Can You Mend My Broken Heart?

Chapter 152: Dont digress !!!

152 Don't digress !!!

Katherine finished a busy day at her clinic and then started for home. She picked up Kate from her friend's house and returned back. On the way when Kate was fiddling through the radio channels, Katherine fondly looked at the girl whom she had adopted a couple of years back. She didn't adopt her because she couldn't have a kid, she had adopted her so that she could give a good life and good living to at least one more person. She gave a purpose and meaning to her barren life which had been deserted by her husband Trent.

Even though Kate was adopted, Katherine never let her feel it or get to know about it. She had always treated Kate more than her own child. She was doted not only by her but also by her brother, Raymond.

Kate always used to question earlier about the absence of her father, but as she grew up she understood that it was a question that she was not supposed to ask. Trent was like a dent in her life that she could never repair. She wasn't hurt because he chose to live a life separate from her, but because he had lied about the reasons for separating away. He separated from her because of something that was not under her control but right now she had no regrets. She had a perfect family made up of her daughter and her brother and she knew that soon Akira was also going to be a part of it.

She reached home and then helped Kate to go to bed and then she called up Raymond on his Private number.

"Hey !!! How are you?"

"I am good !!!", Raymond replied in a chirpy tone.

"You sound to be in an awfully good mood today. What happened?"

"Well, lot of things got cleared between myself and Akira. We stand together on the same page now. So now I don't care about what happens next", Raymond said and sank into the chair in his house.

"I see, but will you be able to convince her that Vikram is behind all this? Will she believe that her best friend did all this? What if he turns the table at you?", Katherine asked all concerned.

"Don't worry about that, in a day or two we will have all the proof that we need. I will soon expose his true colors. I can't let her be in so much pain", Raymond said and sighed.

"Ok, keep me posted", Katherine said.

"Hey please tell Shawn that I am really indebted for his help. He really risked a lot for arranging the documents. He could have easily lost his license if he would have been caught", Raymond said in a suggestive tone.

"Yeah I guess", Katherine said and entered her bedroom.

"So don't you get it?", Raymond asked.

"Get what?", Katherine asked.

"Oh really !!! When it comes to the love lives of others you become the agony aunt to the rescue and when it comes to your own life you become like a goat who doesn't even know that A is for Apple", Raymond said sarcastically.

"This ship has sailed Raymond. He can go ahead and marry someone else and have a happy life. And for your kind information, he liked me way back in college days Ray. Plus I am a person with baggage and nobody wants that. And why do you assume that he still likes me?", Katherine retorted.

"Well, maybe that has something to do with the fact that he still has a picture of you on his desk?", Raymond replied with a smug smile.

"Uuughhh, I am going to kill David. He is passing on too much information here and there", Katherine replied all irritated.

"Why curse the poor guy when deep down you know that it's true. I have always told you, Kat, that he was better than Trent and I would say that today as well. Just think about it. You have a whole life in front of you", Raymond said.

"And I want to make a hole inside your head", Katherine replied all pissed.

"Well, that's dope. A dermatologist is trying to be a neurologist huh", Raymond said and chuckled.

"Aren't you too cheeky today. Did you meet her by any chance?", Katherine asked.

"Well we might have had dinner together sort of", Raymond said.

"Oh now I see, otherwise you would have kept the call after no more than 3 sentences with me", Katherine replied all sarcastically.

"Ahh, the focus of the topic is you, not me. Don't digress", Raymond replied.

"I am sleepy like hell Raymond !!! Bye", She said and disconnected the call before he could even say anything.

She said that she was sleepy but in reality, sleep was miles and miles away from her probably in some random quadrant in some random astral dimension.

She got lost in the old college days memories where Shawn was like her shadow self. They were inseparable as friends. Always hanging out together and studying together. He was the lifeline of her symbiotic existence with him.

She never knew that she meant more than a friend to him.

He was someone upon whom she could rely more than her own self.

When she had lost her mom it was him who had spent nights after nights taking care of her. He used to sit with her and hug her tight when all she used to do was cry in his embrace.

Their bond was strong like cement, no pores, no cracks for the foundation of their friendship was mutual trust and respect for each other since Day1.

She opened her google drive and started searching for all the old pictures that she had with him. She was feeling all nostalgic and before she could realize her eyes were all moist with the sweetness of the good old memories.

She heard her phone ring but she didn't feel like picking it up as she was so deeply invested in the memories. She knew it was Raymond and had probably called to nag her again.

But then she heard it ring again and decided to go and pick it up.

But her heart just skipped a beat when she saw her screen.

Shawn Calling...

She didn't know what to do?

She couldn't understand what to do?

Were heavens transpiring against her?


"Hi... Hope I didn't wake you up?", Shawn asked.


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