Katherine arrived and then they went together to Cafe Peppermint. They seated themselves in the Private section, away from the prying eyes of anyone. As instructed by David, the cafe owner had put up a CLOSED sign outside, so as to not to have any customers in the cafe and just when it was about to be 2 pm, he switched it to OPEN so that neither Scarlett nor Dr. Brooks could suspect anything.

Sharp at 2 pm, Scarlett arrived. She had decked herself up nicely to entice Raymond. She came inside and with a cursory glance looked all around in search of him, but all in vain. When she couldn't find him inside she was a bit disappointed and it sort of reflected on her face too, but she knew that Raymond would never back down from his promise and would come to visit her for sure. She took a seat in the cafe and started flipping through some of the magazines to cut her boredom.

It was hardly 2 minutes that Scarlett had started reading an article that a furious version of Dr. Brooks stormed inside the cafe, searching for someone. From every angle, she looked like she was agitated to the core.

She scanned the cafe place from one corner to another and finally, located Scarlett.

With gritted teeth and clenched fists, she somehow tried to keep her anger at bay, since it was a public place. She sprang towards her table and when she reached there, she just stood solemnly and started staring at her with a deathly stare. It looked like she wanted to burn her into ashes with just her stare.

Scarlett sensed that someone was there in front of her and immediately looked up and was surprised to see Dr. Brooks.

"Hello, Dr. Brooks. What a pleasant surprise? Nice to see you here", Scarlett said and greeted her.

"Oh please, at least don't try to pull on these masks of niceness by exchanging pleasantries in front of me", Dr. Brooks hissed trying to dismiss her off.

Scarlett was stunned with her sudden rudeness and said,

"What is wrong with you? You seem to be in a bad mood. But that does not entitle you to say mean things to me".

"Oh please !!! Will you just shut up and cut to the chase", Dr. Brooks spoke all annoyed.

"Look Dr. Books we had a business negation and that is over now. I do not owe you anything. Whatever services I took from you I have already paid for them so I think that entitles me for some niceness from you", Scarlett said and threw the magazine with force on the table.

"Niceness!!! and that too for a person like you?", Dr. Brooks said and chuckled.

"I see. If in your opinion taking those services make me a not so nice person then you can imagine for yourself as to what kind of person you are when you are the one providing those services," Scarlett said with her face turning all sour with anger.

"I should have known from the beginning that you were a shrewd woman. If you can't be faithful to your fiance, God knows why I was expecting you to be faithful to me. So as discussed please handover to me the original copy of the videos that you have taken and I will return the money that I have taken from you for all those fake DNA tests and false pregnancy", Dr. Brooks said and folded her hands in the front.

"Are you out of your mind? What the hell are you talking about? Please don't try to create a scene here. I am going to visit my fiance here, who could drop here any minute. If he finds out anything about this then I am done. So can we discuss sometime later?", Scarlett said and tried to dismiss her as soon as possible.

"Sometime later? You threaten me and my career, then you ask me to come and meet you here and when I come, you are sending me off? What sort of gameplan is this Miss? You should have thought this through before sending me the email. Are you are scared that I would show your true colors to your fiance?"

"Huh... remember one thing, Miss. Scarlett. I think you are mistaken here by considering me a weakling. If I am losing even a penny then I am taking you down with me", Dr. Brooks said with every word dripping with anger.

"I think there is some confusion here. What email are you talking about?", Scarlett asked, unable to understand what email was Dr. Brooks talking about which was causing such a sudden outburst.




Scarlett heard the sharp voice from behind and she felt like all the blood in her body had dried up.

She heard his approaching footsteps and her heartbeat started getting all erratic, her narrow chest palpitating like that of a frightened bird's.

"Scarlett dear explain it to me, why will she take you down?", Raymond asked softly but his tone had a totally authoritative undertone.

"Ah, nothing !!! She is just messing with me. Some random confusion", Scarlett said and tried to calm Raymond. She was freaking out thinking of what will happen if he got to know about it all.

"Why would a doctor leave her hospital and come to a Cafe to mess with you. Are you hiding something or she is trying to hide something? ", Raymond said and turned towards Dr. Brooks who seemed to have been flabbergasted by his sudden appearance in the scene.

"Yes, Dr. Brooks !!! Why would you come here on a busy weekday to meet Scarlett?", asked Katherine and came closer to them.

Dr. Brooks eyes opened wide in horror to see her.

"You .. You ??? Miss Bennet? Was it you?", Dr. Brooks stammered as she saw Katherine in the cafe.

"Miss. Bennet?? Why are you calling her Miss Bennet?", Scarlett asked all surprised, unable to understand the series of events happening around her.

"Well for your kind information, I am not Miss. Bennet Dr. Brooks. I am Katherine. I am Raymond's sister and soon to be the sister-in-law of this lady here. People who are close to me call me Kat, so you can call me Katherine !!! ", Katherine said and smiled and extended her hands towards Dr.Brooks for a handshake.

But Dr. Brooks stood rooted to the ground in shock. She knew now that she had been tricked.

She slumped on the chair and gasped for air.

She understood everything. She had been played and not only her even Scarlett had been played while throughout this time she thought that it was Scarlett who had tricked her.

She looked up at Scarlett whose face was filled with surprise and irritation for not being able to get anything and said calmly,

"Scarlett stop acting. They know everything about your fake pregnancy".

Scarlett's face turned all red in anger and shock.

"What nonsense are you talking? My baby is all healthy and fit inside my womb. I am not going to fall for your tricks. Raymond, can you please ask her to go away. She is spouting all nonsense from the moment she has entered this cafeteria", saying that she turned towards Raymond to hold his hand.

But suddenly Katherine took a step forward and blocked her hand. She looked at her with her eyes swarming in anger and then with a tone filled with disgust she thundered,



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