Chapter 61: Nalan Yanran’s Breakthrough!

Chapter 61: Nalan Yanran’s Breakthrough!

Chapter 61: Nalan Yanran's Breakthrough!

"You must not deceive people, okay?"

Xiao Yixian took off the Nazhuan in her hand and extended it towards the middle-aged man, her face carrying a naive innocence.

"Of course, we brothers always keep our word."

The middle-aged man readily made a promise, then stepped forward to take the Nazhuan from Xiao Yixian's hand.

Looking at the innocence on Xiao Yixian's face, the middle-aged man sighed inwardly, planning to give this little girl a quick lesson later.

What he didn't notice, however, was a hint of coldness that flashed in the depths of Xiao Yixian's eyes.

Just as the middle-aged man reached out, Xiao Yixian suddenly made a move.

The profound Dou Qi of a four-star Dou Master quickly gathered in the palm of her hand.

Surging Waves Palm!

Before the middle-aged man could react, a fierce palm imprint landed on his chest.


With a miserable scream, the middle-aged man's body directly flew out for more than ten meters and only stopped after hitting a tree trunk.

After landing, the middle-aged man struggled to say, "Kill her for me," before fainting.

This scene happened in the blink of an eye, and everyone present was caught off guard by Xiao Yixian's sudden action.

It wasn't until the middle-aged man fainted that several masked men reacted.

"Kill her!"

Under the command of another masked fighter, the rest of them rushed towards Xiao Yixian.

After knocking a black-clothed person away with a palm, Xiao Yixian quickly took out a pill from her pocket and stuffed it into Nalan Yanran's mouth.

"Sister, be careful. I'll deal with this Dou Master and come help you."

Reminding Nalan Yanran, who hadn't fully reacted yet, Xiao Yixian directly confronted the masked fighter in the Dou Master realm.

At this moment, Nalan Yanran finally reacted, putting aside her astonishment. She drew the long sword from her hand and faced the masked fighters with the strength of several fighters.

Soon, they were all embroiled in a chaotic battle.

Xiao Yixian faced the Dou Master and two eight-star fighters.

The remaining two seven-star fighters confronted Nalan Yanran.

Although the enemy outnumbered them, Xiao Yixian, with the strength of a four-star Dou Master, handled it with ease.

Nalan Yanran, despite having only the strength of a five-star fighter, used her mysterious rank Dou Techniques and held her ground for a while.

But as the battle progressed, Nalan Yanran frequently used her profound rank Dou Techniques, and her internal Dou Qi gradually became somewhat unsustainable, gradually falling into a disadvantage.

Just when Nalan Yanran felt anxious, the two masked men she was fighting suddenly changed their expressions, and their attacks became weak and feeble.

"Not good, we're poisoned!"

At this moment, the Dou Master masked man fighting Xiao Yixian suddenly exclaimed.

Others felt a sudden shock, sensing something unusual in their bodies.

"Sister, they are affected by my Ten Fragrance Soft Tendon Powder. They can't hold on much longer."

Xiao Yixian pushed back a black-clothed person with a palm and went to help Nalan Yanran.

Upon hearing this, Nalan Yanran's spirits lifted, and her sword technique became even more formidable.

"Damn it, brothers, don't hold back, or we'll all die." The masked Dou Master's face flashed with a hint of cruelty. Enduring the discomfort within, he once again rushed towards the two.

Seeing the five black-clothed individuals charging recklessly towards them, Xiao Yixian's mind stirred. Suddenly, a purple light burst forth from her back, and in the next moment, a pair of purple wings unfolded.

Before Nalan Yanran could react, Xiao Yixian leaped, carrying her, and then soared into the air, escaping the encirclement of the five.

"Dou Qi Wing!"

Witnessing Xiao Yixian soaring, the five masked individuals were instantly dumbfounded.

This little girl turned out to be a King Dou Master?

Carrying Nalan Yanran, Xiao Yixian flew a distance and gradually descended.

"Sister, they are affected by my Ten Fragrance Soft Tendon Powder. They won't last much longer. We just need to hold them off." Just flying a short distance had left Xiao Yixian breathless.

She had recently learned the Purple Cloud Wings and could only glide a short distance. Moreover, the consumption of Dou Qi for this technique was terrifying. After gliding for a short distance, she had almost exhausted her remaining Dou Qi.

"Sister, are you okay!"

Seeing the exhausted Xiao Yixian, Nalan Yanran, at this moment, set aside her shock and quickly took out a Returning Qi Pill, offering it to Xiao Yixian, and took one herself.

"I'm fine, just exhausted from the high Dou Qi consumption." Xiao Yixian shook her head, her face slightly pale.

Not far away, the five black-clothed individuals, still in shock, saw Xiao Yixian and Nalan Yanran landing, finally snapping back to reality.

"They can't hold on. Brothers, kill them for me!"

With the command of the masked Dou Master, the five once again chased after Xiao Yixian and Nalan Yanran.


Nalan Yanran cursed inwardly and could only support the tired Xiao Yixian, struggling to create distance from the pursuers.

In Xiao Yixian's current state, if they were caught by these five, she would be defenseless.

Now, all she could do was delay and wait for the full onset of the Ten Fragrance Soft Tendon Powder in their bodies.

Fortunately, just as the five were about to catch up with Nalan Yanran, the poison in their bodies finally fully erupted.


With several muffled sounds, the black-clothed individuals beneath their feet softened, collapsing to the ground, completely powerless.

The masked Dou Master, relying on his slightly stronger strength, struggled to chase a few more steps but finally couldn't hold on and fell to the ground.

"Sister, the toxicity in their bodies has finally taken effect."

Hearing the sounds from behind, Xiao Yixian turned to look, said to Nalan Yanran who was supporting her, then felt a sudden relief and finally couldn't hold on any longer, falling into unconsciousness.


Nalan Yanran's face changed, quickly embracing Xiao Yixian. Looking at the paleness on Xiao Yixian's face, Nalan Yanran felt a twinge of guilt.

If she hadn't burdened her sister just now, Xiao Yixian wouldn't be so exhausted.

Then, Nalan Yanran shifted her gaze to the five black-clothed individuals lying on the ground behind. A cold gleam appeared in her beautiful eyes.

"All of you, deserve to die!"

Gently placing Xiao Yixian under a tree, Nalan Yanran lifted her sword, exuding a fierce killing intent as she walked towards the remaining individuals.


Following several screams, Nalan Yanran, with a blood-stained sword in hand, returned to Xiao Yixian's side.

"Sister, we're finally safe."

Nalan Yanran sat next to Xiao Yixian, her expression turning gentle again.

If it weren't for her sister risking her life to save her, the consequences would have been...

Thinking of this, Nalan Yanran looked at Xiao Yixian with gratitude in her eyes.


At this moment, a muffled sound came from within Nalan Yanran, and her aura underwent a subtle change.

Feeling the breakthrough in her cultivation, Nalan Yanran murmured to herself, "Indeed, as the teacher said, after experiencing a life-and-death battle, one's strength will improve."

(End of this chapter)

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