Can a Scholar Be Called a Villain

Chapter 88: Concubine Xue

Chapter 88: Concubine Xue

Deep within the heart of the imperial palace, Concubine Xue’s expression bore an air of unease as her gaze flickered between Murong Lin and the battlefield unfolding beyond the palace walls.

Thousands upon thousands of assailants laid siege to the main entrance, while an equal number attacked from the rear. Amidst this furious onslaught, the combat was relentless, the unyielding forces of Qing Yi Tower launching a frenzied assault that left nearby structures shattered. Though the combined might of the Murong clan and other influential factions sought to besiege the palace, they found themselves held in check by the tower’s steadfast resistance.

Meanwhile, eunuchs and female attendants sought refuge within the eastern residences, ensnared by paralyzing fear. The air was heavy with the cacophony of screams and the din of combat, driving them to cower beneath their beds, seeking even the briefest moments of respite from the relentless onslaught.

Amidst the tumult, some individuals exhibited astute awareness, darting toward the rear of the fierce battle where the efforts of numerous Murong clan members had resulted in a relatively cleared space.

Meanwhile, within the imperial harem, anxiety rippled through its inhabitants.

Over the past few days, Murong Lin’s directives had irrevocably disrupted any semblance of normalcy for the women there. Communication with the outer world had been entirely severed, cutting off the imperial palace from all external contact. Stripped of this connection, they were compelled to sustain themselves on the meagre stores of palace provisions. These women of distinction, accustomed to lives of luxuries, now grappled with the gnawing uncertainty of securing their next meals while they feared for their lives.

They bore witness to the tragic fate of their proud and haughty sisters, who had dared to stand against the Qing Yi Tower’s formidable forces, only to meet swift and merciless ends at their hands – all without seeking the counsel of Murong Lin!

Even now, the severed heads of a few concubines still hung, morbid ornaments adorning the gates of the imperial palace!

Even though Concubine Xue held the status of Murong Lin’s birth mother, fear still coursed through her veins as she occupied a seat before him.

Yet, this individual posing as Murong Lin was not the true heir, but rather a master of the Qing Yi Tower assuming his likeness. Disguised as Murong Lin, this individual had harnessed his Manifestation form, the ‘Qing Yi’, to craft an impeccable facade that left no room for suspicion from head to toe. Not even the slightest hint of inconsistency could be discerned, except perhaps by a Sky Reaching realm expert.

A cultivation that Concubine Xue regrettably did not attain.

In accordance with the intricate plans she had conspired with the Murong clan, the Wang clan, and their allies, Concubine Xue had been tasked with a pivotal role. She was to summon Murong Lin into the inner palace, engaging him in a conversation meant to divert his attention.

Simultaneously, the Sky Reaching experts were poised to launch an assault on Murong Lin before swiftly redirecting their focus to the green-clad men.

At this juncture, the battle had erupted in full force at both the front and rear entrances. The pandemonium reverberated from all quarters, punctuated by the cacophony of screams and explosions that periodically rattled the very foundation of the inner palace.

Concubine Xue’s gaze involuntarily flickered toward ‘Murong Lin’ periodically, yet he remained steadfastly silent.

Then, he finally spoke.

“Aren’t you nervous?” ‘Murong Lin’ asked.

These were the precise words that the real Murong Lin had instructed him to utter.

Seated at a distance, Concubine Xue’s arms remained crossed over her chest. The once-present feline companion no longer nestled in her arms. Her attention was now fixed upon ‘Murong Lin’, seated before her.

He remained undisturbed as he directed his gaze outward, where smoke billowed and chaos reigned.

Amidst the chaos that had engulfed the imperial harem, a pervasive fear gripped each and every inhabitant.

Among them, those who possessed sharp intellects had already shifted their gaze in a particular direction. They were aware that Murong Lin was the orchestrator behind the audacious takeover of the imperial palace, and that his birth mother was none other than Concubine Xue.

From the earliest days of Murong Lin’s life, the concubines had borne witness to the abuse and neglect he had endured. Yet, none among them could have fathomed the extent of the intricate scheme that he had masterminded.

Fury simmered within the concubines whose sons had fallen victim to his ploys, yet their rage remained suppressed beneath a façade of silence.

As the battle raged on beyond the palace walls, their attention remained fixed on ‘Murong Lin’, who was seated within Concubine Xue’s chambers.

With bated breath, they clung to a fervent hope, yearning for a saviour to emerge and end his life.

“What reason do I have to feel nervous? If anyone should be experiencing unease, it’s undoubtedly you.” Concubine Xue retorted.

Any discerning observer would recognize that ‘Murong Lin’, by remaining in this setting, was forfeiting his chance at escape.

In truth, Concubine Xue had readied herself for the prospect of confronting Murong Lin directly, even despite her own meagre cultivation. The depths of her resentment toward him surpassed any boundaries, encompassing a wrath of monumental proportions.

However, upon witnessing ‘Murong Lin’s’ apparent lack of intent to flee, she abstained from launching an attack.

Gradually, her resentment began to manifest.

She glared venomously at ‘Murong Lin’, her gaze ablaze with contempt. “You unfilial traitor! How dare you ask me if I am nervous?

I’ll pose a question to you in turn: Why did you obliterate the Xue clan? Are you oblivious to the fact that the Xue clan is our kin?”

Her words grew increasingly frenzied, her tone tinged with madness.

With a furious motion, her palm crashed onto the table, her accusatory finger stabbing at ‘Murong Lin’, “Do you have any inkling of the sacrifices I’ve endured for the Xue clan in these recent years? How dare you obliterate the Xue clan painstakingly handed down by our forebears?”

Despite Concubine Xue’s fervent tirade, ‘Murong Lin’ merely cast a fleeting glance in her direction, opting to remain silent.

Unabated, Concubine Xue pressed on, her voice an unrelenting torrent. “I truly cannot fathom how a vile creature like you amassed such forces and found the audacity to execute your sinister schemes.

From whom did you learn to harbour such malice? Hmm? Speak up! Or are you choosing to keep your silence now?

Hah! The sight of our shared features disgusts me. I lament the day I gave birth to you, considering the anguish you’ve heaped upon me. Now, you’ve extinguished my clan as well!”

‘Murong Lin’ remained resolute in his silence, steadfastly adhering to the instructions that Murong Lin had imparted. His expression remained composed, yet his eyes exuded an icy, mocking glint as they bore into Concubine Xue.

Perfectly executing the role assigned to him, ‘Murong Lin’ elicited Concubine Xue’s ire. Her perception of his mockery further fueled her already blazing rage. She met his gaze with a vicious glare and erupted,

“How dare you regard me with those eyes? Your repulsiveness knows no bounds!

I fail to comprehend how I birthed a son such as you; you are nothing but a stain upon my very existence!

Mark my words, as the people outside descend upon us, you won’t be able to escape! I will tear you piece by agonizing piece, and your death shall come only after you have tasted the most excruciating torment!”

Her vehement proclamation concluded with her pressing a finger to ‘Murong Lin’s’ forehead.

This very technique had been Concubine Xue’s chosen method of disciplining Murong Lin during his childhood, a punishment reserved for every little misstep he committed. Her finger, charged with a surge of spiritual power, bore enough agony to reduce him to tears for a full day.

As her fingertip connected with ‘Murong Lin,’ she watched in astonishment as his face contorted, muscles and skin contorting to reveal his true appearance.

Rising abruptly, he unleashed a surge of spiritual power, compelling Concubine Xue backwards into her chair.

Staring at ‘Murong Lin’ before her in astonishment, his altered appearance was foreign to her. She uttered in a bewildered murmur, “You’re not that vile creature?”

Having reverted to his true form, ‘Murong Lin’ erupted in fury. “Precisely! You wretch, you’ve spewed venom for so long, yet you failed to recognize your own son!”

He turned his attention towards the exterior, detecting the approach of two formidable auras – those of Murong Tong and the great ancestor of the Wang clan, both experts of the Sky Reaching realm.

Concurrently sensing the imminent approach of the two Sky Reaching realm experts, Concubine Xue reacted instinctively, leaping to her feet and bolting toward the exit.

The realization that the figure before her was an impostor prompted a swift comprehension of Murong Lin’s intricate plot to escape. With unyielding determination, she vowed not to permit his escape, yearning to bear witness to his demise as retribution for his actions of annihilating the Xue clan.

Her voice echoed with urgency as she charged forwards, her cries reverberating through the air. “Murong Lin is not here! He has fled beyond these walls! Hurry, chase him!”

The two Sky Reaching realm experts, their advance interrupted by her sudden proclamation, exchanged bewildered glances before shifting their gaze in the direction she had come from.

Concubine Xue turned her head back once more, her gaze fixing upon ‘Murong Lin’, who had reverted back to the true Murong Lin’s appearance. He met their gaze unflinchingly, a palpable absence of fear evident in his demeanour.

‘Murong Lin’ advanced, his footsteps deliberate, “Mother, there is no need. I am prepared to bear the weight of the crimes I have committed.”

Drawing closer, he encircled Concubine Xue in an embrace, his voice softening, “Regret courses through me for my transgressions, and I find myself contemplating the possibility of redemption.”

Concubine Xue’s body tensed, her gaze fixed upon ‘Murong Lin’, a range of emotions cascading through her. She was acutely aware of the curious and accusatory gazes directed their way, the spectators’ expressions shifting from scepticism to unabashed fury. Overwhelmed, she found herself rendered speechless.

For ‘Murong Lin’ harboured no intention of delivering a swift death to his mother.

With ‘Murong Lin’s’ words, the context of Concubine Xue’s earlier actions took on new significance – her actions appeared to shield Murong Lin.

The relationship between them appeared to have reached a resolution, further fueling suspicion and resentment from the onlookers.

Concubine Xue hastened to interject, her voice fraught with urgency, “No! You are not Murong Lin! This is not Murong Lin!”

But her cries fell on deaf ears; all eyes remained fixed upon ‘Murong Lin’. Slowly and deliberately, he released his embrace of Concubine Xue and advanced toward Murong Jiao, kneeling before him.

“I am prepared to face my punishment.”

Translator’s note

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