Butcher Demon

Chapter 45: In the Burning Forest.

Chapter 45: In the Burning Forest.

The main alien force was under an organized assault.

To my surprise, I found two mechanized heavy infantry Ripley are mixed in with the enemy force.

Three Ripley in the colony.

That’s impossible. It was a perfect ambush. I can only assume that they knew we were planning a raid.

But I didn’t have time to think about why.

I rammed into the enemy line from behind and destroyed one of the two Ripley’s with a strong attack. I went on a rampage, cutting through the enemy’s siege.

The humans were thrown into confusion by the sudden appearance of the Butcher from behind, and from there on, the aliens and humans engaged in a chaotic battle in the forest.

I wanted to find the carriage that contained Abigail and the others as soon as possible, but considering the risk of being shot at by machine guns from a distance, I had to get rid of Ripley first.

Ripley was still a difficult opponent to face head-on when surprise attacks are not possible. I wondered if I should unleash some of my power with all eyes still on me.

Her machine gun could penetrate the trees, but I had to weave my way through them, which was a hindrance. The enemy was also a veteran and used his geographical advantage to his advantage. It took me a long time to get close.

In the end, the last Ripley was crushed when the sounds of battle around me became sparse.

It was hard to tell whether the aliens or the humans had won, and the remains of the battle are a mess of devastation.

I wandered aimlessly through the burning red forest.

Finally, I found a wagon.

I stand there in front of flaming vehicles which is full of holes like a beehive.

You’re a good target, aren’t you, Carriage?


I’ve lost two women that I’ll never have again.

And one of them could have been my key.

In the future, will I be lucky enough to have a woman as reliable as Abigail?

She was tough, strong, smart, and beautiful. Someone who would listen to me. A good-natured person who really believes in the false truth that my soul still somewhat exists in this ugly flesh.

I howled into the night sky, trying to overcome the sense of emptiness that was coming over me.

The Butcher’s roar echoed through the forest, shaking the trees.

My vision grows and fades.

Let’s just kill them all.

It doesn’t matter if they’re human or alien. Everything I see.

Not a single one of them will escape. I’ll eat them all.



Let’s go home. I’m kind of tired.


When I turned around at the sound of a familiar voice, there was Abigail, who was supposed to be dead. I wondered if I was hallucinating from the Butcher’s murderous intent.

“Get over here! She..!!”

Abigail comes running up to me.

She seems to be real.

I was a little surprised.

She escaped from the carriage on her own and hid there?

You’re amazing, Abigail. That’s beyond my expectations.

She grabbed my fingers in a panic and pulled me into the bushes.

There was a sauvage girl lying on the ground.

Her mouth was coughing up blood and her stomach was wrapped in a cloth, but it was stained red.

“She was hit by a stray bullet…….You have recovery magic, right? Bring me an alien who can use recovery magic! Hurry up! She is going to die from blood loss!!”

Unfortunately, the alien who can use recovery magic was hit by a machine gun and splattered right in front of me earlier.

I held Abigail’s shoulders, who seemed to be desperate, and turned toward the forest because a presence was approaching from the back. This feeling was not human.

Lycanthrope appeared from the darkness of the forest with a rustle. A werewolf with a bleeding head came rushing towards me, yelling excitedly.

–I’m leaving. Protect me.

He has a control terminal in his hand. I think my lasher is dead.

Lycanthrope pointed at the lying sauvage girl and said something.

…..Well, I know what you’re going to say.

It looks like I don’t have a choice …….

I hesitated, then leaned over the girl.

I pressed my palm against her forehead and crushed her head with one breath.

A red flower bloomed on the ground.

Abigail gasped for air and became petrified.

The sauvage girl could no longer be saved. It’s okay. The current method is the most painless.

It’s the least painful way to do it…….The girl’s brains look delicious.

–Wait. restrain yourself.


Abigail’s moan, which came at the same time as the command, drew my gaze from the corpse of the sauvage girl, where I had been fighting my appetite.

A lycanthrope was roughly pushing Abigail against a nearby tree. He had rolled up her loincloth and was trying to unfasten his own pants.

Is this guy for real?

There are still enemies all around us.

Is he going to rape Abigail in this situation?

Abigail tried to resist, but the werewolf’s arm strength held her down and she only cowered.

“No, no, no, no, no! Let me go ……!

Abigail looked at me.

Abigail looked at me “……help me…Gevaudan!”

The moment I heard her call, something snapped inside me.


The next thing I knew, I was biting off the lycanthrope’s throat and slurping up the hot blood.

Tastes good. The blood of the strong tastes good.

Damn you……you stupid third-rate bastards ……!

You’ve led us right into a trap!

It’s because of your uselessness that my sauvage girl is dead. She was my, my masterpiece…….

–Damn it, damn it, damn it, DAMN IT!!!


I was unconsciously shouting into the night sky.

Butcher’s murderous yell cooled the heat of the burning forest, and the surrounding clamor quieted.

Suddenly, I saw Abigail picking up a control terminal that had fallen. She was staring at the device with a thoughtful expression.

Abigail looked up at me quietly.

……What are you doing? Are you trying to control me? It’s useless. It’s not going to work on me. Didn’t I explain that to you?

Well, Abigail……you are trying to control me. You’re trying to make me your pawn. You thought you had a golden opportunity. You’re a tricky woman after all, aren’t you? You need a severe re-education right here and now. I’m going to have to re-discipline you, and this time we’re going to split the power once and for all.

I crushed the lycanthrope’s head and tore it off.

Seeing this, Abigail stood up.

“Gevaudan. I think I might be able to analyze this. ……”

My hand, which had been reaching for her neck, stopped.

“AASPINT also collecting and analyzing the tools from various aliens. I’ve never seen this type before, but I think if we had the equipment, we could find out how the device in your head works……. So do you have any equipment or facility like that somewhere?”

I clutch my hand tightly.

My throat rumbled involuntarily.

Facilities ……?

There isn’t any …… in the human settlements we’ve destroyed so far. All facilities are destroyed. The old and young are food. The most energetic among them are the prisoners. There’s nothing left. There are still defensive forces in the city, so it’s not safe to take you with us.

–But my secret place is.

I’ve got a stash of supplies taken from humans and aliens.

I’ve had many opportunities to walk home alone after a fight like this before. It was a place where I’d stashed a lot of stuff.

But I’m not going to tell anyone about it. It’s a place I plan to use as a base after I escape. It doesn’t matter how cooperative Abigail is.

“If I can just get the device out of your head…… you’ll be free, right? You won’t be treated so badly anymore, right?”

Abigail’s voice was slowly becoming agitated.

“Locked up alone in such a dark and small place. They treated you like an animal, made a spectacle of you being thrown into dangerous enemy territory alone. With such a tiny device, you’re like a disposable tool!!! They even made you kill the girl you said you loved so much…….this is too much…….”

Is that how you see me?

“Gevaudan. Let me help you…….okay?”

I felt an unknown pressure from her and took a step back.

Something bumped against my foot.

It was the sauvage girl. She lost her head and lay quietly on the ground.

…… I don’t have much time. The first thing to do is to return the things I entrusted her.

While desperately suppressing the urge to eat the splattered brains, I ripped off the cloth from the girl’s stomach and ripped open her belly with my fingernails.

Using my fingers and tongue, I searched for it that I had left with her.

It’s a beautiful belly with little fat. A wonderful woman who had accepted and pleased me over and over again. The beautiful pink-colored flesh hiding behind it. Using my fingernails and tongue, I carefully cut it open as if I were making an incision with a scalpel.

–there it was.

I pick it out and turn to face Abigail.

She slumps to the ground and stares at me hyperventilating, her pale lips pursed in a shiver.

Perhaps I looked like I was about to eat her.

“Why…… what, why……?”

I’m here to give you this.

I showed her the small, shiny object I had been holding in my fingers.


Abigail stared at it with a furrowed brow.

When I stood up and walked over to her, she backed away on her butt. She looks quite agitated.

This is a key from that the idiot who slashed me when Ferris was thrown into my prison……I think.

I don’t know if it’s a key or a small medal.

But I’ve seen many times where aliens use this to open my prison.

Even if I had the key, it would be useless unless I could do something about the control unit. But I hid it in the womb of my sauvage girl in case I could use it someday. I hadn’t told you about it yet.

Anyway, this is still a battlefield, so let’s get out of here as soon as possible.

I took a step forward, but she shook her head reluctantly and backed away. She dragged her buttocks and eventually her back hit a tree trunk.

……Whenever you get out of control and tempestuous, you immediately do that, no matter what.

It’s very cute, that gesture. I don’t know why. I feel relieved when I see that habit. It makes me want to make her do it even more. But maybe later. If we don’t get out of here now, you’ll end up like the sauvage girl.

For now, I want you to let me hide this medal in your womb.

I put the medal on the tip of my tongue and reached down to her crotch.

“!?…No, no, no! I don’t want to do that. No, no, no, no, no! Gevaudan!!”

It was a huge refusal. It was the first time I’d ever seen anyone stare at me with such a look in their eyes.

It’s a medal, and it’s covered in blood.

I don’t think I can insert it properly if she resists. I need you to take it all in like a sauvage girl.

I don’t want to spend a lot of time pushing and shoving.

I had no choice but to withdraw my tongue, re-pick up the medal with my fingers, and put it in her hand.

— key, precious, have–

That was all I could say, and I looked around. I could still hear the sound of gunfire coming from deep in the forest. It’s not safe here. We need to move now.

–go, dangerous —

But Abigail was still staring at the shiny medallion in her hand and did not move.

–Abigail, hurt? —

If she’s injured, she needs first aid before she can move. I’m not like this, but I’m a former scout, so I have some knowledge and experience. I’m sure there were medical supplies at the base.

At my question, Abigail looked up at me quietly.

Our eyes met.

Her eyes are full of fear. She must be having a hard time organizing her mind and emotions in the face of the dizzying storm of violence that was happening at a rapid pace. Of course.

After spending several days in a locked room, within breathing distance of a monster, nearly being fondled by aliens, and then suddenly being thrown into a battlefield and exposed to a hail of machine guns, It was a scene where her kin was brutally killed by me, a werewolf almost raped her, a woman’s intestines are being dragged out of her body. And now, right in front of her is the source of it all, the fearsome Butcher of Slaughter. An ordinary woman could have gone crazy.


Abigail’s hazel eyes, which had been staring at my face for a while, soon lit up with the light of a strong determination.

She breathed in as if she had made up her mind.

“You’re not a monster. You are scary in some ways, but we can talk like this. You cared for me and came to save me from the battlefield. When I ask for help, you help me. If I ask you to stop, you stop. You take care of me and protect me like this. You have a great heart. So, Gevaudan. Why don’t you come with me and get out of that place? Then you’ll be able to live in peace.”

It seems that there is a serious misunderstanding about me. Well, whatever. I’ll let you misunderstand me on your own. It’s more convenient that way.

“I will understand you. I will be the one who understands you the best. So look at me. It’s going to be okay. I’m going to get you out of there.”

The fearless AASPINT.

She’s trying to seduce the Butcher.

To the casual observer, you probably look crazier than I do. ……

“Trust me, Gevaudan.”

— move, here, dangerous —

I tapped Abigail on the shoulder. She nodded her head and then grabbed my fingers tightly. She looked fearfully at the corpse of the sauvage girl and continued.

“But first…… please …… send her off nicely …….”

In response to Abigail’s request, I decided to reveal a part of my secret power.

<Immolated> This is the power to burn prey to dust in my embrace.

This is the first time I’ve shown this ability to anyone.

I have all sorts of vicious abilities that the average Butcher doesn’t have.

It’s a power that I’ve been keeping hidden for a long time, in order to destroy the aliens the moment my shackles come off, without giving them time to react.

I’ve been sharpening my nails alone for a long time, believing that the day will come.

All alone, always alone.

I held the sauvage girl in my arms and cremated her. If I dug up the ground, I would be exposed to the people who had come to investigate this place.

After the nameless woman disappeared into the dust and wind, I felt an endless sense of loss hanging over my shoulders.

In the burning forest, I howled again to repel it.

I decided to take Abigail to the secret place.


[author’s note]


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