BTTH: I married Xun'er, but she refuses to consummate our marriage!

Chapter 119: Since When Does the Bride Chase After the Groom?

Chapter 119: Since When Does the Bride Chase After the Groom?

Deep within the mountain range, a solemn, dark black hall was filled with a large gathering of the Gu Clan elders. Each of them wore a serious expression as they carefully considered a significant matter: the proposal from the Yan Clan.

After meeting with the elders of the Yan Clan, Gu Nanhai immediately summoned the elders of the Gu Clan to the grand hall to discuss the marriage proposal for Gu Fei.

As Gu Fei's grandfather, Gu Lie had also temporarily set aside his duties with the Black Submerged Army to join the discussion.

"The Yan Clan wants to propose marriage for Gu Fei, and that girl is exceptionally talented. Can the Yan Clan really be willing to part with her?"

"What's there to be reluctant about? In terms of talent, my grandson far surpasses that Yan Clan girl. They certainly won't lose out on this..." When it came to talent, Gu Lie was the first to speak up, unwilling to admit that anyone could outshine Gu Fei.

"In my opinion, the Yan Clan's actions aren't just about the marriage. They're probably after Gu Fei's ability to fuse different heavenly flames!"

One elder hit the nail on the head, immediately gaining the agreement of many others.

Being able to simultaneously control and fuse multiple heavenly flames was something unheard of, except for the strongest experts who could barely manage it through sheer power. This secret of Gu Fei's was undoubtedly of great interest to the Yan Clan.

"Exactly. The Yan Clan's strength largely relies on their control of flames, and they possess many heavenly flames. But apart from their leader, Yan Jin, no one else has been able to fuse two heavenly flames. Even Yan Jin only managed it due to his immense strength."

"But look at Gu Fei. With just the strength of a Dou Venerate, he's already fused four heavenly flames. The Yan Clan is likely hoping to learn this secret from him through marriage!"

Many elders, who weren't very familiar with Gu Fei, were stunned when they heard this. Had Gu Fei really fused four heavenly flames?


"So, should we agree to this marriage?"

After a round of discussions, one elder asked.

"Since Gu Fei and Xun'er are no longer engaged, this Huo Zhi seems like a good match!"

"If they want something from Gu Fei, we can turn the tables and get our hands on some of the Yan Clan's heavenly flames instead..."

This idea quickly gained support from many others.

"But, my grandson already has someone he cares about..."

At this moment, Gu Lie spoke up.

He couldn't forget Gu Fei's bold words from before: 'If I become a Dou Di, my bloodline will be the best!'

Gu Lie respected Gu Fei's choices and wouldn't change his stance just because of the other elders.

As Gu Fei's direct relative and someone whose status in the clan was second only to the clan leader Gu Yuan, if Gu Lie didn't support the marriage, it would be difficult to proceed.

As the group was grappling with this dilemma, a man dressed in simple clothes suddenly appeared in front of them without warning.

Most of the elders present were Dou Saints, so for someone to appear before them without them noticing was a rare feat. There was only one person in the Gu Clan who could do this- the clan leader, Gu Yuan.

"In my view, whether or not we agree to this marriage should be decided by Gu Fei himself after he meets the girl. We'll host a banquet tomorrow, and Gu Fei can make his choice then..."

With Gu Yuan's words, the elders had no more to say, and the final decision was left to Gu Fei.


That night, after finishing his duties with the Black Submerged Army, Gu Fei returned home, only to find the atmosphere inside a bit heavy.

He looked at Xiao Yi Xian, who had her head lowered, her usually clear eyes carrying a hint of sadness.

"Gu Fei, you don't know..."

Ziyan, who was standing beside Xiao Yi Xian, kept making faces at Gu Fei, and he immediately understood what was going on.

"Silly girl, what are you worrying about? I won't agree to marry that Huo Zhi..."

On his way back, Gu Fei had already heard the rumors and knew that Xiao Yi Xian had also learned about it. He stepped forward to comfort her.

"I know you won't... But that Yan Clan girl is so outstanding, I can't be sure that your clan elders won't agree..."

Xiao Yi Xian whispered as she leaned into Gu Fei's embrace.

She knew Gu Fei's feelings, but she could also guess the thoughts of the Gu Clan elders...

Gu Fei was devoted to her, but the clan elders didn't see her the same way.

"Don't worry. As long as I'm firm, the clan leader and my grandfather won't force me to change my mind..."

Gu Fei was confident in his stance.

Seeing the determination in Gu Fei's eyes, the uncertainty in Xiao Yi Xian's heart finally eased

a bit. She managed a smile and snuggled closer into his arms.

Xiao Yi Xian feels touched. Emotion value +100

Xiao Yi Xian feels strong dependence. Emotion value +200

The next morning, as soon as Gu Fei opened his sleepy eyes, he received a summons from his grandfather, asking him to attend a banquet.

Gu Fei immediately knew the real purpose of the banquet and looked at Xiao Yi Xian lying

beside him.

"Don't worry, wait for my good news!"

Gu Fei kissed Xiao Yi Xian lightly on the lips, then left for the banquet.


At the banquet hall, Xun'er, Gu Qing Yang, Gu Yao, and other young talents were already


Xun'er's gaze frequently landed on Huo Zhi, full of tension, as if she regarded herself as Gu Fei's first wife and Huo Zhi as a third party.

However, Huo Zhi ignored Xun'er, not even glancing at her. In her eyes, Xun'er was less of a threat than that outsider, Xiao Yi Xian.

"Apologies for my late arrival, elders," Gu Fei's entrance drew everyone's attention.

Huo Zhi also looked at him. In terms of appearance, Gu Fei was handsome, but that wasn't what she cared about.

'There's the aura of heavenly flames, and more than one... It seems the information we received wasn't false...'

Huo Zhi's eyes flickered, her thoughts racing as the flame mark on her forehead quietly



Gu Fei noticed the mark on her forehead, feeling the sudden excitement of the heavenly flames within him.

Is her heavenly flame the Red Lotus Flame?

"Gu Fei, come sit here!"

Gu Lie called Gu Fei over to sit beside him.

The seat next to him was occupied by the Yan Clan members.

"This young man is already at the level of a four-star Dou Venerate! His future is limitless!"

Elder Huo Yao of the Yan Clan was surprised when he sensed Gu Fei's cultivation level. He knew Gu Fei was a genius, but he hadn't expected him to have already reached four-star Dou


Next to Gu Fei, even Huo Zhi's eight-star Dou Ancestor status seemed less impressive.

"Four-star Dou Venerate?"

Huo Zhi was equally shocked. Gu Fei was about her age, yet he had surpassed her by such a

wide margin.

This immediately changed how she viewed him.

Great strength often redefines preconceptions.

"Child, you must know why you were called here today, right?" Gu Lie asked Gu Fei.

"Yes!" Gu Fei nodded and then looked toward the Yan Clan's side.

"While I appreciate the Yan Clan's offer, I must apologize!"

"I already have someone I love!"

Gu Fei responded without hesitation.


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