Butcher Demon

Chapter 282

Chapter 282

Everyone leaned out from the terrace and shouted.

Their forms faded away along with the sound.

The Transcend spirit Taranis’s body was turned into a honeycomb by the hail of kinetic energy. Finally, its enormous body ran out of fuel and fall.

The gigantic mass colliding with the earth caused a whirlwind akin to a tornado, something that I have never seen before.

The thick dust blowing from the front took away my vision.

The next moment, I was on the ground, protecting Yakumo amidst the roar.


Deep inside my ears, I can hear an unsettling noise that sounded like a pebble caught in a gear.

My entire body was engulfed in a blinding flash of light that was accompanied by an ear-splitting thunderclap.

My eyes were filled with pure white all over, I can’t move a single muscle, I can only tense my entire body.

–How much time had passed?

It seemed to have been only a second or perhaps an entire hour.

Slowly, my vision returned.

I looked up, my body still on all fours.

The anthill castle was gone.

The mountain that should have been there disappeared.

I can do nothing but stare in dismay at the empty space.


…… something like this……… this is a lie…….right?

Did I get left behind?

what the hell!


“This is your fault, Yakumo”

*…..* his eyes that looked up at me are crystal clear. No ill will. He doesn’t even pretend to be sorry. I can’t bring myself to get angry at this.

— Haah…….

What’s done is done. it’s just……what the heck.

Candle of destruction had ceased its attack.

Instead, the whole area around the impact craters and wrecked area was shrouded in a murky gray mist.


What should I do now…………

I’m at a loss as I stand there.

“—-there’s no point in standing still, is there?”

The second wave of bombardment may strike if we stay motionless, and even if it doesn’t, this location is already a target for human attack. If they send an airplane, I won’t be able to handle them. We need to take cover.

And Of course, I’m going to search where Titania and the others are going right away, but I have no clue. Jeez. I didn’t know what to do.

For the time being, we needed food and drink to survive. particularly Yakumo’s. Also, acquire more information.


Who should I ask for help…

I don’t know anything about Miforsis. I only know folks in Faymbaum that familiar with it. Do I have to bow down to someone overthere to help me? I can’t do that now, can I?…… I think the manager might have a shot. Okay, let’s rely on the manager. I’m his employee after all.

While ruminating on many things while carrying Yakumo, I stumbled upon a machine gun that was laying on the ground. It’s incredible that it made it through the attack.

“Oh, lucky—“

I picked up the machine gun and went into the nearby forest.

After walking for a while with Yakumo on my shoulder, then I noticed what appeared to be a tower on a distant mountainside in Faymbaum’s direction. It looks like a twisted tower.

–What? a tower?

If there was such a thing, I should have remembered it. It wasn’t built by humans, was it?

I don’t know what that thing is, but I’ll go there anyway. Right now, I needed a guide to go after Titania anyway. Also water and food.

Tartarus is our final destination, but how do I get there? I should have asked Titania about the specific route. Big mistake. I didn’t expect to get left behind.


–I think she said something about moving us all the way to Tartarus…….


So the girls jumped all the way to the Demon Lord’s lap without me!?

Oh no, I need to get hurry.

It’s in Miforsis……what was it…..in Elysium, umm……. Albasia.

I have to go through a gate somewhere to get to Miforsis and then to Albasia. Quickly.

Yes! I can just use the power of hounding to find Natsuki’s location!

I tried to concentrate, but I couldn’t feel any response other than Yakumo’s. disappointed. Maybe it was separated because we’re on different worlds, by Mifosis and Earth. I’d like to believe that when I get to Miforsis I’ll find her.

The forest gradually cleared after I strolled with my thoughts for some time.


A deep cliff blocked our path.

It was a steep white cliff. It was extremely deep as if the earth had been cut with a knife. Our destination, the tower, was on the other side, but it seemed impossible for us to cross to get there.

“…….I mean, was there anything like this before?”

I used to come to this area a lot when I was a Fox scout, so I think I know the geography. But I don’t remember this cliff.

But I do recognize the mountains on the other side of the cliff. Besides a familiar mountain stood an unfamiliar tower. The twists tower was reaching up to the sky. It was a tall tower. No, it’s extremely tall is a better word. Its tip is hidden as it pierces through the clouds.

Looking closely, the sky was also cloudy, with no blue sky in sight. Overall, it was gloomy. It should have been sunny a while ago.

I then turned to look more closely at the area around me along the cliff. I knew there should have been a mountain in the direction where Fort 88 should have been, but it was gone, and in its place, I spotted a very large tree. Isn’t that tree taller than the mountain next to it?

I finally see it when I got out of the forest and had a clearer view.

The terrain here appeared to be substantially shifting up and down. It was like a series of alternating steep platforms and deep valleys. There was also a strange terrain mixed in that I can’t understand. A thick fog also blocked the view in the distance, blocking the horizon.

Hello, Butcher here. I am lost. Where am I?

I’m in serious trouble…….

I looked around, but I couldn’t find any landmarks other than the tower.

I guess we’ll just have to go there for now. Smoke is rising from the base of the tower, so there must be someone there. I can speak some alien language too. Even if I can only speak a few words. I’m sure that if I have enough passion, I can convey my feelings. It works even better when it has skin-to-skin stuff involved.

I let Yakumo sit on my shoulder and carry a machine gun in one hand.

I walked along the cliffs.

Surprisingly, it was a nice view. Scenic, if I may say. The landscape is so dynamic that it is inspiring in its own right.

“—-please someone!”

I heard such a voice faintly. It was distant, but it certainly sounded like human words. Then gunshots could be heard rising into the sky.

There were humans fighting with the Faymbaum army that had fled earlier?

Stray bullets are dangerous to Yakumo. So I bent down, listened carefully, and headed in the direction of the sound.

Before long, I spotted a car about to fall off a cliff. An off-road vehicle with its front wheels already slipping into the cliff edge.

Almost as a reflex, I ducked into a nearby bush.

Near the car, humans are being attacked.

The attacker appeared to be an alien.

Green-skinned midget aliens are surrounding humans. The acts taking place there were gruesome.

There were two dead bodies of a man lying on the ground, one was a beheaded man laying on the ground with a gun in his hand, and a naked woman shaking next to a pool of blood, probably being raped?

A woman was being gang raped while there are shouts and screams all around her.

Neither human nor the alien side looked like soldiers. Humans were dressed in civilian clothes. Aliens only have a waistcoat and a crude club in their hands.


I’m not sure if I should approach them or not.

I’d approach them right away if I were alone, but for the time being, I have to prioritize Yakumo’s safety. I don’t want any trouble. This is supposed to be alien territory, so there will be magical beasts. I was reluctant to leave Yakumo there by himself.

While I was pondering this, I suddenly heard a rustling sound coming from a nearby bush.

A girl jumped out.

A young girl with mesh blond hair. She has a stylish outfit with her belly button visible, but it was already torn to shreds.

“–Please! Please help m…”

She gasped when she saw me.

Forgetting to cover her naked chest, she fell on her butt, her face paled.


Her tear-filled eyes, with a look as if it was the end of the world, reflected the Butcher’s gruesome face.

–Yes, that’s right. I’ve been blessed lately to be able to get pampered by many pretty girls that I’d forgotten that I’m a butcher.

Hell, isn’t this a beautiful day? What are you doing in a place like this? I’m sorry to bother you while you’re a gangbang, but I have to ask you for some advice. Yeah, I can’t do it.

The green midgets appeared, rustling in the bushes. They must have followed her.

They are, very ugly…….

It resembles a so-called goblin. Oh, so this is a goblin, a real goblin. Wow. It was my first time seeing a live goblin. They look weak…….

These goblins seemed to be puzzled by my sudden appearance. Then they say something to each other from a distance. These goblins let me down. I am disappointed.

This girl with mesh brown hair doesn’t look like a soldier either. Her arms are too thin. She looks like a civilian. Why would a civilian be here? It’s the front line so there is no colony here.

–What is this?

“What the hell is going on?”

I looked at Yakumo on my shoulder and we tilted our heads at the same time.



My eyes shook.

It was such a heavy impact that I felt as if I had been hit on the head with a butcher hammer.

That’s because Yakumo’s stern eyes, above his eyebrows–

There is an eye in the middle of his forehead.

I thought maybe there was some kind of smudge at first.

But then the vertical eye moved and looked at me.

The stare alone is so strong that it made me flinch.

Third Eye Opened.

No way……..


“What in the world…… is…… happening?”


……There is no time to waste.

We must hurry to meet up with Titania, Abigail, Ferris, and the others.

And above all else, for the time being, I decided what I must do.

I have to cure Yakumo’s third eye.

I’m scared. This is bad. Really bad. What’s with that googly eyes, scary. it’s too scary.

It wouldn’t be surprising if he solemnly declared the end of the world at this moment, saying something like, “My name is Yakumo, I am the one that delivers death and ruin to this world.”

The power of his glare now might be doubled after adding the one on his forehead. It’s the glaring-eye 2.0, The kind you often see on the Internet. Have I been doing too much internet? I don’t know what I’m talking about, but anyway, Natsuki will cry again if she sees Yakumo like this.

I stood up and clench my fist.

–Alright, let’s do it.

I can’t just return Yakumo like this.

Before anyone finds out, I’m going to return Yakumo to the beloved shota he used to be and pretend that nothing happened! Destroy the evidence! Hurry up, me! Show some professionalism!

And shut up! you goblins!

I glared at them, and all the green midget cowered at once.

–I’m not in the mood right now.

The butcher’s spine-tingling cries reverberated across the deep valley as dusk approached.


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