Bulgarian Empire

Chapter 32: Massacre

Chapter 32: Massacre

From top to bottom, with one level pressing the other, the decision of Stambolov's Cabinet was passed on in such a confused and plausible manner.

However, Hoover, who had already been eyeing this chance, naturally would not let go of this golden chance. Ferdinand gave him the order to kill with a knife and remove the hidden problem.

Now that the time was ripe, Hoover set in motion the intelligence agents who had been lurking in the police for so long with one mission, "to maximize the damage"!

Lorunsvil is now annoyed. As the boss of the Sofia Police Department, few people dare to give him a hard time!

However, the latest is an exception to the rule. Yesterday there was a major assassination in Sofia that shocked the country. As the Sofia Police Department chief, he has not been removed from his post, and God has blessed him, so naturally, his days will not be easy.

He received another secret order from the Ministry of the Interior. His mood is even worse. The core meaning is that he should immediately "execute the head of the rebel party", but there is no specific list. Lorunsvil is confused.

"Who exactly do you want to kill? Now I have a large number of rebels in custody, there must be a specific target! Do we have to execute them all?" Thinking about it, Lorunsvil got scared. It's thousands of people!

Lorunsvil, who did not understand, only wandered around the office. Just then, his secretary, Konstans, suddenly said, "I think I know what's going on here!"

"Oh, God bless! Konstans tell me quickly, what is it up there that you think?" Lorunsvil said with great joy.

Konstans said with a bitter smile, "Mr. Chief, when you connect the dots between what happened in Sofia yesterday, you will understand at once!"

Lorunsvil blushed bitterly and said, "Yesterday... ah, God! I'm in big trouble, and it's not a good job! It could be a big mess. No wonder the Ministry of the Interior is afraid to say it straight!"

Konstans said with a grudge, "Yes, Mr. Chief! The people up there want revenge and don't want to carry the name of the butcher. The Ministry of the Interior doesn't want to carry the name of butcher either, although they have a bad name to begin in the first place!"

Lorunsvil growled, "Goddamn you fuckers, this is making me a scapegoat! So what do we do now?"

Konstans proposed, "Mr. Chief, in that case, why don't we also take a lesson from the Ministry of Interior and leave it to the people below!"

Lorunsvil's eyes lit up. He slapped the table and exclaimed, "Good idea! Let's do it! At least it will reduce our blame. By the way don't forget to give some hints to the people below, otherwise those stupid people, I guess they can't do anything!"

Konstans immediately agreed and said, "Yes Mr. Chief, it's best to have the people below do it tonight to avoid a long night!"

"Okay, I'll give the order right away!" Lorunsvil said after a moment's thought.

Lorunsvil did not know until now how much of an impact his order would have. How much blood would be spilled in Sofia this night?

Obviously, Konstan gave him a bad idea. Together with the push from Ferdinand's intelligence officers, everyone knew that the Cabinet wanted revenge and bloodshed, and the massacre began!

In fact, there are quite a few people who were blinded at the same time. All those who received the secret order are now in a similar mood.

Just then, someone always comes forward with a plan that reminds people of the assassination case. Many smart people think they understand. The boss wants to avenge the hatred. Naturally, the more you kill, the better!

From the initial plan of the Cabinet, the execution of a dozen head figures. The Ministry of the Interior, the target has been expanded to dozens of people. After the push by intelligence people, it has been interpreted below to kill as many as possible. Even some people to please the Cabinet directly kill the rebel party on their hands!

An ambiguous decree, misinterpreted by his men, led to an accidental massacre. It was the "Secret Order Massacre" that had severe consequences for Bulgaria!

Since those responsible for the details were not sure who should be killed and who should not be killed, they raised the butcher's knife in a confused manner, also called the "Bulgarian Confusion Massacre" later times.

Ferdinand has managed to cover himself behind the scenes. There is no trace of the flow, and he is still unaware of it on the surface.

The black pot must fall on the head of Stambolov's Cabinet. From the "dictatorship" to "police government", and now there is a "butcher government" hat. It was also chosen as the worst Cabinet in Bulgaria by the media in later years.

On the other hand, the opposition parties, who are still in blind, are also unaware that the butcher's knife is about to come at them.

On May 5, a revolt was launched by the officers, led by Commander Trapani. It happened at the barracks on the outskirts of Sofia. Due to the lack of strict control over the group, it was exposed just before it was launched and was suppressed by the commander of the Sofia garrison, Sava Mutkurov, who led and stopped it, and Trapani was killed on the spot.

At the same time, the opposition party's bases in various places have also been exposed. The enraged police officers simply killed them at the door, and the whole opposition party was almost wiped out!

The Stambolov's Cabinet, where everything was going well, did not know that the death bells were ringing for them. They are in the joy of crushing the rebellion or basking in the thrill of revenge!


With a gunshot on the outskirts, the Bulgarian prison cell, which gradually ceased to be as noisy as before, became empty again.

After this night, the Stambolov government has finally wiped out the opposition party, wholly and physically. Even if there are still fish in the net, there is no longer a chance to become a threat. It is because their supporters no longer exist.

According to the statistics afterward, more than twelve thousand people were killed that night in the whole of Bulgaria.

"Blood flowed into rivers, bones into mountains, the sky was miserable, and the earth was pale. Dark years, a tragedy!" The famous Bulgarian writer of later times, Nikolay Haytov, described the tragedy with such lines.

At the end of the 19th century, the Bulgarian capitalist strength was still minimal. Those who dominated it were, on the contrary, by the landlords themselves - the agri-capitalists that had evolved. The power of the emerging industrial and commercial capitalist was fragile.

The main supporters of the Stambolov government were exactly this part of the emerging industrial and commercial capitalists, who had close ties with Austro-Hungarian and British power.

Now the Stambolov government has succeeded in wiping out its rivals while losing its fragile ruling base.

It turned out that the vast majority of Bulgarian peasants, the small and medium-sized rural middle income, and most of the clergy and intellectuals were pro-Russian, opposed to the government's policy towards Russia, and showed very little support for the Stambolov government.

With the reign of terror of Stambolov's Cabinet, it was displeasing to the people, and now the horrific massacre, which was bound to provoke popular rebellion. The time Ferdinand had been waiting for days had come.


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