Chapter 64: Nalan Yanran’s Admiration

Chapter 64: Nalan Yanran’s Admiration

Chapter 64: Nalan Yanran's Admiration

In the room, Gu He's expression became serious. "Tell me, since you thought of using poison, why did you choose to use a slow-acting poison like the Ten Fragrance Softening Powder? No, it should be a slow-acting aphrodisiac!"

"Think about it, if you had used a highly toxic substance at that time, would the subsequent events have occurred?"

"Toward enemies, one must never be merciful!"

"Kindness to enemies is cruelty to oneself!"

"Silly girl, do you understand?"

After Gu He finished speaking, his gaze focused on Xiao Yixian lying on the bed.

On the side, Nalan Yanran, upon hearing his words, flashed a pensive expression on her pretty face.

Elder Gu He speaks so convincingly.

But why does this Elder Gu He, with such words, feel a bit terrifying?

In Nalan Yanran's impression, Gu He had always been upright, refined, and amiable.

However, today, in Nalan Yanran's mind, Gu He gained another image, that is...


After listening to Gu He's words, Xiao Yixian was stunned for a moment. Then she weakly said, "But, Teacher, I only had an aphrodisiac on me..."

Gu He: "..."

"Did you learn how to refine aphrodisiacs from the Seven-Colored Poison Manual?" Gu He asked somewhat speechlessly.

Xiao Yixian weakly nodded.

Then she shook her head again.

Gu He's mouth twitched slightly. "What exactly are you trying to say?"

Xiao Yixian explained in a low voice, "Teacher, I thought the other poisons in the Seven-Colored Poison Manual were too vicious, so I didn't bother to refine them."

Gu He was somewhat helpless. "Disciple, for your safety, even if you have a kind heart, you can't be defenseless. Your temperament will make you suffer when you're out."

Xiao Yixian nodded thoughtfully, obediently saying, "Teacher, disciple understands."

Gu He nodded but sighed inwardly. This girl is still too naive.

Hopefully, this experience will bring about some changes in her.

Then, Gu He took out a blue jade talisman from his spatial ring and handed it to Xiao Yixian.

Taking the jade talisman, Xiao Yixian looked puzzled. "Teacher, what is this?"

Gu He smiled and explained, "This jade talisman is called the Void Talisman. In the future, if you encounter life-threatening crises like today, just crush the talisman. At that time, I will instantly appear by your side."

"What a magical jade talisman!"

Xiao Yixian cherished the blue jade talisman in her hand, then looked at Gu He with surprise. "Teacher, what kind of treasure is this? It's so amazing!"

Gu He smiled faintly. "This is a talisman I refined using my blood. As long as you crush it, no matter where you are, I can instantly come to your side."

"Such a miraculous jade talisman!"

Xiao Yixian caressed the blue jade talisman as if it were a treasure, then looked at Gu He. Grateful for the fact that Teacher had worried about her and immediately refined this Void Talisman for her self-defense.

Gu He shook his head and reached out to rub her small head. "There's no other way. I only have you two precious disciples, and your nature is too kind. So, I can only think of this solution."

Xiao Yixian tucked her head into Gu He's embrace and playfully said, "Teacher, you're the best!"

On the side, Nalan Yanran watched this deep master-disciple affection, and a hint of envy appeared in her eyes.

Elder Gu He is truly kind to his disciples.

She looked at the Void Talisman that Xiao Yixian held as a treasure, feeling a bit envious.

She naturally heard Gu He's words just now.

She also wanted such a magical talisman.

At this moment, she really wanted to say to Elder Gu He, "Elder Gu He, can I have one too?"

But thinking that this Void Talisman was specially prepared for the disciples of the sect, she suddenly felt a bit embarrassed to speak up.

At this time, Gu He noticed the conflicted expression on Nalan Yanran's face and smiled slightly, understanding what she was thinking.

"Yanran, come here," Gu He beckoned to Nalan Yanran.

Upon hearing this, Nalan Yanran snapped back to reality and nervously approached Gu He.

Elder Gu He wouldn't be reproaching me, right?

Nalan Yanran felt a bit uneasy.

After all, if she hadn't secretly taken her junior sister out of the sect, such an incident wouldn't have happened.

And if it weren't for her dragging down her junior sister, her junior sister wouldn't have been injured.

"Take this."

With her head lowered and feeling anxious, Nalan Yanran suddenly saw a fair hand in front of her.

Nalan Yanran looked at the blue talisman in Gu He's palm, somewhat disbelieving, and asked, "Elder Gu He, is this... for me?"

Gu He showed his usual gentle smile. "Yanran, I appreciate your efforts during this period. If it weren't for your guidance recently, considering this girl's lack of actual combat experience, the situation this time might have been worse."

At these words, Nalan Yanran instantly understood that Gu He was referring to their recent sparring sessions. Her face turned even redder in an instant.

After seeing Xiao Yixian's true strength, she understood that during their recent so-called sparring sessions, it had always been Xiao Yixian letting her win.

Given the huge gap in their strengths, her junior sister must have endured a lot to go easy on her, right?

Was she afraid of injuring her if she used a bit more force?

Originally, Xiao Yixian felt ashamed.

But now that Gu He brought it up, Nalan Yanran felt embarrassed beyond words.

Nalan Yanran looked awkward and said, "Elder Gu He, I..."

Gu He thought she was feeling embarrassed and said gently, "Accept it. You're also my disciple. Considering our relationship, this can be considered a gift from an elder to a junior."

Hearing Gu He say this, Nalan Yanran was momentarily stunned, and then her heart warmed. Her complexion gradually returned to normal, and she said, "Then, Yanran thanks Elder Gu He."

Gu He smiled and thought that if he accepted her as his disciple in the future, this gift wouldn't be given in vain. It could be considered a prelude to accepting her.

"Oh, by the way, girl, your Ironwing Giant Eagle's egg should not have started hatching yet."

Suddenly, Gu He remembered something and took out three Fifth-Rank magic cores from the system space, handing them to Xiao Yixian. "These three Fifth-Rank gold attribute magic cores should be enough to ensure a successful hatching."

After so many days, the gold feather giant eagle egg in Gu He's system space had absorbed enough energy, and it had stopped absorbing energy as of yesterday.

Gu He speculated that the day for the gold feather giant eagle to hatch should be approaching.

And these three Fifth-Rank gold attribute magic cores were the ones that the gold feather giant eagle had not fully absorbed.

Thinking of Xiao Yixian's Ironwing Giant Eagle egg, Gu He decided to give her these three magic cores.

Xiao Yixian stared at the magic cores in Gu He's hand, and a watery mist quickly appeared in her crystal-clear eyes. She murmured, "Teacher, it's so good to have you."

(End of this chapter)


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