Bulgarian Empire

Chapter 12: Capital Feast

Chapter 12: Capital Feast

Franz spread rumors that prices were going up, leading to the start of the rush to buy.

It is because Vienna, which has always had the highest prices in Austria-Hungary, has seen prices lower than other regions for most of the year.

Nobody knows that this is not normal. Capitalists are not philanthropists, and this situation cannot last.

The citizens of Vienna came to believe that the good times, which had just lasted six months, would now soon come to an end.

Naturally, there was a mad rush. Before dawn, there were long lines of people in front of Vienna supermarkets, creating a wave of the rush to buy.

Volvo, who had made planning early, shifted a lot of goods, of course, like the daily supplies that they can store for a long time are not in stock as a matter of course. Most of the prepared goods are some crafts for short-term use, like bread, all kinds of snacks and so on.

It was soon being bought out empty, and Volvo's staff in-service had opened the warehouse. The crowd took a look at it, and there were no more supplies, so they were not the target of the average citizen's rush, of course.

They then left and swam to other supermarkets, and soon many supermarkets were cleared out. Looking at the empty shelves, many capitalists were in tears.

Be aware that most supermarkets are buying goods on loan. They are often settled monthly, and it's normal to owe more than a half year.

They are now selling at a loss. The more they sell, the more they lose, but the money they owe is not less at all.

If one has the strength to remain in business, then to retain customers, it is okay to spend some money in deficit. If the losses are bad and want to shut down, blame them for trying to fall on their sword.

Gottfried, who had just come out from troubled times, was hit with another blow to the head. The stockpile of goods was emptied, and there came an awkward situation, there is nothing to sell!

The retail business in Vienna has been hit hard, and many capitalists are facing a problem with poor capital flow.

The more they sell, the more they lose, and the more they can liquidate, the less they can pay the debts of the factories.

Being forced to raise debts, the banks in Vienna would not let go of this capital feast. They took profit from the crisis and jumped at the wrong time.

Even in the worst cases of small capitalists facing the danger of bankruptcy, many of them simply ran away with their debts. In those days, there was no ability to chase them across borders anyway.

In turn, the problem has been linked to the manufacturers, and many factories have been affected and have gone bankrupt.

And the capitalists who survived the disaster are not willing to stop here. It inspired many people to start something like a clothes factory, restaurant business, and machinery factory to make up for the loss.

They think that the property is not ready to sell anyway, so they should just survive. Thanks to the prestige built up in front of them, the creator easily made money, but the legacy is that all the retail business has suffered.

There was a huge wave of bankruptcy. Many capitalists went bankrupt with one involving the other, the number of jobless people increased day by day. Vienna was in decline, and the economic crisis came.

It just started as a chance to feast on the big financial shots, who may not be too good at this kind of thing. They came up with a big piece of meat and then choked on their bite.

With a large amount of mortgage in hand, they cannot liquidate in case of a financial crisis. They were watching the devaluation every day. There is no chance to cry.

Then the effects spread to the stock market, which began to plummet due to a lack of capital in the market, and countless wealth vanished.

The financial crisis in Vienna soon spread to the entire Austro-Hungarian Empire. A large number of businesses went bankrupt, workers lost their jobs, and there was social unrest.

Bank deposits also began to drain massively, and finally, a small bank called Boston went bankrupt when its capital chain dried up.

Due to the poor handle of the Austrian government, these bank crashes started taking effect, and more banks were caught in the storm. Many banks that lacked capital reserves before have now fallen into the same fate as Boston.

At this point, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, with the help of a post-event, finally knew it was time for a bailout. On December 8, Austro-Hungarian Finance Minister Murdoch Holman held a press meeting to launch the bailout plan.

Ferdinand knows that the harvest season is here. The Austro-Hungarian economy is still doing very well, and as long as there is enough money to flow in, this financial crisis will soon end.

Ferdinand took profit from the stock market malaise, buying much worthy business with cabbage price. He also took a share in koda in the process, became the second-largest shareholder in one leap.

Of course, the current koda is not as great as the future times. It broke out in 1899 and peaked in 1937 when the output of artillery leaped over the entire British Isles. Ferdinand simply laid out in advance.

The Gottfried Department Store, which had long been in Ferdinand's sights, could not escape his grasp.

Gottfried Department Store took a heavy loss in the retail sector first, and then the financial crisis struck a fatal blow when the banks made early demands on loans.

The loan of two hundred thousand pounds once sent by the Hungarian capitalists ~ now became a death curse for Gottfried instead.

Since the infamy has been on the public side, the goods bought by Gottfried Department Store were requested to be paid in cash, which took up a lot of money.

And now the bank called the payment in advance. The capital chain is broken. Gottfried Department Store is simply unable to recover. After some time, the Helder family decided to give up in the end.

After all, they are the trigger that caused this financial crisis. Most of the time, they will put the blame on their heads, and it is not so easy to be the scapegoat.

By selling the company now, the family can still make a profit. The key is that Ferdinand can give cash, and they can take it to rescue other businesses.

With a cash payment of fifty thousand pounds and the taking on all debts, Ferdinand easily bought out Gottfried Department Store ~ a giant company valued at eight hundred thousand pounds.

This chance was only possible during the financial crisis when a large number of companies went bankrupt. With everyone busy with mergers and reforms, there is nobody to challenge Ferdinand.

Ten years of hard work is not as good as one day's breakout.

This time is a good example of this quote. Ferdinand earned a lot of money. This harvest alone is enough for the Kohry family to spend ten years of their lives.

The economic crisis is still a little out of Ferdinand's expectations. The power of the butterfly effect is beyond his mind.

With the rise of the butterfly effect, the power of foresight will become lower on the scale. It seems that Ferdinand is freaking out a bit, and he has to prepare a few more backups.

There is no need to consider the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Although it is the main home of the Kohry family, it is sadly not bound to thrive in the future.

There is no need to consider any of the allies. Ferdinand was not yet sure that he could change the outcome of the Great War by relying on himself alone.

It seems that it would be a good choice to look beyond Europe and go to the colonies to thrive. After all, many places are now free land and have no real business rivals. He probably still recalls several famous mineral deposits in the world, and then he can also be a mining tycoon.

"It seems that time is short and the London trip is gonna be early," Ferdinand thought grimly.


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